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發布時間: 2021-03-12 14:07:57

Ⅰ 求一篇英語大學作文 800字左右

problems with the ecation system

With the development of the time and the society, china』s higher ecation system is becoming more and more flawless, and China has benefited much from this. But, we can』t deny, there are also many problems still exist in china』s higher ecation.
In china, the higher ecation over focus on the knowledge itself, but ignore to cultivate students』 abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society. Maybe this is because Chinese people reverence knowledge, love knowledge more than other things. This is not bad, but it must be under the precondition of not ignoring other things. We must admit, in the past ten years, with the development of china』s higher ecation system, this phenomenon has changed a lot, but this is still a very common problem in today』s higher ecation.
In my mind, the aim of university ecation should not confine its views in knowledge teaching, but it should help the students to increase their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society. That』s to say, it is training the good members of society.
In the article 「The Aim of a University Ecation」 the famous English ecationist John Henry Newman expresses his opinion about the higher ecation: 「it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste ……and refining the intercourse of private life.」 「It prepare him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.」 Here, John Henry Newman raises the abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society to more important position.
In the reality, after graation the students will become the average members of the society. At that time, the importance of their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society will be all shown. No matter how much knowledge one owns, if he can』t adapt the society, and contribute to the society, he will be washed out by the society. It is a waste of ecation recourses.
In our life, we can see a lot of examples. Every year, we can hear news that many university students or the persons who have higher academic qualification kill themselves. They have accepted the high ecation and have a lot of knowledge, but their qualities and the sense of responsibility to the society may not reach the level which they should have. At the same time, many university campuses in China are so dirty that makes people feel they are not in the campus but in the street outside, and we can see many students throw rubbish to everywhere they want. This may indicate there is something wrong with students』 qualities.
There must be a lot of other problems exist in china』s higher ecation, for example, the high tuition fee, the improper system, the ruleless manage, and so on. But because china』s higher ecation is in the process of change from 「elite ecation」 to 「popular ecation」, the cultivation of students』 abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society is becoming more and more important. This will affect china』s future society in a large extent. So we must do our best, and overcome all the difficulties to solve this problem firstly.



有時她十分嚴厲,不允許別人犯任何錯誤,但又時常給人一些美麗的安慰,使這些要求顯得更加苛刻。她喜愛生氣,總會時不時冒出一股莫名其妙的氣來,朝身旁的人吼兩句,不論我做的好不好。 在我們每個人的成長過程中,媽媽的關愛是永遠不可缺少的,正是媽媽無微不至的關愛,才讓我們健康快樂的成長,也希望你能把你這份孝心化作前進的動力,來回報你的母親,誰言寸草心,報得三春暉,可令天下父母心。


Ⅲ 800字英語四級學習方法終結

其次,聽力和口語才是學習英語的終極目的。很多人背了無數單詞,結果由於忽略了單詞的讀音問題,導致在考試中聽力分數與詞彙量不成正比。如果說整個四級考試只有一個部分最難——短期——提高的話,可能這個「殊榮」就要歸於聽力了。因此,對於大多數學生而言,一定不要忽略平日對聽力的積累練習,平均周期應該至少在3個月以上,很多經典的聽力材料仍然是不錯的資源(比如VOA special)。同時,我們不能忽略了聽力部分對於單詞的反復鞏固和強化記憶。來源:考試大

Ⅳ 寫一篇今年總結學習到的「英語」心得體會800字

我覺得口語學習主要取決於外教資質.好.壞,我學習的ABC天卞英語就強調學習效果,他們很負責認真教學 而且還會出回家作業 緊跟著我的進度 特別是口語和聽力,最好能是外國人教學。我是一個高考的過來人,高考成績1分,平時大考碰狗屎運也考過10+的分數。首先我想請閣下明白一個道理冰凍三尺非一日之寒,所以堅持很重要,英語是一門很看重積累的科目。 雖然我高考已經好多年了,而且今年即將大學畢業,踏入社會。但英語一直沒有丟,英語一直是我的排頭兵!我對英語的自信還有,我覺得學好英語不難,重要的是你要有恆心,急躁冒進,三天打漁兩天曬網都是不行的。在這里我就毛遂自薦一下我的學習方法吧: 首先先你要端正心態,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,這樣才能靜下心來學習。要成為英語高手就必須比別人走更多的路,做更多的事。你應該明白一個事實,英語是單詞和語法的綜合,所以單詞和語法都要拿下。 其次,對於單詞,有如下幾種方法,第一個,是加強記憶的頻度,也就是說,早上記了幾個,隔幾個小時又看一次,總之一天之內,記憶的間隔不要太長,否則你辛苦積累的記憶會隨著時間的延長而淡化,第二個,是可以根據自己的理解編順口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(見笑了)…,第三個,最重要的是,記單詞的時候,不要忘了閱讀,一邊記單詞,一邊看文章,這樣可以把孤立的單詞串聯起來,記憶的效果會加倍,第四個。我建議你記單詞要分門別類記憶,要形成一個意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……這樣做在你寫作時,是十分有好處的,寫作時不要盡寫一些低級詞彙,你要寫高級詞彙,比如重要性寫magnitude,許多寫a multitude of 或者handsome。再次,是語法。學習語法,首先要明白什麼是主謂賓定狀補,什麼是系動詞,什麼是直接賓語,間接賓語,這些是學習語法的基礎,語法是房子,主謂賓定狀補等是沙石磚瓦。然後就要多做一些語法專項練習,並在此過程中不斷總結,並時時回顧那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花時間弄清楚,否則對自己的不負責將會導致英語語法一知半解的結局!這對於想成為英語高手的人來說,是十分不利的!(註:本人從開始時不知主謂賓,到熟練掌握語法,把語法書看了不下二十遍,書都翻爛了!莫笑本人愚笨……) 此外,對於完形填空以及閱讀理解,那就只能靠平時的練習了,在這個過程中,你要時時總結,縱深對比,千萬不要陷入題海戰術只做題,不總結的誤區當中。在做題的過程中,你把各種體型都總結了一遍,積累了豐富的經驗,而且你還提升了自己的閱讀速度,一舉兩得,所以做題是很重要的!其實,完形填空無非就是單項選擇加語境分析,也就是說,做完形填空你的語法要好,而且你要積累比較多的固定搭配,短語,特殊用法等,完形填空的語法還是很重要的!對於閱讀,我個人感覺是,純粹是個人經驗積累多少的問題,只有保證一定的練習量,你才能用質的提高!最後,我建議你,平時讀,或者做題的時候,發現有好的句子好的詞彙,你要抄下來,長期下來,你的作文會有提高的,需要說明的是,這個提高過程可能很緩慢,但是最後能收到很好的效果,以前分的作文我都能保證在1-這個級別,靠的就是對語法的熟練掌握和積累了許多較高級的詞彙,句型,句子。我個人的理解是,在你的語法達到基本不會出錯的程度上,作文便應該以詞彙取勝,因為在這個層次上,大家的語法都差不多,沒什麼變化,唯一有變化的就是你的詞彙!給你打個比方吧,很多想到「許多」就用many,但是你別忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到「」就寫expert,但很少人會想到specialist,很多人在想到「擅長」這詞,就寫be good at ,卻不知還有更高級的表達法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就體現在這些細微的差別上 !!

Ⅳ 求大學英語專業翻譯實習個人小結 大概800字

你好 我帖子里有專業譯者的聯系方式 英語專業八級質保

Ⅵ 求一篇大學800字的英文周記

This week, I call it the wonderful week!

Why? You can find it easy to know why. Cause I have met a strange boy, no, I should say it is a special boy. How special? All things around him are special!! He is a tall boy with big bright eyes. When I saw him the first time, he smiled at me. It touched me. I talked a while with him.

Ⅶ 急求多篇大學英語作文800字

Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media.The problem of food security has become a hot button across society.
The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily。
There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral ecation, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal procers enforces the trend。
As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to ecate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food instry again.I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead。

Inopinion,: Firstly,speakwithoutfear:. Theyworrythattheywon』』ttalkatall. Don』tdothis. –. Likeanything,. Don』.
Secondly,useallofyourResources:』tmeanyoucan』tlearnoutsideofclass. Usingasmanydifferentsources,methodsandtoolsaspossible,willallowyoutolearnfaster. ,sodon』tlimityourselftoonlyoneortwo. ,butforthelanguagelearnerit'sperfect. .. TakenotesinEnglish,putEnglishbooksaroundyourroom,,watchEnglishnews,moviesandtelevision. .,「thinkinginEnglish.」

Ⅷ 大學英語800字作文該怎麼寫,文中要不要小標題什麼的,求詳細格式


Ⅸ 學習總結(求高手幫我寫一分學習總結800字謝謝)


來學校兩年多也早已習慣大學生活緊張又輕松的氣氛,課程雖然還是安排的很緊湊,但課余時間明顯增多了,令我真正感受到大學生活是如此的豐富多彩,已經熟識的朋友早已沒有大一剛入學時的拘束與隔閡。至今為止我與宿舍的人相處融洽,雖然偶爾會有點小過節,但也很.版權所有快能冰釋前嫌,所以有的時候,我很慶幸我能來淮工,不然也不會交到那麼多知心的朋友了。大學不僅是一個交流知識的場所,亦是我們學習做人處世,接觸社會的好場所。我感覺我現在所接受的教育也是各個層面的,所以我一定會好好利用這份難得的機會 ,珍惜這段寶貴的時間,嚴格要求自己,力求作一名合格的大學生。

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