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『壹』 新編新時代大學英語綜合教程1 unit6第108頁最後一段的翻譯

A new era of College English

『貳』 大學英語六級各部分分值分布。

大學英語六級復各部分制分值分布:1.寫作部分佔整套試卷的15% =106.5分;2.聽力部分佔整套試題的35%=248.5分;3.閱讀理解 35% =248.5分;4.翻譯部分 漢譯英 15% =106.5分。





『叄』 新視野大學英語2unit6課文段落翻譯。一點也不難,但是無奈本人英語水平十分低下,而且情況比較急,


『肆』 哪位好心人做過這種題型。英語長篇閱讀。和大學4級,6級那種。但是是給出7個段落匹配10個句子


『伍』 英語 大學英語6級長難句 最後一段 從But the idea. 一直到just im

分析下:整抄個句子主襲體是:But the idea isn't just impossible.而 that statisticians can then capture an objective reality 修飾的是idea,表明idea的具體內容。

『陸』 大學英語精讀預備級unit7課文翻譯第六段


『柒』 大學大一英語精讀上冊第六單元第11段課文分析

大學英語精讀1 Unit6 課文分析
New words and phrases
1. happen to: chance; take place
¨ 你是怎麼成為導游的?How did you happen to be a tourist guide?
¨ I happened to be out when she called.
2. neat: adj.
1) clean and tidy, orderly
¨ Zola always keeps her kitchen neat and tidy.
2) economical with time and effort; skilful; efficient
¨ In the end we found a very neat solution to the problem.
CF: neat, tidy, & orderly
neat 指人或物外表既清潔又整齊。
¨ His clothes were always neat and clean. 他穿的衣服總是又整潔又干凈。
tidy 強調整齊,井然有序。
¨ Andrew』s apartment is always so tidy. 安德魯的房間總是整整齊齊的。
orderly 語義比上述幾個詞強,最常用。指把復雜細微的東西按其內在聯系安排整齊,強調井井有條。
¨ She needs to organize her ideas in a more orderly way. 她需要以更有條理的方法組織自己的思想。
3. efficiency expert: a very efficient person
NB: 本片語是一個「名詞+名詞」的名詞定語結構。在這種結構中,兩個名詞無所屬關系;並且第一個名詞通常起相當於邏輯賓語作用,而主體名詞通常起相當於邏輯主語的作用。例如:a book case (= a case that holds books)。本課中,作者用了很多這種結構,例如:kitchen utensils,shirt factory,quality control,work flow,assembly line,machine operators,background music,coffee break,math class等。

4. foundation: n. basis
¨ The earthquake shook the foundations of the house.
¨ 工人們正在給房子打地基。The workers are building the foundation of a house.
be without foundation (or have no foundation) 毫無根據
lay the foundations of 為…奠定基礎
shake/rock the foundations of sth. 動搖…的基礎
(or shake/rock sth. to its foundations)
CF: foundation, basis, base, & ground
foundation 用於具體意義時,指堅固結實的建築物的基礎或地基;用作比喻意義時,與basis基本相同。
base 指構成或支撐某一具體物體的基礎,也可指軍事基地或用作比喻意義。
basis 主要用作抽象或引申意義。
ground 含義與basis和foundation接近。一般指某種決定、論點或關系的基礎,也可指某種原因的基礎。
1). The basis of his opinion is something he read in the paper.
2). The earthquake shook the foundations of the house.
3). Then I went to work at the Alameda naval air base , as a machinist's helper.
4). The grounds for his decision were never clearly stated.
5. come in : have or find a place; have a part to play
¨ 她在一百米賽跑中獲第二。She came in second in the hundred-meter dash.
6. look around/round: walk round a place and examine it; examine the state of affairs
¨ 他到處跑,要找一個出租房。He looked around for a house to rent
7. be amazed at / by: be greatly surprised at / by
¨ 她對你告訴她的事感到吃驚。She is amazed by what you have told her.
8. whatsoever:
¨ Whatsoever she does is ridiculous.
adv. at all
¨ 我沒有任何理由懷疑他說的一切。I have no reason whatsoever to doubt what he says.
9. inspect: vt. examine
¨ 海關官員頗為懷疑地檢查了我的護照。The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
CF: inspect, examine & investigate
inspect 側重按一定質量標准檢查某物,找出不足或不同之處。
examine 最普通用詞,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔細觀察或調查以確定事物的性質、功能、特點等。
investigate 指為發現事實真相或了解掌握情況而進行深入細致的現場考察。
1). The study investigates the impact of violent TV programming on children.
2). I got out of the car to inspect the damage.
3). The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory.
4). She held the bank note up to the light and inspected it carefully.
10. miss: v.
1) lack
¨ 我們小隊少一個向導。Our team is missing a guard.
2) fail to see, hit, hold, catch, reach, etc.
¨ 子彈差一點打中她的心臟。The bullet narrowly missed her heart.
3) regret that a person or thing is not present
¨ 在她離開時,我真的很想念她。I really missed her when she went away.
11. except for: apart from; with the exception of
¨ 除了看門人以外,那房子空盪盪的。The house is deserted, except for the keeper.
CF: except, except for & besides
except 側重於排除在外,從整體里減去。
except for 多用於說明基本情況或對主要部分加以肯定,還引出相反的原因或細節,從而部分地修正前面的主要意思,含惋惜意味。
besides 指在總體之外另加部分或個體,「除…外,還有…」。
1). Do you play any other sports besides football and basketball?
2). She felt fine except for being a little tired.
3). People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.
4). I finished all the questions except the second one.
5). Except for one or two cars, the street was empty.
12. relieve: v. make less or easier
這一針能止痛。The injection can relieve the pain.
¨ 醫生的解釋解除了我的擔心。The doctor』s explanation relieved me of my fears.
13. boring: adj. ll, uninteresting
¨ 那堂課很單調沉悶,學生們都無精打采。The lesson was boring and the students were bored by it.
14. ll: adj.
1) boring
¨ 會議開得死氣沉沉的。The conference was deadly ll.
2) not bright or clear
¨ Jane』s hair was a ll, darkish brown.
3) slow in understanding; stupid
¨ If you don』t understand then you』re ller than I thought.
CF: ll, boring & tedious
ll 指因呆板,缺乏趣味性而令人感到厭煩,其內涵是千篇一律,無吸引力,死氣沉沉。
¨ The weekly meeting tends to be deadly ll.每周一次的例會往往是很乏味的。
boring 概念最廣泛,尤其指引人厭倦,枯燥無聊的談話、文章,也指令人生厭的人。
¨ He really is one of the most boring people I've ever met.他真是個我從未遇見過的最令人討厭的人。
tedious 指因對某人或某事的描寫太長太多而乏味,也指因反復做某事而乏味。強調因沉悶而引起的生理上的不適。
¨ We had to sit through several tedious speeches.我們只得坐在那裡聽幾個乏味的講演。
15. absent-minded: adj. not attentive, paying little attention to what one is doing; forgetful
¨ 這個心不在焉的男孩老是丟書。The absent-minded boy is always losing his books.
16. hold up: delay or cause to stop
¨ 由於交通事故,交通被迫中斷了幾個小時。Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.
17. fire: v.
1) dismiss sb. from his / her job, sack (infml.)
¨ 薩姆因工作效率低而被資方解僱。Sam was fired by the management for his inefficiency.
2) discharge a gun; shoot
¨ 警察發射橡皮子彈以驅散人群。Policemen fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.
CF: fire, dismiss & discharge
fire 口語用詞,多指被斷然地突然解僱,其行動猶如開槍一樣干凈利落。
dismiss 正式用詞,是這組詞中語氣最輕的一個詞,一般只有從上文才能看出解僱的原因或理由。
discharge 語氣較重,指有理由的解僱,含不再復用的意味。
1). Bryant was unfairly dismissed from his post.
2). She was fired after she was caught stealing from her employer.
3). Several of the recruits(新兵)were discharged from the Army e to medical problems.
18. major:
adj. greater or more important
¨ 在世界上大多數城市裡,繁忙的交通是個大問題。Heavy traffic is a major problem in most cities all over the world.
n. specialty or a student specializing in a certain field of study
¨ 在大學里,她是英語專業的學生。She is an English major at college.
19. achieve: vt. get sth. by efforts; finish sth. successfully
¨ 我僅完成了我希望做到的一半。I』ve achieved only half of what I』d hoped to do.

20. management: n.
1) the people in charge of a factory or business
¨ 該公司正由新的管理人員領導。The business is under new management.
2) the act of managing a business
¨ 許多小公司的失敗是經營不善所致。The failure of many small businesses is caused by bad management.
21. proctive: adj. procing well or much
¨ 他們很努力, 但效率不太高。They work hard, but their efforts are not very proctive.
22. frequent: adj. happening often; habitual
¨ 他漸漸地不常登門了。His visits became less frequent as time passed.
23. promotion:n.
1) a rise in position
¨ 你只要做出成績, 就能指望獲得提升。If you are successful, you can expect promotion.
2) an activity intended to help sell a proct
¨ 他負責推銷工作。He is responsible for sales promotion.2) an activity intended to help sell a proct

Background knowledge
a. The American Ecational System
In the United States, ecation is the responsibility of indivial states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization:
Kindergarten: before 5 years old
Elementary school: 6-11 years old (Grades 1~6)
Junior middle school: 12-13 years old (Grades 7~8)
Senior middle school: 14-17 years old (Grades 9~12)
College: 4 years for a B.A. or B.S. degree
University: 2~3 years for an M.A. or M.S.; 2~8 years for an Ph.D.
b. What is instrial engineering?
Instrial engineering is the detailed analysis of the use and cost of men, materials and equipment in an organization, with a view to increasing its proctivity, profit and efficiency. Those who are involved in this kind of analysis are called instrial engineers.
Originally the analytical techniques of instrial engineering were used mainly in manufacturing instries to improve proction methods, establish proction control proceres, determine work standards, and develop wage payment plans. Graally, the use of instrial engineering techniques has been extended to non-manufacturing areas such as construction and transportation instries, farm management, and restaurant and hotel operations. Although the field of instrial engineering has continued to grow, its primary application is still in the manufacturing instries.

Sam Adams, Instrial Engineer

『捌』 問:問: 50 新21世紀大學英語綜合教程4 unit7的第6段紅筆之前的求翻譯😂




『玖』 新視野大學英語第三版第二冊unit6課文第三段包含哪些語法

Key:Unit 1Ш. Vocabulary 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities Ⅳ. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10. withⅤ.1. G 2. B 3. E 4. I 5. H 6. K 7. M 8.0 9. F 10. CSentence structureⅥ 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.2. Allan Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family.4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others were insulting and impolite.5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry.Ⅶ 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours.2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learn to communicate with friends in English.3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reced working hours.5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.TranslationⅧ.1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5.He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children.She feels,,that this is too much for her.6.Now that we have finished the course,we shall start doing more revision work.Ⅸ 1. 我永遠都不會忘記那位老師,是他告訴我學外語是有趣的、有價值的。如果沒有他,我的英語說得不會像現在這樣好。 ,2.沒有任何其他語言能像英語那樣讓你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了過硬的英語知識,你就可以體驗奇妙的文化之旅。3.寫作不僅僅要寫老師布置的話題,而且要寫自己感興趣的東西,例如,給朋友寫電子郵件。4.遠程教學課程是指授課者與學生通過計算機通信技術進行交流的課程。5.英語不但是世界上最有用的語言,也是世界上最易學、易用的語言之一。6.遠程教學課程在時間安排上給予學生更多的自由,但與其他課程比,這些課程要求學生有更強的自律能力。ClozeX.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A 15. BUnit 2Ш. Vocabularyl. appeals 2. identity 3. concern 4, disgusting 5. upset6. influence 7. offensive 8. burst 9. stuff 10. thoroughIV.1. off/down 2. off 3. as 4. on 5. For 6. on/upon 7. to 8. over 9. in 10. ofV. 1. H 2. F 3. D 4. K 5. B 6. C 7. L 8. I 9.O 10. NSentence StructureⅥ.1. Kate saw her brother Bill as she was getting off the school bus. Or: As she was getting off the school bus, Kate saw her brother Bill.2. As she was standing up from her seat, mother dropped the glass to the ground, Or: Mother dropped the glass to the ground as she was standing up from her seat,3. A policeman fired at a thief as the thief was bolting out of the house. Or: As the thief was bolting out of the house, a policeman fired at him.4. As she ran to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her talk with her mother. Or: Sandy thought of her talk with her mother as she ran to catch the school bus.5. As the teacher entered file classroom, all the students shouted "Happy Birthday" to him. Or: All the students shouted "Happy Birthday" to him as the teacher entered the classroom.Ⅶ 1. She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.2. She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the sweater.3.He banged on the door while opening it.4. In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror.5.The schoolmaster shot an angry glance at the naughty first grader while talking with his parents.Translation:Ⅷ.1. As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her, "Can't you turn down the music a little bit"2. The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.3. Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father's objection. 4. As usual when his parents don't like what he wears, they start bugging him.5. At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.5. It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.Ⅸ 1. 我認為那些在鎮上游手好閑,在身上又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表達他們的個性。2.網際網路提供了一種更快捷的方式,讓我們與全球的新老客戶取得聯系,並保持溝通渠道暢通無阻。3.父母與自己十多歲的孩子的溝通問題不僅僅在於「代溝」,而且還在於雙方都不完全日 的思想。4.當父母與子女間有了這類溝通障礙時,青少年面臨的問題可能更大。 5.青少年常常要經歷這么一個階段,在這個階段,他們覺得父母會讓他們沒面子,害怕他們達不到自己朋友的標准。 6.比如,青少年希望在外呆到很晚,但是當第二天早上要起床上學時,那又是另一回事了。ClozeX.1-5 BBAAA 6-10 AABCB 11-15 AAACA 16-20 CBAACUnit 3III. Vocabularyl. Inwardly 2. regret 3. occasion 4. complained 5. urged6. coordinate 7. reluctance 8. envy 9. adjust 10. amazedIV.1. in 2. of 3. on 4. on 5. To 6. out 7. to 8. to 9. on 10. aboutV. 1. O 2. J 3. N 4. L 5.I 6. C 7. H 8. E 9. A 10. FSentence StructureⅥ.1. He had his ears pierced even though I told him not to.2. It was an exciting game even though no goals were scored.3. He was treated exactly like all the other workers even though he had just joined the company.4. Even though you disagree with her, she's worth listening to. 5. There was never enough money to support his family even though he was hard-working and did jobs at the same time.Ⅶ 1. After learning some simple Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.2. When doing the writing exercise for this course, you should remember that you are writing according to a specific structure, 3. Until finished, the problem was a continuous worry to me.4. While working at the computer, the young man was listening to music over the radio all the5. The grass will grow more quickly if watered regularly.TranslationVIII.1. I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid. 2. The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started.3.Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.4. He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.5. This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.6. He is an experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.Ⅸ. 1.他決心向那個女孩談自己的計劃,即使他知道她很可能拒絕聽。2.一離開那條長長的正街,他就發現自己身處城裡十分貧窮的區域。3.聽到那首歌,我不禁悲從中來,想起了那些困苦的日子。4.每個想過健康生活的人,都必須在工作和娛樂之間尋求適當的平衡。5.我的第一位老闆真讓人討厭,讓每個人日子難過似乎是他的樂趣。我幹了沒多久就走人了。6,你能確保在本周末之前完成這項工作嗎倫敦有重要公幹,總公司正在考慮派你去。ClozeX.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16,C 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A

『拾』 北郵大學英語2 階段作業6

1. "I usually go there by train," -- "Why not_d______ by boat for a change?"
A. to try go
B. trying to go
C. to try and go
D. try going
2. He wanted to go, but he_____a______ .
A. wasn't able to
B. wasn't able to go
C. wasn't able
D. couldn't able to
3. It is not always easy __b____ invitations.
A. to refuse
B. refusing
C. to be refused
D. being refused
4. Tell Tom and Jack _b____ each other.
A. not quarrel
B. not to quarrel with
C. to not quarrel with
D. they not quarrel
5. It is no good __a___.You should give _______ .
A. to smoke, it up
B. smoking, it up
C. smoking, up it
D. to smoke, up it
6. I held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart_____b__________ .
A. jumping
B. beating
C. bumping
D. knocking
7. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot __a____and looked for it everywhere.
A. to post the letter
B. to have the letter posted
C. to have posted the letter
D. having posted the letter
8. He hasn't got used ___c_____ in the countryside yet.
A. live
B. to live
C. to living
D. living
9. The man managed to make himself ___b___ with his ________ French.
A. understood, breaking
B. understand, broken
C. understand, breaking
D. understood, broken
10. "Shall we go skating or stay at home?"-- "Which _a_____ do yourself?"
A. do you rather
B. would you rather
C. will you rather
D. should you rather
11. My car has broken down. Would you help me ___b___ ?
A. to get the car to start
B. get the car start
C. to get the car started
D. get to start the car
12. Did you notice the little boy __d_____ away?
A. took the candy and run
B. take the candy and run
C. taking the candy and run
D. who taking the candy running
13. "Who are those people with the banner?" -- "A group__a____ itself the League for peace."
A. calling
B. calls
C. called
D. is called
14. His parents insisted on _a___ to college.
A. he should go
B. he go
C. his going
D. him to go
15. I heard him __c_____ so.
A. says
B. saying
C. say
D. said
16. The aeroplane was noticed _a______ at six.
A. take off
B. to take off
C. get off
D. to get off
17. He kept me___a_____ for many hours.
A. to wait
B. having been waited
C. waiting
D. waited
18. The novel is well____c__________ .
A. worth to read
B. worth being read
C. worthy to read
D. worthy of being read
19. The farmers were busy __a_____ cotton.
A. to pick
B. picking
C. with picking
D. pluck
20. Will you show me __c_____ my bike?
A. to put in where
B. to where put where
C. where to put
D. where to put in

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