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發布時間: 2021-01-12 14:53:01

⑴ 身體部位的單詞(小學)
















⑵ 關於身體部位的英語單詞21個,相對來說比較常用的!

























elbow 手肘- Don't jab your elbow into me. It hurts! 別拿你的手肘戳我,很痛的!

finger 手指- He pointed his finger at her and shouted "I love you!" 他指向她,大喊了一聲「我愛你!」

index /middle/ring/little finger 食指/中指/無名指/小指- Many people wear their marriage band on their ring finger. 許多人把婚戒戴在無名指上。

finger nail 指甲 - How long is the finger nail? 這個指甲有多長?

fist 拳,拳頭 - I struck him with my fist. 我用拳頭揍了他。

forearm 前臂 - You should put some sunscreen on your exposed forearm. 你應該給你露在外面的前臂塗點防曬霜。

left/right hand 左手/右手 - I write with my right hand. 我用右手寫字。

palm 手掌 - A bird settled on his palm. 一隻鳥停落在他的手掌上。

thumb 拇指- The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers. 大拇指能與任何一個手指相對。

wrist 手腕- That's a beautiful bracelet on your wrist. 你手腕上的手鐲很漂亮。


chin 下巴- Orange juice dribbled down his chin. 橙子汁沿著他的下巴往下滴。

cheek 面頰- He pecked her on the cheek. 他輕輕地吻了一下她的面頰。

ear 耳朵- You need to clean out your ears! You can't hear anything. 你需要清理一下你的耳朵! 你什麼也聽不到!

eye 眼睛- Does she have blue eyes or green? 她的眼睛是藍色的還是綠色的?

eyebrow 眉毛- Jennifer spends a lot of time making her eyebrows stand out. 珍妮弗花了大把時間把眉毛畫得立體。

eyelash 睫毛- She has very thick eyelashes. 她的睫毛很濃密。

forehead 額頭- Look at that forehead. He must be a genius. 看看他這額頭。 他一定是個天才。

hair 頭發- Susan has light brown hair and blue eyes. 蘇珊有一頭淺棕色的頭發和藍色的眼睛。

head 頭- His head is rather large, isn't it? 他的頭特別大,不是嗎?

lip 嘴唇- Her lips are like soft pillows. 她的嘴唇像枕頭一樣柔軟。

mouth 嘴巴- He's got a big mouth! 他有個大嘴巴!

neck 頸部,脖子- I love her long neck. 我愛她的纖長的脖子。

nose 鼻子- She's got a beautiful petite nose. 她有個漂亮小巧的鼻子。

nostril 鼻孔- The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril. 印第安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一顆鑽石。

jaw 下巴,下頜- You chew your food with your jaw. 你用下頜咀嚼食物。

shoulder 肩膀- Dennis had broad shoulders. 丹尼斯有寬闊的肩膀。

tooth (teeth) 牙齒- I have a loose tooth. 我的一顆牙齒松動了。

tongue 舌頭- He protruded his tongue. 他伸出了舌頭。

throat 喉嚨- This medicine will quell your sore throat. 這種葯可減輕你的喉痛。


ankle 腳踝- Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 腳踝連接腳和腿。

calf 小腿- Her calf muscles are very strong . 她的小腿肌肉非常強壯。

foot (feet) 腳- Put your shoes on your feet and let's go. 穿上鞋子,出發啦。

heel 後腳跟- His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. 因鞋子不合適,他的腳後跟擦破皮了。

hips 臀部- I think I've put some weight onto my hips. 我想我的臀部長胖了。

knee 膝蓋- My book slid off my knee. 書從我的膝蓋上滑落了。

leg 腿- Put on your pants one leg at a time. 穿褲子的時候,一條腿一條腿的穿。

shin 脛骨- Be sure to protect your shins when you play soccer. 踢足球的時候,一定要保護好你的脛骨。

thigh 大腿- His thighs are huge! 他的大腿特別粗。

toe 腳趾- Each foot has five toes. 每隻腳有五個腳趾頭。

toenail 腳趾甲- She likes to paint her toenails pink. 她喜歡把腳趾甲塗成粉色。


bottom 臀部- Your bottom is used for sitting. 你的臀部是用來坐的。

chest 胸腔- He has a broad chest because he swims a lot. 因為他常游泳,所以他的胸膛很寬廣。

back 背部- Are you experiencing any pain in the back? 你背痛嗎?

stomach 胃,腹部- I'm eating too much and my stomach is growing! 我吃的太多了,肚子都變大了。

waist 腰部- She has a slim waist and will fit into anything! 她的腰很細,什麼衣服都穿得下。


blood 血液- The hospital needs more blood. 醫院需要更多的血液。

bone 骨頭- Our skeleton is made of bone. 我們的骨架由骨頭構成。

hair 頭發- It's amazing how much hair is on the floor after a haircut. 剪完頭發後,地板上頭發的數量太驚人了。

muscle 肌肉- You should always stretch your muscles before you go running. 你應該先拉伸肌肉再跑步。

skin 皮膚- He had brown skin. 他的皮膚是棕色的

六、THE BODY - VERBS 和身體部位有關的動詞

blink(eyes) 眨眼睛-Why do you blink? 為什麼人會眨眼睛?

glance (eyes) 一瞥-I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。

stare (eyes) 凝視-They all stared with astonishment. 他們全都驚訝地瞪著眼。

wink (eye) 眨眼,使眼色-The strong wind made me wink. 大風吹得我直眨眼。

point (finger)指-Don』t point at me. 別拿手指著我。

scratch (finger) 擦傷,抓痕-The dog is scratching at the door. 狗正在抓門。

kick (foot) 踢-The football fans hissed when he didn't kick the ball. 當他踢空了一腳球時,球迷們發出了一陣噓噓聲。

clap(hands) 拍手,鼓掌-Let everyone clap hands like me. 讓每一個人像我一樣拍手。

punch(hands)用拳頭猛擊-He blacked her eye with that one punch. 他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得發青。

shake (hands)握手-And they do not expect just to shake hands with him. 這些領導人期望的不僅僅是和他握握手。

slap (hands)擊掌,拍擊-She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地打了他一記耳光。

smack (hands)摑-If you smack someone in the face, what would they do? 如果你摑了某人一巴掌,他們會怎麼辦?

nod (head)點頭-She noticed him merely with a nod. 她僅以點頭向他打招呼。

kiss (lips)親,親吻-She planted a kiss on his cheek. 她在他的臉頰上使勁地吻了一下。

whistle (lips/mouth) 吹口哨-The dog came to his whistle. 狗聽到他的哨聲就來了。

eat (mouth)吃-Do you have something to eat? 你有什麼可吃的東西嗎?

talk (mouth)說,談話-What should I talk to her? 我該對她說什麼呢?

taste (mouth)嘗-Can you taste pepper in the pudding? 你能吃出布丁里胡椒的味道嗎?

whisper (mouth)耳語,低聲說-She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear. 她是悄聲說的,所以我沒有聽見。

breathe (mouth/nose)呼吸-The patient began to breathe normally. 病人開始正常呼吸了。

smell (nose)聞-I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我聞得出牛奶不新鮮。

sniff (nose)嗅-The dog was sniffing at the lamppost. 那條狗在街燈柱旁嗅來嗅去。

shrug (shoulders) 聳肩-I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. 每當有人跟我說他對一個人的首次印象向來不錯的時候,我就聳聳肩。

bite (mouth)咬-Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 他們的狗把我的褲子咬了個窟窿。

lick (tongue)舔-The kitty licked up the milk. 小貓舔光了牛奶。

swallow (throat) 吞下,咽下-He took the medicine at one swallow. 他一口把葯吞了下去。

⑶ 英語 請問關於身體部位和顏色的單詞有哪些啊。 請各位高手指教!


head頭 , hair頭發 , skull顱骨, 頭蓋骨 ,bald head 禿頭, brain 腦 .

neck脖子, face 臉, cheek 臉頰, ear 耳,eye 眼.

lid 眼瞼 , nose 鼻子 , mouth 嘴, lip 嘴唇.

throat 咽喉, tonsil 扁桃腺 , tooth 牙齒 ,denture 假齒.

gum 牙齦. tongue 舌頭, chin 下巴, forehead 額頭.

temple 太陽穴, mustache 小鬍子, beard 山羊鬍.

whisker 絡腮胡 , sidebums 鬢角, wrinkle 皺紋.

mole 痣, freckle 雀斑 ,dimple 酒渦,pimple 粉刺.

nipple 乳頭,chest 胸部,navel 肚臍,abdomen 腹部.

shoulder 肩,back 背,waist腰,hip 臀部,buttock 屁股.

collarbone 鎖骨,rib 肋骨,backbone 脊骨, 脊柱.

breastbone 胸骨,joint 關節,pelvis 骨盆,sinew 腱,muscle 肌肉

bone 骨,skeleton 骨骼,blood vessel 血管,vein 靜脈.

artery 動脈,capillary 毛細血管,nerve 神經,spinal marrow 脊髓.

kidney 腎臟,windpipe 氣管,lung 肺,heart 心臟,diaphragm 隔膜.

organ 器官,gullet 食道,stomach 胃,liver 肝臟,gall 膽囊.

bladder 膀胱,pancreas 胰腺,spleen 脾,odenum 十二指腸.

small intestine 小腸,large intestine 大腸,appendix 盲腸.

rectum 直腸,anus 肛門,urine 尿道,ovary 卵巢,womb 子宮.

vagina 陰道.

thumb 大拇指,forefinger 食指,middle finger 中指.

third finger 無名指,little finger 小指,palm 手掌,nail 指甲.

fist 拳頭,knuckle 指關節,back 手背,wrist 手腕,elbow 肘.

armpit 腋下.

thigh 大腿,kneecap 膝蓋骨,thigh 大腿,knee 膝蓋.

shank 小腿,calf 小腿肚,foot 腳,instep 腳背,toe 腳趾.

ankle 踝,heel 腳後跟,sole 腳底,arch 腳掌心.


紅色 red
朱紅 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau
粉紅 pink; soft red; rose bloom
梅紅 plum;crimson;fuchsia red
玫瑰紅 rose madder; rose
桃紅 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose
櫻桃紅 cherry; cerise
桔紅 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon
石榴紅 garnet
棗紅 purplish red; jujube red; date red
蓮紅 lotus red
淺蓮紅 fuchsia pink
豉豆紅 bean red
辣椒紅 capsicum red
高粱紅 Kaoliang red
芙蓉紅 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy
胭脂紅 rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake
鮭魚紅 salmon
玳瑁紅 hawksbill turtle red
海螺紅 cadmium orange
寶石紅 ruby red
瑪瑙紅 agate red
珊瑚紅 coral
金紅 bronze red
鐵紅 iron oxide red
鐵銹紅 rust red
鎘紅 cadmium red
鉻紅 chrome red
磚紅 brick red
土紅 laterite; reddle
郎窯紅 lang-kiln red
均紅 Jun-kiln red
釉底紅 underglaze red
威尼斯紅 Venetian red
法國紅 French vermilion
茜紅 alizarin red; madder red
洋紅 carmine; magenta
品紅 pinkish red; magenta
猩紅 scarlet red; scarlet; blood red
油紅 oil red
紫紅 purplish red; madder red; wine red; wine; carmine;amaranth; claret; fuchsia; magenta; heliotrope; mauve
玫瑰紫紅 rose carmine; rose mauve
深紫紅 prune; mulberry
深藕紅 conch shell
棕紅 henna
暗紅 dark red; ll red
鮮紅 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red; fresh red; blood red;madder; ruby; cerise; cherry
血紅 blood red; incarnadine
血牙紅 shell pink; peach beige
緋紅 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink
米紅 silver pink
深紅 deep red; crimson
淡紅 light red; carnation

橙色 orange

黃色 yellow
桔黃 orange; crocus; gamboge; cadmium orange
深桔黃,深橙 deep orange
淺桔黃,淺橙 clear orange; light orange; rattan
檸檬黃 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron
玉米黃 maize
橄欖黃 olive yellow
櫻草黃 primrose yellow
稻草黃 straw yellow
芥末黃 mustard
杏黃 apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow
蛋黃 vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow
藤黃 rattan yellow
鱔魚黃 eel yellow
象牙黃 ivory
日光黃 sunny yellow
石黃 mineral yellow
土黃 earth yellow; yellowish brown; yellow ocher; golden apricot
砂黃 sand yellow
金黃 golden yellow, gold
鐵黃 iron oxide yellow; iron buff
鎘黃 cadmium yellow
鉻黃 chrome yellow
鈷黃 cobalt yellow
深黃,暗黃 deep yellow
棕黃 tan
青黃 bluish yellow
灰黃 isabel ; sallow ; grey yellow
米黃 apricot cream ; cream
嫩黃 yellow cream
鮮黃 cadmium yellow ; canary
鵝黃 light yellow
中黃 midium yellow
淺黃 light yellow;pale yellow;buff
淡黃 jasmin(e); primrose

綠色 green
豆綠 pea green ; bean green
淺豆綠 light bean green; asparagus green
橄欖綠 olive green ; olive
茶綠 tea green ; celandine green ; plantation
蔥綠 onion green ; pale green
蘋果綠 apple green
原野綠 field green
森林綠 forest green
洋薊綠 artichoke green
苔蘚綠 moss green ; bracken green
草地綠,草綠 grass green ; meadow green ; oliver green ; olive drab
水草綠 water grass green
深草綠 jungle green
灰湖綠 agate green
水綠 aqua green
海水綠 marine green
酸性綠 acid green
水晶綠 crystal green
玉綠 jade green
石綠 mineral green
松石綠 spearmint; viridis
銅綠 verdigris
銅銹綠 patina green
鎘綠 cadmium green
鉻綠 chrome green
鈷綠 cobalt green
孔雀綠 peacock green
威尼斯綠 Venetian green
巴黎綠 Paris green ;king''s green
墨綠 blackish green ; green black; jasper; dark green ;deep green
墨玉綠 emerald black
深綠 dark green ;petrol; Chinese green; bottle green
暗綠 sap green ; dark green ; deep green
青綠 dark green
碧綠 azure green; turquoise green ; viridity
翠綠 emerald green; jade green ;bright green ; verdancy ; viridity
深翠綠 viridian
藍綠 blue green ; aquamarine
黃綠 yellow green
灰綠 grey green ; sage green ; hedge green; mignonette; sea spray; celadon
褐綠 breen
品綠 light green ; malachite green
鮮綠 clear green; emerald green ; vivid green
嫩綠 pomona green ; verdancy
中綠 medium green; golf green
淺綠 light green
淡綠 pale green

青色 cerulean blue ; blue ; green
豆青 pea green; bean green
花青 flower blue
茶青 tea green
蔥青 onion green
天青 celeste; azure
霽青 sky-clearing blue
石青 mineral blue
鐵青 electric blue ; river blue
蟹青 turquoise ; ink blue
鱔魚青 eel green
蛋青 egg blue
影青 misty blue; white blue
黛青 bluish
群青,偉青 ultramarine
暗青 dark blue; deep cerulean
藏青 navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue
靛青 indigo
大青 smalt
粉青 light greenish blue
鮮青 clear cerulean
淺青 light blue; light cerulean
淡青 pale cerulean ; light greenish blue

藍色 blue
天藍 sky blue; azure ; celeste; azure cerulean blue; Parisian blue
蔚藍 azure; sky blue
月光藍 moon blue
海洋藍 ocean blue
海藍 sea blue
湖藍 acid blue
深湖藍 vivid blue
中湖藍 bright blue
淺湖藍 canal blue
清水藍 water blue
冰雪藍 ice-snow blue
孔雀藍 peacock blue
寶石藍 sapphire; jewelry
粉末藍 powder blue
鐵藍 iron blue
鈷藍 cobalt blue king''s blue
普魯士藍 Prussian blue
北京藍 Beijing blue
士林藍 indanthrene blue
品藍 reddish blue ; royal blue;king''s blue
靛藍 indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue
菘藍 woaded blue
石磨藍 stone-washed indigo
藏藍 purplish blue; navy blue; navy
海軍藍 navy blue; navy
寶藍 royal blue
墨藍 blue black
綠藍 turquoise blue
紫藍 hyacinth;purplish blue
淺紫藍 Dutch blue
青藍 ultramarine
深灰藍 blue ashes
深藍 deep blue; dark blue ; navy blue ; mandarin blue Antwerp blue ; mazarine ; smalt ; ultramarine
暗藍 deep blue; dark blue
鮮藍 clear blue
中藍 medium blue ; azure blue
淺藍 light blue
淡藍 pale blue ; baby blue ; calamine blue

紫色 purple; violet
紫羅蘭色 violet
紫藤色 lilac
紫水晶色 amethyst
葡萄紫 grape
茄皮紫 aubergine; wineberry
玫瑰紫 rose violet
丁香紫 lilac
鈷紫 cobalt violet
墨紫 violet black
絳紫 dark reddish purple
暗紫 violet deep; ll purple; damson
烏紫 raisin
藍紫 royal light
鮮紫 violet light
深紫 amaranth; modena
淺紫 grey violet
淡紫 pale purple ; lavender; lilac; orchid
淡白紫 violet ash
青蓮 pale purple; heliotrope
深青蓮 amaranth purple
雪青 lilac
墨絳紅 purple black
暗絳紅 purple deep
淺絳紅 purple light

黑色 black
土黑 earth black
煤黑 coal black
碳黑 carbon black ; charcoal black
古銅黑 bronze black
鐵黑 iron oxide black ; iron black
橄欖黑 olive black
棕黑 sepia; brown black
青黑 lividity
深黑,漆黑 pitch-black ; pitch-dark
暗黑 ll black

白色 white
象牙白 ivory white; ivory
牡蠣白 oyster white
珍珠白 pear white ; gray lily
玉石白 jade white
銀白 silver white
鉛白 flake white; lead white; ceruse white
鋅白 zinc white
鋅鋇白 lithopone; pearl white
羊毛白 wool white
米白 off-white; shell
乳白 milky-white
雪白 snow-white; snowy white
灰白 greyish white; off-white
青白 bluish white
純白 crisp-white;pure white
本白 raw white; off-white
粉紅白 pinky white
淡紫白 lilac white

灰色 grey; gray
銀灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom
鐵灰 iron grey
鉛灰 lividity; leaden grey
碳灰 charcoal grey
駝灰 doe
豆灰 rose st
藕灰 zephyr
蓮灰 elderberry
淺蓮灰 pale lilac
鴿子灰 dove grey
鼠灰 stale grey; mouse
蟹灰 storm blue
天灰 sky grey
土灰 st grey
水泥灰 concrete grey
煙灰 smoky grey; ash
霧灰 misty grey
黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey
紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey
深紫灰 heron
淡紫灰 lilac grey
淺綠灰 eucalyptus
淺米灰 moon light
卡其灰 khaki light
藍灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey
青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green
白灰 pale grey
深灰 dark grey; ll grey; Oxford grey
暗灰 deep grey
中灰 medium grey
淺灰 light grey;ash grey

棕色,褐色 brown
紅棕 umber;chili
金棕 auburn
鐵銹棕 rustic brown
桔棕 orange brown
橄欖棕 olive brown

赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta
棕褐 summer tan
茶褐 auburn ; umber
黑褐 black brown
紫褐 puce
黃褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown
栗褐 chestnut brown
灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige
淺灰褐 putty
橙褐 orange brown
土褐 clay
深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna
暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;n
淡褐 light brown;caramel

⑷ 小學英語學過的動物類語,顏色詞,文具詞,身體部位,天氣類,職業類,服裝類單詞。 高懸賞! 快點哦,

bird 鳥 fish 魚 panda 大熊貓
snake 蛇回 答cat 貓 lion 獅子 dog 狗
parrot 鸚鵡 dragon 龍tiger 老虎
monkey 猴子elephant大象 chicken 雞
chick小雞 owl 貓頭鷹 ck 鴨子
pet 寵物 pig 豬 cow 牛sheep 羊
horse 馬 frog 青蛙rabbit 兔子 mouse 老鼠

⑸ 求學慣用品,人身體部位和顏色的英文(小學1至6年級) 所以。

red orange yellow green indigo blue purple pink violet black white
赤 橙 黃 綠 青 藍 紫 粉 紫羅蘭 黑 白
頭:head 發:hair 面部:face 眼:eye 耳:ear 鼻:nose 口:mouth 牙:tooth 背:back 臂:arm 手:hand 腿:leg 足:foot(feet) 書包The book bag 文具盒stationery case 鉛筆pencil 鋼筆fountain pen 尺子rule 橡皮察 rubber 毛筆 brush 書本 books 課本textbook 圓珠筆The ball pen 小刀 knife 圓規 compass 參考書 referencebook 字典 dictionary

stapler 訂書機 (staples 訂書釘)clips 夾子; 回形針glue 膠水scotch tape 透明膠帶scissors 剪刀 brown paper 牛皮紙battery 書簽flashlight 橫格紙notebook 筆記本notepad 記事本

⑹ 小學英語所有的顏色單詞

橘色:Orange 希望對你有幫助~

⑺ 小學英語身體部位的單詞有哪些


讀音:英 [leɡ] 美 [leɡ]

n. 腿

vi. 用腳走路

She bought a leg of mutton.



讀音:英 [hænd] 美 [hænd]

n. 手;協助;手藝

v. 給;傳


n. 漢德(英文姓)

He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.



讀音:英 [ɑːm] 美 [ɑːrm]

n. 臂;扶手;袖子

n. 武器;軍種

vt. 武裝;裝備

(復)arms: 軍事行動;紋章;兵役.

They took me by the arm.



讀音:英 [maʊθ] 美 [maʊθ]

n. 嘴;口;開口;河口

v. 不出聲說;裝腔作勢地說;喃喃地說

Her mouth is her best feature.



讀音:英 [nəʊz] 美 [noʊz]

n. 鼻子;突出部分;嗅覺

v. 嗅到;探聽

He quirked up his nose to make a face.



讀音:英 [ɪə(r)] 美 [ɪr]

n. 聽覺;耳朵;傾聽

n. 麥穗

vi. 抽穗

Big rings hang from her ears.



讀音:英 [aɪ] 美 [aɪ]

n. 眼睛;目光;視力;觀點;鑒賞力

v. 看;注視;審視

She has sharp eyes.



讀音:英 [hed] 美 [hed]

n. 頭部;頭腦;頂端;領袖;硬幣的正面

v. 前進;為首;朝向

adj. 首要的;前面的

Please raise your head and look at the blackboard.


⑻ 小學英語顏色單詞

紅色red橙色orange黃色yellow綠色green藍色blue白色white黑色black灰色grey粉色pink 小學應該就學這些吧 I like blue.

⑼ 3到5年級的英語單詞文具,身體部位,顏色,動物,食品,數字,物品,家庭成員,水果,交通工具,形容詞


⑽ 6個顏色單詞和11個身體部位單詞(英語)

pink,blue,black,yellow,green,red顏色 。hand,head,arm,leg,foot,nose,ear,身體單詞

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