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發布時間: 2021-03-03 22:32:17

❶ 新目標八年級上冊英語每一單元的作文

1單元 He usually exercises three times a week . He always does moring sports every day . And he has a habit of eating. He has a lot of vegetables and fruit every day.And he often drinks milk. He drinks coffee hardly ever. And he does not love junk food. He thinks it is not good for his health. So he only eats it once a week.Oh,he sleeps ten hours every night.He has a healthy lifestyle!

❷ 求新英語新目標八年級上UNIT1作文一篇


He thinks he doesn't very healthy. He doesn't like exercise, so he do exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegatables. He likes to eat junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hous every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps he gets good grades. He trys to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest.


❸ 兩篇人教版新目標八年級英語作文


❹ 八年級上冊英語基訓答案,包括作文。版本是 新目標 的

靠你媽~~ 自己去買啊 靠 書店有 叫死啊

❺ 新目標英語八年級上1-12單元作文範文

我可以給你一篇關於運動的作文 ,裡面綜合了第一單元的語言點
Running is my favorite sport.As we all knwo it is one of the popular sports in the world.I often run before breakfast with my family.It is a good way to keep fit and it can also build me up.I want to be a runner piayer like liuxiang,when I grow up.I thank running is good for our health.I am sure that I wii do better in the school sports meet.

❻ 新目標八年級英語周報作文

背景:隨著調查的深入,黑暗組織逐漸現形,工藤優作因發現組織的 龐大而拜託國際刑警插手。在日本警方及柯南的協助下幾次阻止了 其活動,黑暗組織決定報復。

黑暗組織偷襲了阿笠博士的家,捉住了少年偵探團,並留下了要工 藤新一獨自前往營救的暗示。
柯南迅速揭開暗示之謎,並趕往黑暗組織的總部,而一切被蘭看 到。在蘭的要求下,小五郎和警方對暗示苦思不解,小五郎在睡夢 中突發靈感而揭開謎題。
在黑暗總部,組織boss大犬出現,其竟是日本內閣大臣。大犬道 出黑暗組織的秘密:裕仁天皇臨終前留下一份血書,寫有黑暗雲雲。 內閣以為是天皇要建立黑暗組織的遺願。因而黑暗組織一直得到政 府暗中支持而屹立不倒。而時隔數十年組織仍無法真正揭開血書的含義。
Gin給哀服下解葯後告訴胖子釋放哀。對大哥唯命是從的胖子放 了哀,突然Gin被槍擊倒。真正的Gin出現並揭穿之前的他是基德假扮的。
大犬此時說出基德之父其實是組織的特工,從事盜竊工作,而後 來因組織的行動得罪外國而被迫殺其頂罪。
Cris(女教師)道出柯南是新一的秘密,交給柯南一份血書,要求其揭開血書之謎並以縮小葯的解葯誘惑。柯南解開血書之謎,原來是天皇死前寫下的懺悔和對日本未來的擔憂。大犬立時呆在當場……蘭趕到現場,正碰到Gin要柯南留遺言。柯南對蘭道出真相並表白後Gin開槍,蘭替柯南擋下子彈。哀對此震驚不已…… 柯南終於在緊要關頭用麻醉槍射中Gin,而哀與胖子在搏鬥中一同 從樓上跌下。 對葯物有強烈抗性的Gin居然轉醒,射殺大犬後欲殺柯南。而對 coolguy十分欣賞的Cris出手阻攔,兩人都受了重傷。
基德離去之後眾人急忙將蘭和哀送往醫院,並驚訝地發現哀又變回小孩。 黑暗組織被偵破,而解葯只剩下一顆。哀被診斷為腦震盪,醒來後只記得眾人名字而對其他忘的一干二凈。蘭仍昏迷不醒,大夫說 若長期昏迷可能變植物人。服部建議柯南變回新一來喚醒蘭,柯南只好如此。而柯南變身時被步美看到。

❼ 八年級英語新目標上作文11單元

There are there people in David's famliy. Everyone helps to do the chores.David's father doews the dishs onb weekends. On Wednesday he sweeps the fooir. his mother has to cook meals every day and she does the laundry on Friday and Saturday. What at David?he does the dishe feom Monday to Friday and takes out the trash every day Besides. On weekends he sweeps floor.

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