Ⅰ 五年級下冊英語unit3 Fun Facts 的意思
fun facts
網路 有趣的事實;
[例句]Do you know any animal fun facts?
Ⅱ 五年級下冊英語書unit3asking the way checkout time怎麼寫
y skyrocketing ecational costs.
Ⅲ 五年級下冊英語書unit3詞語
Unit 3
Jan./January [『ʒænjuəri](一月) Feb./February [『dʒænjuəri](二月)
Mar./March [mɑ:tʃ](三月)
Apr./April [『eiprəl](四月)
May [mei](五月)
June [dʒu:n](六月)
July [dʒʊˈlaɪ](七月)
Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September [sep『tembə](九月) Oct./October[ɔk『təubə](十月)Nov./November[nəu『vembə](十一月)
chart [tʃɑ:t]圖表
cousin[『kʌzən] 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
first [fə:st]第一
second[『sekənd] 第二
third[θə:d] 第三
forth[fɔ:θ] 第四
fifth[fifθ] 第五
eighth [eitθ, eiθ]第八
ninth [nainθ]第九
twelfth[twelfθ] 第十二
twentieth[『twentiiθ] 第二十
send[send] 寄;發送
e-card 電子卡片
able 能
everybody [『evri,bədi] 每個人
then [ðen] 那麼
date [deit](日期)
Ⅳ 粵人版五年級下冊英語Unit3翻譯
for Spring Festival, there are many special traditions. We always clean our houses from top to bottom, paint the window frames of the house with red paint. This is another tradition. People hang the short poem on the doors—one lines on each side of the door .
Beijing is a modern city, but it is also a city of a long history. H ere a re some the palace of interest . TheSummerPalaceis in the northwest ofBeijing. In the past, it was the summer home of the emperors』 families. It is the largest park inChinanow. TheTempleofHeavenin the southern part ofBeijing. The buildings are from the 15th century with a style of the Ming Dynasty.
Now is spring . it becomes a little warm, it