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Ⅰ 小學升初中的升學考試數學和英語試題難嗎請說具體一些,回答好了加分!

數學題裡面 選擇題超簡單的,計算題 有很版簡單的兩個整數相權乘。。還有就是解方程 大題,仔細一點就好了。
英語 基本的單詞、重點語法會就好了 難點就在閱讀理解和作文,建議做一些閱讀理解,然後作文 我想幾率最大的考的就是一般現在時 現在進行時的時態的組成,動詞注意一下就好了。
建議 在這里問,不如去做幾張去年 前年考過的卷子呢 可以估計一下自己能考多少分 一般都是八九不離十的。

Ⅱ 武漢外校近幾年小升初入學考試試卷

一、填 空(每題4分,共40分。)


2、今年的歐洲足球錦標賽共有16支球隊參加決賽,先平均分成四個組進行小組賽,每組中每兩支球隊之間都要賽一場,那麼四個組一共要進行( )場小組賽。

3、烏龜和兔子賽跑,它們同時從同一起點出發,當跑到距起點1500米處時就折返往回跑。烏龜每分鍾跑20米,兔子每分鍾跑180米。當烏龜和兔子相遇時,烏龜離折返點還有( )米。

4、有一些長為6厘米,寬為4厘米,高為8厘米的長方體木塊。如果用這些木塊拼成一個正方體,那麼至少需要這種木塊( )塊。


(如右圖),用它們湊成「24點」的算式是( )。

6、劉師傅要將一根長為35米的長繩截成若干根長是1.6米和2米的短段做跳繩。如果不計損耗,那麼這段長繩最後剩下的部分最少是( )分米。

7、下面的每個大正方形中都有一個圖案。如果每個大正方形的面積為1,那麼( 和 )兩個圖案的面積之和正好等於1。

8、一個圓柱和一個圓錐的體積之比是8:3,圓柱底面半徑是圓錐底面半徑的2倍。若圓錐的高是36厘米,則圓柱的高是( )厘米。

9、下面是由某個地區的郵政編碼組成的一個2004位數:430034430034……430034。這個數除以11後,商的各個數位上的數之和是( )。

圖(a) 圖(b) 圖(c)

10、有一些大小相同的正方體木塊堆成一堆,從上往下看是圖(a),從前往後看是圖(b),從左往右看是圖(c)。這堆木塊至少有( )塊。

二、解 答。(每題7分,共35分)

1、武漢市計劃修建城市交通「二環線」,其中需要新建的道路包括兩座跨江通道、16座立交橋和23.7千米的高架橋路段。已知高架橋路段比環線總長的 少0.3千米,那麼「二環線」的環線總長是多少千米?



4、一天,阿凡提和巴依老爺都找到了一些金幣,可是貪得無厭的巴依老爺提出了一個交換的方法:兩人把各自的金幣進行兩次交換,且每次都用阿凡提全部金幣的一半換巴依老爺金幣的 。阿凡提答應了巴依老爺的要求。第一次交換後巴依老爺剩下金幣450枚,第二次交換後阿凡提剩下金幣150枚。請算一算,阿凡提的金幣比原來是增加了還是減少了?他增加(或減少)了多少枚金幣?







聽 力
閱 讀




得 分

第一部分 聽力與表達(滿分30分)

一、 Listen and number the pictures

本大題共有5小題,每小題你將聽到一段對話,請選擇與對話內容相符的正確圖畫, 並在其右下方的方框中打勾(ü)。聽一遍。(每小題2分,滿分10分)

1.What』s on the chair?

2.Which is the right picture?

3.Which card is the man』s?

4.What festival do you think it might be?

5. What does the girl like best?

二、 Listen and choose the right picture

本大題共有5小題,每小題你將聽到一段對話。聽完後,從A、B、C三個選項中選出符合對話內容的答案, 並將代表該答案的字母填在題前的括弧內。聽一遍。(每小題2分,滿分10分)

( )⒈ Where is the little girl?

A. In the park. B. At home. C. In the hospital.

( )⒉ What are they talking about?

A. About lessons. B. About computers. C. About the earth.

( )⒊ What does the man mean?

A. He doesn』t like the picture.

B. He likes the picture.

C. He has nothing to say about the picture.

( )⒋ What will the two people do?

A. They will wait and then decide what to do.

B. They have no time to decide what to do.

C. They think the good time for them to start has come.

( )⒌ How is she feeling now?

A. She is sad.

B. She is tired.

C. She is thirsty.

三、Listen and connect

第二部分 閱讀與表達(滿分30分)

一、 Read and match


1. 「What』s eating you?」 a..We have to study now.

2..「It』s raining cats and dogs.」 b. What』s the matter?

3. 「It』s time to hit the books.」 c. It was very easy.

4. 「The test was a piece of cake.」 d. It』s a very big storm.

5. 「We promise to give you a ring.」 e. We』ll call you.

二、 Read and fill in the answers


Sam woke up suddenly. Someone was moving around in the next room. Maybe it』s grandma, getting a drink of water,」 he told himself.

But the next room was the living room. It wasn』t near the kitchen. There was only grandma in the house with him then. He looked at his watch- three thirty! Too early for grandma to get up!

He got out of bed and opened the door very quietly. The window was open – wide open. Standing near it was a man, looking in the box on the desk. Grandma kept her money and papers in there!

He thought quickly. Yes, the radio! He turned it on and a man』s voice filled the room. Frightened, the thief dropped Grandma』s papers. He jumped out onto the balcony. Then he jumped down two floors to the ground. He gave a shout. His leg was bent under his body. Grandma was awake and she phoned the police at once. The thief couldn』t get up, because his leg was broken. When the police arrived, they were very pleased. 「Well done, Sam,」 said the police officer. 「The man is a well-known thief.」 Then he said to Sam』s grandma, 「You should keep your money in a bank!」

I. 根據故事情節,用數字2---6表示其發生的先後順序, 並寫在句子前的括弧內。(答案1已給出)(共5小題; 每小題1分,滿分5分)

( 1 ) He got into the house.

( ) He jumped out of the window.

( ) He found some papers and money in the box.

( ) The police caught him.

( ) He jumped off the balcony and broke his leg.

( ) Suddenly, he heard a man』s voice.

II. 根據故事內容,從a,d,c,d,e 中找到能完成下面5個句子的選項,並將其字母寫在題前的括弧內。(共5小題; 每小題1分,滿分5分)

( ) 1. Sam woke up . a. were not at home

( ) 2. Grandma』s money and papers . b. with what Sam had done

( ) 3. The police were pleased . c. should not be kept in the box

( ) 4. The radio made the thief . d. for the noise in the next room

( ) 5. Sam』s parents . e. get out of the house

III.在方框中找到下列單詞的反義詞,並將該單詞寫在橫線上。(其中有兩個單詞是多餘的) (共5小題; 每小題1分,滿分5分)

far narrow slowly empty

pick up quietly leave turn

For example:

near far

1. quickly

2. drop _________________

3. arrive _________________

4. wide _________________

5. fill _________________

三、Read and number the pictures


Make a monkey face puzzle for your friend』s birthday. You need: scissors, cardboard, glue, wrapping paper

⒈ Colour the monkey face puzzle. ⒉ Cut it out.

⒊ Stick it on the cardboard. ⒋ Cut along the dotted lines.

⒌ Put the puzzle in a box. Wrap it. ⒍ Give it to your friend.

四、Read and circle the answer


With the right medicine, a cold will last for seven days. With no medicine, it will go on for a whole week. There are seven days in a week. The doctor tells us playfully that a cold will go on for at least a week, if we take medicines or not.

What can we know from the reading?

A . Taking medicines will not make the cold go away faster.
B . With the doctor』s help, we』ll be all right very soon.


得 分


⒈ 計算:24÷[ ×( 21 - )]=( )

⒉ 今年的歐洲足球錦標賽共有16支球隊參加決賽,先平均分成四個組進行小組賽,每組中每兩支球隊之間都要賽一場,那麼四個組一共要進行( )場小組賽。

⒊ 烏龜和兔子賽跑,它們同時從同一起點出發,當跑到距起點1500米處時就折返往回跑。烏龜每分鍾跑20米,兔子每分鍾跑180米。當烏龜和兔子相遇時,烏龜離折返點還有( )米。

⒋ 有一些長為6厘米,寬為4厘米,高為8厘米的長方體木塊。如果用這些木塊拼成一個正方體,那麼至少需要這種木塊( )塊。

⒌ 算「24點」是我國傳統的數學游戲。這里有四張撲克牌(如右圖),用它們湊成「24點」的算式是( )。

⒍ 劉師傅要將一根長為35米的長繩截成若干根長是1.6米和2米的短段做跳繩。如果不計損耗,那麼這段長繩最後剩下的部分最少是( )分米。

⒎ 下面的每個大正方形中都有一個圖案。如果每個大正方形的面積為1,那麼( 和 )兩個圖案的面積之和正好等於1。

⒏ 一個圓柱和一個圓錐的體積之比是8∶3,圓柱底面半徑是圓錐底面半徑的2倍。若圓錐的高是36厘米,則圓柱的高是( )厘米。

⒐ 下面是由某個地區的郵政編碼組成的一個2004位數:430034430034……430034。這個數除以11後,商的各個數位上的數之和是( )。

⒑ 有一些大小相同的正方體木塊堆成一堆,從上往下看是圖(a),從前往後看是圖(b),從左往右看是圖(c)。這堆木塊至少有( )塊。


得 分


⒈ 武漢市計劃修建城市交通「二環線」,其中需要新建的道路包括兩座跨江通道、16座立交橋和23.7千米的高架橋路段。已知高架橋路段比環線總長的少0.3千米,那麼「二環線」的環線總長是多少千米?

⒉ 修一段公路,原計劃甲、乙兩隊合修20天完成。實際甲隊先修12天後,接著乙隊加入與甲隊一起合修13天,剩下的再由乙隊單獨修3天完成。甲、乙兩隊單獨修完這段公路各需要多少天?

⒊ 胡裁縫加工一批服裝的情況如右圖。已知他加工一件童裝、一條褲子和一件上衣所需要時間的比是1∶2∶3,他每天加工2件童裝、3條褲子和4件上衣。請問,他加工完這批服裝用了多少天?

⒋ 一天,阿凡提和巴依老爺都找到了一些金幣,可是貪得無厭的巴依老爺提出了一個交換的方法:兩人把各自的金幣進行兩次交換,且每次都用阿凡提全部金幣的一半換巴依老爺金幣的。阿凡提答應了巴依老爺的要求。第一次交換後巴依老爺剩下金幣450枚,第二次交換後阿凡提剩下金幣150枚。請算一算,阿凡提的金幣比原來是增加了還是減少了?他增加(或減少)了多少枚金幣?

⒌ 右圖是學校一個正方形花圃的設計圖,圖中陰影部分是花圃,空白部分是草坪。求花圃的面積是多少平方米?


特 別 的 回 答






⒈ 「家喻戶曉」的「喻」字意思是______________________。


⒉ 阿姆斯特朗所說的「一小步」指的是什麼?他為什麼說他的一小步是人類的一大步?

⒊ 對於奧得倫的回答,大家為什麼都給予最熱烈的掌聲?

⒋ 「其實,成功往往不在於某一個人,團隊的成功就是每一個人的成功。」你對這句話是怎樣理解的?請結合本文內容、聯系生活實際,寫一篇300字左右的短文。題目自擬。




Ⅳ 小學六年級畢業考試英語試卷和答案

擦雜雜草西安擦擦擦擦擦擦 擦亮眼睛擦擦擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛 擦亮眼睛擦擦回亮眼睛擦答擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦擦亮眼睛擦擦擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛擦亮眼睛把柄 把把柄把柄把柄 把握機會 把把把把柄把把把柄把柄 大案要案大案要案大案要案大案要案撒手不管挲挲挲挲挲挲

Ⅳ 哪裡能找到武漢實驗外國語學校小升初的英語試題和答案啊


Ⅵ 小學英語畢業升學試卷試題及答案

進去注冊個用戶名 下載就可以了
很多的 希望對專你有屬所幫助

Ⅶ 小學英語小升初考試試題

一、 找出與所給單詞畫線部分發音相同的單詞。
( ) 1. eraser A. thank B. man C. grade D. apple ( ) 2. sorry A. your B. four C. morning D. orange ( ) 3. cups A. pencils B. trees C. books D. songs ( ) 4. think A. their B. those C. they D. thirteen ( ) 5. zero A. song B. clock C. wrong D. hello 二、 按要求寫單詞。
1. sheep(復數)_____________ 2. bookshelves(單數)_______________ 3. hard(反義詞)____________ 4. see(同音詞)________________ 5. can not(縮寫形式)____________ 6. one(序數詞)______________
7. make(過去式)_____________ 8. study(第三人稱單數)______________
9. good (最高級)_______________ 10. mine (形容詞性物主代詞)______________ 三、用所給單詞的恰當形式補全句子。
1. I often __________ (listen) to music in the evening.
2. It』s ____________(sun) tomorrow. Let』s have a class outing. 3. —Whose books are these? —They』re __________(you).
4. —Are you from ___________(Chinese)? — Yes. I am Chinese. 5. Look, the girls are _________ (sing) in the hall.
6. —Where are my __________(ball) ? —They』re under the trees. 7. We like _________ (play) basketball after class.
8. He is five years ___________ (young) than his brother. 四、單項選擇。
( ) 1. —What』s the date? —It』s _________. A. Tuesday B. August 29st C. July 1st ( ) 2. _________ do you like, September or April ? A. How B. Which C. What ( ) 3. Let』s draw _________. A. tree B. horse C. a birthday card ( ) 4. Kate ________ playing chess. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 5. —Are you washing clothes? —___________. A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, I am ( ) 6.—_________ are you? — I』m here. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 7. _________ do you do on the weekend? A. What B. When C. Who
( ) 8. _________ season do you like best? A. Which B. Where C. Who
( ) 9. — Is he _________ TV? —Yes, he is .
A. watch B. watching C. not ( ) 10. Janet ________ late last night.
A. slept B. sleeps C. sleep 五、連詞成句。
1. what , you , on , do , the , weekend , do (?) 7. dad , an , writing , is , e-mail (.)
_____________________________________ ________________________________ 2. I , summer , like , best (.) 8. my , is , in , birthday , July (.)
_____________________________________ ________________________________ 3. what , the , date , is (?) 9. you , am , than , I , taller (.)
__________________________________________ ____________________________________
4. the , monkeys , doing , are , what (?) 10. visit , I』m , tomorrow , my , going ,
__________________________________________ grandparents , to (.)
5. you , when , do , up , get (?) _____________________________________ __________________________________________ ________________________ 6. do , why , winter , you , like (?)

Ⅷ 小學升初中英語試題及答案

Part 1 Listening(聽力部分) 30%
一.Listen and choose聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞)6%
( ) 1.A.work B.walk C.worker
( ) 2.A.go B.girl C.goal
( ) 3.A.6:30 B.6:15 C.5:45
( ) 4.A.there B.their C.they're
( ) 5.A.pair B.pear C.peach
( ) 6.A.to B.two C.too
二.Listen and choose聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子)5%
( ) 1. A. Is your mother washing dishes?
B. Is your mother watching television?
C. Is your mother washing shoes?
( ) 2. A. The block's shadow is long.
B. The block's shadow isn't long.
C. The block's shadow is short.
( ) 3. A. Don't eat chocolate here,Danny.
B. Don't eat sweet here ,Danny.
C. Don't eat biscuits here ,Danny.
( ) 4. A. The colud were grey.Now they are white.
B. The sky was grey. Now it is white.
C. The clouds were white.Now they are grey.
( ) 5. A. The monkey lives in the jungle.
B. The monkeys live in the jungle.
C. The monkey is playing in the jungle
( ) 1 .A. I wenr to bed at 8:50.
B. She goes to bed at 8:50.
C.She went to bed at 9:10.
( ) 2. A. He wants a computer.
B. He buys a computer.
C. He likes the computer.
( ) 3. A. No, thank you.
B. Theank you.
C. You're welcome.
( ) 4. A. Yes,they are the same.
B. No, they are different.
C. They are the same.
( ) 5. A. It's mine.
B. They'are different.
C. Yes,they're.
( ) 1.Jimmy is my brother.
( ) 2.Jimmy and I walk to school.
( ) 3.Jimmy and I are in different school.
( ) 4.Jimmy has lunch at home. But I don't.
( ) 5.I can play the drum.
( ) 6.Jimmy can't play football.
A long time _______,Hong was a _______.He ______ in China, He planted
______ and rice there.He had some _____and______.At day,he went to ______
______ in the field and went back at ______.

Part 2 Writing (筆試部分)70%
do mr and mrs li like loud music ben yes they do

( )1.A. sheep B.be C.bread D.read
( ) 2.A. doctor B.door C.hot D.orange
( ) 3.A. make B.cake C.play D.Sunday
( )4.A. three B.there C.thank D.fourth
( ) 5.A. is B.nice C.books D.yes
1. --May I use ______(your/yours) bicycle?
--I'm sorry.______(My/Mine) is not here.
2. Look! The cat is washing ______(it's/its) face.
3. The supermarket is ______(to/too)______(noisy/noise).I don't like it.
4. John ______(and/with) Mary were (in/at) home yesterday.
5. There are ______(third/three) girls in the room. The______(one/first)
girl is my sister.They are ______(quite/quiet) happy.
四 (選擇最恰當的答案)15%
( )1. It is evening.The girl's shadow is ______.
A.small B.short C.long
( ) 2. The ______ are behind the cat.
A.mouse B.mice C.mouses
( )3. Miss Li ______ a bag. I ______a sketch book.
A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have
( )4. The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag.
A.is B.are C.am
( ) 5. I can't see______rians,but l can see ______pineapple.
A.some,some B.any,some C.any,any
( ) 6. Eric _______ his bicycle to the shop.
A.rides B.ride C. is riding
( )7. ______ are your English books ? Eighteen yuan.
A.what B.How many C.How much
( ) 8.Mary and Kitty are ______ awake in their bedroom.
A.all B.both C.two
( ) 9.Let's draw a ______ face.
A.cat B.cats C.cat's
( ) 10.Mog ______ like his cushion.It's very hard.
A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't
( ) 11.Are the drinks ______ or different? They're different.
A.same B.the same C.some
( ) 12.There ______ some bread and some apples on the tables.
A.is B.are C.be
( ) 13. Four girls and a boy ______ a computer in our class.
A.have got B.has got C.are
( ) 14. We go to the toy shop at five ______ twelve in the afternoon.
A.past B.to C.too
( ) 15. _______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes.
A.Did,do B.Do,do C.Do ,did
五.用介詞填空 7%
1. My mother goes to work ______ bicycle.I go to school ______foot.
2. He was here ______ a quarter to eleven. Now he is ______ the tree.
3. The old lady ______blue is blind.She can't see ______her eyes.
4. A storm is coming ______ the Atlanic Ocean.
六.Think and write: (用動詞的適當形式填空) 9%
1.Tom, _______(not walk ) on the grass .
2.The geese _______(catch )the fish now .
3 My grandma _______(watch)TV every day .
4.His parents________(go) to the Beijing last week .
5.We like _______(play) football after school .
6.Look.The girls ______(sing) in the hall.
7.______(be) there any money in your hand?
8.Who ______(have) got a boygame? I ______(have) got one.
七.Read and write:(閱讀理解)10%
American children love watching TV.Some of them spend six hours a day
at school and four to six hours aday in front of the television set. Some of
them eveb watch for eight hours or more on Sundays.Televisions are liked books
or films.
A child can learn bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help
children learn to do a lot of housework,just like gardening,cooking and cleaning.
But some programs are not good for children.So parents must help them to choose
the right ones to enjoy.
( )1. Some American children spend about eight hours on TV in their holidays.
( )2. Children can't learn anything from TV.
( )3. Some programs help children learm how to make delicious food.
( )4. Children need parents' help to choose good programs.
( )5. All the TV shows are good for children.
A dove is a bird.You may have seen doves. Some doves are white and some are
grey. They like corn. They don't like meat.
A dove likes to live in a bird-house.Many people like doves. They make a home
for their doves near a window.Doves fly out of their houses in the day.They come
back home in hte evening.Doves can fly long hours.So sometimes people take them
far away.They tie a letter to the dove's leg. Then the dove can take the letter
home.How interesting!Do you like doves now?
1. What do doves like to eat?
2.Where do doves live?
3.When does a dove go out?
4.What do people tie to the leg of a dove?
5.Can doves fly out of their houses?
八.Write at least 5 sentences on the topic"Children's Day"(以Children's Day為

Part 1 Listening(聽力部分) 30%
1.I walk to school every day.
2.My parents go to work at eight.
3.It's a quarter to six now.
4.There are many people in the park.
5.I have got a pair of new shoes.
6.Your bell is too loud. I don't like it.
1.Is your mother washing shoes?
2.The block's shadow is long.
3.Don't eat sweet here ,Danny.
4.The colud were grey.Now they are white.
5.A. The monkey lives in the jungle.
1.What time did your mother go to bed last night?
2.What does your brother want?
3.Thank you very much.
4.Are the books the same or different?
5.Whose shoes are these?
Jimmy and I are twins. Every day wo go to school on foot.We study in the
same school,but we aren't in the same class.We often help our classmates.
We have lunch at school. Our hobbies are the same.We like to play the drum.
We like to play football.We like maths. We are always happy.
A long time ago,Hong was a farmer.He lived in China, He planted
vegetables and rice there.He had some cks and cows.At day,he went to work
in the field and went back at eight.
ago farmer lived vegetables cks cows work eight

Part 2 Writing (筆試部分)70%
Do Mr and Mrs Li like loud music,Ben? Yes, they do.
二.選出一個劃線部分發音不同於其他單詞的單詞 5%
1.C 2. B 3.D 4.B 5.A
1.yours,Mine 2.its 3.too ,noisy 4.and ,at 5.three,first,quite
四.選擇最恰當的答案 15%
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.A
14.A 15.A
五.用介詞填空 7%
1.by on 2.at under(beside,near) 3.in with 4.from
六.用動詞的適當形式填空 9%
1.don't walk 2.are catching 3.watches 4.went 5.playing(to play)
6.is singing 7.Is 8.has have
1.They like to eat corn.
2.They live in bird houses.
3.It goes out in the day.
4.They tie a letter to the dove's leg.
5.Yes,they can.


一、選出你聽到的字母組合或單詞(每小題1分 共10分)


( )2.A dbt B、ptd C、tpd D、tdp

( )3.A lake B、late C、leg D、left

( )4.A like B、kite C、bike D、right

( )5.A four B、forty C、fifteen D、fourteen

( )6.A hat B、cap C、cat D、map

( )7.A please B、present C、picture D、plane

( )8.A many B、money C、may D、me

( )9.A ship B、shirt C、sheep D、fish

( )10.A boat B、goat C、nose D、coat

二、聽音選出你聽到的數字(每小題2分 共10分)

( )1.A 5237 B、5327 C、5236 D、5326

( )2.A 405 B、307 C、609 D、103

( )3.A 8556023 B、8556013 C、8556213 D、8556253

( )4.A 930567 B、532036 C、930357 D、430926

( )5.A 1380932 B、1390952 C、1350261 D、1380993

三、聽錄音完成完成句子(每空一詞,每空1分 共10分)

Waiter: Good ! Can I you?

Girl: yes . I want a ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here are?

Girl: How is it ?

Waiter: yuan.

Girl: OK I』ll take it . Here is the money .




一、按英文字母順序默寫Gg — Zz (10分)


1、two (同音詞) 2、small(反義詞)

3、number (縮略) 4、don』t(完整形式)

5、I (賓格) 6、box(復數形式)

7、sheep (復數形式) 8、new(反義詞)

9、Let』s (完整形式) 10、What is (縮略)


1、How many 2、在家

3、look after 4、在左邊

5、a clever girl 6、去學校

7、get up 8、那些書

9、my teacher 10、一張中國地圖


( )1.These are Chinese .

A 、 stamp B、stamps C、map

( )2.What』s time , please ?

A 、 it B、the C、this

( )3. read in the sun .

A 、 Please B、Do C、Don』t

( )4. I go to bed ten.

A 、 in B、on C、at

( )5. Can you spell name ?

A 、 you B、your C、he

( )6. Where my shoes ?

A am B、is C、are

( )7. I』m in Class One ,Grade Six .

A a B、the C、x

( )8. Are they . teachers ? ,they are.

A Yes . B、No. C、Sorry .

( )9. 「How do you do ? 」 「 」

A I』m fine B、Hello C、How do you do?

( )10. Is that mother ? No ,she is mother .

A my…your . B、your … his . C、you …your.

五、按要求完成句子(每空一詞,縮略為詞 10分)

1、How are you ?

I』m Thank you .

2、There are five birds in the sky ? (對劃線部分提問)

birds are there in the sky ?

3、is , what ,it ,time . (連詞成句)

4、Mike is twelve .

How is he ?

5、Can you speak English ?

yes , .


My family

My name is Tom . I am an American boy .I am twelve .My father is a worker . My mother is an English teacher .She is a good teacher . The students all like her . My sister Linda and I are in the same school . We are good students.

( )1. My name is Tom .

( )2. I am English .

( )3. Linda is my sister

( )4. Tom and Linda are in the same class .

( )5. My mother is a Chinese teacher .


一、1、JIR 2、tpd 3、late 4、kite 5、four

6、cap 7、plane 8、many 9、ship 10、coat

二、1、5237 2、307 3、8556023 4、930357 5、1380993

三、Waiter: Good morning ! Can I help you?

Girl: yes . I want a shirt ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or yellow ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here you are?

Girl: How much is it ?

Waiter: Forty-five yuan.

Girl: OK ! I』ll take it . Here is the money .

Waiter: Thank you .

Girl: Goodbye .

Ⅸ 小學六年級升學英語必考題


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