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1. 大學英語口語作文800 求大神幫

還有34天,34天的迷惘,34天的惆悵, 34天的放縱和失落,已經放棄了,便覺 得無聊,坐在這教室里如行屍走肉一 般,時時刻刻都備受煎熬,比起放手一 搏更難受,那樣至少還有希望,可所有 的希望都在被自己一點點的磨滅掉,不 再去希望,36天之後就無所謂的失望了 吧!

原諒我的消極,對不起,爸!對不起, 媽!對不起,哥!對不起,所有關心我 的人!對不起,鏡子里的那個人!

其實,大學,我也很期盼啊!只是在我 意識到與它邂逅並非易事時,它已與我 擦肩而過,我也只好笑著轉身,目送它 遠去,只是心裡,分明是苦澀的。

人生中有很多選擇,有選擇就必然有放 棄,在這樣的情況和環境下,我選擇塌 出校門,步入社會,那裡有讓人恐懼的 黑暗,亦有讓人溫暖的光明,更重要的 是,有我嚮往的財富!一直都很喜歡自 己掙錢的感覺,總希望有一天可以用自 己掙的錢買很多平時不敢奢望的東西給 父母,讓他們做想做而不敢做的事,讓 他們健康快樂,不再那麼勞累!說實 話,我很喜歡錢,可能是因為從小家境 不好的緣故吧有時候都覺得自己近乎拜 金主義了,我嚮往崇高的精神,而現在 我似乎已深刻的認識到很多東西都是建 立在物質基礎上的,沒有錢,舉步維 艱!

放棄大學,說的是現在放棄,因為父 母,如果我執意要讀專科的話他們是會 供我讀的,從他們的語氣里我可以感覺 到他們希望我能考一個好一點的專科, 可我卻執意放棄。高中三年,已讓他們 的頭發不知白了多少,幾萬元對於兩個 年近半百的農名來說要付出多少血汗 啊!我不敢想像如果我再去讀大學會把 他們累成什麼樣子,他們不要命了嗎? 我知道他們愛我,愛到昏天暗地!我也 愛他們,夾雜著千萬分的內疚!我知道 對父母而言子女的幸福就是他們最大的 幸福,所以,親愛的爸媽,我會幸福 的,更會努力讓你們幸福的!你們知道 嗎?對我來說,你們的幸福才是我最大 的幸福啊!今生最大的願望就是我們一 家人能永遠幸福的生活在一起!

其實想開一點也不過如此而已,36行, 行行出狀元啊,條條大路通羅馬,我又 何必去擠大學這根獨木橋呢?而誰又敢 保證獨木橋的那邊就一定是美好的呢? 沒有實力,一不小心就會被擠進萬丈深 淵啊!就算是膽小猥瑣吧,為了父母, 我還是選擇平坦穩定的陽光道,雖然平 凡卑微,我相信自己也能走出自己的美 好,真的,只要我愛的人和愛我的人都 健康快樂就什麼都無所謂!


我累了,請允許我停下腳步休息一下好 嗎?閉上眼,我知道哪怕是一瞬間也會 流走很多東西,讓他們隨風而去吧,當 我睜開眼睛的時候世界也會很美好,不 屬於我的,讓它流走吧,屬於我的,我 會抓住。

就讓我越走越遠吧,可我相信我自己的 世界會越來越近!

2. 大學英語口語文章 三分鍾

My best friend
I have a friend.Her name is Angel.she's a lovely girl.We always get together at school.
She has long and cirly hair,her nose is smooth,and there is a small mouth on her round face.Look at her eyes,there is some shine of wisdom in them.In fact,she's very smart.
She's good at many subjects.Especially geography.She likes everything about maps.They are full of fun to her.She often study them for a long time that she used to forget to have dinner.She enjoys traveling.It's a part of her passion in geography.
As the rule,she is a good student.And she does well to every classmates.She also help them with sudies.I'm proud of her.
She usually make me touched.Once,I forgot to bring my Chinese book.When I found that,I was very worried.At that time,she walked toward me,she found that quickly.I didn't know how to explain to her.But she came to her desk,take her book out of the bag,and handed it to me.I was so excited.In the Chinese class,she could only use her classmate's book.
She's a real Angel!


3. 大學英語口頭作文求助~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What to Do During an Earthquake
Stay as safe as possible ring an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.

If indoors
DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON on until the shaking stops. If there isn』t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.
Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, loadbearing doorway.
Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
DO NOT use the elevators.
If outdoors
Stay there.
Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.
Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits, and alongside exterior walls. Many of the 120 fatalities from the 1933 Long Beach earthquake occurred when people ran outside of buildings only to be killed by falling debris from collapsing walls. Ground movement ring an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.
If in a moving vehicle
Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.
If trapped under debris
Do not light a match.
Do not move about or kick up st.
Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.
Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of st.

Can you imagine life without a computer? It almost seems impossible doesn't it? To some of us, it simply is unbearable to live without a computer. Think about it. We rely so heavily on computers that life without them is just impractical. Computers are one of the most important inventions ever. If computers had not had not been invented, technology would not have developed to its current state. Since the invention of computers, society has drastically changed. Computer technology is so helpful, that is even used to create newer, better computer equipment. Almost everything is linked in some way to computers.

Isaac Asimov, a renowned writer, once said, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." His statement is absolutely correct. Computers have become the new form of communication. They are means of evolving technology and the expansion of the economy. They also provide leisure and intense entertainment. Through history computers have progressed immensely and to this second computers are still improving.

How many people use computers as a way of communication? The Internet World Stats News recently published an article that stated that internet usage for email purposes has increased 107% in the year 2005. It is also documented that one billion internet users were estimated by the end of 2005. This means that over 50% of the U.S. population use email as a mean of communication. Whether it is email, chatting, text messaging through a computer, etc. the truth is that the number one way to converse is very rapidly becoming through a computer. People have even formed relationships through online chatting and email. Many people are reaching for their computer instead of heading out of the door to meet new people. A recent study showed that over 7 million people have registered with professional online dating agencies to meet new people. Computers are very promptly becoming the new "social event". Teenagers and young alts are relating to this more than any other age group. This generation is also known as the "digital" generation. The biggest formation recently of this generation is MySpace. MySpace is a social networking website that provides teenagers with pictures, blogs, music, videos, and profiles. Particularly teenagers and college students use this as a way to convene new people and comment on their profiles and photos. It has become so popular that it has its own search engine. The invention of MySpace is the clear evidence that computers have become a significant mean of communication. This expansion of communication has also led to the immense development of the economy.

Through the significant array of communication because of computers, this has widely impacted the economy. Computers have had a profound change in the labor market. For instance, in the past sixty years, a large increase in the number of more ecated workers and an increase in their wages were recorded e to computers. These workers were not only trained with computers but had experience with computers. It is said that computers and oil run the U.S. economy. Detailed analysis of the U.S. economy suggests that computers have impacted it enormously. Labor proctivity has tremendously increased in the latter years and precisely because of computers it is still on the rise. Computers are providing the economy with gains and recing the number of losses. Economists give great credit to computers for contributing to investments and making the economy more stable. Computers are also changing the economy in that it is becoming more globalized. Through computers the economy is able to analyze the impact of trade and financial flows in a more detailed way. It is this fact that makes computers so important economically.

Ecation is by far the most aspect of computers. It is through students that computers have become so popular. Statistics and data prove that students are the major users of computers. So why are computers so addictive? The number one reason is that they are convenient. So convenient, that you can now even Take College courses online. The U.S. Ecation Department is particularly making sure that children get a head start on how to use a computer because they know how necessary a computer has become. Students use a computer for a variety of reasons. Whether research, typing essays, homework, projects, and yes of course for scholarships, they use computers consistently and efficiently. Computers have become so important in a student's life that is impossible to live without. Professors at universities and colleges provide students with their own website to make it convenient for not only themselves but for the students also. Students are now at the point where they take tests and quizzes at computer labs. Computers are constantly used in ecation environments. Slowly the tasks of a teacher/professor are fading away. Their responsibilities are decreasing because computers have become so advanced to do these things. Professors/teachers now prefer that students contact them through email because it is the most expedient. The use of computers is growing so speedily in school and college environment that it is almost hard not to use a computer. Statistics now prove that there has been a link in the use of computers and there will always be an increase demand for students who know their computers.

Technology is developing so instantly that even the world is having a hard time keeping up. Computers are now becoming a necessity. They are used worldwide for many reasons. Computers bring our economy at the point of globalization and expansion. Through computers employees are becoming qualified and because of this the economy is stabilizing. They give communication a new definition. Emails, chatting, and MySpace have all given people a new opportunity to meet new people. With computers there are no boundaries. Computers bring forth a new form of entertainment. Computers provide music, video games, movies, pictures, and other types of leisure. Like Asimov stated, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Now each indivial must decide are computers a necessity or a luxury. So the main question is, is life impossible without a computer?


4. 急求一篇關於my brother的大學英語口語作文

I have a little brother, who is only 7 years old. He likes to watch cartoons after he finishes his school work. His favorate program is the Spongebob and he really loves things that have the Spongebob on them; my brother is a big fan of this cartoon. Additionally, I always spend much of time with my brother because I am relaxed when I stay with him; his naive characteristics make me feel at ease. He tells what happened in his school and what he has learned from teachers, etc. All these let me understand that as people grow, they are graally becoming less pure but more cautious; therefore, the grown-ups may have less happiness than children. I wish I could go back to my young age and just do whatever I want and say whatever I think about. That's how a true person is, isn't ?

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