A. 有人教版八年級下冊英語的課件嗎
B. 外研版八年級下冊英語revision B課件
網路:外研版八年級下冊英語 revisionB,第三個應該是。
C. 如何製作英語課件(八年級下冊)
啟動Authorware 7.0簡體中文漢化版,首先會彈出新建項目對話框,單擊其上的「不選」按鈕新建一個空白的文件,然後單擊工具欄上的「保存」按鈕(左起第三個圖標),在打開的對話框中將當前文件保存為Unit10.a7p。接著設置一下課件的場景大小,單擊菜單「修改→文件→屬性」命令,在主界面下方打開屬性面板,將其中的「大小」設置為「640×480(VGA,Mac13)」,選中「選項」中的「標題欄」及「屏幕居中」兩項,並清除掉其他的復選項。
D. 新目標英語八年級下第三單元ppt
All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would take all of your advice and make fewer mistakes, and be much smarter than you were. You wished for your child to hurry and grow up.
All you remember about your child being two is never using the restroom alone or getting to watch a movie without talking animals. You recall afternoons talking on the phone while crouching in the bedroom closet, and being convinced your child would be the first Ivy League1 college student to graate wearing pullovers2 at the ceremony. You remember worrying about the bag of M&'s melting in your pocket and ruining your good dress. You wished for your child to be more independent.
All you remember about your child being five is the first day of school and finally having the house to yourself. You remember joining the PTA3 and being elected president when you left a meeting to use the restroom. You remember being asked "Is Santa real?" and saying "yes" because he had to be for a little bit longer. You remember shaking the sofa cushions for loose change4, so the toothfairy5 could come and take away your child's first lost tooth. You wished for your child to have all permanent teeth.
All you remember about your child being seven is the carpool6 schele. You learned to apply makeup in two minutes and brush your teeth in the rearview mirror1 because the only time you had to yourself was when you were stopped at red lights. You considered painting your car yellow and posting a "taxi" sign on the lawn next to the garage door. You remember people staring at you, the few times you were out of the car, because you kept flexing2 your foot and making acceleration3 noises. You wished for the day your child would learn how to drive.
All you remember about your child being ten is managing the school fund