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㈠ 21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教程1課文(A和B)的翻譯

Twenty-first Century university English synthesizes course 1 text application ( A and B )

㈡ 求21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教材1,2,3冊的課文翻譯(有其中一冊也可)高分懸賞!!!


㈢ 求21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教程1的課文翻譯


㈣ 21世紀用英語怎麼翻譯

the Twenty-first Century

the 21st Century

㈤ 復旦大學21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教程1課文翻譯

發個圖來好不 我們又沒有教科書

㈥ 求21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教程1(復旦大學出版社)課文翻譯

親 你現在有譯文了嗎

㈦ 21世紀大學英語應用型綜合教程1課文翻譯

The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while the other children are playing football.
l         你真的期望不花費更多的時間學習就能提高你的英語水平?
Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it?
Unit 7
l         史密斯先生被認為是一位十分開明的人,除了別的之外,他還認為在法律面前人人平等。
Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men were equal under the law.
l         他獲獎並非偶然;他的成功來自艱苦的訓練。
It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes from his hard training.
l         老師跟白人孩子們談了很多,試圖使他們相信人人生而平等,但在最初幾個星期里,似乎沒有多少效果。
The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the first few weeks.
l         因為我剛來到這所學校,所以有一段時間我感到孤獨,也沒有朋友。
As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless for a time.
l         偉明日復一日堅持與威爾遜夫人進行交談,他的英語口語變得越來越流利,越來越自然。
Day after day Wei Ming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural.
l         盡管在最初那幾個星期一些孩子對我很不客氣,一個白人小姑娘卻特別友好。
Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty ring those first few weeks, a little white girl was especially friendly to me.
l         我後來才知道那位看起來又老又滿臉皺紋的人才45歲左右。
I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45.
l         大學畢業之後不久,他便證明自己是一個稱職而負責的英語教師。
After graating from university, he soon established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English.
Unit 8
l         沒有一個科學家確切地知道信息高速公路將在未來十年中把我們帶往何處。
No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead.
l         至關重要的是,發達國家和發展中國家應通過更多的交流增進相互間的理解和尊重。
It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication.
l         從一開始,大眾傳媒就對這部關於個人電腦的專著給予了特別的關注。
From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer.
l         我的侄子以為日文跟中文在很多方面相似,很容易學,但結果並不是那樣。
My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it didn』t turn out that way.
l         你本應該知道得更多些。大學教授講課的方式並不只限於告訴學生基本事實,他還激發討論和爭論。
You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates.
l         原來估計這項工程將費時五年。但由於工人和工程師們的創造性勞動,工程大大提前完成了。
It was originally estimated that the project would take 5 years. But because of the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schele.
l         構思和寫作自傳花費了那位美國作家三年多的時間,其間他遇到了許多無法想像的困難。
The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, ring which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties.
l         醫生們不能肯定他患了什麼病,這就是他已決定提前退休的原因。
The doctors aren』t sure what illness he is suffering from. That』s why he has decided to retire ahead of schele.
l        老伴60多歲中風去世時,那位72歲的退休教授不勝悲痛。無人依靠的生活對他來說將是非常困難的。
When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.
l        兩位業余畫家上個月在倫敦舉辦了一次個人畫展。許多人前去參觀,其中包括一些著名的專業畫家。
Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professionals.
l        當20世紀80年代中期,7名宇航員在「挑戰者」號的災難中遇到困難時,全世界一下子陷入了震驚與悲痛之中。
When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.
l        在結束了其第二屆首相任期之後,她仍積極參與政治事務。當政府遇到困難時,她屢次前來幫忙。
After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.
l        大選失敗之後,史密斯博士隱退到一個小村莊,在那裡嘗試工作。
After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming.
l        只要你一輩子不停地努力工作,你在回憶里往事時就會感到心滿意足的。
As long as you keep working hard all your life, you w

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