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發布時間: 2021-01-13 06:16:47

⑴ 大學生 英語課代表工作總結


⑵ 百度我要提問:我是廣州外語外貿大學附小三年四班的學生,我在班裡擔任英語課代表。這兩句話該怎麼翻譯

I am guangzhou university of foreign students of class four FuXiao three years, I was English lesson representative in the class.


⑶ 大家好,我叫陳珏君,英文名叫MAGGIE,是廣州外語外貿大學附小三年四班的學生,我在班裡擔任英語課代表,我

Hello, my name is ChenJue jun, English name is MAGGIE, guangzhou university of foreign students of class four FuXiao three years, I was English lesson representative in the class,I

⑷ 找一本小說,男主是大學畢業就去女主的班上當英語老師讓女主當他的課代表之後女主考上了他的大學1


⑸ 如何當好大學英語課代表


⑹ 大學第一天上英語課,老師要找英語課代表,我跟老師私聊了,老師也讓我當了,但是同學都不認識我。

英語課代表的職責和任務: 1、將當天老師布置的作業在黑板上標出以示提醒。版 2、課前應及時到辦權公室領取作業本,並在課前發放給同學。 3、課前到辦公室拿錄音機和磁帶。 4、收交作業必須及時,隔天早上必須交齊作業(如確不能按老師規定時間完成,則應向老師單面說明或寫張字條說明原因交給組長)。課代表在業績表上做好記錄。作業和業績表一起在早讀課後交給老師。 5、收作業時需按組收齊,把組長的作業本單獨放在一起並放在最上方。 6、了解同學作業完成情況,並記載好作業記載本(哪一題錯的比較多),連同作業簿一起上交給任課老師。 7、及時向任課老師反映同學們對作業多少的要求,或學習上不懂的地方。 8、如上課時有到多媒體上課,課代表應提早通知同學,確保在上課前在多媒體做好准備。說了這么多,給個贊吧

⑺ 大學英語課第一天,老師想選個課代表,課後想當的和老師打電話私聊,在電話里該怎麼和老師說合適


⑻ 有一本小說女主角是英語課代表外號叫大耳朵圖圖,跟男主大學是一個班的,男主暗戀女主,同學會跟女主是


⑼ 求大學英語課代表競選演講稿 英文的 500字 謝了

, the students of food science and engineering, the students of politics and public management, and the English teacher of our class. It is great honor and pleasure for me to be there. Now, I announce my campaign tour is beginning.
First, in the front of the classroom standing me who comes from a village of Hubei province, for I could pass the college entrance examination save and sound and become the owner of 122 marks in English test, the appreciation rises up from deep in my heart. Maybe in your eyes, that only by this as capital of my campaign can not gain your acceptation. So here we go!
The English learning tour is long but joyful. And now because we are in Hainan University where is equipped with perfect and useful facilities, I believe we can defeat English. Yes, we can. Because that the teacher who is responsible and full of creation belongs to us. I believe we can spend a cheerful time in our English class. Yes we can. Because the dream on our shoulders, the goals in our hearts, I believe we can pass the four-year time happily and successfully. Yes we can.
Since I am standing here, absolutely all of you can. English learning needs to read, to memorize, but more importantly needs to speak out, speak out! Just like me. Now I am lost in this exciting situation, and once I become the assistant to English teacher. This kind of activity will be concted frequently. At that time, I hope you could share your own experience with me, and there is no wonder it can contribute to your English.
Classmates! For our English dream, please vote for me!
Believe yourself, believe me. Yes we can, yes I can!

⑽ 請問去美國讀本科之後的英語水平和大學英語課代表的英語水平誰比較厲害啊為什麼啊


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