㈠ 考研英語小作文有哪幾種2017 盤點
20~17分 內容切題,來包括提綱的全源部要點;表達清楚,文字連貫;句式有變化,句子結構和用詞正確。文章長度符合要求。
16~13分 內容切題,包括提綱的全部要點;表達比較清楚,文字基本連貫;句式有一定變化,句子結構和用詞無重大錯誤。文章長度符合要求。
12~10分 內容切題,基本包括提綱的要點;表達基本清楚;句子結構和用詞有少量錯誤。文章長度符合要求。
9~5分 內容基本切題,基本包括提綱的要點;語句可以理解,但有較多的句子結構和用詞錯誤。文章長度基本符合要求。
4~1分 基本按題寫作,但只有少數句子可以理解。
㈡ 【終極押題】2017考研英語一小作文神預測
㈢ 考研英語小作文有哪幾種2017
eposit box, which arrives... over her
㈣ 2017年考研的,英語小作文字數答對了,還有沒有跑題,寫的模板,滿分10分,一般能打多少分能打上
㈤ 2017考研英語寫作
2017年才考研,來現在沒有必要這源么早就復習寫作,考研英語寫作復習畢竟是一個需要長期積累的過程,平時可以多閱讀一些英文原版的文章,每周寫上一兩篇作文,看見好的句子,好的模版就順手積累下來,聚沙成塔,積累的多了,考試時心中自然就有數。 如果要買輔導書,可以看看紅寶書的寫作180篇,是圖畫+話題形式,而且書裡面強調的「三段式寫法」,我個人覺得比較有用。
㈥ 2017考研英語2小作文怎麼寫
A、The cartoon describes a very common phenomenon in our society that 內容-SVO.
B、As can be seen from the picture ,(there is)內容-SVO.
A、The set of drawings describe a very common phenomenon in our society that 內容-SVO.
B、Presenting totally different /sharply contrasted scenes, the two pictures suggest that 內容-SVO.
In recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主題has become a hot issue of the general public , especially for those who are confronted with the situation .
Nothing can be more serious (upsetting, outstanding, meaningful…) than the issue of…
It is most likely that by drawing the picture, the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of … but also to let us think more about 主題.This is something we should give more thought to.
A、After carefully thinking and reflection , we come to understand the enlightening picture step by step . I believe that this thought-provoking picture conveys two layers of meanings. For one thing 方面1-SVO. For another 方面2-SVO. This simple picture wakes up the whole of the society.
B、Having scrutinized the details of the pictures, we can discuss the implications subtly conveyed from it. For one thing 方面1-SVO. For another 方面2-SVO.This simple picture wakes up the whole of the society.
A、There are several driving forces this trend/phenomenon. The main reason is no other than that 原因1-SVO .What』s more,原因2-SVO.原因3-SVO also plays a role in this case.
B、To account for the above mentioned phenomenon (issue, tendency) various reasons (causes) have been put forward. In the very beginning 原因1-SVO.And then 原因2-SVO.What is more, last but 原因2-SVO.
Taking into account the factors above, we can safely draw a conclusion that主旨(不多寫、簡單句). On one hand 建議1-SVO. On the other hand 建議2- SVO.
I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.(社會和諧)
In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with the nature. (自然和諧)
What the thought-provoking picture illustrates is a common phenomenon in contemporary society. Examples to prove the view are abundant. It can be given a concrete example 舉例1-SVO . Another good case in point is that 舉例2-SVO. In my belief, 主旨-SVO is extremely significant to all of us in our society. We should translate it into proper action in daily life, and then we will benefit from it.
Then, what can we do to deal with the problem have become a concern to many people. From my views, the following measures should be attached importance to. To begin with , we should appeal to the government to make relevant laws(plans, rules) and carry out a series of policy to 跟主旨相關內容 to guarantee a proper order and justice. What』s more , we should enhance the awareness of people that 主題 is vital to us . The general public should also made realization that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a brighter future.