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❶ 2015年山東17地市中考試題匯編英語怎麼聽力沒有錄音








❷ 2013臨沂中考試題和答案

2013 年臨沂市中考物理試題 第 卷( 選擇題 共40 分) 注憊事項 1.答第I卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、准考證號.考試科目用鉛筆塗寫在答題卡上。 2.選擇題(每小題只有一個正確答案),答案選出後用鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目的答案標號塗黑。 如需改動.用橡皮擦千凈後,再選塗其它答案。不能答在試卷上。每小題2分。 3.考試結束,將本試卷和答題卡一並收回。 1.下列數據中.最符合實際情況的是 A.一位初中生體重約為20N B.人的正常體溫為39℃ C.初中學生體育測試投擲實心球的距離約為30m D. 曉雯上學時步行的速度約是1.1m/s 2.下列光線在空氣與水的界面處發生反射和折射的光路圖中正確的是 3.下圖所示為自行車部件或使用中的實例,為減小摩擦的是 4.如圖,在觀察平面鏡成像的實驗中,下列敘述錯誤的是 A.平面鏡成像遵循光的反射規律. B.蠟燭燭焰在平面鏡中成的像是虛像 C.把蠟燭移近平面鏡時,它的像會遠離平面鏡 D.燭焰與像的連線與鏡面垂直 5.如圖所示為我國「北斗衛星導骯系統」示意圖.截止目前.中國已成功發射4顆北斗導航試驗衛星和16顆北斗導航衛星,北導系統區域組網順利實現,可以向亞太地區提供連續無源定位、導航、授時等試運行服務。該系統在傳遞信息過程中主要依靠 A.電磁波 B.超聲波 C.次聲波 D.光導纖維 6.下列現象可以用光的折射解釋的是 7.下圖所示的實驗中,用來探究液體內部壓強實驗的是 8.下列事例或現象中不能用慣性知識解釋的是 A.在馬路上騎自行車不宜太快,防止造成交通事故 B.樹上熟透的蘋果.沿豎直方向落下· C.汽車在剎車或啟動時,乘客會前傾或後仰 D.在勻速行駛的列車上,曉明向上跳起後仍然落回原處 9.如圖所示。用彈簧側力計沿水平方向拉動水平桌面上的物休,使其作勻速直線運動。 以下敘述中的兩個力屬於一對平衡力的是 A.物體對桌面的壓力與桌面對物體的支持力 B.物體對桌面的壓力與物體所受的重力 C.彈簧側力計對物體的拉力與物體所受的重力 D.彈簧測力計對物體的位力與桌面對物體的摩擦力 10.下冽關於簡單機械的理解,正確的是 A.吃飯用的筷子是個省力杠桿 B.滑輪組的機械效率與動滑輪的重力有關 C.使用杠桿,就是為了省力 D.使用定滑輪不省力.但可以省距離 11.如圖所示.曉明用塑料管可以把盒中的牛奶吸到嘴裡,這是由於 A.曉明對牛奶產生吸引力的作用 B.吸管本身有吸牛奶的作用 C.大氣壓作用在牛奶液面上的結果 D.牛奶壓力的作用 12.下列事例中.屬於減少蒸發的措施是 A.將水果用保鮮膜包好後儲存 B.用掃帚把灑在地而上的水向周圍掃開 C.將濕衣服晾到向陽、通風的地方 D.用電熱吹風機將頭發吹乾 13.下列現象中屬於熔化吸熱的是 A.游泳結束上岸後感到有點冷B。加冰塊使飲料溫度降低 C.利用乾冰降溫防止食品變質D.向地上灑水降低環境溫度 14.下列現象中.通過熱傳遞改變物體內能的是 A.白行車輪胎放氣時.氣門嘴處溫度會降低 B.放進冰箱冷凍室的水變成冰塊 C.在汽油機的壓縮沖程中,氣缸內氣體的溫度升高 D.用手來回彎折鐵絲,彎折處鐵絲溫度升高 15.下列過程中人對桶做功的是 A.提著捅站立不動 B.提若桶水平移動 C.提著桶站在勻速向上運動的電梯內 D.提著桶站在勻速水平運動的車廂內 16.如圖所示.人騎自行車下坡,速度會越來越快,在這過程中 A.人和車的動能保持不變 B.人和車的動能增大 C.人和車的動能減小 D.人和車的重力勢能增大 17.下列哪個物理量是決定導體電阻大小的因秦之一 A.導體的長度 B.導體中的電流 C.導體兩端的電壓 D.導體實際消耗的電功率 18.如圖所示的電路中.電飯電壓保持不變,閉合開關S後 A.電壓表的示數變大 B.電流表的示數變大 C,電路中的總電阻變大 D.電路消耗的總功率變小 19.藉助如圖所示的實驗裝置,曉明探究『磁場對通電直導線的作用』.閉合開關,原本靜止的輕質硬直導線AB水平向右運動.要使AB水乎向左運動,下列措施中可行的是 A.將A. B兩端對調 B.將滑動變阻器的滑片向右移動 C.換用磁性更強的蹄形磁體 D.將蹄形磁體的N,S極對調 20.下列有關能能源和信息的說法正確的是 A.空氣中的電破波頻率越高波長越長 B.核電站是利用核裂變的能量來發電的 C.手機是利用超聲波來傳遞信息的 D.能量是守恆的,所以不會發生能源危機 第 II 卷 ( 選擇題共 60 分 ) 注意事項: 1.第II卷共6頁,用鋼筆或圓珠筆直接答在試卷上. 2.答卷前將密封線內的項目填寫清楚。 一.填空題(每空1分,共18分) 21.如圖1所示,曉雯在二胡演奏時,用弓拉動琴弦,使琴弦 而發聲;表演中不斷用手指控制琴弦長度,這樣做的目的是為了改變聲音的 。 22.沂河某大橋全長約1.7km,曉軍騎摩托車以10m/s的速度勻速通過此橋,需 s,以摩托車為參照物.曉軍是 的。 23.我們能從不同方向看到本身不發光的桃花,是由於光射到挑花上時,發生了 的緣故。 24.曉雯將幾滴藍墨水滴入一杯水中,如圖2甲所示.觀察到整杯水慢慢變藍. 這種現象說明分子在做永不停息的 。 25.寒冬,坐滿人的汽車門窗緊閉,水蒸氣液化成小水珠附著在玻璃車窗 側,使玻璃變模糊,水蒸氣變成水珠會 熱量。 26.曉雯用天平測量一枚雞蛋的質量,當天平平衡後,右盤中砝碼的質量和游碼的位置如圖3所示,則雞蛋的質量是 g。 27.如圖4所示,汽車在轉向前。司機會撥動轉向橫桿,汽車同側的前後兩個轉向燈就會同時閃亮、同時熄滅,但其中一個損壞時.另一個仍能正常工作,這兩個轉向燈在電路中的連接方式為 ,轉向桿相當干電路中的 。 28.在測量小燈飽電阻的實驗中.正確連接電路並閉合開關後,電壓表和電流表的示數如圖5所示.則流過小燈泡的電流為 A,小燈飽的電阻為 Ω. 29.如圖6所示,當閉合開關.讓導體在磁場中做切割磁感線運動時,電流表指針會發生偏轉。說明電路中有電流產生。這個實驗電路中.導體相當於 ,此過程中能量的轉化情況是 。 30.家庭電路觸電事故都是人體直接成間接接觸 線造成的。帶有金屬外殼的家用電器.都要使用三孔插座,這樣做的目的是為了讓金屬外殼與 相連. 二、實驗題(31題2分,32題1分,33題5分,34, 35題各4分,36題8分.共24分) 31.在圖7中畫出此時小球受力的示意圖。 32.圖8中被測鉛筆的長度為 cm。 33.曉雯探究凸透鏡的成像規律,進行了如下操作並得到了相關結論。 (1)如圖9所示,讓太陽光正對著凸透鏡照射,把光屏置於另一側.改變光屏與凸透鏡 間的距離.直到光屏上出現一個最小最亮的光斑,測得凸透鏡的焦距是 cm。 2)將蠟燭,透鏡和光屏放在光具座上,並使燭焰、透鏡和光屏三者的中心大致在 。 (3)按要求進行觀察和測量,並將觀測情況記錄在下表中。 ①在表中空格內填寫相應內容。 ②當燭焰從遠處靠近透鏡時,仍要在光屏上得到清晰的像,光屏應 透鏡。 34.曉雯學習了浮力知識後進一步思考:浮力是液體對物體向上的托力.而物體間力的作用是相互的,所以物體對液體一定有向下的壓力,那麼浮力的大小與物體對液體壓力的大小有什麼關系呢? (1)曉雯利用燒杯、水、天平、金屬圓柱體、細線和測力計,進行了如下探究: ①在燒杯中盛適量水,用天平測出燒杯和水的總質量m=136g; ②用測力計測出圓住體的重力G=0.54N; ③如圖10所示,將圓住體部分沒入水中,記下側力計的示 數F,則圓柱體所受水的浮力為 ;保持圓柱體浸入水中的部分不變,向天平的右盤加上適量的砝碼.使天平重新平衡。記下天平的讀數m2,則圓柱體對水的壓力為 。 (2) 下表為曉雯記錄的實臉數據:(表中h2>h1 ) 通過分析表格中的數據,可以得出:浮力的大小 物體對液體壓力的大小;你還可以得出什麼結論?(寫出一條即可) 1)請給曉雯提出兩種能夠改變電路中電流大小的方法: , ; (2)閉合開關後,如果電流表有示數,但小燈泡卻不發光.此現象的原因可能是:(寫 出一條即可) ; (3)曉雯想通過改進此電路來「測量小燈飽的電功率』。請幫她設計一個實臉方案,要求:①說明需要補充的器材: 、 ; ②在上面的虛線框中畫出你設計的實驗電路圖; ③曉雯利用記錄的電壓和電流數據、畫出了圖12所示的I- U圖線。請根據圖線,寫出一條有關結論: 。 三、計算題(37題6分。38題7分,39題5分,共18分) 37.如圖13所示是曉雯製作的一隻模擬調光燈.電源電壓為3V.小燈泡額定電壓為2.5V。閉合開關·回形針在鉛筆芯最右端時,燈泡兩端的電壓為0.6V,流過燈飽的電流為0.lA;向左移動回形針,小燈飽正常發光時,流過燈泡的電流為0.3A.求: (1)小燈泡的額定功率是多少? (2) 回形針在最右端時,鉛筆芯接人電路的電阻? 38.下表是製造賽車(一種自行車)的各種材料的技術指標: (1)若車架材料的體積約為2.5 x 103m3,則車架的最小質量是多大? (2)曉軍騎賽車在平直公路上勻速行駛時受到的阻力是120N,求行駛500m所做的功。 (3)若曉軍和賽車的總皿是600N,每個車胎與地而的接觸而套提40cm2,曉軍騎車在水 平路面上行駛時,賽車對地面的壓強是多少? 39.用豆漿機製作豆漿的過程是:按合適的比例把豆料、清水放人豆漿機中、經過預熱、 打漿、加熱等程序.即可製成熟豆漿.某豆槳機的參數如下表: 一次打漿要向豆漿機中加入黃豆和清水共1.5kg,需13min完成加工過程,其工作信息 如圖14所示.請解答下列問題: (1)根據工作信息圖可知、從第6min至第9niin為第一段加熱過程,求這段過程中豆漿 吸收的熱量是多少?(c 豆漿=4.O x103J(kg.℃)) (2}豆漿機正常工作完成一次豆漿製作,共消耗多少電能?

❸ 2010臨沂英語中考試題答案


一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B

二、21-25 ADCDB 26-30 BCDCA 31-35 CDBAD

三、36-40 BA?DA 41-45 DCBAB

四、45-50 BABAA 51-55 CADBC

五、56. cool 57. relaxed 58. on Wednesday 59. take a plane 60. go hiking 61-65 BFGED

66. She goy up at about 8:30.

67. her alarm clock stopped and her parents had gone to work without checking if she got up

68. No, she didn』t. she went to school on her roller blades.

69. It took her 35 minutes to get to the school.

70. She made it to her second lesson, history.

六、71. eleventh 72. collection 73. finally 74. funniest 75. dishonest

七、76. Did…buy 77. How often 78. different from 79. be used 80. next to

八、81. was cteated 82. developing 83. can do 84. announced

85. to read 86. seems 87. is working 88. to improve

89. catch 90. exciting 91. wait 92. sick 93. visitor 94. instead 95. another


❹ 臨沂市近5年中考試題






❺ 求2015年英語中考模擬試題匯編第3,4頁的閱讀翻譯。

On February 3rd,,New York Harbor(港) was an exciting place.Many people were
there to greet a ship from France.On the ship were 49 French railroad
boxcars(火車車廂) filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of
America.These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train (Merci,a French word
meaning "thank you").

After world War Ⅱ(二戰),a lot of factories,roads and farms in France had been
destroyed.Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and
little to eat.In the winter of 1947,a train was sent across the United
States,stopping in cities and towns along the way.At every stop,people gave
whatever they could.Factories gave clothing and medicine.Farmers gave
food.Families gave money.Even school children gave away their pocket
money(零用錢).All the things were then taken to France by ship.

By 1949,the French had begun to recover(恢復) from the war.The Merci Train
was their way of saying "thank you" to America.French people had filled the
boxcars with gifts.Most of them were personal,like hand-made toys,children's
drawings,or postcards.But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most
meaningful of the gifts.On each car,the French people had painted the pictures
of all their 40 provinces,with an American eagle on the front.The boxcars were
taken to each state of America,where they were warmly greeted.

Now many of the states still keep their boxcars.Gifts sent by the French
people can still be seen in some museums.The Merci Train came out of the war,but
it now reminds the world that countries can also work together in peace(和平).


( ) 1.Many people crowded at New York Harbor on February 3rd,1949 to

A.welcome the Merci Train

B.meet their families

C.have a big party

D.start a trip by ship

( ) 2.In 1947,a train stopped in cities across America in order to

A.give away clothing and food

B.get more soldiers for the war

C.collect things to help French people

D.show exhibitions from the museums

( ) 3.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to(指) ________.

A.the American people

B.the French people

C.the boxcars

D.the gifts

( ) 4.The French people painted their 40 provinces and an American eagle on
each boxcar because _______.

A.they thought France was stronger than America

B.it could show the friendship between the two countries

C.the boxcars would be more beautiful

D.they were very good at painting pictures

( ) 5.The passage is mainly about _______.

A.the story of the Merci Train

B.American museums where the boxcars are kept

C.gifts that American people liked

D.World War Ⅱ


1.A 根據第一段內容我們可知許多人來到 New York Harbor 的目的是為了歡迎來自法國的 Merci Train,故正確答案為

2.C 根據「At every stop,people gave whatever they could... All the things were
then taken to France by ship.」可以推測出正確答案為 C。

3.D 根據第三段第三句和第四句的 personal,like hand-made toys...」可知 them 指代的是 gifts,故正確答案為

4.B 根據「...the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40
provinces,...where they were warmly greeted.」可以推測出正確答案為 B。

5.A 通過文章內容我們可知整篇文章都是圍繞 Merci Train 來寫的,故正確答案為 A。





In most cultures,when you meet people you know for the first time ring a
day,it is usual to greet them.Once a young woman from England went to Hong Kong
to work.When she first arrived,she knew little about the Chinese culture of
language.On her way to school one day,she went to a bank to get some money.To
her surprise,the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch.She was surprised
at such a question because in the British culture it would mean an invitation to
lunch.Between unmarried young people it can also mean the young man's interest
in dating the girl.Since this bank clerk was a stranger to the British woman,she
was very puzzled,and quickly answered that she had eaten already.After this she
went on to school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked her
the same question.

By now she understood that it could not be an invitation but was puzzled as
to why they asked it.In the following days she was asked the same question again
and again and she spent many hours trying to work out why so many people kept
asking her this.At last she thought that these people must be concerned
about(關心) her health.She was rather thin at the time,and she thought they must
be worrying that she was not eating well!

In fact the question like that has no real meaning at all — it is only a


( ) 1.The young British woman went to Hong Kong for work.

( ) 2.The British woman went to the bank to get some money.

( ) 3.The bank clerk invited the young British woman to lunch.

( ) 4.The teacher's question made the British woman happy.

( ) 5.In fact the young British woman didn't know much about Chinese


1.T 根據「Once a young woman from England...」可知這年輕英國婦女是來香港工作的,故此句表述是正確的。

2.T 根據「...she went to a bank to get some money.」可知此句表述是正確的。

3.F 通過本文最後一句我們可以了解到,在中國問別人「吃了嗎」是表問候,而不一定是真正的想請人吃飯。故此句的錯誤的。

4.F 根據「After this she went on to school and was even more

5.T 根據文章內容我們知道,這位英國婦女對中國文化不是很了解,所以對「if she had had her lunch」產生困惑。



My brother,Henry,has a good job at a bank.I couldn't believe him when he
told me that he had decided to give it up.Though I tried to make him change his
mind,I failed completely.

"You should reconsider your decision," I said,"You have already spent five
years in the bank and you could have a wonderful future.You might become a bank
manager by the time you are thirty-five."

"I know," Henry answered,"I have got no complaints with the bank.It is a
pleasant job.The bank manager told me my future was good."

"Then why do you want to leave?" I asked.

"It's the money," Henry said.

"But you are getting a good salary." I answered.

"I don't mean that," Henry said,"What do I do in the bank? Well,at the
moment all I do is to count money.I found it very depressing."

"What is depressing about counting money?" I asked.

"You don't understand," Henry answered,"I enjoying counting my own
money,but I hate counting other people's!"


( ) 1.The writer wants to know ________.

A.what his brother does at the bank.

B.how long his brother has worked at the bank

C.why his brother has decided to leave the bank

D.when his brother will become a bank manager

( ) 2.His brother does not enjoy ________.

A.working in pleasant conditions

B.keeping happy hours

C.counting his own money

D.counting other people's money

( ) 3.You should reconsider your decision.Here the word "reconsider" means

A.think of


C.think over again

D.think better of

( ) 4.From the writer's words we know the bank pays his brother ________
for his work.

A.a good salary

B.as much money as the manager's

C.no money

D.not much money

( ) 5.The best title for this story is _______.

A.A Good Job

B.The Wonderful Future

C.Money Problem

D.Change In Mind


1.C Henry 在銀行工作,有豐厚的待遇和美好的未來,「我」想知道他為什麼還要辭職。

2.D 從最後一句 hate(討厭) 可知他不喜歡替別人數錢。

3.C 從構詞法可知 re 表重復,「再考慮一下」自己的決定,現在待遇不錯,前途也光明,放棄很可惜。

4.A 由文中「But you are getting a good salary」可知。

5.C 「錢的煩惱」一方面自己薪水很高,但每天又忙著替別人數錢而不是替自己數錢,給他的兄弟帶來心理的不平衡,這些錢不是他自己的。

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