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發布時間: 2021-03-07 11:30:17

Ⅰ 班訓、班風、學風的英文翻譯

1.class motto 2. class manner 3. school tradition

Ⅱ 怎樣用英語翻譯"校風-凝聚和諧嚴謹開拓;校訓-誠朴健康;教風-務實敬業求真創新;學風-明德篤學

Ethos-stringent develop harmonious cohesion; Motto-Cheng Po health; The wind-seeking truth and pragmatism dedicated innovation; Study - Tu - Hsueh Yu Mingde

Ⅲ 揚州校風學風教風的英文翻譯

1】Heat up the upright: school in knowledge
校 風: 正直向上 熱於求知
2】Should learn the wind: new-confucianism
學 風: 慎思明辨 格物致知
3】Teach wind: jinde length of teaching
教內 風: 進德修業 教書容育人

Ⅳ 「學風嚴謹 崇尚實踐」怎麼用英語翻譯

Exact in style,worship to practice.


Strict to the learning style,worship to the practice



Ⅳ 請問 學風:「礪志篤學,悟本求真」 如何翻譯成英文

Inspirational Duxue and realizing the truth

Ⅵ 學校的校風是:博學善導、 寧靜致遠 ,學風是:快樂學習、多元能力。請問這8個詞語該如何翻譯成英文

學校的校風是:博學善導、 寧靜致遠
Erudition But Guidance, Quiet then Success
Enjoy Learning, Own Multi-capability

Ⅶ 「學風建設」怎麼翻譯

the construction of study atmosphere

Ⅷ 」良好學風班級」用英語怎麼說

良好學風班級 Class with good school discipline.

Ⅸ 優良學風班用英文怎麼說

class of fine study style

Ⅹ 校風、教風、學風用英語怎麼說

校風 School Spirit
教風 Teaching Spirit
學風 Learning Spirit

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