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發布時間: 2021-03-07 10:47:19

1. 大學有什麼關於英語的活動啊


2. 有哪些適合大學生學英語的游戲

1Fast Words

The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is given a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams.

The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.

Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter.

The team with the most correct words is the winner.

2.Word Association

The teacher starts the game by saying a word, such as \\"Hotel\\".

For example:

Teacher: Hotel
Student A: Bed
Student B: Room
Student C: Service
Student D: Food
Student E: Restaurant
Student F: Chinese

As you can see, any association is ok.

If the student can\\'t answer (5 second limit) he or she must stand up. The last student seated is the winner.

If the association is not obvious, the student is asked to explain the association.

3.Chinese Whispers

Divide the class into even rows.

The last member of each row (at the back of the class) is taken out of the classroom. A \\"key\\" letter, word or sentence (depending on level) is given.
The students run back inside, and whisper the \\"key\\" to the next student in their row. It is whispered down through the row until the last member writes it on the board.

The first student to write it correctly on the blackboard is the winner!

3. 有關於英語的活動或游戲還有什麼


4. 有哪些適合大學生玩的英語課堂游戲



老師說:「Group of」和一個數字,「5」或「8」





5. 大學英語課堂小游戲有哪些呀


6. 大學生英語游戲有哪些

1Fast Words

The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is given a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams.

The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.

Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter.

The team with the most correct words is the winner.

2.Word Association

The teacher starts the game by saying a word, such as \"Hotel\".

For example:

Teacher: Hotel
Student A: Bed
Student B: Room
Student C: Service
Student D: Food
Student E: Restaurant
Student F: Chinese

As you can see, any association is ok.

If the student can\'t answer (5 second limit) he or she must stand up. The last student seated is the winner.

If the association is not obvious, the student is asked to explain the association.

3.Chinese Whispers

Divide the class into even rows.

The last member of each row (at the back of the class) is taken out of the classroom. A \"key\" letter, word or sentence (depending on level) is given.
The students run back inside, and whisper the \"key\" to the next student in their row. It is whispered down through the row until the last member writes it on the board.

The first student to write it correctly on the blackboard is the winner!

7. 求一些適合在大學英語角活動中作的游戲!

1 大家相互認識的游戲
人圍成一圈 10-20均可 准備一個網球過著口袋什麼的 就是一個人扔給另外一個人
A扔給B 說 「A 吧球扔給B」 並朝B的方向跑過去 B要在A跑過來之前 把球扔給C並同樣說 「B 把球扔給C」
如果B在A碰到B之前 沒有把球扔出去 B則被淘汰
速度節奏自我掌控 當然 越快越刺激

2 Group work
找一彈性比較好的球 例如排球 但最好不要太沉
一個團隊 人數7-20均可 把球打在空中 不要讓球掉在地上
但是一個人不可以連續打兩次 分成幾個Group 看誰連續的最多

3 劃過 彈回 跳躍
A雙手小臂一同指向左邊或者右邊的人(B) 說 「劃」 (or zip)
1,劃過 做和A同樣的動作 而且方向必須相同 繼續「劃過」下去 給C
2,反彈 B單臂彎曲(類似用手肘把A的「劃過」彈回去,像學小雞「咯咯」叫時的動作) 方向必須沖著A(因為從A哪裡來的「劃過」) 同事喊(「彈」 or bioon)
3,跳躍 B雙手舉平 朝向圈內任意一個人 D(類似大臂向前看齊) 喊 「跳」 or jump)

A只有一個選擇 劃
D也只有1個選擇 劃 D可以任意選擇 左邊或者右邊 「劃」 「Zip」 游戲繼續

也就是說 除了 劃可以連續在圈內出現 彈 和 跳不可以 在被「只用」了之後連續使用

用錯 喊錯 淘汰 最後2名優勝者 速度越快越刺激

8. 大學生英語角可以開展哪些游戲

請參考:【如何通過模仿電影模仿美劇學習英語提高英語口語 網路經驗】

9. 大學英語課堂小游戲

: Guessing a famous person其步驟如下:
要求任意一個學生到黑板上寫一個人的名字,要求必須是健在的名人。然後老師來猜。老師提出一些描述人的問題,學生只需要回答yes 或者no就可以。就算老師早早的就知道答案,也應該將描述人的常見問題都涉及到。這樣在不知不覺中學生就學到了他們應掌握的知識,比老師單純的一句句地教學生要強許多。常用問題如下:
Is it a man? (gender)
Is he/she young? (age)
Is he/she single? (marriage)
Is he /she an American? (nationality)
Does he/she like sports? (hobbies)
Is he/she a black? (complexion)
Is he/she tall? (height)
Is he/she handsome/pretty? (appearance)
Is he/she a politician? (occupation)


全班分成若干個小組。 教師准備一張城市街道的地圖(可參閱義教初中課本第二冊第35課的插圖)。游戲開始, 甲乙組各上來一名同學, 一人問路,另一人答。問路的可先在地圖上指一下出發地點,說:「It's here.」然後兩人開始如下對話:

A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? (或: Is there a post office near here? 或: Which is the way to the nearest post office?)(去的目的地由問路人自己 確定)

B: Walk along this street, and take the third turning on the right. It抯 about a hundred metres on the left. (根據地圖實際情況回答)

A: Thank you very much.

B: Not at all.

對話內容可以靈活變化, 下面是另一組對話:

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the railway station?

B: Go down this road. Take the third turning on the left (或: Turn left at the third crossing). Walk along until you reach the end. You'll find it in front of you.

A: How far is it from here?

B: about 4 kilometres. I think you'd better take a bus.

A: Which number do I need, please?

B: The No. 3 bus. It抣l take you right there.

A: Thank you very much.

B: That抯 all right.

對話中的劃線部分可根據地圖說, 也可由學生自定, 或是寫在紙上讓學生抽,然後根據紙上的內容說。第一對說完後,第二對繼續說。說不出或說錯的要扣分。

[84] 談家庭

全班分成若干小組, 游戲在兩個組之間進行。事先教師應布置每個學生准備若干個問別人家庭情況的問題, 如:How many people are there in your family?/Who are they? / How old is your father? / What does your mother do? / Where does your brother work? / Where does your sister study? / Does yourbrother like swimming? / Does your brother like his work?等。各人准備的問題越多越好。同時每個學生也得對別人的發問有充分的准備。

游戲開始前, 兩組可以通過抽簽確定問方和答方。如抽簽結果甲組為問方, 乙組為答方, 則在游戲開始後由甲組同學A問乙組同學A一個問題, 然後由甲組同學B問乙組同學B下一個問題。這樣依次進行, 直到兩組的每個同學都問答過。問答過程中說不出或說錯了,要扣5~10分。

[85] 打電話


A: Hello. 890621.

B: Hello. Is that Li lei?

A: Yes, it is. Hi, Jim!

B: Li Lei! Are you free next Sunday?

A: I think so. Why?

B: Would you like to go to the park with me?

A: I'd love to. When shall we meet?

B: What about half past eight? Let's meet at the park gate.

A: Right. See you.

B: See you. Bye.

如學生對以上打電話的內容還不夠熟悉, 教師可先將其寫在黑板上, 替換詞也可以寫在黑板上。在「打電話」時替換詞可自己選擇(人名可以用真實姓名), 也可以寫在紙上, 先抽紙條, 然後根據紙條上的內容說,說得正確流利的為優勝。

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