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發布時間: 2021-01-12 18:14:18


when we meet some problems ,we have a lot of way to solve those. Frist we need to study how to communication with others ,we need more and more friends. Second we can to find help with our friends or classmates,because we have same age,we can more easy to understand each other.Third we also can find thear and our parents to help ours ,because they friendly and they have more experiences.those way can help us do more better.


Thank for help me ring I was a middle school student! My English score from forty-seven point improved to one hundred point all the time e to your help. From that time, I started to study English hard and was interested in English. I really want to say, "Without your help and patient teaching me in English at that time, I think I will not be an English teacher now." I don't know where are you now? But I still want to say,"Thank you very muchfor your help and guide!"

Ⅲ 告別初中生活給老師的一封信英語作文

Dear Miss Brown,
I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last two years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with English under the influence of you. As a student of science and engineering, I』 been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep going.
Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere appreciation. Best wishes for you.

Ⅳ 初中英語用寫信方式介紹學校

Dear friend:
I miss you very much,now I am a senior high school student and there are so many things I want to tell you .Everyday we have more classes and more homework than before,and I have little time drawing.We dismissed when it's weekend and spent much time on the homework ,I always remember when we were together we played together ,that's a really happy time .Although there is more pressure,I think the life here is also fine,because the more I learned ,I become more confident.
Yours ,

Ⅳ 初中英語寫信作文常用開頭!謝謝

1:I'sorry I've been so slow in answering your letter....
2:I have the pleasure(honor) to inform(tell) you that....
3;I must apologize for my delay in answering you letter....
4;I was really surprised to get your letter yesterday.
5;It was nice to hear from you again.
6;I was sorry to hear(say) that......
7;Thank you for telling me about...
8;I hasten to write you a few lines.
9;Please excuse this very short note.
10;I am glad to hear of you continued success.
11:As I have not heard from you for long,I fell anxious.
12;I would have written to you before, but I had so many things that I have not had one moment to myself.
13:I am very glad to hear that you are all enjoying good health.
14:You kind letter afforded me much pleasure.
15;I am obliged for your prompt and gratifying reply.
16;We are very happy to say that we are all in the full enjoyment of health.
17;It was good to hear from you and I shall be very pleased to let you have the information you need.
18;I'm very pleased to hear that everything is going so well and if I can help in any other way ,do let me know.
19;We have enjoyed hearing from you.

Ⅵ 用英語寫一封信給初中朋友聊聊生活近況

Dear Tracy,

I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to know why you are not on line in the group of English learning in Skype these days.
I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.
Best regards for your health and success.
Sincerely yours,

Ⅶ 初中英語寫信的格式







日期的寫法,如1997年7月30日,英文為:July 30,1997(最為普遍);July 30th,1997;30th July,1997等。1997不可寫成97。

(1)寫給親人、親戚和關系密切的朋友時,用Dear或My dear再加上表示親屬關系的稱呼或直稱其名(這里指名字,不是姓氏)。例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等。

(2)寫給公務上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen)。注意:Dear純屬公務上往來的客氣形式。Gentlemen總是以復數形式出現,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的復數形式。

(3)寫給收信人的信,也可用頭銜、職位、職稱、學位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字。例如:Dear Prof. Tim Scales, Dear Dr.John Smith。



Ⅷ 寫一篇給初中同學的信 英語作文

西南的小夥伴們: 西南,一個美麗富饒、充滿詩情畫意的地方,是我們嚮往的地方。如今,卻遇到了讓千萬人揪心的特大旱災。 一眼清澈見底的泉水突然間消失了,靜、清、綠的江水霎時變成了龜裂的土地,留下的只是死去的魚兒和裂縫的土地,黃果樹瀑布也只剩下涓涓細流。你們捧著碗,喝著那渾濁的水,水裡全是沙子。 看著孩子們只能從乾枯的井裡打些渾濁的臟水解渴;看到一條條魚兒因河水乾枯而死去,我感到十分痛心,持續發展的旱情牽動著我們每一個人的心。 如今,顆顆愛心將化作充足的水源流向龜裂的土地,我們的每份捐助將化為股股清澈的甘泉,滋潤災區人民的心田。相信我們的捐贈會給災區人民戰勝災害的信心和力量,我們的付出必將換得災區人民的微笑。雙西小學五年二班許 諾西南旱區的小朋友們: 你們那裡的旱情好點了嗎?你們過得怎麼樣呢? 報紙、電視中每天都在報道你們那裡的情況。看到年幼的你們跟隨爸爸媽媽一起上山去背水,每天要往返好多次,可你們依然是微笑著面對困難,你們這種不怕困難、敢於挑戰困難的精神深深打動了我。 災區的小朋友們,你們千萬不要害怕。我們是一個大家庭,只要我們攜起手來,一定可以戰勝可怕的旱災。雖然我們相隔千里,但我們的心是連在一起的。現在我們這邊的孩子們正在以不同的方式傳遞著對你們的關心和愛。相信在我們大家的共同努力下,你們那裡將恢復四季如春的畫面! 太師一附小四年五班徐為晰親愛的旱區同學們: 當我從電視里得知我國西南地區遭遇歷史罕見的特大旱災,給人們的生產生活帶來了非常大的影響。尤其是看到一所學校里每天只能給學生發一瓶水,以保證學生們的學習生活。即使是這樣的情況下,還有好多學生捨不得喝完這一瓶水,積攢起來帶回家,留給父母喝……看到這里,我的心裡很不是滋味。 新聞節目里說旱區貴州、遵義等地下起了小雨,看到當地不斷進行人工增雨作業,人們趁著小雨天氣積極地補栽補種莊稼,忙著給田裡蓄水等一片繁忙的場景時,我心裡甭提多高興了。心裡企盼老天爺多下幾場及時雨,讓旱情得到緩解,讓全國關心旱區生活的人們的心能輕松一下。 親愛的同學們,天災無情人有情,你們的生活目前出現暫時的困難,請不要灰心失望,有我們的國家,有許許多多關心你們的人同你們站在一起,大家齊心協力,一定能戰勝困難。 後小河小學五年五班李舒親愛的災區小朋友: 最近你們那裡的旱情緩解一些了嗎?你們每天能喝到水嗎? 我從網上看到你們那裡特別缺水,想喝水是一件很困難的事,一滴水對你們來說太珍貴了。我看到有的小朋友把礦泉水偷偷塞進書包帶回家,給爸爸媽媽喝。我哭了,你們真是太懂事了。再看看我們,每天書包里的瓶裝水「花樣繁多」,可是我們還不滿足。從今以後,我要節約用水,不再浪費水了。 4月3日,我響應太原市少工委、太原晚報的號召,參加「捐一瓶水獻一份愛」的現場捐助活動。災區的小朋友們,我們的錢雖然不多,但卻表達了我們的一份關愛,請收下我們「陽光天使小記者」的一片愛心。 羊市街小學二年一班張夢妍親愛的災區小朋友: 聽說你們受災的消息,我非常難過。看著你們沒有水的日子,看著你們生活的環境,讓不滿足現狀的我懂得了幸福,懂得了珍惜。想想自己,媽媽總嘮叨節約用水,我卻不以為然,每天上學給我帶的水,我都偷偷倒掉;洗澡時我常常擰開噴頭讓它隨意流;洗完手也不及時關水龍頭…… 現在看到災區兒童一口水也喝不上,那乾裂的嘴唇、龜背似的土地……我感到萬分後悔。我要從現在開始節約用水,節約每一滴水。如果我們每個人節約一滴水,那麼我們中國十三億人就匯成了一條河。水是生命之源,珍惜每一滴水,珍愛我們共同的地球。 &n

Ⅸ 求一篇英語信。

因為不知道你是初中作文還是高中作文,因此我按高中處理了Dear Teacher,I am very sorry to say that I had to miss your English class last week because I represented the university in a debating contest.I did not know the exact time until the day before the English class.So I am too busy to tell you the news that day.I am so sorry for my absence.And I try to perview the lwssons which was learned that day.I hope that can solve the problem.And I sincerely promise that I will not do it again.It is English that gives me the chance to take part in the contest.Please forgive me.Yours.你的名字希望你能滿意,謝謝

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