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發布時間: 2021-03-02 04:44:25

❶ 這是誰的書英語怎麼說

這是誰的書?Whose is this book?
這書包是大明(daming)的.This is Da Ming's bag.
這裙子是她的。This is her dress.
這T袖是他內的。This is his T-shirt.
Xiaohong's doll is very dirty.

❷ 這些書是誰的英語翻譯,用our和ours的轉變

Whose books are these?
They are ours/our books.

❸ 這些書是誰的用英語怎麼說

這些書是他的抄嗎? The book is his?
還有他不能找到他的食物 And he can't find his food
這是誰的電腦? Who is this computer?
吉姆的媽媽看起來很年輕. Jim's mother looks very young.
我認為這些玩具是李明的 I think these toys is li Ming

❹ 這些書是誰的,它們不是他的。英文怎表達

Whose books are these? They're not his. 這些書是誰的?他們不是他的。


❺ 這些書是他的嗎英語怎麼說

這些書是他的嗎? The book is his?
還有他不能找到他的食物 And he can't find his food
這是誰的電腦? Who is this computer?
吉姆的媽媽看起來很年內輕. Jim's mother looks very young.
我認為這些容玩具是李明的 I think these toys is li Ming

❻ 這些是誰的書是他們的。用英語怎麼說

Whose books are these?

❼ "這些書是誰的" 用英語怎麼說

Whose books are these?

❽ "這些書是他們的嗎"用英語說

Are these books theirs?

❾ 這些故事書是誰的用英語怎麼說

Whose story books are these?
Whose story books are they?

❿ 這是誰的書!英語怎麼說

樓主你好!應該是whose book is this ?謝謝,滿意就採納吧!用我們的回答,換取你的滿意!

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