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發布時間: 2021-03-01 08:43:30

1. 高中 英語必修一第44頁1,2,3題答案

to be with happiness, goodbye, our hearts singing together
oneness with all people
a circle of flowers worn around the neck
1. Haiwaiians say 'aloha' to each other to show friendship. They welcome people with 'lokahi' which means 'oneness with all people'. They give visitors a 'lei' to make them feel at home.
2. It is because Hawaii is a place where man cultures are encouraged to live together peacefully and cooperate with each other.
3. They try to help each other so that all feel stronger. They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.
4. 答案不定。

2. 高一英語必修一第44頁的第二題答案

1. Haiwaiians say 'aloha' to each other to show friendship. They welcome people with 'lokahi' which means 'oneness with all people'. They give visitors a 'lei' to make them feel at home.
2. It is because Hawaii is a place where man cultures are encouraged to live together peacefully and cooperate with each other.
3. They try to help each other so that all feel stronger. They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.
4. 沒有標准答案內。容

3. 急求高一英語必修一課本44頁閱讀第二,第三題答案!!

1. aloha: to be with happiness, goodbye, our hearts singing together.
2. lokahi: oneness with all people
3. lei: a circle of flowers worn around the neck.
4. kokua: help
5.ohana: family
1. Hawaiians say "aloha" to each other to show friendship. They welcome people with"lokahi" which means "oneness with all people".They give visitors a "lei" to make them feel at home.
2. It's because Hawaii is a place where many cultures are encouraged to live together peacefully and cooperate with other.
3. They try to help each other so that all feel stronger. They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.
4. Students' answers will vary.

4. 人教版高一英語必修一單元44頁答案。急。


5. 人教版高一英語必修一44頁第三題答案


6. 高中英語必修一44頁翻譯

每種文化都有其表達友好的方式。在夏威夷群島 ,友誼是「aloha」精神的一部分。很久以前,最早 期的夏威夷居民的語言中,「aloha」有種特殊的含 義,就是「快樂相伴」。 夏威夷人相信:一旦某個人愛上了一片土地,他 就會愛上生活在那裡的人們。這是第二種最重要 的友好的標記。在夏威夷語言中,叫做「lokahi」, 意思是「所有人是一體」,這片土地是所有居民的 共同家園,當你在這里享受生活的時候你不能自 私。現在有很多不同的人把夏威夷稱為自己的家 鄉。實際上夏威夷是很多小的社區構成的一個大 的社區。人們都互相幫助,這使他們每個人覺得 自己更有力量。人們相信如果彼此都能和平相處 的話,夏威夷就會變成天堂。人們提倡行為舉止 要想海風一樣溫和有禮,而當出現問題的時候, 解決問題的時候要體諒對方。所以當夏威夷人談 論家庭的時候,實際是在談論島上所有的居民。 在平靜的生活中,夏威夷人發展了第三種表達友 誼的標記。就是用送「lei」給朋友,"lei」是把鮮花連 成一串,掛到朋友的脖子上,然後在朋友面頰上 吻一下,「lei」也會送給來島的遊客。當遊客們聽 到「aloha」時,他們感覺回到了家裡一樣。「aloha」 也有再見的意思,所以當遊客們離開時,還會聽 到人們說aloha」,"aloha」還可以表達「我們的心靈 一起歌唱」的意思。也許多數遊客就是這樣記住了 他們的新朋友。

7. 高一英語必修一課本44頁和45頁的答案


8. 高中英語必修一44頁第一題答案 謝了


aloha: (有三個意思)內to be with happiness 或容 goodbye 或 our hearts singing together
lokahi: oneness with all people
lei: a string of flowers
kokua: help
ohana: family

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