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Ⅰ 高一英語必修三unit1第3頁答案



必修3Unit 1take place 發生
beauty n. 美;美人
harvest n. & vt. & vi. 收獲;收割
celebration n. 慶祝;祝賀
hunter n. 狩獵者;獵人
starve vi. & vt. (使)餓死;餓得要死
origin n. 起源;由來;起因
religious adj. 宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔誠的
△seasonal adj. 季節的;季節性的
ancestor n. 祖先;祖宗
△ Obon n. (日本)盂蘭盆節
△ grave n. 墳墓;墓地
△ incense n. 熏香;熏香的煙
in memory of 紀念;追念
Mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲國家)
feast n. 節日;盛宴
△skull n. 頭腦;頭骨
bone n. 骨;骨頭
△Halloween n. 萬聖節前夕;諸聖日前夕
belief n. 信任;信心;信仰
dress up 盛裝;打扮;裝飾
trick n. 詭計;惡作劇;竅門
vt. 欺騙;詐騙
play a trick on 搞惡作劇;詐騙;開玩笑
poet n. 詩人
△Columbus Day 哥倫布日
arrival n. 到來;到達;到達者
△Christopher Columbus 克利斯朵夫?哥倫布(義大利航海家)
gain vt.獲得;得到
independence n. 獨立;自主
independent adj. 獨立的;自主的
gather vt. & vi. & n. 搜集;集合;聚集
agriculture n. 農業;農藝;農學
agricultural adj. 農業的;農藝的
award n. 獎;獎品
vt. 授予;判定
△proce n. 產品;(尤指)農產品
rooster n. 雄禽;公雞
admire vt.贊美;欽佩;羨慕
energetic adj.充滿活力的;精力充沛的;積極的
look forward to 期望;期待;盼望
△carnival n. 狂歡節;(四旬齋前的)飲宴狂歡;嘉年華(會)
△lunar adj. 月的;月亮的;陰歷的
Easter n. (耶穌)復活節
day and night 日夜;晝夜;整天
clothing n. 衣服
Christian n. 基督徒;信徒
adj. 基督教的;信基督教的
△ Jesus n. 耶穌
△ cherry n. 櫻桃;櫻桃樹
△ blossom n. 花
vt. 開花
as though 好像
have fun with 玩得開心
custom 習慣;風俗
worldwide adj. 遍及全世界的;世界性的
△ rosebud n. 玫瑰花蕾
fool n. 愚人;白痴;受騙者
vt. 干傻事;開玩笑
adj. 傻的
△ necessity n. 必要性;需要
permission n. 許可;允許
△ prediction n. 預言;預報;預告
△ fashion n. 樣子;方式;時尚
△ Trinidad n. 特立尼達島
△ Carla n. 卡拉(女名)
△ Hari n. 哈利(男名)
parking n. (汽車等)停放
parking lot 停車場
△Valentine』s Day n. 聖瓦倫廷節;情人節
turn up 出現;到場
keep one』s word 守信用;履行諾言
hold one』s breath 屏息;屏氣
apologize vi. 道歉;辯白
drown vt. & vi. 淹沒;溺死;淹死
sadness n. 悲哀,悲傷
obvious adj. 明顯的;顯而易見的
wipe vt. 擦;揩;擦去
△ weave vt. & vi. (wove, woven)
△ herd n. 牧群;獸群
△ the Milky Way 銀河
△ magpie n. 喜鵲
weep vi. (wept, wept) 哭泣;流淚
n. 哭;哭泣
△announcer n. 廣播員;告知者;報幕員
set off 出發;動身;使爆炸
remind vt. 提醒;使想起
remind … of … 使……想起……
forgive vt. (forgave, forgiven) 原諒;饒恕

Ⅲ 高一英語必修三第一單元課文FESTIVALSANDCELEBRATIONS全文翻譯,只要中文不要英文,並且把翻譯寫到上面來!


















Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have heen held everywhere since ancient times.

Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather,planting in spring and harvest in autumn.

Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals.

At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially ring the cold winter months.

Today』s festivals have many origins,some religious,some seasonal,and some for special people or events.

Ⅳ 人教版高中英語必修三教材答案。

Unit1 Festivals around the world
1. 那照片讓她想起淹死在海里的愛人,她哭了。當她走出房間時,盡管已拭去了淚水,但仍掩蓋不住臉上的悲傷。(remind…of; drown; weep; wipe; sadness )
The photo reminded her of her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept. Although she had wiped all her tears away when she came out of the room, she could not hide the sadness on her face.
2. 多年來,這位身居墨西哥的老人日夜夢想著回到自己的祖國。(Mexico; day and night)
For many years this old man who lives in Mexico has been dreaming day and night about going back to his homeland.
3. 這位精力旺盛的詩人也沒有能夠找出這些詞的起源。(energetic; poet; origin)
The energetic poet could not find the origins of the words.
4. 我們又見面了,他為自己沒有信守諾言而向我道歉,並希望我能原諒他。(keep one』s word; apologize; forgive)
When we met again, he apologized to me for not having kept his word and asked me to forgive him.
5. 根據專家們的預測,他會榮獲今年金雞獎的最佳男演員獎。(prediction; award; rooster)
According to experts』 prediction, he will win the best actor at the Golden Rooster Award this year.
6. 很明顯,他在盡力屏住呼吸。(obvious; hold one』s breath)
It was obvious that he was trying to hold his breath.
7. 如果你沒有獲得夜間泊車許可,就不能在此停車。(parking; permission)
If you haven』t got a night parking permission, you can』t park your car here.
8. 下周舉行的大會是為了紀念他們的祖先100多年前來到這個村莊。(take place; in memory of; ancestor; arrival)
The meeting that will take place next week is in memory of their ancestors』 arrival in the village one hundred years ago.

Unit 2 Healthy eating
1. 這一飲食的缺點是包含了太多的脂肪和糖分,優點是有很多能提供能量的食品。(diet; strength; weakness)
The weakness of this diet is that it has too much fat and sugar; its strength is that it has plenty of energy-giving food.
2. 那個商店老闆試圖通過打折來贏回顧客。(win back; discount)
The shopkeeper is trying to win his customers back with a discount.
3. 如果你不為自己的錯誤道歉的話,他們是不會放過你的。(get away with)
If you don』t say sorry for your mistake, they won』t let you get away with it.
4. 他已經負債很久了。對於他來說,如何謀生成了個大問題。(in debt; earn one』s living)
He has been in debt for a long time. How to earn his living is a big problem.
5. 就在我等朋友時,突然發現有個男人在離我不遠處正瞪眼看著我。(spy; glare at)
When I was waiting for my friend, I suddenly spied a man not far away glaring at me.
6. 我不想對你說謊,但是我不得不告訴你他的智力有限。(lie; limited)
I don』t want to lie to you, but I have to say that his intelligence is limited.
7. 專家說吃胡蘿卜對眼睛很有好處。(benefit; carrot)
Experts say eating carrots benefits your eyes.
8. 我吃餃子時通常都會加點醋,因為醋有助於消化食物。(vinegar; digest)
I usually eat mplings with a little vinegar, which I believe helps me digest the food.

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note
1. 事實上,當他進入辦公室時是偶然被保安發現的。(spot; by accident)
As a matter of fact, he was spotted by accident by the guard as he entered the office.
2. 地面在搖晃著,人們尖叫起來,「地震了! 」(scream)
As the earth was shaking, people screamed, 「It』s an earthquake!」
3. 威廉向那位女士鞠了一躬,送給她一個盒子,裡面是一枚漂亮的真鑽石戒指。(bow; genuine)
William bowed to the lady and offered her a little box inside which was a genuine diamond ring.
4. 這些年,我有很多朋友都來到這座大城市追求幸福和成功。至於我,則想碰碰運氣,在家鄉開個公司。(seek one』s fortune; as for; take a chance)
In recent years many of my friends have gone to the big cities to seek their fortune. As for me, I want to take a chance and set up my own company in my hometown.
5. 他把大量的時間和金錢花在世界各地的旅遊上,因為他酷愛冒險。(amount; adventure)
He has spent a large amount of time and money travelling around the world, as he enjoys adventures.
6. 小女孩盯著桌上的菠蘿甜點,她很想吃。(stare; pineapple; dessert)
The little girl stared at the pineapple dessert on the table and wanted to eat it very much.

Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars
1. 既然我們已經完成了設計,就該由公司來精心建設了。(now that; in one』s turn)
Now that we have finished the design, the company, in its urn, will do the construction.
2. 火災沒有造成太大損失,因為消防人員及時趕到了。(in time)
The fire did not cause too much damage, because the firefighters arrived in time.
3. 由於強大的引力,飛船被拖得離衛星很近。(gravity; pull; satellite; spaceship)
The spaceship was pulled close to the satellite by its strong gravity.
4. 沙塵暴導致了連鎖反應,最後造成火車撞毀。(chain; reaction; crash)
The sandstorm led to a chain reaction which ended in a serious train crash.
5. 老師幽默的談話讓我們很振奮,班裡的氣氛也放鬆下來了。(atmosphere; cheer up)
The atmosphere in the classroom relaxed after the teacher』s humorous talk cheered us up.
6. 別打擾她。她昨晚剛生了一個男孩,現在還在睡覺。(give birth to)
Don』t disturb her. She gave birth to a boy last night and now she is asleep.
7. 大部分證據都被毀了。因此,不可能證明這種葯物是有害的。(harmful; thus)
Most of the evidence is destroyed. Thus, it』s impossible to prove that the drug is harmful.
8. 雲就是漂浮在空中的大片的非常細小的水滴。(float; mass)
Clouds are masses of very small drops of water that float in the sky.

Unit 5 Canada---「The True North」
1. 小時候,在黑暗中睡覺讓我們感到很害怕。(terrify)
When I was young, going to sleep in the dark terrified me.
2. 按照傳統,鷹常常被人們當作勇氣的標志。(tradition; eagle)
According to tradition, the eagle is usually regarded as a symbol of courage.
3. 市區的交通總是很糟糕,我每天大概要花一個小時才能回到家。(approximately; downtown)
The traffic is always terrible downtown; it takes me approximately one hour to get home every day.
4. 這座城市裡寬敞的馬路上都種滿了灌木和楓樹。(broad; bush; maple)
The city』s broad streets are lined with bushes and maple trees.
5. 她的衣著和行為證實了我的猜想---她確實很富有。(confirm; wealthy)
Her clothes and behaviors confirmed my guess that she was really quite wealthy.
6. 站在塔頂上,我發現自己被雲霧包圍著。然而我仍能看到遠處的山。那迷人的景色給我留下了深刻的印象。(surround; in the distance; scenery; impress)
Standing at the top of the tower, I found myself surrounded by some clouds. However, I could still see the mountain in the distance. The beautiful scenery impressed me a lot.
7. 他善於交流,所以在工作中他和各種人打交道都應付自如。(have a gift for; mix; manage)
He has a gift for communication, so he managed to mix with all kinds of people in his job.
8. 據我所知,距離汽車站不到一百米就有一個銀行。(as far as; within)
As far as I know, there is a bank within a hundred meters of the bus stop.

Ⅳ 高一必修三英語第一單元的語法知識點(全部)


Ⅵ 英語必修三第一單元課文答案

中原圖書大廈,位於人民路,丹尼斯對面。應該在三樓中東部,一個大書架右側,左側是課改前的課本。 應該會有,今天下午我剛去過。

Ⅶ 高一英語必修3第一單元的Laerning about Language答案是什麼

1.religion→religious culture→cultural proce→proction danger→dangerous nation→national ecate→ecation humour→humorous season→seasonal celebrate→celebration courage→courageous origin→original predict→prediction2.celebration;;Christians;origin;custom;as though;have fun with;belief3.look forward;starving;custom;Gather;admire;Belief;harvests;harvests;feast;tricks;gain;gain.望採納!

Ⅷ 英語必修三人教版第一單元書後習題答案…有木有全解…拍張照片…


Ⅸ 英語必修三第一單元文章後的問題答案


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