㈠ 小鳥用英語怎麼說
小鳥用英語可以這么說: bird 也可以這么說: birdie dickey dicky
例句: At this time, only one birdie in a tree.
I think our little birdie may have told you that before.
㈡ 鳥類用英語怎麼說
百靈鳥 lark
天鵝 swan
麻雀 spadger、sparrow
布穀鳥、杜鵑 cuckoo
鸚鵡 parrot、poll parrot、popinjay
黃鶯 沒英文那~~~
鴕鳥 ostrich
海鷗 mew、sea mew、sea-gull
大雁 wide goose
孔雀 a bird of Juno、peacock、peafowl
喜鵲 pie、pied magpie
貓頭鷹 a bird of Minerva、night owl、owl
翠鳥 kingfisher
鸕鶿 cormorant
啄木鳥 hickwall、pecker、peckerwood、woodpecker
黃頂鶯 orange - crowned warbler
木蘭林鶯 magnolia warbler
【動】森鶯(產於北美) hermit warbler
八哥 mynah
燕子 swallow
㈢ 鳥用英語怎麼說
bird; a surname
(同「犀」,舊小說中用做罵人的話)male genital organ
diao; The Birds; BIRDS
㈣ 小鳥用英語怎麼說
1. bird /bɜːd/ n.鳥
2. dove /dʌv/ n.鴿子
3. sparrow /ˈspærəʊ/ n.麻雀
4. crow /krəʊ/ n.烏鴉
5. swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ n.燕子
6. parrot /ˈpærət/ n.鸚鵡
7. gull /gʌl/ n.海鷗
8. woodpecker /ˈwʊdpekə/ n.啄木鳥
9. lark /lɑːk/ n.雲雀
10. penguin /ˈpeŋgwɪn/ n.企鵝
11. ostrich /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/ n.鴕鳥
12. peacock /ˈpiːkɒk/ n.孔雀
13. crane /kreɪn/ n.鶴
14. swan /swɒn/ n.天鵝
15. eagle /ˈiːgl/ n.鷹
16. owl /aʊl/ n.貓頭鷹
17. vulture /ˈvʌltʃə/ n.禿鷲
㈤ 鳥用英文怎麼說
[詞典釋義][鳥] birdfowljay[網路短語]鳥Bird,the birds,Avafauna太平鳥Bohemian Waxwing,Peacebird,Bombycilla garrulus鳥氨酸Ornithine,ORN,Omithine
㈥ 鳥的英語怎麼說
[名] bird;a surname;
A bird made a nest in the disusedtractor.
㈦ 鳥 用英語怎麼說
鳥: [ niǎo, diǎo ]
[ 國標碼:C4F1 部首:鳥 筆畫:5 筆順:35451 ]
1. bird
1. 我們不知道這些鳥如何找到它們的路。
We have no idea how the birds find their way.
2. 鸕鶿是一種長脖子黑顏色的大鳥,生活在海濱而且以吃魚為生。
The cormorant is a large, long-necked, dark-colored bird which lives near sea coasts and eats fish.
3. 我一覺醒來,鳥鳴之聲不絕於耳。
I woke up and was greeted by bird song.
4. 這些樹林里經常棲息著各種鳥類。
These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
5. 那隻鳥想啄我。
That bird tried to peck me.
6. 在春天裡聽鳥兒歌唱是一種樂趣。
It's a pleasure to hear birds' warble in spring.
7. 這只鳥在用稻草和小樹枝築巢。
The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs.
8. 她拍攝鳥兒飛行的照片。
She photographed the birds in flight.