『壹』 「換位思考」英文怎麼翻譯
think the way of other
『貳』 「換位思考」用英語怎麼說
1、「換位思考」英語翻譯為:"Transposition thinking"
The so-called transposition thinking, but a better mode.Provided by gtcom
Discussion about transpositional thinking in the work of library management
Empathic thinking; don't insist on own opinion and view the problem from other's perspective when argument happened.
『叄』 「換位思考」用英語怎麼說
put oneself in one『s shoes 是比較正式的 其他還回有think the way of other,答 thinking something in other state/think in others' shoes, think in others' angle, think what the consumers think等。
『肆』 你應該學會換位思考,用英語怎麼說
You should learn to walk in other people's shoes.
『伍』 "換位思考"用英語怎麼說
think in others' shoes
『陸』 1:」嚴格要求自己」.2:」他是個非常優秀的人」.3:」我會換位思考」.用英語怎麼說
1:」嚴格制要求自己」.be strict with oneself
2:」他是個非常優秀的人」.He's an excellent / outstanding man.
3:」我會換位思考」.I'll think out of the box.
『柒』 對於「換位思考」用英語如何說
今天是於苗要問的:換位思考。YM: Hey Jessica! How's it going? 你怎麼看起來氣呼呼的?Jessica: I AM angry! One of my friend said she's going to come visit me, but she canceled her trip AT THE LAST MINUTE! I've saved all my weekend for her!YM: 啊?這可真掃興,不過你有沒有問她為什麼不來了呢?Jessica: She said a very important client is coming to town over the weekend, and she got the opportunity to accompany them.YM: 哦,原來是這樣。你想想,你朋友剛開始工作,能有這么好的接觸大客戶的機會,你應該為她高興呀!試著換位思考一下嘛!Jessica: 換位思考……哦,我知道了,you are telling me to put myself in her shoes. Yeah, I guess I'm being a little harsh.YM: 對啊!她一定也很想跟好朋友過個休閑的周末,but sometimes you've got to sacrifice your personal life for work, especially when you are new at your job! Jessica, 你這么善解人意,一定明白的!Jessica: Yeah, I guess I should be more considerate.YM: 哦!原來善解人意就是considerate!我其實特別明白你朋友的心情,我感同身受!Hmm, 這個「感同身受」用美語要怎麼說呢?Yes, your friend's situation strikes a chord with me!Jessica: You know, Yumiao, I think you are right. I will call her and apologize for overreacting, and I will wish her good luck!YM: 我來總結一下今天所學的:第一,換位思考叫做put oneself in someone else's shoes;第二,善解人意可以用considerate;第三,感同身受,叫做strike a chord!華譯網翻譯公司轉載
『捌』 請問「換位思考」用英語怎麼翻譯
think at another angles
『玖』 換位思考怎麼翻譯成英文
stand in one』s shoes,站在某人的立場上設想