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發布時間: 2021-02-22 00:39:40

1. 英文作文 我理想中的英語老師 字數150字以上

Do you have a teacher? You may say「Yes.」 Everyone has his teacher. You have, he has, and so do I. In my mind I'll never forget her-my first English teacher.

We have many teachers in our school, some of them old and some of them young. Among these teachers, there is one whom I particularly like and respect.she is Mis. Wu, and young woman of 28.she seems to know everything and she teaches well.
She is not tall,but she has two big eyes.Her voice sounds beautiful and she speaks English very well.She is very humorous, and she always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She's very kind. She likes singing and collecting posters.She is good at playing the piano.

In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.She likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much. Oh, I forgot to tell you that she teaches at Yiyuan high School
記得有一段時間的英語課,無論是哪個時間段的課,同學們都不怎麼認真聽講,剛開始老師並不怎麼理會,繼續講課,只是偶爾太吵就稍停頓一下,到後來講話聲越來越大。I remember a period of several english classes , which is the course of time, not how the students listened to the lectures. beginning teachers do not care about how to continue to give lectures, but occasionally it is too noisy on a little pause, and later speech is growing.
老師終於忍不住了,還沒講完課就停下來了`,她沒有大罵我們,只是沉默著看著我們。Teacher, could not and had not finished the `lessons stopped, she accused us of not only silence with us.
在我還沒有進大學時,常聽人說大學里的老師很少與學生溝通,多半隻顧自講自的,特別是老師(有的老師)講完一堂課了都沒看過在坐的學生一眼。I have not yet entered university, I often heard it said that university teachers seldom communicate with their students, since most just talking. particularly teachers (and some teachers) finished sit in a class of students who have not read the eye.
啊……聽著聽著,感覺那樣是課上著多沒有意思!Ah…… woman, I feel such a class is no more!
但自從上完上次的高數課後,同學們的熱情都很高,比別的任何課程都仔細。But since the last End on the high number of after-school, the students are very enthusiastic than any other course in detail.
她的課講的很好。She said the lesson well.
She faces sometimes serious, sometimes moderate, often with a smile.
原以為大學里的老師都是很無趣的,但高數老師的出現,改變了我心目中老師的形象——那種上就來,下課就走的完成任務式教學的教師形象。 Thought that university teachers are very boring, but the emergence of a high number of teachers. changed my mind on the kind of teacher -- the image to complete the task of teaching the class and left the image of teachers. 只是現在,高數課早已上完了,連當初最調皮的學生都感嘆:英語課真有趣,英語老師真好!It is just that now, a few classes already on the high end, even when the most mischievous students are upset really interesting : both teacher and class are very interesting!
君子之風,存之於心,付之於行,美則在其中!Gentlemanly style of survival in mind and comes to visit, in which the United States!

2. 我的理想 英語作文帶翻譯


When I was a child,I had a ideal to be a doctor.I want to be a respected doctor,to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.Let more people through my efforts to regain life, the life and health.Absolutely,It will be a tough work for me to make my dream come true,It needs a plenty of professional knowledge and a heart of full of kindness and courage. I know the road to my dream may be full of hardships and challenges,but i am full of confidence,and i will make an effort to make the dream come true.As a saying goes:As we shape our life and as we shape of ourselves.The world needs more people to help others!

PS 純手打~~TT 很辛苦

3. 英語作文我理想中的自己


Where are you I look forward to long for you!
I think you are in my heart that man, a tall man, with basketball body, hobbies, sports how many people you have killed the vision Your magic was superb sinking, I conquered the fragile ❤! You are considerate, cheerful, and is a perfect image of a good man! With you around, everyone will become very happy, because you have a unique magic! ~


4. 求作文 (我理想中的英語課堂)或(我心目中的英語老師)

Having learned English for more than ten years, I've met several English teachers. Each has his or her own strong points. The following are some of my ideas about what an ideal English teacher should be like.
First, an ideal English teacher should have correct pronunciation and intonation. When we learn a language, we hear it mostly from our teacher. If the teacher is not correct in his pronunciation and intonation, how can he expect his students to be right? Second, an ideal English teacher should be fluent in his spoken English. He must be able to express himself well in English.
Third, an ideal teacher should have a good command of both the English language and his mother tongue. He should be clearly aware of the differences between the two languages and the two cultures. Moreover, an ideal English teacher should have a strong sense of humor so that he can keep his classroom filled with laughter. Finally, an ideal English teacher should know the art of teaching and be able to motivate his students to study and equip them with the correct way of learning English.


My ideal English class is what kind of? Let me tell you! My ideal English class is: the classmates sat in capacious and bright in class, tables and chairs very neat, orderly, the classroom clean. The blackboard is automated, when the teacher on the blackboard written word to erase, a press "erase" switch, font will disappear automatically, then no st pollution damage the body of the teachers and students. In my ideal class, the teacher is very lively and interesting, the atmosphere was very active in the classroom, students can freely to the teacher puts forward all kinds of problems, widen your horizon. If the question the teacher, the students answer wrong, it doesn't matter, can let the other students give him to correct mistakes. The classroom teacher assigned homework to less, we very easily were finished. In my spare time, students can free time, between the classmate can communicate some good learning methods and learning experience. Let's be friends, pull into the distance between our classmates. This is my ideal English class!

5. ,英語作文,1,我理想中的大學英語課堂是什麼樣的2 對英語將來的目標,3,在英語

My ideal school
I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m,我希望我的理想學校每天早上8:30才開始上課.because l usually get up late. 因為我每天起床都很晚I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m.我希望我的理想學校每天下午4:30就放學. So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities. 那樣我就可以多點時間休息以及多點課外活動了.
My ideal school is very large,我的理想學校是很大規模的.It has three tall buildings ,它有3棟很大的大樓, a big dining hall,一個大大的餐廳 a tennis court,一個網球場, a big playground and a park. 一個大的操場和公園.
We have an hour for lunch.我們有一個小時的午餐時間. We can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.我們可以在那個豪華的餐廳裡面吃最美味的食物,談天說地.
I Love My ideal school!我愛我理想中的學校!
An Ideal School
Middle school in my ideal life , be full of plant in entire campus, school has a brook inside, look like abroad school , same as nature, every day being able to study under fresh air , can breathe fresh air especially in the morning. Within this school, every schoolmate good friend having self. Can be joyful every day. This is school in my ideal.

6. 急求一篇英語作文「我理想中的學校」

).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.(tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter
Now,I will tell you more about my friends &teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.(Would you like to come?)
I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.

7. 英語作文《理想中的課堂》

my ideal class timetable rests from 9 in the morning to five in the afternoon. firstly because i think before the morning class begin, enough time should be allocated for students to exercise in order to improve their health conditions. secondly, secondary school students are still lack of self-control ability. therefore,appropriate class time should be effective enough to ensure their study efficiency.

moreover, my ideal class form should be full of interaction among teacher and students. students should free to ask teacher question at any time without standing up. teachers and students are more like friends and free to discuss any problem.

8. 《我理想中的學校》英語作文


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