1. 廣州市2017年中考英語筆試試題初一,初二,初三各佔多少分
2. 2017廣州中考英語還有聽說考試嗎
首先是模仿朗讀,在錄音前系統會播放一遍人聲給你聽,此時你要聽你不會讀的單詞。假設你不會讀「control」,你可以在聽到人聲讀後馬上在草稿紙上寫出類似的拼音「ken chi rou」然後再用自己的語言符號表示那些音該讀快讀慢。放完人聲後會給你50秒的時間准備,你需要利用這點時間趕緊多度短文和生詞。
3. 2017年的廣州市中考英語作文題目是什麼
Happiness is a state of mind,happiness is not from the object,it is not a thing.Happy is not a chase - you do not need to firmly grasp it,because it's in your heart,you have got it.But this does not mean you do not need to contribute their energies to it.Happy like a party,you sit down to enjoy the fun - but only you want it,you are ready for it until lightly come prepared to allow himself happy bar!Let the good place bar