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發布時間: 2021-03-14 19:43:28

❶ 用英文翻譯「拔絲土豆的做法」

1, the soil bean go to skin to slice and use to fry in oil to make tiny Huang
2, the inside of the pot put few oil, put into the refined sugar and use medium the fire cook turn
3, pour in to fry a good soil bean, turn over to fry several bottom, the pot pack dish.

❷ 英語介紹土豆絲做法


祖國醫學認為,土豆性平,有和胃、調中、健脾、益氣之功效;能改善腸胃功能,對 胃潰瘍、十二脂腸潰瘍、慢性膽囊炎、痔瘡引起的便秘均有一定的療效。土豆中還 含有豐富的鉀元素,可以有效地預防高血壓。當人體過多地攝入鹽分後,體內鈉元 素就會偏高,鉀便呈現出不足而引起高血壓,故常吃土豆能及時地給體內補充所需 求的鉀元素;土豆中的維生素C除對大腦細胞具有保健作
















Most of us like potatoes because they are delicious. Scientists tell us that they are good for our health.

Potatoes are the best-known vegetables in the world. The potato is one of the main food in Europe. About a half of the world's potatoes are grown in Europe. Europeans think potato flowers are beautiful. By the beginning of last century, the potato had been eaten in almost all the countries of the world.

Eat more potatoes, and you will become stronger.

❹ 如何製作烤土豆英語作文

I saw relatives have a bag of potatoes home, my heart suddenly had an idea - baked potatoes. We came to a slope of the bamboo forest, choose a piece of open space, I put the potatoes in the clearing, we find a lot of wood together, a big brother lit firewood with a lighter, a flame from the firewood heap out, after a while, the fire grew into a tree; but, after a while fire into the flame, I quickly picked up a stick, put next to the leaves out into the fire, flames at a draught up high, we are constantly to the fire lost in dry branches and leaves, the tree is greater. At this time, mom and dad come to look for me, see the fire and exclaim: "Wow, fire can be really high ah!" And to hear this sentence, I also like the burning like, don't stop firewood firewood, lost in the bamboo grove, now fire don't even want to become fire.
Through our continuous efforts, finally cooked potatoes, I put the potatoes clip out with the poker, each one. Wow, delicious!

❺ 如何學好小學五年級英語







❻ 英語帶翻譯做土豆片做法50字

First,select a middle-size potato and clean it up.Second,use a knife peeler paring.Cut a few slices in the long place of potato so as to fix it on the chopping board.At last,cut it into thin slices with a knife,

❼ 怎麼樣用英語介紹炒土豆絲的做法!口語課急用!謝謝

buy two or three medium potatos, wash them properly and skin them and cut them into thin strips. raise them with water again to get rid off the starch and drain them and put aside.chop some green onions and gingers.turn on the oven and put a fring pan on.put 2 tea spoon oil in fring pan and heat itput in green onions and gingers stir a little bitput potato strips in and stir them evenly about three minutesspinkle one or one and half tea spoon salt and stir them evenlyturn off the oven.put into a plate. done!

❽ 教小學五年級英語怎麼教


❾ 用英語說出土豆沙拉的做法

first, cut the potatos' skin off; second, wash the potato to make sure it is clean; third, cut the potato to little pieces; fourth, put all of them into the big bowl; fifth, mix the potato with the salad soul.finally the potato salad is done.

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