『壹』 求一篇萬用英語影評高中水平100字以內
『貳』 高一英語影評怎麼寫80~100字
2012 is a 2009 disaster film, was directed by Roland Emmerich. The film stars by John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver.
The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.
I think,it will be, for its audiences, one of the most satisfactory films of the year and it really can be called the "mother of all disaster movies".
『叄』 隨便一部經典電影的英語影評(高中作文 100詞左右)
Source Code is an enjoyable Sci-fi thriller shot in Hitchcockian style,which reminds of the 1993 flick Groundhog Day.Director Duncan Jones who earlier directed the critically acclaimed movie Moon(2009) has created his second movie in even better way pleasing all the sections of the audience using an excellent screenplay by Ben Ripley.
Captain Colterswakes up in a train to Chicago, inside a body of a teacher whom he does not identify and comes to know that he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train and to prevent another bombing in the city.
Jake Gyllenhaal(Whom we loved in Prince of Persia) has done a superb job by effortlessly portraying the confusions,emotions and essence of Captain Colter Stevens.Michelle Monagahan has also played her role remarkably well and suits the role of a lovable Christina Warren.Vera Farmiga (Up In The Air fame) and Jeffrey Wright have done their parts with full commitment and requires appreciation.
Some small goofs about the bombing of the train and colter Stevens and low quality graphic effects,particularly the explosion scenes are the only negatives which can be picked out.
Excellent incorporation of love into a sci-fi background,goof-less script by Ben Ripley,the Hitchcockian way of story-telling and brisk Editing of the movie makes it a must watch for movie lovers.
Source Code is a thoroughly enjoyable Science Fiction with a well-crafted storyline,good performances,strong screenplay and commendable direction.Go for this movie and you will love it.
『肆』 請問高一英語中,關於名人演講的觀後感使用英語要怎麼寫比如奧巴馬在談論關於責任和教育,一般這一類開
『伍』 高中生水平的英語影評,最好原創。
-0-囧...我有和你差不多的作業我剛寫好 不是抄的...你留個郵箱我發給你吧...
『陸』 求八百字左右的英語影評範文
What made this the hugely successful triumph it was? Was it casting, music, imagination, ingenuity, or luck?
I remember opening day at the theaters. I was old enough to remember every scene, every character, every nuance of this film; having committed it to memory forever, as if I would never again be able to see this beloved, instantly loved masterpiece.
I also remember that the HIT factor of this movie was so unexpected that you had to wait literal MONTHS to get the action figures promised on the cereal boxes. The pieces were still in the manufacturing process and we had to settle for coupons promising our toys in a few months. I wound up seeing this in the theaters a grand total of 36 times; much to my mother's dismay. She loved the movie as I did, but felt I was obsessed. Today, thirty years later, sitting here writing this review, I realize how right she was. I'm still obsessed with this movie, and with the subsequent movies which followed. I wait in great anticipation for Episode 3. I'm a fan, and I don't care what other people say about Episodes 1 & 2. I don't even mind the "prequel" factor, as the situation at the time, dictated to Lucas which movies he would do first.
See, I remember the studios saying to him that he had to choose from the three central climactic books, and trash the rest, or just trash the whole idea. He didn't exactly "sell out," he did what he had to do to get his movie...his vision...out there for us to see and experience. I admired his decision then, and I admire it now. Episodes 1-3 are being filmed now, because Lucas had the clout, the money, and the patience to give us his vision...his complete vision and not just the three center books of a 9-book series. I realize that now, there are dozens of books, but at the time, there were nine. And while most of us were happy with Episodes 4-6 and would not have missed 1-3 and 7-9, I personally am so very glad he has taken it upon himself to give us his full vision. I have enjoyed each and every installment with the same sense of awe and joy as I did this one.
The casting was the first triumph for this cinematic milestone. Ford is a charismatic and magnetic personality and portrayed Han with a professionalism that you'd expect from more seasoned actors. Sir Alec Guiness is an absolute joy as Obi Wan. His casting was precise and excellent in that part. Carrie Fisher portrayed Leia in a way that, up until then, had never been experienced. Most "princess" types before her were whining, whimpering, little snots who were incapable of anything beyond tripping and twisting their ankle in times of peril, while Fisher portrayed her character as a bold, brazen, yet sophisticated and ecated woman who was aware of her surroundings and capable of defending herself and her realm with the utmost authority.
And Mark Hamil. He was perfectly cast as the whining little boy who wanted more, but was afraid to reach for it. He grows up quite well on film in these three installments, and endears himself to the audience so much the more for it. But a cast member who is almost always left out of these reviews is Peter Mayhew. Chewbacca. His character, as a supporting character to Han's, was exemplary. It's not easy portraying a walking carpet, yet holding the attention, admiration, and love of virtual millions. I am VERY happy about his being cast as Chewy in Episode 3. Couldn't happen to a more deserving...or capable...fellow. Bravo! And James Earl Jones's voice being used as the voice of Darth Vader, was pure genius. His commanding voice haunted the dreams of countless thousands of star-struck children for generations to come. I also have to say that this movie would not have had the charm it does had it not been for Anthony Daniels' C3P0. He is a gift and a joy.
The musical score by John Williams featured in this masterpiece was one of the contributing factors. But honestly, this movie's success was such a total surprise to everyone, including Lucas, that nothing could prepare the world for the aftermath of having witnessed this bona fide legend, first hand.
The story itself; replete with sub-plot after sub-plot, rich in dialog and detail, was beyond anyone's greatest expectations. Everyone, including Lucas, expected this movie to fail. It is a timeless classic, which I will not repeat here. There are too many movie reviews giving full details of the plot, and I won't be rendant beyond what I have already said.
However, that being said, there are a few points I would like to make concerning the symbolism of this endeavor. The Force is a metaphor for the psychic abilities with which we are all born. It was also a metaphor for hope and faith, dedication and commitment to the greater state of being. The Empire is said to have been a metaphor for the Germanic Nazi "storm troopers." While the Rebellion is said to have been symbolic of (what would later become) the NATO forces who defeated them.
And then there are the effects. The effects were, in 1977, so awesome; so creative; so ahead of their time, as to ensure this movie's vast success for the next forty years. George Lucas enjoys an almost god-like status among sci-fi/fantasy fans worldwide.
This movie does not rate a rating. Usually, when I say that, it is because the movie is so bad, or disappointing that I don't have the heart to rate it.
『柒』 求高一學生英文電影的英文影評 急
當幸福來敲門吧!版after watching the movie, I sincerely feel the strength given by th heroe,and he let me know that we have to insist on what we're doing.What's more,although we would let someone down,we can't let ourselves down.And sometimes we shouldn't be satisfied with present situation or conditions but be eager to be better. I'm moved by so brave a man and he has set a briiliant example for me!權 I believe I can do as good as he does in the movie !
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