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發布時間: 2021-02-28 23:19:29

1. 大學畢業證書用英語怎麼說

college diploma
A document issued by an ecational institution, such as a university, testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a particular course of study.

2. 急!大學本科文憑的英語怎麼說

本科學歷 a bachelor degree (這個是有學位的)
或者The diploma of undergraate

3. 急求!!!大學畢業證英文翻譯!

Bachelor's degree certificate
Gu, female, November 9, 1987. In the nursing professional undergraate study plan, and finish the audit conform to have graated, of the People's Republic of China, the regulations prescribed degree awarded bachelor degree.
Nanhua university
President of the academic degree evaluation committee chairman: vingo wave
Certificate Numbers: 123456
Common higher ecation graates
1 July 2009

Ordinary high school graation certificate
Gu, sex female students, 1987, was born on November 9, in September 2005 and July 2009 in our four-year undergraate professional nursing learning, teaching plan, all course grades, are allowed to be graated.
YuanMing: nanhua university boat hill college
Dean: ChenXi
Certificate Numbers: 123456
1 July 2009

4. 大學畢業證書 翻譯成英文

diplomat of college

5. 簡歷上的「學歷」用英語該怎麼寫


6. 大專文憑英語怎麼翻譯

你好college diploma 正確GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERMS 中國學歷的譯法 《中華人民共和國學位條例》「Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People"s Republic of China」 結業證書 Certificate of Completion畢業證書 Certificate of Graation肄業證書 Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/Attendance/Study教育學院 College/Institute of Ecation中學Middle[Secondary] School師范學校 Normal School[upper secondary level]師范專科學校 Normal Specialised Postsecondary College師范大學 Normal[Teachers] University公正書 Notarial Certificate專科學校 Postsecondary Specialised College廣播電視大學 Radio and Television University中等專科學校 Secondary Specialised School自學考試 Self-Study Examination技工學校 Skilled Workers[Training] School業余大學 Spare-Time University職工大學 Staff and Workers University大學University(regular,degree-granting)職業大學 Vocational University 。

7. 大學畢業證書的英文怎麼說

University graation certificate
university diploma
certificate of graation

8. 大學畢業證書用英語怎麼說



9. 求助 外國(英語中)大學各種學歷的翻譯

4/5 years superior studies - 四-五年的高等教育專
2/3 years superior studies - 2 - 3 年的高等教育
>5 years superior studies - 5 年以上的屬高等教育
secondary school - 中學
primary school - 小學

10. 大專學歷用英文怎麼翻譯啊

College degree就有大專學歷的意思。

college degree 大專學歷

英 [ˈkɔlidʒ diˈɡri:]

美 [ˈkɑlɪdʒ dɪˈɡri]


1、'A college degree isn't enough', said one honors student.


2、Getting my college degree and state teaching license officially qualified me to be a teacher.


3、The graphs also indicate whether or not you need a college degree.


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