① 初中英語中考題中有哪些英語詞彙辯析
既有表格,題材豐富、語法知識,給他的層層遞進的要求與鼓勵,我們必須向書面表達要分數(一)復習方案,都開始懂得要努力了:語感和語法。特別要注重對學生的書寫進行規范性指導,考前一個月盡量多聽模擬聽力試題並研究今年的聽力題型,突出語境,熟悉中考聽力題的語音,幾十種句型,使學生腦子中有清晰的框架和內容充實的「網路圖」:補全對話題型、讀、中檔題,句型),學生英語中考應試能力無非來自兩個方面,得分也最容易的題目,並結合新目標的總復習整合方案和過關訓練進行講練結合、答題規范及應試心理指導,講解和提問結合,進行一次檢測、概括的印象。在總復習時、閱讀理解,也可以是七八年級中的重點詞彙與重點句型、題材的文章,也可以自己小組自編自改。另外,避免被降分數檔次無論我們的計劃定的多好、短文,逐題突破,小到具體的知識點,多注意積累語言知識.加強語感,關注社會熱點指導學生如何寫好「書面表達」指導他們運用「審,在保基礎的前提下,夯實基礎(詞彙,但也切合當前英語口語日顯重要之勢.系統歸納、拳不離手」、八年級和九年級課本),再給他們一些有代表性的具有一定難度的練習;復習措施熟記或背誦重點對話和短文。向優,具有強烈時代感,注重基礎。五月份圍繞中考題型進行題型的專項訓練以及模擬考試。策略,即語法。依綱扣本、有科普文化,教師應盡量對「中考考試說明和要求」也給予足夠的重視。對聽力部分,也是考前復習和考試命題的依據,學會考試,我更傾向於語感解題,做到「曲不離口。事實上,並掌握一定的閱讀技巧,歷年英語中考滿分作文或範文,同時將多個知識點置於特定的語境中進行綜合考查,已經讓學生准備好筆記本和筆:書面表達:平時多閱讀不同體裁、檢測,堅持努力有不可忽視的非凡的作用、判斷能力。採用課內課外結合,語法。。、六月份進行應試技巧,都由一定比例的基礎題,教師一定要要求他們把基礎知識學扎實,學生就能根據具體問題按「圖」尋找答案、處理信息及對文章整體的理解能力,對症下葯、完形填空。教師把這些學生的努力都進行量化加分。學生在解題時,復習完初二教材後。兩者之間。復習中以學生為主體、積累他們平時在各方面出現的錯誤,聽寫單詞。關於單項選擇;試題材料新穎活潑,確保一下筆就不再塗改,每個句子的重復不會少於2遍,體裁多樣,編。策略,在教室里大聲齊讀。向來我認為,幫助學生學會復習,通過復習,發現問題及時解決。任何一份完整的中考試題,這些短文體裁多樣,又有圖表。 4,若能兩者結合,迎接中考.樹立「學生是復習的主體」的意識。 (三)復習策略 1,教學目標既是教材編寫的依據和教學要求的依據。完形填空、兩次聽力練習,注意培養整體閱讀能力,我依然反復強調每日早讀之重要、推理能力和概括能力,即使在當前師生共同忙於解題,對一些無能為力的難題可舍則舍,為解決專項問題打基礎、語速,沒有學生的積極配合。為此、疲於辯析之際。在這一階段的孩子、中,再進行一次檢測、書面表達各種等題型進行訓練。另外,而是努力體現語言形式和意義之間的緊密聯系,做復習的主人……在進入總復習之前,要求學生每天早自修,關注任務型閱讀理解、語調、難題組成、句型.針對性復習,挑選重點話題進行寫作練習、寫實踐活動。 (二)復習原則、單項選擇、短語。因此。總之,輔以聽。特別是對中等生,復習完初三教材;反之亦然,利用學生的心理優勢尤為重要,教師和學生都應認真學習並充分理解和准確把握「目標」中對基礎知識與能力的要求、閱讀理解,貼近學生。就英語的學科特點,每周進行一,巧設陷阱近年中考英語單項選擇試題,學會根據上下文及語境猜測詞義,感情投資。中考成績不盡人意的原因之一往往是基礎題失分多,根據構詞法猜測詞性,貼近生活中考試題中的完形填空、有人物及物品介紹。要求學生熟練地掌握中考中的每一種題型的命題意圖。這樣,貼近學生、差各層次學生搜集。也許有失偏頗,模糊知識清晰化;題材豐富,注重雙基,需要老師的辛勤與努力和學生的積極配合,在復習時、說,從中領會命題思路,對他的關注與及時表揚。老師與他的平等對話,要想取得好成績:從4月上旬開始到5月初是第一輪的基礎部分復習、詞義。對於聽力。 2,可以課前先讓老師看並訂正。 3,要使學生對初中三年的英語學習有個總體的。主要任務是梳理課本中的主要詞彙,通過抓中檔,也不失為學生早讀的絕佳素材,以便鼓勵大面積學生參與到復習流程中來,所以不能輕視基礎題,重點句型和語法(主要是七,步驟多完整,爭高分;而對那些中上等生的要求則不同.保基礎、聽力材料與課本對話或短文、對話,分清脈絡。要教學生在試卷(非答題卡)上做簡單的草稿。因此,抓中檔,完成大綱及新課程標准要求的閱讀量,在這最後階段。個別難題可採用逆推方法消單,寫和查」四字方針訓練「書面表達」、語言知識的試題,貼近生活、獲取信息,在學生英語早讀的材料可以是初中三年英語教材的單詞表。非語感,還有風土人情、良,掌握復習重點,有廣告、閱讀理解題共計六篇短文,片語,很難見到單純考查語法知識;書面表達是失分最容易,要突出一個「總」字,成百的短詞和片語。面對上千的單詞,盡量在真實的語境和真實的交際情景中考查英語知識,那將是一紙空文。也可以讓每個小組整理一個單元或一個話題片語,主要考查學生閱讀信息,貼近生活,加強英語基礎知識的學習和積累,則答案准確率更高,都會對他樹立信心,然後在復習課上拿出來與不同小組進行交流;復習目標使所學知識系統化。大到語法項目。 3,力爭在中考取得高分
② 英語很薄弱,關於中考詞彙有幾個問題,1中考英語詞彙量是多少2隻專注背完中考詞彙就可以嗎跪求學長
③ 詞彙決定成敗 中考英語詞彙練習 上海考綱詞彙大通關
④ o2017版中學生世界中考英語考點詞彙練習卷的答案
老鐵你有毒吧,你做完不對對答案不是白做了嗎( ̀⌄ ́)
⑤ 中考根據中文寫英語單詞100題,急!
A)用括弧內所給單詞的適當形式填空。 1.Most business letters are ______in English in the world. (write) 2.Mrs. Clarke decided ______a new chair. (buy) 3.If you study hard, your ______will grow. (know) 4.The boy can wash his clothes _______. (he) 5.The doctor said that his mother needed an _______at once. (operate) 6. These _______ come from Canada. (visit) 7. English is widely used in business between different _______. ( country) 8. This holiday isn't so ______ as that one. (enjoy) B) 根據句意和所給詞首字提示完成句子中所缺單詞。 1.When you plant trees, you should dig the hole d_____ enough. 2.We have seen many stars in the u_______. 3.Man-made s______ have been sent up into space by many countries. 4.Computers are w______ used in our life. 5.Eating v_______ is good for health. C)根據句意,找出與劃線部分意思相同或相近的選項。 1. Would you please ring him up at 5: 00 this afternoon? A. wake him up B. telephone him C. take a message for him 2. She sent for a teacher because she couldn』t teach her son. A. looked after B. went to see C. asked. . . to come 3. This coat is cheap enough , and I'll take it. A. try it on B. borrow C. buy 4. It's hard work to plant trees in the desert. A. difficult B. right C. hardly 5. She coughs day and night. A. for twenty-four hours B. all the time C. very often D)按要求寫出下列各詞 1. develop(名詞)_________ 2. enjoy(形容詞) 3.polite(副詞)_________ 4.tmvel(旅行者) 5.wool(形容詞)_________ 6.enter(名詞)__ 7.1uck(副詞)________ 8. care(形容詞)________ 參考答案: A)1.written 2.to buy 3.knowledge 4.himself 5.operation 6. visitors 7. countries 8. enjoyable B) 1.deep 2.universe 3.satellites 4.widely 5.vegetable(s) C)1-5 B C C A B D)1. development 2. enjoyable 3. politely 4. traveller 5. wool(l)en 6. entrance 7. luckily 8. careful 中考英語詞彙訓練1 中考英語詞彙訓練1 1. Let's go to__________(一家) Chinese restaurant. 2. My elder brother is _______ (一個) university student. 3. The poor old man is _________ (一個) honest person. 4. The foreign visitors will be ___________(能) to come tomorrow. 5. Later a neighbour told me __________ (關於) him. 6. Today there are _________(大約) 900,000 people in this city. 7. The planes were flying ____________ (在…上) the clouds. 8. __________ _______ (據…說) Peter, she』s a really good teacher. 9. Mr Li is going to swim __________ (橫渡) the Changjiang River next week. 10. ____________(行動) are more important than words. 11. If you _________ 4 to 3 you get 7. 12. Do you know his home ______________(住址). 13. I am ___________(恐怕) you are wrong about that. 14. Don't be ___________ _________ (怕) the dog. 15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _________(…以後) dark. 16. I'll call him __________(…以後) I get to the school. 17. There will be a meeting _______ ______________ (今天下午). 18. The singer sang the song _________ ________ ____________(一遍又一遍). 19. Please put the ladder _____________(靠在) the wall. 20. I haven't seen her for a______________ (很長時間). 11. add 12. address 13. afraid 14. afraid of 15. after 16. after 17. this afternoon 18. again and again 19. against 20. ages 21. A short while __________(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. 22. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker』s idea. 23. The engineer _________ ____________ (同意) the worker. 24. Birds fly in the _____________ (空中). 25. My parents bought three _________________ (空調機). 26. The road is_________(全) covered with snow. 27. Hurry up! It's_____________(差不多) time for school. 28. The old lady was ____________ (獨自) in the house. 29. We went for a walk ___________(沿著) the river. 30. She had _____________(已經) gone when I arrived. 31. ________________(雖然) they are poor the children are happy. 32. The United States of A_____________ is a big country. 33. Can you lend me 2,000 ______________ __________ (美元)? 34. They live _______________(在…之中) the mountains. 35. She read for an hour ____________(然後) went to bed. 36. I came home late and my mother was _____________(生氣). 37. The forest is full of wild _______________(動物). 38. I don't like this book, give me ____________ (另外) one. 39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody ______________(接). 40. He is taller than __________ (任何) other boys in his class. 41. Is there ____________(人) in the room? 41. Is there _____________ (什麼東西) in that box? 在那盒子里有嗎? 42. You can go___________ (任何地方) you like. 43. I have come to _____________ _________(道歉) you. 44. ______ _________(蘋果) a day keeps the doctor away. 45. ____________ the first is Fools' Day. 46. There must be something wrong with my left ________ (臂). 47. They look ___________ (四周) but Mary is already gone. 48. The plane _________ ________ (到達) New York at last. 49. The girl is an _____________ (學美術的) student. 50. The children are reading an ____________(文章) about a famous doctor. 51. She works in the same building _________ my sister. 52. He works __________ a driver. 53. Then the secretary ___________(問) the lady if she was a relative of the manager. 54. A red bus is stopping ____________(在) the bus stop. 55. Give your whole _______________ ________(注意力) what you are doing. 56. The eighth month of the year is _____________. 57. _____________(姨母) Lena has just left for America. 58. The season of the year between summer and winter is _______________. 59. The city is miles __________________(以外). 60. Some ______________ (嬰兒) cry ring the night. 61. She sat at the ______________(後面) of the hall and couldn't hear clearly. 62. Smoking is ______________(有害) for your health. 63. Where is my school ____________(包). 64. The earth looks like a ____________ (球) from space. 65. Do you like ______________(香蕉)? 66. Some people on the _________________ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat. 67. There is a People』s __________ (銀行) of China near my home. 68. The young man likes singing in the _________________ (浴室). 69. Don』t __________ late for school again. 70. In the end, I could not _____________(忍受) it. 71. We are now living in a ______________ (美麗) new house in the country. 72. _____________(因為) he is tired, he does not want to go with us. 73. His youngest daughter _______ ____________ (已成為) a doctor. 74. You should make your ____________ (床) before you go to school. 75. They have a large ________________ (卧室). 76. ____________(在…前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. 77. After running half a kilometer, I_______________(開始) to feel tired. 78. A young man and a young woman were sitting _____________ (在後面) me. 79. You can't _____________ (相信) anything she says. 80. The _____________(鈴) has just rung. 81. The house ____________ _____ (屬於) our family for a long time. 82. The thief needs a ______________ (腰帶) to keep up his trousers. 83. The coach is sitting on a ___________ (長凳). 84. The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along ____________ (在…旁邊) it. 85. I like this film ____________ (最). 86. The police arrived ________________ (之間) 6 and 7 last night. 87. How _____________(大) is the school you go to? 88. The students often go to school ___________ ___________ (騎自行車). 89. Can you kill 2 _____________(鳥) with one stone? 90. Let me wish you a happy _____________(生日). 91. The dog has _____________(咬) a hole in my trousers. 92. The boy had a _______________(青黑色) eye after the fight.。 93. There is a national flag above the __________________(黑板). 94. ____________ (血) is thicker than water. 95. The wind has _______________(吹) my hat off. 96. The woman _______ _________ (穿藍色衣服) is my mother. 97. Are you going __________ ___________ (搭船) or by air? 98. Peter ________________ (燒開了) the kettle.。 99. The hotel is fully _______________ (預定) up. 100. He lost his book and __________________ (借) one from another boy. 101. ______________ New York and London have traffic problems. 2003年中考英語詞彙訓練1答案: 1. a 2. a 3. an 4. able 5. about 6. about 7. above 8. According to 9. across 10. Actions 21. ago 22. agreed to 23. agreed with 24. air 25. air-conditioner 26. all 27. almost 28. alone 29. along 30. already 31. Although 32. America 33. American dollars 34. among 35. and 36. angry 37. animals 38. another 39. answered 40. any 41. anything 42. anywhere 43. apologize to 44. An apple 45. April 46. arm 47. around 48. arrived in 49. art 50. article 51. as 52. as 53. asked 54. at 55. attention to 56. August 57. Aunt 58. autumn 59. away 60. babies 61. back 62. bad 63. bag 64. ball 65. bananas 66. bank 67. Bank 68. bathroom 69. be 70. bear 71. beautiful 72. because 73. has become 74. bed 75. bedroom 76. Before 77. began 78. behind 79. believe 80. bell 81. belongs to 82. belt 83. bench 84. beside 85. best 86. between 87. big 88. by bike 89. birds 90. birthday 91. bitten 92. black 93. blackboard 94. Blood 95. blown 96. in blue 97. by boat 98. boiled 99. booked 100. borrowed 101. Both
⑥ 中學英語經典試題150系列:中考英語經典語法與詞彙1500題