① 初中,高中英語(人教版或湘教版教材)的說課稿
1. 遵循教學大綱要求,明確說課內容。把握說課與上課的區別與聯系,正確理解教材、教案說課、上課之間的層進關系,走出說課即是「說教案」的誤區。
2. 以教師為主導,學生為主體,體現先進的教學理念。
3. 詳略得當,重點突出,體現說課的完整性。
4. 與教案相結合,體現其可操作性。
1. 說教材:科學分析教材,明確重點難點、教學目標和要求以及教材在單元中的地位和作用。
2. 說學生:談談學生的知識與能力結構,明確說課內容的難易程度。
3. 說教法:談談本節課要實施的教學手段、方法以及教具的使用。
4. 說學法:談談學習方法的運用以及將要實現的目標。
5. 說教學程序:說為什麼要設計該程序?目的、意圖何在?結果如何?
6. 說板書設計:談談板書設計的根據和理由,力求體現說板書設計的程序性、概括性和藝術性。
五、附SB 2B U16 Lesson 63說課稿
Unit 16 Lesson 63
Hello, everyone. Today I』m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.
Part 1 My understanding of this lesson
The analysis of the teaching material:
This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral ecation. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.
Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.
2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.
3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted.
Key points / Teaching important points:
How to understand the text better.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Use your own words to retell the text.
2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.
Something about the Ss:
1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.
2. They are lack of vocabulary.
3. They don』t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.
4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.
Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids
Before dealing with this lesson, I』ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral ecation while they are learning the English language.
Teaching method:
Double activities teaching method
Question-and-answer activity teaching method
Watch-and-listen activity
Free discussion method
Pair work or indivial work method
Teaching aids:
1. a projector
2. a tape recorder
3. multimedia
4. the blackboard
Part 3. Teaching steps / proceres
I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.
The entire steps are:
Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework
Step 1 Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Revision
1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).
a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)
b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?
c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?
2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.
Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading
Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.
Purpose: Arouse the students』 interest of study.
Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.
Step 4. Fast reading
Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:
1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?
2. What does the whale feed on?
3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?
Method: Read the text indivially, use question—and—answer activity.
Purpose: Improve the students』 reading ability.
Understand the general idea of each paragraph.
Step 5. Listening(book closed)
1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)
2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)
Train the Ss』 listening ability and prepare for later exercises.
Step 6. Intensive reading
Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.
1. How much does a whale eat at a time?
2. Do all the whales feed on small fish?
3. How deep can a sperm whale dive?
It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.
Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.
Step 7. Preparation for details of the text on the screen
1. ...its heart slows to half its normal speed.
slow-v. to become / make slower.
2. ...using sound wave
Present participle used as adverbial.
3. provide sth. for sb.
provide sb. with sth.
4. at a time: each time
5. grow to a length of...
Purpose: Train the Ss』 ability of understanding and using laguage.
Step 8. Consolidation
1. Find out the topic sentences.
2. Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.
Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. What』s more, I want to let them have the ability of introcing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.
Step 9. Discussion
Show them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give them another topic: The sea is being polluted. What should they do?
Purpose: I mean to give them emotional ecation. I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life. I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger!
I teach them to do their best to help it and do something from now on. Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.
Step 10. Homework
Write an article Saving the sea. I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.
Part 4. Blackboard design
Unit 16 Lesson 63
Topic Sentences:
1. Some living things can live in Antarctica.(what)
2. The whale feeds on small fish.(what)
3. The sperm whale feeds on squid.(difference)
1. The whales are in danger. What』s your opinion about it?
2. The sea is being polluted. What should we do?
In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher』s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.
In this text, the design is not easy to write. I write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. The discussion is of the difficulty.
I want to make the design inctive, instructive and artistic
② 急需高中英語說課的基本步驟和新版高一英語說課全套人教版的
備好課是教師上好課的基礎,是提高教育教學質量的前提。備課是教師日常教學工作的重要組成部分,可以體現出一個教師的專業素養、教學理念與教學能力,也是教師從事教育教學研究的主陣地。高中英語教學的實際情況對教師的備課提出了比較高的要求,要求教師既能從宏觀上把握教材的結構體系、編排的意圖、教學策略,又要能從微觀角度入手有針對性設計與選用具體的教學方法,制訂詳細、全面的能力培養方案,落實具體而龐雜的語音、詞彙、短語、句式結構、段落篇章結構等語言、語法基礎知識。要想在備課中做到宏觀與微觀的統一,兼顧到教學方法與具體語言語法知識點的有機結合,需要教師進行長期的實踐與探索。高中英語教師的備課,可分為整體把握教材、單元備課、課時教案編寫、教學反思四個層次,每個備課層次又包含著若干個基本步驟。下面,我就結合自己數年來英語教學工作實踐談談高中英語教師備課的四個層次及其基本步驟。一、整體把握教材整體把教材是高中英語教師進行備課的首要工作,是從宏觀上了解和認識高中英語教學在中小學英語教學乃至大中小學英語教育教學中的地位、作用、教學內容和教學要求的一個過程,教師可以從下面幾個方面入手展開這一層次的備課。1.通讀當前的《普通高中英語課程標准》,領會高中英語課程的性質、基本理念、設計思路,明確高中英語課程的目標,仔細研讀《課程標准》中對語言技能、語言知識、情感態度、學習策略和文化意識等五個方面分別提出的具體內容和標准,弄清各個級別中對上述五個方面的具體要求,結合所提供的具體教學案例去領悟實施建議中的教學建議、評價建議、課程資源的開發與利用的建議、教材編寫和使用的建議,以全面領會《課程標准》。2.通讀或瀏覽當前高中英語教材,了解全部高中英語教材的基本內容和結構;重點閱讀當前所要教授的教材,弄清本冊教材的具體內容、教學要求和在整個高中英語教材中的地位與作用,大致了解一下初中英語教材的內容,做到心中有數。3.在以上兩個步驟的基礎上,結合具體的學情編寫切合實際的學期教學計劃。學期教學計劃應包括學情分析、教材分析、教育教學目標、方法措施、教學進度安排、教學活動安排等內容。二、單元備課這一層次的備課是在對教材整體把握的基礎上,以一個單元為單位進行備課,是一個從宏觀到微觀、從整體到局部的過渡。這一層次的備課要求教師將宏觀的、總體的教學要求化解成為相對具體的教學任務,通過具體的教學內容與具體的教學過程去實現教學目標。所以,這一層次的備課既要求教師從宏觀駕馭教材,又要求教師能從微觀的角度出發去具體地分析研究教材,確定教學重點、難點,選用適當的教學方法,制定教學模式,搜集整理相關教學材料、合理安排課時等等方面的工作。具體說來,這一層次的備課應包括以下步驟。1.仔細閱讀教材,熟悉教材內容,弄清本單元在整冊教材中的地位與作用,分析本單元與其它單元之間的聯系,理清單元內部各個部分之間的關系。2.閱讀配套的教師教學用書,進一步理清單元教材的結構,明確教材編寫意圖,閱讀相關背竟材料,借鑒其中的教學方法和教學策略。3.根據教師個人對教材的理解和教師教學用書的指導,並結合學生的實際情況,確定單元教學思路、教學重點、教學難點、教學方法、課時分配方案等。在這一步驟中,教師在教學重難點的選擇中,一是要做到具體,應該具體到像詞彙、短語、句子這樣的層面;二是要做到全面,力爭不要遺漏任何重難點;三是要切合實際,要根據學生的學情來確定教學難度與教學的重點。4.瀏覽二至三種與教材配套的教輔用書,廣泛涉獵其中的文化背景知識、知識點的分析與講解、教學例句、教學案例等教學材料。有條件的教師,還可以通過互聯網等媒體查閱與收集相關資料,為編寫課時教案做好知識與方法的儲備。5.准備配套的媒體材料。根據教學內容和教學需要,提前准備好幻燈片、錄音、錄像、多媒體課件等配套的媒體材料。6.准備好配套的單元練習、單元測試與單元課外活動。 三、編寫課時教案這一層次的備課是對上一個層次備課的進一步細化與具體化,是教師教學理念、教學方法的具體體現,也是教師駕馭教材能力、教育教學水平的集中體現。這一層次的教學要求教師從非常細微的、具體的知識點入手,採用科學方法和手段去組織和設計好每一個教學環節,落實每一個具體的教學目標,完成每一個教學任務。由於高中英語教學仍然以英語基礎知識的學習和英語基本技能的培養為主線,所以高中英語的備課有其自身的特殊性,要求教師既要重視具體語言知識及其相關內容的准備,又要做好具體教學方法的准備。可見,高中英語課時教案的編寫是一項繁瑣而復雜的工作,需要教師有豐富的知識,靈活處理教材的能力,還需要教師細心,有耐心。要具體編寫好一個課時教案,應遵循以下一些基本步驟。1.根據單元教學要求和學生實際情況確定課時教學內容、重點、難點。這一步驟是教師編寫課時教案時首先應考慮的問題,課時的教學內容的安排要適量,重點要突出,難點要適當分散。2.教學方法、教學手段與教學媒體的選用與設計。教師應根據確定的教學內容、教學重點和教學難點,結合學生的實際情況設計教學方法,選用與之相適應的教學手段與教學媒體,應做到教學內容、教學方法、教學手段、教學媒體之間的諧調統一。3.設計教學步驟,編寫課時教案的具體內容。在上述步驟的基礎上,教師將具體的教學內容,分成若幹部分,結合具體的教學方法和教學手段,編寫出具體而詳細的教學步驟。在高中英語課時教案的編寫的過程中,一定要兼顧教學內容和教學方法。教學內容要力求詳實、准確、全面,因為高中英語課堂教學涉及到從語音、詞彙、短語、句子、語法、段落、篇章、語言交際、文化背景知識等方面的內容和聽說讀寫能力的全面提升。要想做到教學內容提要的詳實、准確和全面並非易事,要求教師仔細研究每一課時教材的具體內容,廣泛查閱各種教學資料、詞典等工具書,精選各種背景材料、優美典型的例句等教學材料。由於高中英語教學有其特殊性,所以教學方法也顯得尤為重要,應該把具體的教學方法、教學手段同每一個教學步驟緊密地結合起來,以達到最優化的教學效果。4.備作業與習題。作業與習題的准備也是課時教案編寫的內容之一,要精選作業與練習,作業與練習的選擇要有明確的目的,要考慮其有效性和科學性。5.備板書與課堂教學用語。在編寫課時教案的同時,教師應根據內容設計出相應的課堂板書,備課時也應想一想課堂上可能會用到的教學用語,思考一下這些課堂教學用語以怎樣的方式表達效果更好。四、教學反思教學反思是對教師備課和教學工作的一種自我評價,是一個總結經驗和教訓而提升教師教學素養的過程。把教學反思納入備課,作為備課的一個組成部分,可以使教學反思經常化,也可以使教師在反思的過程中不斷提高備課質量。1.記錄好教學札記、教後感。做好教學札記,以便查缺補漏,有利於教師及時調整自己的教學策略與教學方法,提高課堂教學藝術與教學效率。寫好教後感,教師可以在總結中,發現自己的教學閃光點和教學缺陷,在自我反思的過程中逐漸提高自己的教學能力,形成自己的教學風格。2.提煉整理教學反思,撰寫教研教學論文。在經常堅持記教學札記和教後感的基礎上發現一些共性的、有規律的教育教學現象,加以分析和總結,撰寫論文。以上的四個層次及若干個步驟是一個從宏觀到微觀、從整體到部分、從感性到理性的過程,是一個相互聯系的統一體,是高中英語教師在備課中應遵循的一些基本做法。希望我個人在高中英語教學工作中的這些做法和感悟能供各位英語教師參考,以共同提高高中英語教學質量。
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