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發布時間: 2021-02-28 14:52:20

A. 世紀金榜高中英語必修四綜合測試units1~3答案


B. 英語模塊四第一章測試卷誰有答案

高一數學必修4第一章復《三角函數制》測試題班級 學號 姓名 成績 一 、選擇題(本大題共10小題,每小題3分,共30分,在每小題給出的四個選項中,只有一項是符合題目要求的) 1、-510°是第( )象限角。 A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 2、下列命題中正確的是( ) A.第一象限角必是銳角 B.終邊相同的角相等 C.相等的角終邊必相同 D.不相等的角其終邊必不相同 3、sin210°=( )

C. 英語習題高二英語北師大版必修4 課本練習!! 第三題


D. 中山市2009~2010學年度下學期高一英語測試題(必修四·Unit3)


E. 高一英語必修四13頁第二題練習答案

  1. Helping people in need of help is nice.

  2. Growing super hybrid rice is not easy .

  3. Learning more about farming is not difficult.

  4. In the countryside doing research is not as easyasin the city.

  5. Getting rid of hunger is very important for some African countries .

  6. Explaining this again or we will confuse the students is important .

F. 人教版英語必修4Unit1 課後練習答案。

Answer key for Exercise 2:
1 Anne said that she did not know theaddress of her new home.
2 Anne told her father that she had gottired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and sty windows.
3 The girl said that she needed to pack upher things in the suitcase very quickly.
4 Her father asked her why she chose/hadchosen her diary and old letters.
5 「Are you very hot with so many clotheson?」 Mother asked/said to her.
6 「What else have you hidden under youovercoat?」 Margot asked her.
7 「When shall we go back home?」 Anne askedher father.
8 「Why did you talk so much to that boy?」Father asked Anne.

G. 高中英語必修四第二單元 課後練習題答案


H. 高一英語必修4,unit1詞彙練習,幫幫忙,謝謝!(如果不想答就不要答不要說和答案無關的事)

  1. cares about

  2. donated to

  3. to manage

  4. lived a simple life

  5. coming up

  6. occationally saw

  7. is made for

  8. keep doing

  9. kept mentioning

  10. in accident

  11. connection

  12. community

  13. caring

  14. action

  15. encouraged

  16. demonstrated/did

  17. raise

  18. observed

  19. disagreed

  20. worth

不謝 你加油吧^內^容

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