Ⅰ 大學英語A級考試是什麼考試
Ⅱ 2011年6月高等學校英語應用能力考試a級答案
Part Ⅱ Structure
Section A
17.【答案】D【譯文】當這對夫妻來到這兒時,他們會去公園。【考點】動詞時態【解析】在這句中they _______to the park.是主句,When the couple _______ here是從句。當主句是將來時態或表示將來意義時,從句用一般現在時代替將來時。
18.【答案】B【譯文】「我在哪兒都找不到湯姆。」「他一定沒走多遠,我剛才還聽見他打電話了呢」。【考點】考查情態動詞與虛擬語氣用法【解析】語境表示語氣很肯定的否定判斷推測:我剛才還聽見他打電話了,因此他一定沒走多遠。用can『thave done。shouldn』t have done表示本不應該做某事;mustn『t have done表示禁止做某事;而needn』thave done指的是本來沒必要做某事。
19.【答案】D【譯文】無論老少,人們的想法都能與時俱進。【考點】動詞短語【解析】選項A與keep…with搭配時應為keepin contact with。選項B無法與keep…with搭配。選項C,keep touch with意為與…保持聯系。只有keep pace with符合題意,意為與…並駕齊驅。
22.【答案】C【譯文】這個國家西南部50英里的地方坐落著一座美麗的高山。【考點】倒裝結構及主謂一致【解析】首先要知道此句為倒裝結構,另外根據句意可知,主語為「the famous beautiful mountain」,指的是一座漂亮的山,所以謂語也應該用單數。
25.【答案】D【譯文】她從來也沒准備要輟學。【考點】倒裝結構【解析】當否定詞或含有否定意義的詞、短語放在句首時,句子一般要部分倒裝,因此只能選擇B或D。但因為be ready to do為固定搭配,意為「准備做某事」,故選D;B項缺少謂語。
Section B
26.【答案】is【譯文】《紐約時報》很受那些政治家們的歡迎。【考點】主謂一致【解析】在國家、報刊、學科和書名中雖有類似單詞的復數形式出現,但它們只是構成這個片語的一部分,並不是真正的復數。此類詞還有the united states,maths等。
27.【答案】more friendly【譯文】你們鎮上的人比我們預料的更加熱情。【考點】形容詞的比較級【解析】根據句子結構及句中的than一詞,可以知道是兩種程度的比較。同時,friendly是多音節詞,故在原型前加more,句中的「far」可以修飾比較級。
29.【答案】told【譯文】我會代替你告訴瑪麗真相,但我寧願是你告訴她的。【考點】虛擬語氣【解析】 would rather後接sb再加上動詞時,要用一般過去時表示虛擬,可簡記為would rather sb.did。
30.【答案】will have been【譯文】到大學畢業後,我將已經做了15年的學生了。【考點】動詞時態【解析】by the time接將來時間或一般現在時的句子,表示將來預計完成的動作,主句要用將來完成時。
31.【答案】be translated【譯文】這首美麗的詩應該被翻譯成中文,因為它很值得一讀。
【考點】被動語態【解析】情態動詞should後加動詞原形;同時,poem和translate之間為被動關系,所以應為be translated。
33.【答案】had gone【譯文】如果這個舞者是搭乘飛機去美國的話,她可能在墜機事故中遇害了。【考點】虛擬語氣【解析】根據句意,可判斷出此句是對過去的虛擬,此時,主句要用would/might/couldhave done的形式,而從句要用had done,即過去完成時。故應填had gone。
34.【答案】Caught【譯文】因為偷竊而被店主抓獲時,這個男孩顯得很羞愧。【考點】分詞作狀語【解析】根據句子結構分析,可知catch和the boy之間是被動關系,且前一部分作句子的時間狀語。當分詞作狀語,邏輯主語和動作之間為主動時,用現在分詞;而表示被動時,則用過去分詞。
【考點】動名詞用法【解析】it『sno use後要加動名詞形式。指的是「做…是沒有用的」。要在其後加動名詞的短語還包括there is no point,be worth,lookforward to等等。
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension
36.【答案】C【題型】細節題【解析】題干意為「根據文章,英語是…」。由第一句話我們可知,英語並不像中文那麼悠久古老,故應選C。not so…as…意為「不像…那麼…」。
38.【答案】D【題型】細節題【解析】題干意為「根據文章,下列哪一個陳述是正確的」。漢堡最初是德國的一個城市,故A項是錯誤的。文中並沒有提到美國人喜不喜歡漢堡包,因此B選項也是錯誤的。文中第二段提到漢堡包並不是由火腿做的,因此C也是不正確的。第三段提到一百多年前,由後文我們也可知美國人在那個時候發明了漢堡包。故選項 D是正確的。
42.【答案】D【題型】細節題【解析】題干意為「作為優秀的青年首先要擁有…」。文章說了the basic,是the first的轉換說法,故應選擇D,健康的身體。
44.【答案】C【題型】細節題【解析】題干意為「從文中我們可以知道合作和交流是…」。文中提到交流和合作的時候用到了片語play all important role,意為「起到重要的作用」,而且後文中也多次提到noone和nobody。可以看出合作和交流對任何人都是很重要的。
45.【答案】C【題型】細節題【解析】題干意為「作者認為,愛國的人必須…」。文中提到一個愛國的人應該是那些做任何祖國要求他們做的事情。題干中的need them to do是文中asks him to do的另一種說法。
46.【答案】Specific activities【解析】由文中第一段第二句話「everyone will find out,at first,specificactivities that help to improve your English」可以找到答案。
47.【答案】materials【解析】由文中第一段第三句話「one can also have access to some interesting language learning materialsin the Leaming Tour」可以找到答案。
48.【答案】use computers【解析】由文中第一段第四句話「participators will be taught the way to use computers and audi0-visualfacilities in the center.」可以找到答案。
49.【答案】1:00-2:00 pm【解析】由文中第二段中「while the latter one is l:00—2:00 pm.」可以找到答案。thelatter one意為「後者」,指的是文中的星期四。
50.【答案】ID card N0.【解析】由文中第三段最後一句話「people can go to Tin Ping building on the 4th floor or email your name,ID card N0.and date ofjoining the tour to Miss Feng at feng@cahk.e.hk」可以找到答案。
Task 4
A—Engine Fuel System發動機燃油系統 B—Lights and Wires車燈和線路
C—Starting System啟動系統 D—under pressure受壓
E—10wer hood lines低發動機罩 F—heated—treated熱處理
G—contact point觸點 H—me electric system電氣系統
I—power train動力傳動 J—one-way drive單項驅動
K—horse—drawn wagon馬車 L—spun glass玻璃纖維
M—parking fight泊車燈 N—backup light倒車燈
0—the Car heater汽車加熱器 P—cover bands防護帶
51.【答案】M,C 52.【答案】P,F 53.【爸案】H,J 54.【答案】O,G55.【答案】A,D
Task 5
56.【答案】acupuncture and moxibustion【解析】由第一段第一句話可以找到答案。
57.【答案】Beijing College of Medicine【解析】由第一段第一句話可以找到答案。
58.【答案】October 3rd,2009【解析】由第一段第一句話可以找到答案。
Part IV Translation—English intoChinese61.【答案】D-B-A-C【解析】譯好本句的關鍵在於弄清句子結構。這是一個非限定性定語從句,which have many advantages修飾electroniccomputers。同時,也要了解短語C8ffl「y out(進行)的意思。選項A錯在把carry out譯為「理解」。選項B把原句中本為並列結構的「creative work」和「replace man」理解為承接結構。選項C把本意為「優點」的「advantage」誤譯為了「缺點」。62.【答案】B-D-C-A【解析】It must be admitted that…意為「應該承認…」,is reflected意為「被反應在…」。選項A和D雖然理解了這個句子的含義,但是它的翻譯方式並不符合中文的特點。選項C是翻譯中常見的「增譯」現象。原句中並沒有「確實」,「潛在」這樣的字眼。
63.【答案】A-C-B-D【解析】這是一句商務英語。重點在對句中party和this agreement is signed的理解。party在句中的含義應為雙方而不是黨派。sign為「簽約」的意思。故選項A最為准確。
64.【答案】C-D-A-B【解析】譯准這個句子的關鍵在於對「only if」的理解。only if意為「只有」,表示~種條件上的虛擬。A選項把only if誤譯為「只要」,B選項漏譯了「continue to」。D選項雖然理解較為准,但不符合中文的話語特徵。
65.【答案】劉老師,我寫信給您是希望在下學期能搬入到一個新的寢室。我對我的室友很不滿意。因為他做事不顧及別人的感受。他的朋友們經常來寢室找他,而且還定期舉行嘈雜的聚會。另外,他有時還未經我的允許動用我的物品。在這種環境下,我很難專注於學業。若您能為我找到另一個寢室,我將十分感激。【解析】本題相當於一封投訴信。意在寫清被投訴人的不合理行為及投訴人的希望。翻譯時要注意以下的詞和短語:dissatisfaction with意為「對…不滿意」,inconsiderate意為「不顧及別人的感受」,constantly意為「經常地」,under these circumstances意為「在這種情況下」。
Part V Writing
June 4th,2010
Dear Wang:
Thanks too much for inviting us to join your son』s birthday party. I have seen the lovely baby before andit is worth celebrating for him and your happy family.
But I regret that I cannot go to the party at that time. You know ourcompany has a branch in Americaand it has something serious happened which needs my immediate decision. Thus Ishould go back as soon as possible.
I am really sorry for my absence. Hope you will have a wonderful party anda good time.
John Smith
Ⅲ 跪求「2011年6月19日上海的大學英語三級(A級)試卷」謝謝各位好心人
2011.6上海英語三級 專業團隊 輕松包過 加扣詳詢 見名稱
Ⅳ 2011年6月19日全國大學英語應用能力考試A級答案急需
Ⅳ 2010年6月全國高校英語應用能力考試試題和答案(A級).
一、選擇題(hunnans為最後一個單詞 以此類推)1、hunnans—(b)、until 2、compam—(a)、that 3、arumd—(c)、another 4、fridy—(c)、leaves 5、fignre—(d)、mature 6、deoaetment—(a)、being discussed7、style—(c)、casual 8mueder—(b)、that 9、hobbies—(d)、to 10、up—(b)、persist二、填空題1、payment 2、were interviewed 3、be(called) 4、concted 5、were (you) 6、responsibility7、injured 8、to accept 9. Visiting 10、quickly三、閱讀理解(下面abcd前面的是題目)(一)、1、order to ~~~~b、better organize our activities2、us to~~~~c、study efficiently 3、ussigments~~~b、any activities we』re eager to do4、the day~~~b、taking a short nap in the afternoon5、this artide~~~a、study habits and time management(二)、1、people to~~~b、start a new small business2、to survive~~~d、determination and originality3、」forewarm」 mean~~~c、advise beforehand4、small」 in the uk~~~a、those with fewer than 50 employees5、available by~~~b、linking to other relevant articles這一題答案 試卷上文章里都可容易找到 就不寫答案了(五)、(括弧為題目)1、 (Apply jam~~~~~) Great Wall Brand2、 (the ontract~~~) $300003、 (be shipped~~~)Angust 20094、 (of payment~~~) By Letter of Gredit5、 (be sent to~~~) Vancouver Canada四、漢譯英1、e、cash price (現金價格)2、d、sales contract (銷售合同)3、j、port of arrival (到達港)4、a、supply agreement (供貨合同)5、h、late payment (逾期付款)6、p、note of claim (索賠通知)7、b、trade agreement (貿易協定)8、m、letter of credit (信用證)9、g、fixed price (固定價格)10、k、prompt shipment (即期裝運)五、翻譯 選擇正確選項(我下面給的答案中隨意選一個,括弧里的為錯誤選項內容)1、bcd、(為了促進貨物出口,減少貨物的丟失或者損壞,必須發展保險業。)2、ab、(如果本月底我們還收不到訂貨,我們就不得不採取其他辦法了。/如果本月底我們還收不到訂貨,我們就不得拒絕付款。)3、acd、(乙方有義務在下述情況下有權拒絕接受甲方書寫的合同。4、abc、(我已做了解釋,首先必須有工程師同意加班工作才能有可能來完成這項工作。六、作文題可用到的單詞和句型完全地 completely 節能空調 air-conditioning 市場調查 market research 成立 found導致 lead to技術性發展 technical development 市場戰略 marketing strategy有限公司 limited company雇員 employee 銷售市場 sales market 主要產品 main proctThis is to introce that……..We have great pleasure in introcing to you, by this letter, mr./miss/ms……….We are writing to introce that……..I am looking forward to hearing form you soonYour sincerely
Ⅵ 2011年大學英語A級-考試-答案*-/
大哥不錯 人好!
Ⅶ 誰有2010大學英語a級試題答案
Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling
Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.
They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students』 spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.
To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students』 spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.
To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.
1. A) her daughters' repeated complains
2. D) People haven't yet reached agreement on its definition
3. C) can realize what is important in life
4. A) it seriously affected family relationships
5. C) depressed
6. B) His family had intervened
7. B) curb his desire for online gaming
8. had an Internet addiction
9. professional help
10. online dating
Section A
short conversation
11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.
12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.
13. C) Tidy up the place.
14. A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.
15. A) He understands the woman』s feelings.
16. D) She has to invite David to the party.
17. C) Many students find Prof. Johnson』s lectures boring.
18. D) Assemble a computer.
long conversation
19. B) It requires him to work long hours.
20. D) It demands physical enrance and patience.
21. D) In a hotel.
22. B) Paying attention to every detail.
23. A) The pocket money British children get.
24. C) It often rises higher than inflation.
25. B) Pay for small personal things.
Section B
Passage 1
26. B) District managers
27. D) The important part played by district managers
28. B) Fifty percent of them were female
29. B) He was not gender sensitive
Passage 2
30. C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly
31. D) You can』t tell how the person on the line is reacting
32. D) Stick to the point
Passage 3
33. B) Architect
34. A) Do some volunteer work.
35. C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.
Section C
36. curious
37. figuring
38. independent
39. unusual
40. interacting
41. formal
42. abstract
43. mystery
44. he has found out how it works and learnt to use it appropriately
45. by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by graally changing it and refining it
46. including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him
Section A
47. G incredibly
48. K replace
49. J reced
50. L sense
51. H powering
52. D exceptions
53. E expand
54. O vast
55. F historic
56. I protect
Section B
Passage 1
57. C) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.
58. A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.
59. C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.
60. C) To make them easily identifiable.
61. A) There is still a good chance for their being recovered.
Passage 2
62. B) It is based on the concept of positive thinking
63. A) Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good
64. B) You are pointing out the errors he has committed
65. C) Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem
66. B) Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy
67. B) differ
68. B) via
69. B) used
70. B) lies
71. B) of
72. D) selects
73. A) sends in
74. A) visible
75. B) over
76. D) allows
77. A) after
78. D) insignificant
79. C) corporations
80. D) only
81. B) later
82. D) provided
83. D) besides
84. A) and
85. C) widespread
86. A) acquired
87. (in) concentrating on the experiment/ focusing her attention on the experiment.
88. did she become angry/did she lose her temper before.
89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.
90. (should) be fixed/installed by the window
91. the strong opposition of her parents/ her parents』 strong opposition