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① 蘇教版六年級上冊英語書



名詞就是一個東西的名字,如:書 book

物主代詞是我的,你的,xx的,有:your,my,her,his,our,their等。一版般用在名詞之前權,如:your book

賓格是用在動詞後的人稱代詞,有:me,you,him,her,them等。如:help me

主格就是主語,有:I,you,he,she,they,we等。如:我是個女孩。 I am a girl.在這兒,I 就是主格。



③ 六年級上冊蘇教版英語的Unit 6~7的書後藍色單詞,快點啊!我不是沒有書,被人拿走了

第7單元:我說中容文了。是1.一塊手錶2.一個茶壺3.一個錢包(a wallet)4.一個計算器5.一塊滑板6.一把梳子7.一面鏡子8.一個吹風機

④ 05網 蘇教版六年級英語書作文


⑤ 蘇教版六年級上冊英語書25頁答案

Since we go to school, we have to learn English, it has been one of the main subjects. As we have learned English for a very long time, we will complain about it, we always make the joke that the foreigners should learn Chinese. Now, it is not the joke anymore, the world』s watching China, more and more foreign people are interested in Chinese, they have learned Chinese. When we open the TV, we can find that a hot show called Chinese Bridge, it is a competition for the foreign students to show their Chinese. I have seen the show, I was very impressed, the foreign students spoke Chinese so well, they knew our culture, they had enthusiasm, which made them enjoy learning Chinese. We should learn from the foreign students, they show us the way to learn a language well.

⑥ 蘇教版六年級上冊英語第二單元課文 蘇教版

Ben』 birthday

Jim is a new student in Ben's class.He lives near Ben.Ben and Jim
often go home together after school.Today,Ben is visiting Jim.They are in Jim's room.They are talkng about Ben's birthday.
Ben:Whan date is it today?
Jim:lt's the 16th of October.
Ben:The 16th of October?Oh,my birthday is coming soon.
Jim:ls it?When's your birthday?
Ben:lt's on the 18th of October.Would like to come to my birthday
Ben:Great!When's your birthday,Jim?
Jim:My birthday's on the 6th of August.
Ben:Do you usually have a birthday party?
Jim:Yes,l do.
Jim:What would you like as a birthday present,Ben?
Ben:l'd like a yo-yo.
Jim:OK.Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons,too?
Ben:Japanese cartoons?Yes,please.l like them.
Jim:Would you like to watch "Aladdin"?
Ben:Yes.l'd like to.When can we watch it?
Jim:Let's wait and see.

⑦ 求小學英語蘇教版六年級上冊單詞表

long long ago很久以前 magic有魔力的,神奇的 clever聰明的 foolish愚蠢的 through穿過 laugh笑,大笑 wear穿 tell講,敘述 each每個 say說
sentence句子 quick迅速的,快的 next下一個 little小的,年幼的 turn機會 think想,思考 hard努力地,費力地 child孩子 turn into變成 Unit2
sunny晴朗 show展覽,展示 interesting有趣的,有意思的 weather天氣 become變成,變為 windy有風的 cloudy多雲的 high在高處 sky天空 bring帶來 honey蜂蜜 drink飲料 ant螞蟻 bee蜜蜂 cloud雲 rain下雨 rainy多雨的 meet遇見 lose丟失 know知道 What happened?出什麼事了? climb up爬上 hold onto抓緊 fly away飛走 Unit3
holiday假日,假期 national day國慶節 call打電話 Bund(上海)外灘 Shanghai museum上海博物館 star星星

Great wall長城 Palace museum故宮 Summer palace頤和園 Tian』anmens quare天安門廣場 fashion show時裝表演,時裝秀 excited激動的,興奮的 paper紙 ask問
bottle瓶子 go well進展順利 at first開始,最初 heavy rain大雨 Unit4
then and now過去和現在 ago ……以前 use使用,利用 telephone電話
office辦公室 mobile phone行動電話,手機 anywhere隨處,到處 radio收音機 newspaper報紙 news新聞 watch觀看 e-book電子書
make friends交朋友 all over the world全世界 do shopping購物 TV電視 look out of朝…外看 go on繼續 still仍然 what day is today? spell拼讀,拼寫 今天是星期幾? make a sentence造句 with用 yesterday昨天 Unit5
sign標識 shopping centre購物中心
careful小心,當心 what does it mean? mean意思是 它是什麼意思? floor地面 litter亂扔垃圾 go in進入,走進 take…into帶入 restaurant飯店,餐廳 someone某人 smoke吸煙,抽煙 smell聞到

No eating or drinking請勿飲食 no littering請勿亂扔垃圾 No parking請勿停車 no smoking請勿吸煙 Danger危險 wet floor小心地滑 outing外出遊玩,遠足 walk on繼續走路 around在…周圍 Unit6
keep保持,維持 clean干凈,整潔 make使…變得 air空氣 dirty骯臟的 smoke煙霧
rubbish垃圾 messy骯臟的,亂七八糟的 dead死的 move…away from從…搬走 bin垃圾桶 plant種植,栽種 more更多的 museum博物館 throw扔 skin果皮
ground地面,地上 pick…up撿起,拾起 slip滑倒 fall摔倒

⑧ 蘇教版六年級上冊英語第一單元課文 蘇教版

牛津英語6B unit1 Who is younger? A Listen,read and say
On Sunday morning ,Su Hai went for a walk in the park.She met Ben and his cousin Jack.She was very gald to see them.They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.
Ben : Jack, this is Su Hai.She's my classmate.Su Hai ,this is my cousin Jack.
Su Hai :Nice to meet you ,Jack.
Jack :Hello ,Su Hai .
Ben :Su Hai has a twin sisiter.Her name's Su Yang.
Jack :Really?Do you look the same ,Su Hai?
Su Hai :Yes,we do.
Jack :Are you as tall as your tiwn sisiter?
Su Hai :No ,I'm taller than Su Yang .
Jack :Who's younger,you or Su Yang?
Su Hai :Su Yang's twenty minutes younger than me !
Jack :That's interesting.I want to meet her one day.
Su Hai :Do you have any brothers or sisiters ,Jack?
Jack :No ,I don't.
Su Hai :So you're the only child in your family.
Jack :Yes, but my mum says Jimmy is also her child.
Su Hai :Who's Jimmy?
Ben :That's Jack's dog.Here he is .
Su Hai :How old is he ?
Jack :He's four .He's one year younger than me.
Su Hai :Oh,I see.So you've got a brother.

Su Hai is telling Su Yang about Jack.Complete the sentences.

I met Ben and his ____________Jack ih the park. Jack 's ___________ years old.He doesn't have any brothers or sisiters .He has a _________,Jimmy.Jimmy's one year ______than Jack.

重點片語: On Sunday morning 在星期天早上
went(go) for a walk 散步
be glad to do sth.高興、樂意做某事
eg:She was very gald to see them.
under a big tree 在一棵大樹下面
had (have)a chat 聊天
my cousin 我的表弟(表兄妹)
this is my cousin ————this is 用來介紹某人
a twin sisiter個雙胞胎妹妹
my classmate我的同班同學
look the same 看起來一樣
twenty minutes younger 小(年輕)20分鍾
the only child獨生子
as tall as 和。。。一樣高

⑨ 求六年級上冊蘇教版英語書第一單元單詞

long long ago很久以前 magic有魔力的,神奇的
clever聰明的 foolish愚蠢的 through穿過 laugh笑,大笑
wear穿 tell講,敘述 each每個 say說
sentence句子 quick迅速的,專快的屬 next下一個
little小的,年幼的 turn機會 think想,思考
hard努力地,費力地 child孩子 turn into變成

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