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⑴ 2011北京高考英語閱讀試題

做題方式有問題,高考任何答案都不能和主題沖突,本段開始句就說明了作者並不是固執的人(I』版m not saying that I won』t ever change my mind) ,
technology-free dialogue意思是沒有使用權現代工具的課堂討論, 而且整篇文章也褒揚這一方式.\

⑵ 求2011年全國高考英語試題(課標版),完形填空和閱讀的翻譯!!!

Tim Richter 和他的妻子Linda在紐約的Buffalo附近教書已經超過30年了。他教計算機,他太太從事特殊教育。Tim認為「教書育人對我們意義非凡」。在1998年的4月,他了解到他必須做一個心臟修復手術。正是這樣的消息引領他認真思考關於人生目標的問題。
手術後不久,Tim看到了介紹由Dolly Parton的基金會發起的想像圖書館的項目的小冊子,參與者每個月向這名歌手的故鄉|——田納西州Sevier的0~5歲的小朋友郵寄一本書。「當時我想,或許我和Linda在退休後也能做和這差不多的事。」Tim回憶道。他把小冊子放在他的書桌上,「作為一種提醒」。
Richter兩口子對書籍的質量十分關注。他們不在線完成交易,而是親自去Dollywood驗貨。「我們不想給孩子們一堆垃圾,」Linda坦言。那些每年經受老師,文學專家和Dollywood董事會成員審核的書籍包括那些經典讀物例如Ezra Jack Keats的《The Snowy Day》(雪天)以及新出版的讀物例如Anna Dewdney的LlamaLlama(美洲鴕)系列。
令人滿意的是,夫妻二人已建立了Richter家庭基金會並開始運營。從2004年開始,他們向他們生活的區域的學齡前兒童輸送了12,200多本書。Megan Williams作為一位四個孩子的母親對他們的感激之情無以言表。「這個項目向我們介紹了我從未聽說的書籍。」

Diana Jacobs認為她的家庭對擔負她雙胞胎兒子的大學費用有一個可行的計劃:將儲蓄、工資收入、獎學金和適當的借貸結合起來。然而接著她的丈夫失業了,這個計劃也宣告流產。
「我有兩個正在讀大學的孩子。有時我真想和他們說『回來吧別讀大學了』,但同時我又希望他們可以得到良好的教育。」 Jacobs太太說。
「如果這種情況再持續25年,我們將不再負擔得起大學教育,」語出該中心主任Patrick M. Callan。「連中產階級家庭已經開始要靠借債支付大學教育的費用。這些家庭會不惜任何代價供孩子上大學,哪怕這意味著他們將背負巨額債務。」

⑶ 2011高考英語


⑷ 2011年全國高考英語一卷試題與答案

這個是你要專找的屬不 ?

⑸ 2011江蘇高考英語試卷


⑹ 求2011年9月24日高考英語聽力原題!是原題!

2011年9月24 日浙江聽力高考試題
1. What does the man think of watching TV?
[A] It helps people kill time.
[B] It makes people less active.
[C] It keeps people well-informed.
2. What does the woman mean?
[A] She』ll use her bike soon.
[B] She』 lent her bike out.
[C] She』ll borrow a bike.
3. What does the man think of the woman?
[A] She is poorly dressed.
[B] She』s got too many dresses
[C] She should buy a dress for Betty.
4. What』s going to be difficult for the man?
[A] Making nice coffee.
[B] Working at home quietly.
[C] Choosing a birthday gift.
5. What are the speakers discussing?
[A] Whether to go on a holiday.
[B] How to pay for the house.
[C] Whether to find a better job.

6. Who is Mr. Li?
[A] The woman』s co-worker.
[B] The woman』s secretary.
[C] The woman』s boss.
7. What does Mr. Li want to talk to the woman about?
[A] A job offer.
[B] A big sale.
[C] A new department.
8. What is the man doing now?
[A] Trying to find a job.
[B] Traveling round the world.
[C] Teaching English for money.
9. Where will the man be working?
[A] In an Australian school.
[B] In a shipping company.
[C] In a foreign trading firm.
10. What will the speakers do together in the evening?
[A] Go sightseeing in the city.
[B] Eat in a Chinese restaurant
[C] Have a home-made dinner.
11. What do the speakers decide to do?
[A] Ask Carrie for help.
[B] Buy a huge cake.
[C] Play cards.
12. Who will probably get surprised at the party?
[A] Maggie.
[B] The man.
[C] Jackie.
13. What kind of families can be possibly chosen as home-stay families?
[A] Good at cooking.
[B] Close to the school.
[C] With international background.
14. What can an international student expect in a home-stay family?
[A] A bathroom of their own.
[B] No choice of meals.
[C] A shared bedroom
15. What is the main advantage of staying with a home-stay family?
[A] Learning the language better.
[B] Having more freedom.
[C] Going to school early.
16. What should the student do to get along with the family?
[A] Cook for the family.
[B] Keep his or her habits.
[C] Follow the house rules.
17. What』s the purpose of the program?
[A] To plan a nice weekend.
[B] To prepare for New Year』s Day.
[C] To celebrate the start of a vacation.
18. What are the children going to do?
[A] Look for the hidden gifts.
[B] Hide around the building.
[C] Have a group discussion.
19. What are the children required to do before going out of the building?
[A] Wait at a corner.
[B] Give their names at a desk.
[C] Stay together with their parents.
20. Who will go out of the building through the double doors?
[A] The preschool children.
[B] The third grade children.
[C] The fourth grade children.

⑺ 2011陝西高考英語答案!只要答案!


1—5 DCBAA 6—10 GEFCB

11—15 BDCDD 16—20 CBABA

21—25 DACDC 26—30 DBBCA

31—35 BAACD 36—40 BDABA

41—45 BABCD 46—50 CDABA

51—55 ACDCA 56—60 CCDBC

61—65 CABDF

66. fresh

67. peace

68. inventing

69. compete

70. October

71. disappear

72. fluently

73. hobbies

74. published

75. apology


across a crew make改為 a crew making

my favourite actor改為my favourite actors

but I rushed back 改為so / and I rushed back

在to get 後加it

they have finished改為they had finished



walked out改為walked out of

in the front of改為in front of

not only did I had 改為not only did I have

Hi, TigerMom,

What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so.

Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and their future university admission, development in wisdom, emotion, health, and life attitude school never be ignored. There are many examples around us. Some all-A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore, punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.

So I suggest that you take your friends'advice. More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl; let her have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do.

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