① 求高手幫我寫篇英語作文 要關於未來克隆的議論文,高二的水平,有錯沒關系,120詞左右就可以了.
② 高中英語作文 克隆
Dear Professor,
I learned it on the news that your agency provide clone service to public. I want to clone my dog Bobi. I am wondering how much will it cost and how long will it take.
My mum left me a Bobi when she passed away. Bobi was 2 years old back then, and was 12 when he got killed by an car accident last week. He is my best friend and my only brother since my mum dead. And he's the only one that can share memories about my mum with me. I really want him back. I couldn't sleep the whole week last week. Could you please help me?
The truck driver who killed Bobi paid me 200 dollars, and I have 400 in my saving account. I can start mow my neighbor's yard to more money. Please help me bring Bobi back. I will pay for it no matter what.
September is my birtheday, hope you can make my birthday wish come true. Thank you very very much for help.
③ 關於克隆的高中英語作文
While cloning provides many immediately obvious benefits, it also opens a Pandora box that will destroy social orders as we know it. Human society functions based on succession of generations and on each generation's DNA being different from the previous. With cloning, both of those will be changed forever. Cloning will allow those who can afford to proce fully transplantable organs to replace their aging organs and therefore possibly live to be hundreds of years old. Some may attempt to clone a complete of themselves and it means two generations will have exactly the same genetic composition. With line of generations blurred and unique genetic compositions across generations no longer a guarantee, human society as we know it will no longer be possible. And once this Pandora box is opened, it can never be closed again.
④ 外研社版高中英語必修六第五模塊里出現了一部電影,求它的名字,好像是關於克隆的。
⑤ 關於克隆的英語作文
There are some rare endangered animal, country has the giant panda, dolphin and so on. Cloning technology can use them? The pair of pandas for cloning problems, has caused controversy among scientists concerned, then, cloning of endangered animal also exist what difficulty? These difficulties there may be overcome? The difficulty is in endangered species of wild animal animal compared to ordinary world, present a minimal amount of available for cloning experiments, indivial is less. The ji as an example, the remaining also foot 100, Wuhan dolphin hall wife raise " cake ", is available to scientists cloning experiments on a few indivials, but it is a male, even if successful cloning, finally the clone son may also be governed by it to do "" surrogate mother ". Dolly's birth process, scientists used a total of 3 " false mother ", use a total of 277 embryos will succeed in the end. The difficulties of two so far, there are many endangered wild animal growth process, living habits and to grasp. The class has been successfully cloned sheep, rabbits, pigs, monkeys and other animal, for they live well, cloning of these animal course than cloning of wild animal much easier, the success rate is much greater. Difficult three some endangered animal 's special living environment, caused scientists clone their process will encounter many thought. For example, because it is a streamlined life in the water, it lives in the land of Ganges RIver sheep, monkey, living environment is the same, so cloning experiments, the process, technical difficulty of operation will increase. Therefore, e to save these difficulties, in theory, although cloning endangered wild animal is feasible, but, depending on the cloning technology to save endangered animal the possibility is very small. However, with the cloning of progress and development, believe scientists will graally overcome some difficulties, let the cloning of endangered wild animal ideal truly, make these precious animal classes become friends, let them long to become a part of the world.
⑥ 人教版高中英語單詞,可復制
⑦ 關於高二的一場關於克隆的英文辯論賽
1. Clone may create moral problem. Such as you don't know who are the parents of the clone.
2. Clone might be used by criminal purposes. Like withdraw cash by using ID of host or to sign business contract. ( 比如利用主人的身份去提取現金或者去簽訂商業合同)
3. Clone may have risk in business investment because its high cost and low profit.
4. Clone may create confusion in social relationship. Such as people can't distinguish who is the clone and who is the host (克隆會在社會關系中造成混亂,比如人們分不清誰是主人誰是克隆。)
5. There haven't been related legislation of clone established yet. Thus it is hard to manage and judge when some cases of crime occured. (目前還沒有克隆相關法律出台,所以當克隆犯罪出現的時候很難管理和裁決,)
⑧ 急。克隆的壞處(英文)
Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach
these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cloning.
A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or
heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning. Even though there are a lot of benefits to cloning, there are also a lot of disadvantages of cloning. One disadvantage is whether if cloning is ethical. Cloning will bring up a great controversy on whether if
cloning is the 「right」 thing to do or not. This controversy is currently going on right now and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Many people think that nature should just take its course. Other people think that cloning will be a very good thing to society.
Another disadvantage of cloning is that it has not been perfected yet. The cloning of the sheep Dolly had 276 failures before successfully cloning a sheep. With these kinds of figures we should not even go near trying to demonstrate cloning on humans. One more disadvantage of cloning can be studied through the works of Aldous Huxley in his book the 「Brave New World.」 Huxley illustrates the future with people having 「total loss of indiviality, creativity, and freedom. 」 This is because if humans are then there would be a lot of the same people in the future. An example would be if a person is cloned and was cloned 3 times. This would cause trouble because none of these clones will have anything unique about themselves. The future of cloning is very questionable. As of now cloning is banned in the United States. The government is not supporting the experimenting of cloning through any means. This does not mean that cloning will be banned forever in the United States.
Someone is going to do it, legal or illegal. But it seems only logical to do it under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some maniacal scientist do it and let his clone run loose. To rece the risk of having more disadvantages of Cloning, human cloning should not be prohibited simply because it does not insure immediate benefits, but it should be experimented with for potential future use. In conclusion, cloning is a study in biotechnology that has unlimited possibilities. There are benefits such as cures for diseases and disadvantages such as not perfecting the technique of cloning. Despite this fact, cloning will be an ongoing process and will be tested. Hopefully cloning will not be a downfall to human history but rather a step
closer to a better society.