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發布時間: 2021-02-28 13:29:03

Ⅰ 新聞學碩士哪個大學的好(我本科是英語想跨專業考研,中傳媒那些太高,忘大家可以給些寶貴意見啊!

關鍵看你是明年考抄還是後年考 如果13年1月份考試的話現在有點晚 考名校難度太大 因為你有英語特長 建議你考上外或北外之類的 如果有專業碩士的話建議你考專業碩士 這幾個學校至少是211 上外是不是985不太清楚 但是學校確實也很不錯 因為這種學校對英語要求高 至少六級或八級 復試的話對英語要求也比較高 這樣很多英語不好的學生就不敢報 而且這些學校主要搞國外的一些學習 也能發揮你的長項

Ⅱ 給我一個適合大學生的英語新聞

娛樂英語新聞:Chinese film week opens in Israel
TEL AVIV, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Film Week opened in the Israeli port city of Tel Aviv on Sunday night with a film named "The Park" serving as the opening film. Addressing the opening ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Israel Zhao Jun said the Chinese film week is part of one of the biggest cultural events in Israel, noting that the culture event entitled "Experience China in Israel" is aimed to let more Israelis to know more about China. Zhao introced the history of China's film instry since its first motion film called "Conquering the Dream Mountain" in 1905, saying that "During the past century, Chinese film instry has developed into a complete instry." "The cultural exchanges in the arena of film between China and Israel are increasing in the recent years," he said, adding that an Israeli film week with seven films were held in Beijing and Shanghai respectively in 2007 and last year a Chinese film week with 10 feature films were held in Israel. "By seeing these seven films ring the festival, you will have a better idea of the life and mentality of the ordinary Chinese people, and also the technical skills and concting abilities of the Chinese film instry at present," he said. The opening film "Park," which was proced in 2007, tells the story of an old-fashioned father and a modern daughter who can't stop hurting each other though they love each other deeply. Other films include "A Battle of Wits," "You and Me," "A World Without thieves" and "The Silent Holy Stones." Jointly held by the State Council Information Office of China and Israeli Foreign Ministry, the "Experience China in Israel" event is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 17th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel.



Ⅳ 大學專業:英語(新聞英語方向)是幹嘛的是不是超難我想死了!前途暗淡,求安慰。

說的很清楚了,每天學英語確實是很枯燥乏味的,我學到是商務英語專業,基礎英語、英語聽力、英語口語、英語泛讀、英語寫作、高級英語、英美文學、英美概況這些都有 ,無論學什麼學好了都會有出路的 加油啊

Ⅳ 新聞學考研英語分數要求最低的是哪個大學


Ⅵ 急用一篇 英文的大學新聞報道 300詞左右

Season-long trapping trails ring summers of 2004 and 2005 in China demonstrates that there were noticeable seasonal shifts for trapping Chilo suppressalis males. At higher night-temperature (approximately 28℃), a lure containing 2:1 mixture of Z11- and Z9-hexedecanal combined with 10.1% of Z13-18-octadecenal, proced five-fold trap catches as did the natural blend, compared to the ratios at a lower night-temperature (<25℃) ranging from 1.52 to 1.87. Further studies indicated that the trap catch depended on the ratio of Z11- and Z9-hexedecanal, other than each acted independently. Besides female population density reported, two correlative factors, the night-temperature and the ratio of Z11- and Z9-hexedecanal contained in the pheromone blend, may possibly affect trap catch of male moths.

Ⅶ 哪些大學開設新聞英語或國際新聞的研究生專業


Ⅷ 求適合大學生學英語的短新聞英文網站

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