Ⅰ 高一英語必修三的練習
(1)Most little girls love to _dress up__ in their monthers' clothes and pretend to be grown up.
(2)I』m sure my keys are in the house.If we just keep looking,they』re sure to _turn up__!
(3)I』』 sorry,but you just missed John.He __set off_ for the airport about an hour ago.
(4)I __took up_ the violin when I was seven,but I haven』t played recently,so I forgot a lot.
(5)This bus doesn』t go to the zoo.You』ll need to __get off_ at the next stop and take No 105.
(6)Joe heard a shout above him.He _looked up__ at the window to see a large flower vase falling toward him.He jumped out of the way just in time,his heart beating wildly.
(7)Mrs Wells carefully _packed up__ the box of Christmas presents to send to her sister』s family,and then went to the post office to post it.
(8)That』s an amazing story!Do you think it』s ture,or did somebody just _make__ it __up_ ?
(9)The city is changing so fast.Just last week they _blew up__ an old building down the street to make room for a new shopping centre.
(10)The Johnsons just moved into their new home last week,so they haven』t had any time to _put up__ any pictures on the walls.
Ⅱ 求高中英語必修三課本第十一頁的課後練習題1.2.4的答案。 寫寫,如果正確率高的話我會追加的
1 True 3 True
2 False. It would take longer
than that.
4 False. No. It gave them
protective food but no energy-
giving or body-building food.
5 False. His menu gave
customers energy-giving food.
6 False. He decided to advertise
the benefits of his menu!
Ⅲ 人教版高中英語必修三課後習題答案
哦 順便一提,目前我在學的ABC天卞英語中心的老師要我明白 事實上要掌握好英語是輕松的~一定需要個適合的學習空間和闇練口語對象,這取決於外教資質,標准口音才是最好,堅決每天口語學習,1v1家教式教學才能夠有非常.好.的進步幅度;課程結束後還要重復復習課堂音頻 好鞏固知識點..然後要是真的沒有人可以指導的狀況下 可以上旺旺或滬江獲取課余教材練習,多用耳聽、眼觀、嘴動、腦想,短時間口語會提高起來,學習成長會非常突飛猛進的 1.The customer asked the salesman how he knew it was not a fake..Oliver asked s friend if he could have a look at s 1th-century watch..David's mother told m that he would get into trouble if he talked to s father so rudely..The teacher told the students that the barber cut the king's hair and then bowed as he left the palace..The boy asked s father what the ing "a fool and s money are soon parted" meant.
Ⅳ 高中英語必修三
The photo reminded her of her lover who had drowned at sea,and she wept.Although she had wpied all her tears away when she came out of her room,she could not hide the sadness on her face.
For many years this old man who lives in Mexico has been dreaming day and night about going back to his homeland.
The energetic poet could not find the origins of the words.
When we met again,he apologised to me for not having kept his word and asked me to forgive him.
According to experts' prediction,he will win the best actor at the Golden Rooster Award this year.
It was obvious that he was trying to hold his breath.
If you haven't got a night parking permission,you can't park your car here.
The meeting that will take place next week is in memory of their ancestors' arrival in the village 100 years ago.
Ⅳ 跪求頂尖課課練高一必修三英語答案
單獨帶答案的怎麼還會有,還不如花十幾元再買一套帶題目的,亞馬遜網和當當網上搜下,書名和出版社對上了就沒問題。 不過還是想說一句,答案這東西只會讓你產生依賴性,只要手裡有答案永遠都不會想著自己去做,差不多就等於自己放棄了。高一也應該快十六歲左右了,自己應該有這樣的判斷力了。