Ⅰ 六年級下冊英語35頁下面造句
1. 鉛筆盒樣子有的很漂亮、有的只有布和鐵,而且他的構造也很簡單,鉛筆袋也只是用一些布縫起來的。鉛筆盒只是兩個鐵皮做出形狀,然後用一根鐵絲固定起來的。看鉛筆盒也就是這么簡單,可是作用很大!
2. 一個真正而且熱切地工作的人總是有希望的只有怠惰才是永恆的絕望。卡萊爾。
3. 仙人掌不僅品種繁多復雜,而且造型別致,多姿多彩,是百花園中一顆明珠。
4. 這里不僅寬闊,而且還很華麗,真可謂是雕梁畫棟,金碧輝煌。殿的四角高高翹起,優美得像四隻展翅欲飛的燕子。
5. 人民不僅有權愛國,而且愛國是個義務,是一種光榮。徐特立
造句網隨機好圖 不顯示
6. 一次日落,西穹天彌散著無與倫比的奇妙色彩。而且周邊的瑰麗雲彩匯成,意象豐盈的圖畫。這靜謐的紫,溫馨的橙,朦朧的黃以及熱烈的紅,轉瞬變化迭出。彷彿心靈深處的夢幻波盪。
7. 遠大的目標非常重要,一定要有成功的企圖心,而且越大越好。陳安之
8. 鴿子總喜歡在天空上自由的飛翔,而且它們非常聰明,每當爺爺拿著糧食過去的時候,所有的鴿子無論是在飛翔還是散步或者休息的都會圍繞在爺爺身邊,咕咕的叫著,用一種很期待的眼神看著爺爺,彷彿在對爺爺說「主人你真好,又給我們送吃的來了」。
9. 姐姐與別人打扮得不一樣,很像男生,而且又很「帥」。我經常跟她在路上走時,有很多女孩會說,這個「男孩」很帥,那個女孩應該是他妹妹吧!
Ⅱ 六年級上冊英語活動手冊30頁答案
4.I have thirty-one sharpeners
I like piaying basketball
She likes listening to music
This is my grangpa
His hobby is farming
She's twenty-seven
She is good at swimming
She usually goes shopping on Sunday
Ⅲ 小學六年級上冊英語書第30頁的Let's wrap t up
what are you going to do? where are you going to ?when are you going to ? when am I going to ? where am I going to ? what am I going to to ?where is he going to ?when is he going to ?what is he going to to?依次把人稱復和疑問詞制換一下,就OK了。
Ⅳ 六年級上冊英語第30頁
Ⅳ 六年級下冊英語造句 , 造三十句。
1The party begins with a game.
2I often play basketball with my friends.
3I will always be with you.
4 Don't argue with him.
5I'm cleaning the room for my mother.
6Lily is looking for her shoes.
7They are taking photos in the park.
8My parents are buying present for my sister in the shop.
9Tom is playing games with his brothers.
10next to:The school is next to the library.
11in front of:The school is in front of the library.
12between:The library is between the school and the market.
13behind:The school is behind the library.
14across from:The school is across from the library.
15on:The ball is on the table.
16This basket of apples is lighter than that one.
17That basket of apples is heavier than this one.
18He is taller than you.
19You are shorter than he.
20An elephant is stronger than a horse.
21A horse is weaker than an elephant.
22Jim runs faster than John.
23John runs slower than Jim.
24This bag is bigger than that one.
25That bag is smaller than this one.
26The blue ruler is longer than the red one.
27I always go shopping with my parents.
28She's going to Hainan Island next month .
29She looked at me just now.
30I am listening to the music now.
Ⅵ 六年級上冊英語課堂作業本第30頁第2題答案
pandas love bamboo
do snakes love music
they eat for twelve hours a day
it says snakes are deaf
what are you looking at
Ⅶ 教學六年級英語第24頁下面的造句怎樣造
Ⅷ 六年級英語書三十頁,造幾個句子,越多越好。
Ⅸ 英語課本六年級上冊第24頁該怎麼造句
Ⅹ 人教版英語六年級上冊30頁翻譯