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發布時間: 2021-03-03 02:31:00

A. 急~~高分求大學幾門科目的英文翻譯!!!!!!!

Cognition Practice

Specialized Practice

share economy

Stock Economics

Multinational Corporation and Operation

Oral English in Foreign Trade

network marketing

curriculum project and field work

學年論文 School Year Thesis

B. 大學課程名稱英文翻譯


C. 大學英文怎麼說



英 [ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:səti] 美 [ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:rsəti]



1、national university 國立大學

2、enter a university 進入大學

3、establish a university 創建一所大學

4、distance university 遠程大學

5、state university 〈美〉州立大學

6、teachers' university 師范大學

7、at a university 在大學里

8、university for women 女子大學

9、university of science 理科大學





2、 University.








6、John is one of his alumni in the university.


D. 大學英語口語考試(幫忙翻譯)

Tell your partner how music affects your life and your favourite music types. Ask your partner what his/her favorite music types are and why. 告訴你的同伴音樂是如何影響你的生活以及你最喜歡的音樂類型。問你的同伴他/她最喜歡的音樂類型以及原因。
2. A has two tickets for Star Wars and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation and learns that A has a friend working at the "Pepsi" headquarters and can get two tickets. A有兩張《星球大戰》的票,並邀請B這個周末一起去看電影。B很樂意地接受了邀請並得知A有一個朋友在百事新總部工作,所以能得到兩張電影票。
3. In many countries, laws and regulations prohibit employment discrimination basing on race, age gender or disability. In China we can see many job ads seeking only young people under 35 or younger. You are discussing this situation with your partner. 在許多國家,法律法規明確禁止在招聘時存在種族歧視,性別歧視和對殘疾人的歧視。在中國我們可能看到許多招聘廣告只招35歲以下或更年輕的人。和你的同伴討論這種情況。
4. B is reading a brochure full of ads. A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads, whereas B thinks advertising tell people about procts. B正在讀一本廣告小冊了。A認為廣告花費太多,而且消費者因為廣告而不得不花費更多。而B 認為廣告可以讓人們對產品了解更多。
5. You and your partner are discussing which are better to keep as pets, dogs or cats, and give reasons. 你和你的同伴正在討論該養什麼樣的寵物,是狗還是貓。並且說出原因。
6. A and B are talking about a fashion show. B thinks it is mb and foolish for women to wear clothes in the show while A thinks the opposite. A和B正在談論時裝秀。B認為女人穿時裝表演上展示的服裝是愚蠢的。而A的想法正好相反。
7. A and B are best friends. A wants to buy a new mobile phone but is 300 yuan short. Now he (she) is going to borrow the money from B who just got a scholarship of 1,000. A和B是最好的朋友。A想買一部新手機但差300元錢。他打算從B那裡借錢,因為B恰好得到了1000元的獎學金。
8. A is a telephone operator at a police station. B calls to report a burglary, and A asks about the details of the burglary. A是一個警察局的接線員。B打電話來報告一樁盜竊案。A詢問關於這個盜竊案的細節。
9. A is afraid of speaking English in front of other people and seeking help from B who is the best English speaker in the class. B promises to help him (her) and offers some suggestions. A害怕在人前講英語,他正在向班上說英語最好的B請教。B向他保證會幫助他並給他一些建議。
10. A and B are talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow. A worries that he/she will fail. B comforts him/her and offers some advice. A 和B 正在談論A明天要參加的一場重要的考試。A擔心他考試會失利。B安慰他並給他一些建議。
11. A and B are talking about movies. A tells B that he (she) likes horror movies and gives his (her) reasons while B tells A that he (she) likes comedies and why. A 和B正在談論電影。A告訴B他喜歡恐怖片並講述了喜歡的原因。而B告訴A他喜歡喜劇片及喜歡的原因。
12. A holds the view for following the fashion trends while B strongly against it. A認為應該跟著流行趨勢走,而B強烈反對這種觀點。

E. 英語專業進!高分懸賞!大學英語口試翻譯!在線等!


My best friend is Yanyan. She's a total "Beijing-er". The reason we became friends is that we have a lot in common in our characters and tastes. In my eyes she's a kind-hearted and cheerful girl. She loves singing and painting, and like me she likes bowling and skiing. I think our friendship has gone trough the test of time.


I've been living in Beijing since I was a kid. I think the four seasons here are worth mentioning. Gentle wind in the spring, hot and sunny all day in summer, windy in the autumn, and a bit snowy in the winter. The city looks especially beautiful after the snow. I love winters, for there's snow fights and skiing. In a word, living in Beijing, I love all four seasons.


My diet has changed a lot ever since I got into collage. My dining schele has become very unstable. There's usually not enough time for breakfast in the rushing morning, lunch is had at the cafeteria sometimes, and dinner is whatever I come up with. I love rice the most, but sometimes I think my diet is not good for my health - too much junk food and irritating food influences my intake of nutrition, and makes me put on weight. I'm quite bothered with that.


About my dorm - it's only 10 plus square meters, but the five of us are cozy in it. My four closest room-mates gave me so much pleasure ring my very first dorm experience. They are so lovable. To me, small conflicts are hard to avoid when five people live together, but all the barriers will go away as long as we all treat each other truly. 343 is not only our dorm room, it's also our home away from home.


All along, the internet has been an efficient way to study and getting information for me. Other than that I also chat and shop online. Under general circumstances I get online everyday, getting the latest news. In my view internet is a double-bladed sword - a good helper in study and living when used right, and otherwise making us go astray.

F. 語言類大學 英語系 志向口語翻譯

1 北京外國語大學
2 廣東外語外貿大學
3 上海外國語大學
4 浙江大學
5 北京航空版航天大學
6 天津外國語大學
7 暨南大權學
8 華東師范大學
9 中山大學
10 河北師范大學

G. 大學英語口語考試(求翻譯)

I'm Yifan, I graated from LanShan district No.1 middle school.I come from Rizhao,a beautiful coastal city.My major is art business,College of liberal arts.Being a brilliant agent is my dream.
During my college life,I Knew many friends,which is my most precious wealth.I like sports,what's more ,badminton and riding a bike are my favourite,so I joined in badminton committe.In my spare time,I usually play badminton or cross every street of che city by my bike.
I love the present life.

H. 大學課程的英文翻譯

職業生涯規劃Career Planning
日本概況 Overview of Japan
計算機基礎Computer Basis
基礎日語 Foundamental Course of Jananese
大學語文 College Chinese
資料庫技術及應用 Database Technology and Its application
日語視聽說 Japanese Reading, Listening, Speaking
初級口語 Primary Oral Japanese
青年心理學 Youth Psychology
日本文化論 Theory of Jananese Culture
日本民俗風情 Japanese Folk Customs
漢語語法與修辭 Chinese Grammar and Rhetoric
馬克思主義基本原理 Basic Principles of Maxism
西方經典影視欣賞 Appreciation of Western Classic Movie and TV
日語應用文 Japanese Practical Writing
日本經濟 Japanese Economy
日語泛讀 Japanese Extensive Reading
中級口語 Medium Oral Japanese

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