A. 安全工程專業英語 幾個專業術語求翻譯
固體力學 Solid mechanics
一般力學 General mechanics
流體力學 Fluid mechanics
活性中心 To live in hearts
連鎖反應 Chain reaction
鏈式反應理論 Chain type reaction theory
爆炸專性混合物 Explosive mixture
活性分子屬 Active part
B. 安全工程專業英語翻譯 機械工業出版社 司鵠主編 謝謝啦!!
C. 安全工程專業英語的翻譯第二段
D. 安全工程專業英語的翻譯
E. 安全工程專業英語課文翻譯
F. 安全工程的英語翻譯 安全工程用英語怎麼說
[詞典] [計] safety engineering;
Have certain research capacities and management capabilities on safety engineering.
G. 求安全工程英語翻譯
1.When mines are being constructed and are procing they usually encounter water seepage or water gushing , but if
leakinginto the pit or tunnel water exceeded the normal mining drainage capacity, then the mining field or roadway may be flooded, causing mine flood.
2.Failure mode and effect analysis ( FEMA ) is to analyze system components and elements . During the operation,system components or elements might failure, and may often occur in different types of fault. Different types of faults effect the system differently. This method first finds the system components and elements of fault and types of fault, identifys various types of faults on the neighboring part or element and the influence of final effect on the system, and then suggests methods to avoid or rece these effects measures.
H. 求安全工程專業英語翻譯
I. 求安全工程專業的課程的英語翻譯!!!!
一線作業安全管理實踐 A line operation safety management practices
安全工程專業文獻檢索 Safety engineering literature retrieval
安全檢測技術 Safety test technology
安全經濟學 Safety economics
安全生產實習 Safety proction practice
防火與防爆技術 Fire prevention and explosion protection technology
化工設備及其基礎 Fire prevention and explosion protection technology
化工儀表及自動化 Chemical instrumentation and automation
就業指導 Employment guidance
特種設備安全技術 Special equipment security technology
危險源識別與安全評價 Hazard identification and safety evaluation
職業衛生 The occupational health