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⑵ 大學英語精讀第三冊6至9單元選詞填空的答案!

Unit 6 Man and Animals
Vocabulary (P254)
3. 1) survive 2) conflicts 3) available 4) likely 5) injuring
6) absorbed 7) competition 8) instinct 9) hesitated 10) similar
4. 1) ensure 2) population 3) characteristic 4) exhibit 5) defense
6) familiar 7) territory 8) case 9) minute 10) aggressive
Translation (P256)
1) She always behaves badly when her aunt comes to visit.
2) If it hadn』t been for your help, we wouldn』t have been able to finish the task in time.
3) I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists.
4) The fact that something is cheap doesn』t necessarily mean it』s of low quality.
5) Without anyone to turn to for help, making an appropriate choice can be difficult.
7) Only if Peter goes to the evening party will she go.
8) I can only compare the experience to a nightmare.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P279)
1) 這種理論的核心是:我們的環境同我們的本能、性格特徵和行為,即使有什麼聯系的話,也是微不足道的。
Unit 7 They Joy of Travel
Vocabulary (P294)
1. 1) engagement 2) separating 3) influences 4) arranged 5) chosen
6) In case 7) processed 8) changes 9) benefited 10) go on
2. 1) end 2) booked 3) trapped 4) book 5) ended 6) appeal 7) trap 8) appeal
9) samples 10) structure 11) value 12) structured 13) sampled 14) process 15) valued 16) process
3. 1) A. emptied B. emptiness 2) A. terrified B. terrifying
3) A. entertaining B. entertainment 4) A. introctory B. introction
5) A. employed B. employment 6) A. transform B. transformation
7) A. convinced B. convincing 8) A. approval B. approve
9) A. isolates B. isolation 10.A. reinforcement B. reinforced
Translation (P296)
1) I didn』t realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work.
2) The most important thing is not what you say but what you do.
3) This is the best result that can be expected in such circumstances.
4) It isn』t the first time that you』ve found yourself in such a situation.
5) This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.
6) The new threat on the horizon is unemployment.
7) We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea.
8) He slipped into the old habit of drinking.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P320)
A. From English to Chinese
1) 悲觀主義者的典型特徵是他們往往認為壞事會持續很久,會損害他們所做的每一件事情,而且都是自己的過錯。
2) 猴子回答說他確信自己有足夠的力量同志天庭。
3) 好消息是並非A型行為的各個方面都同樣有害。
4) 有觀察表明,如果人們不被告知正在發生的事情,他們會變得更不耐煩。這是Larson研究的另一個課題。
5) 有時病人所需的只是一種安慰;一切都會好的。
B. From Chinese to English
1) The question to ask is not whether we should travel but where we should travel.
2) The distinctive feather of the island is that it is made up of pink coral.
3) The belief that he would win helped him go out of the desert.
4) The fact that the town had beautiful scenery and low expense made us overjoyed.
5) He wanted to find some evidence that the restaurant overcharged him.
Unit 8 Nature and Nurture
Vocabulary (P335)
1. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B
2. 1) resemble 2) alike 3) Like 4) similar 5) same 6) Identical, same, alike
3. 1) absolutely 2) eventually 3) obviously 4) Similarly 5) remarkably 6) approximately 7) exclusively 8)actually
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P365)
Unit 9 Music
Vocabulary (P386)
1. 1) stimulate 2) distract 3) qualify/be qualified 4) ince 5) accelerate
6) soothe 7) overtaken 8) wander 9) combine 10) commissioned
2. 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) A
Translation (P387)
1) I took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis.
2) You may even swim in the lake—if you feel inclined to.
3) The loud music brought on another one of his headaches.
4) A careless person is apt to make mistakes.
5) The experiment resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer.
6) Comparatively speaking, we are more concerned with work efficiency and proct development.
7) Doctors said that surgery could ince heart attack.
8) I qualified/was qualified as a doctor at London University 30 years ago.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P409)
1) 音樂是人類的共同語言。——亨利W朗費羅(1807-18820,美國詩人
2) 音樂給人的啟示超過哲學。——路德維希 范 貝多芬(1770-1827),德國作曲家
3) 在生命的黑夜中音樂是月光。——讓 保羅 里徹 (1763-1825) ,德國作家
4) 音樂能洗滌靈魂,清除其日常生活的塵埃。——摘自《一百零一首最好的歌》
5) 人們用音樂來表達語言難以表達的情感。——埃爾伯特 哈伯德 (1856-1915),美國作家、編輯
6) 音樂真奇妙,它能平息胸中的怒氣,軟化堅硬的岩石,壓彎長滿節瘤的橡樹。——威廉 康格里夫(1670-1729),英國戲劇家
7) 記憶中,所有的一切都似乎跟音樂有關。——田納西 威廉斯(1974-1983),美國戲劇家
8) 藉助音樂,孩童進入美的世界,表達內心的情感,品位創造的樂趣,增強同情心,發展智力,平和心境,陶冶情操,培養優雅的儀態。——美國全國兒童福利會,1927年
9) 人們相互表達心靈的和諧美妙所採用的最佳、最美、最理想的途徑是音樂。——喬納森 愛德華茲(1703-1758),美國傳教士和神學家
10) 音樂的力量是無法抗拒的,它的功勞數不勝數;任何靈魂工程師都很少能像音樂一樣激起人們的愛心,喚醒人們平和的心境,促進人們之間的友誼。——威廉斯 薩克雷(1811-1863),英國小說家
Unit 9 Music
Vocabulary (P423)
1. 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) A 8) A 9) A 10) B
2. 1) Judging fro m 2) regardless of 3) In my opinion 4) Now that
5) let alone 6) lost touch with 7) at peace with 8) get along with
3. 1) inherited from 2) distracts… from 3) confronted with 4) probe 5) regardless of/ in spite of
6) perceive 7) have identified 8) make up 9) limitations 10) genius
Translation (P425)
1) When he returned to his office, he was confronted with an enormous pile of work.
2) The captain of this football team scored two wonderful goals early on in the game.
3) provided they are fit, I don』t know why they won』t go on playing for another three or four years.
4) In emergencies he can still make sound judgments.
5) While I admit that there are problems, I don』t agree that they cannot be solved.
6) He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.
7) We must find a way to resolve these problems before it is too late.
8) Parents cannot always have the school of their choice for their children.
Writing and Translation
2. Translation practice (P452)
A. 歲月可以在皮膚上留下皺紋,但是熱情的喪失卻會讓靈魂生長皺紋。憂慮、恐懼、缺乏自信只會讓人胸無大志,變成一堆行屍走肉。無論是60歲還是16歲,每個人都會被好奇所吸引,都會對未來、對人生這場游戲帶給我們的歡樂懷著孩子般永不消減的渴望。在你我心靈的深處都有一個無線電台:只要它不停地從人群中、從無限的時空中接受美好、希望、激勵、勇氣和力量的信息,你我就都會年輕。
B. 1) 老年遠不只是頭上有白發,臉上有皺紋,也不只是一種感覺。真正的不幸不在於身體的虛弱,而在於心靈的冷漠。
2) 人的青春是美妙的:它充滿著痛苦和魔力,青年人在當時並不知道什麼是青春,只有當它永遠地消失時,他才真正明白。
3) 我認為那些有強烈的非個人性興趣愛好又參與各種適當活動的人最容易做好頤養天年。
4) 當青春逝去時,每個人都會帶著無限的悲哀和悔恨回首人生那段時光。他這時才知道,他曾經擁有非凡的才能,卻浪費了;曾經擁有大筆的財富,卻未曾利用,從中什麼也沒有得到。

⑶ 大學英語精讀第三冊第四單元課後習題答案

1) junior
2) junk
3) winds
4) physical
5) handicap
6) Click
7) decayed
8) interpreted
9) leaning
10) limb
11) twisted
12) relationship
13) surrounded
14) at least
15)in hopes of
1) covering
2) runs
3) affect
4) dotted with
5) Elaborate
6) fancy
7) grabbed
8) maximum
9) per
10) spotted
11) strained
12) caught her eye
13) sort of
1) add to
2) curled up
3) bring back
4) called up
5) grow up
6) came up with
7) work   out
8) was singled out
9) take    apart
3) Venusian
1) taxpayers' money
2) playgoers
3) Young songwriters
4) babysitters
5) housekeepers
6) sunbather
7) wheelchair
8) driveway
1) that little progress has been made
2) is doing a little better this season
3) a little earlier than scheled
4) Little did he realize
5) said little about her work experience
6) little imagined then
7) slow down a little
8) have little contact with the outside world
1) Nigel's novel was not as well received as he had hoped.
2) He ran as hard as he could in hopes of breaking his record for the five miles.
3) Some of the power stations have significantly failed to operate as efficiently as people have expected.
4) The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficiently as it used to do.
5) The British welfare system did not assist the genuinely needy groups as effectively as did some systems prevailing elsewhere.
1) But why don't you pluck up the courage to do what you've always wanted to?
2) He will help you prepare what you need to say.
3) What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of more limited periods.
4) I have noticed that what are commonly called warm colors is not necessary to proce the impression of warmth in landscape.
5) These travel books entertain readers with accounts of what travelers have seen.
1) Every time I see you you're even lovelier than I remember.
2) Every time it's sunny I enjoy driving.
3) Every time the child completes a specified desirable behavior it will earn a toy.
4) My ankle hurts every time I put my foot to the ground.
5) Every time I sat down I went to sleep.
1) affected
2) physical
3) interpret
4) spot
5) handicap
6) fastened
7) maximum
8) per
9) extensively
10) Straining
11) surrounded
VII. Dictation
Baseball is America's national sport, played mainly by men. It developed in the mid 19th century from the British games of rounders and cricket. Baseball is also popular in Japan and several Latin American countries, and has been an Olympic sport since in 1972. Softball is similar but uses a large, softer ball and is popular with women. Many Americans play baseball for fun because players do not have to be strong like football players or tall like basketball players. Some people think baseball is too slow, but the team managers often change their players and plans ring the game, and there are many exciting plays. Many American families enjoy going to a Sunday afternoon double-header, that is, two games between the same two teams in one day.
Could you imagine a woman with a severe physical handicap running a website on her own and covering the Los Angles Dodgers as extensively as a professional sportswriter? I would never believe it if I had not seen her with my own eyes, curled up in a wheelchair, typing her comments by hitting the key with a pointer fastened to her head. I had driven a long way in hopes of uncovering an elaborate hoax, but watching her strain in the gloom of her shanty to add to her story, I knew I had found a true winner. Her enthusiasm for the game and her trust in the athletes brought me back to a positive attitude.

⑷ 大學英語精讀第三版(最新版)第三冊課後練習的答案~

是董亞芬主編的那個版本嗎?第三冊第一單元課文名字是:A Brushwith the law

⑸ 大學英語精讀第三冊上海外語出版社答案

1 Personality
Vocabulary (P16)
1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth
6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence
2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K
3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim
8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented
4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive
6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment
Translation (P17)
1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.
2) In general children are healthier and better ecated than ever before.
3) When the right opportunity comes along, he』ll take it.
4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.
5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.
6) He finally failed to live up to his parents』 expectations.
7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.
8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.
Part Four Writing and Translation (P46)
2. Translation Practice
1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.
2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.
3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.
4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.
5) Don』t let negative thoughts hold you back.
6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don』t blame yourself too much.
Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Vocabulary (P62)
1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation
3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered
4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove
5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently
6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully
7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion
8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered
9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling
10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure
2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have … trouble 5) trouble with
6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble
3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us
3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter
5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves
7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government
9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or not
Part Three Further Development
5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English(P93)
1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou
2) they were of no use at all in this place
3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster
4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey
5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I』ve seen?
6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried
7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn』t have any other skills besides crying
8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals
9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger
10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroat
Part Four Writing and Translation
2. Translation Practice(P96)
萬物之初,天地還是一體,充滿混沌。宇宙如同一個大黑蛋,盤古就在黑蛋里。一萬八千年以後,盤古長睡醒來,他感到窒息,於是他拿起一把斧子,用盡全身力量砸開黑蛋。輕的、透明的部分冉冉上升,變成了天;而冷的、渾濁的物體依然在下面,變成了大地。盤古站在中間,頂天立地。天地開始 以每天一長的速度分開,盤古的身子也隨著長高。一萬八千年後,天更高,地更厚,盤古像一根九百萬里高的柱子佇立其間,田地永遠也無法再合在一起。
Unit 3 Social Problems
Vocabulary (P112)
2. 1) constantly 2) impact 3) burden 4) Candidly 5) fulfillment
6) salaried 7) resentment 8)assistance 9)perfect 10) suppress
3. 1) successfully 2) resentment 3)security 4) necessity 5) advisable
6) access/accessibility 7) athletic 8) maturity 9) emotional 10) effectively
Translation (P113)
1) Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.
2) How will taxes affect people with low income?
3) My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn』t give up practicing the piano.
4) These books range in price form $10 to $20.
5) It seems to me that you don』t have much choice.
6) Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.
7) For such a big house the price is fairly cheap/low, but you』ve got to take into consideration the money you will spend on repairs.
8) Can we begin with discussing questions/problems arising from the last meeting?
Part Four Writing and Translation
2. Translation Practice (P142)
1) 孩子最好遠離毒品
2) 在逃的武裝搶劫犯落入法網
Unit 4 Career Planning
Vocabulary (P161)
1. 1) acceptable 2) efficiency 3) implications 4) instability 5) rationalize 6) evaluation 7) foreseeable
8) invention 9) hastily 10)probability 11) professional 12)challenging 13)defensive 14) personality
2) 1) in case 2) Every so often 3) resort to 4) talk over 5) start over 6) in reality 7) at stake 8) seized on
9) leading to 10) take stock of
3. 1) programs 2) way 3) technical 4) both 5) provided 6) who 7) such 8) needed 9) opportunities
10) when 11) to 12) Completion 13) holding 14) early 15) hire 16) promote 17) up 18) ecating
Translation (P163)
1) He underwent a major heart surgery several years ago.
2) We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work.
3) I used to enjoy photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.
4) You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.
5) Terrorists resort to violence to achieve their political aims.
6) He says he』ll stay in the office this afternoon in case you want to see him.
7) Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.
8) These examples demonstrate how badly some students write their resumes.
Part Four Writing and Translation
2. Translation Practice (P195)
A = Applicant I = Interviewer
I: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is he here, in this city?
A: No, he is in another city.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you?
A: Why not?
I: You would not be keeping your mind on your work. What』s more, we do not want to see our telephone bill increase enormously because of you.
I: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: No. Have you ever dated a girl?
I: Yes, but she didn』t want to date me?
A: Do you want to date girls after you have a job?
I: I will set my mind on work first. I will not consider my marriage now.
A: Sorry, we will not employ you.
I: Why not?
A: You are lacking in the ability of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Also, you lack self-confidence.
I: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is she pretty?
A: Not quite.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you.
A: Can it be that a plain girlfriend will affect your company』s image?
I: It』s not that. But our company engages in works of art. Your aesthetic judgment does not satisfy our company』s need.
I: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is she pretty?
A: Very.
I: Is she your first love?
A: Yes.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you lack the initiative in pursuing the better unceasingly.
I: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is she your first love?
A: No, I have a couple of girlfriends before.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because you would soon job-hop.
I: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is he very rich?
A: No.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because your job is to work with money. I am afraid you cannot resist the temptation.
I: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: Yes.
I: Is he very rich?
A: Yes, he has his own company.
I: Sorry, we will not employ you, because even your boyfriend』s company doesn』t employ you.
A: but that』s because his company doesn』t have a position suitable for me.
I: What』s your major then?
A: Secretary.
I: Sorry, we still cannot employ you. Pretty girls affect our manager』s work.
A: But I am not pretty.
I: That』s even worse. If you are not pretty, our manager will not be interested in you.
Unit 5 Language
Vocabulary (P215)
1. Section A 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) A
Section B 1) renewed 2) apply 3) persist 4) succeeded 5) drop
6) revealed 7) wonder 8) keenly 9) vainly 10) impressed
2. 1) unconsciously 2) expectant 3) eventful 4) immeasurable
5) imitation/imitating 6) continually 7) tenderness 8) impatient
Translation (P216)
1) Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried.
2) In time he will see who is his true friend.
3) That scientist』s experiment gave birth to a new drug.
4) He had been shut in by illness ring much of the winter.
5) They would practice spoken English at the first opportunity.
6) Everything she valued might be swept away overnight.
7) Towards the close of the term, all the students are busy preparing for the finals.
8) It is a very cold winter and we long for it to be over.
Part Four Writing and Translation
2. Translation Practice (P239)
1) 他欽佩布朗太太,這使我很驚奇。
2) 暴風雨持續了一整天;就在這段時間里船破裂了。
3) 雖然那個學生在做試驗前已仔細閱讀過實驗說明,但由於他生搬硬套,未能得到滿意的結果。
4) 我知道薩拉會將那個好消息告訴她姐姐的,而她姐姐又很可能將它告訴她的同學。
5) 史密斯先生很有教學經驗,他將在春天和我們一起工作。
6) 郵遞員早晨6點30分來。這個時候我通常還在睡大覺呢。

⑹ 大學英語精讀第三冊130頁作文

Unit 1
A Funny Mistake At 8:15 one Sunday morning, a police officer saw a man climbing down a drainpipe from an open bedroom window. As soon as the man reached the ground, the officer caught him by the arm. In answer to the officer's questions, the man said that his name was Charlie Crane and he was a lorry driver from Nottingham. He explained that the day before he had had a breakdown and had spent the night in the house where the officer saw him. That morning the landlady had given him breakfast and he had gone on his way. Later he found that he had left £80 under his pillow. He returned and rang the bell, but no one answered it. Spotting the bedroom window still open, he climbed up the drainpipe. As he was again leaving, the officer saw him. Just as the officer was figuring out whether or not it was only a funny mistake, a woman shouted from the kitchen window, "Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you'd gone away an hour ago."

Unit 2
Dear Dad,
You remember the problem that my research team has been trying to solve for some time now? The one I mentioned in my last letter? Well, yesterday we finally hit upon the solution. And it is all e to you. How? Well, you remember that game you used to play with us to encourage us to think laterally, the "What Doesn't Belong?" one? It all came back to me as we were sitting around going over the same old ground for what seemed like the hundredth time. Clearly, what we needed to do was to see the problem from a completely new angle. I put this to the rest of the group and after a session of brainstorming we hit upon an entirely fresh way of looking at the problem that led us straight to the answer. It had been under our noses all along, but we hadn't noticed it because of sticking to our old habits of thought. It seems all those discussions about oranges, tomatoes and strawberries long ago were not only good fun, but were good for the mind as well. So, you deserve the credit for our success as much as we do. Many thanks!
Your loving son,

Unit 3
Why I Chose to Attend College
As my high school years were drawing to a close, I turned over and over again in my mind the question of whether I should go to college. At times I did have some doubts. After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it would be worthwhile. My main reason was simply that I was eager for knowledge and wanted to keep on learning. While getting through high school, I became more and more interested in such subjects as math, physics and chemistry, and thirsted to explore them further. I also chose to go to college because I knew a college ecation would provide me with opportunities for all-round development. I could play in musical groups, take part in sports, and join campus organizations. Involvement in various kinds of activities would help make me into a well-rounded person. A further factor was my awareness that in today's world many professions require years of specialized training. Being without a college ecation would have made it more difficult to obtain a desirable position. As I proceed further through college, I seem to have more and more reasons to congratulate myself on having made the right decision.

Unit 4
In a recent poll taken by "the Herald of the Town", 72 percent of the residents interviewed said the city government could do more for homeless people. And 65 percent said the city was paying too little attention to the needs of the blacks and other minority groups. Asked about the suggestion of building more soup kitchens and nursing homes for the homeless and the old people, 77 percent thought it a good idea, 14 percent said it was foolish and 9 percent gave no comments. 38 percent considered crime as the worst problem facing the city, while 25 percent and 37 percent perceived unemployment or pollution as the worst one respectively. Job training for young people was chosen as the best way to rece crime (63 percent). After that, in order of percentage, came citizens' neighborhood patrols (23 percent), more police on foot (10 percent) and the death penalty (4 percent).

Unit 5
It was Mother's Day. Susan asked her father and brother to think of something special they could do for the occasion. Her father came up with the idea of surprising the children's mother with a barbecue, the first of the year. The children agreed that it was a wonderful idea and they all set about preparing for the barbecue. The first thing they had to do was to get the biggest steaks they could find. By the time they were ready to start the fire it was getting dark. And to their disappointment, there was not a single briquette left from the previous year.
In the end they had to ask for some from neighbours, disturbing the television viewing of a couple living nearby.

One Sunday afternoon Peter was reading the newspaper when Tom, his little son of six years, rushed into the room crying bitterly, his left eye black and bruised. "What's the matter? Who hit you on the eye, Tom?" the father asked. "Steve, the big boy on Quail Street ..." the son cried all the more bitterly, pointing outside with his finger. In a rage, Peter jumped out of the armchair and dashed out, clenching his fists. Hardly had Steve uttered a word when Peter smashed his fist into his face. Totally unprepared, Steve was knocked down to the ground. However, he regained his feet quickly and hit back so hard that Peter got a black eye too. Seeing he had had his revenge, Steve lost no time running away. Peter had to walk home completely defeated. Back in the room he was seated in the armchair, looking quite upset and depressed.

Unit 7
Dear Pearl,
Susan of Rockford is coming to stay with me for a few days. She and I are hoping you can come to dinner here on Friday the eighth at seven o'clock. Yours, Mary Dear Mary, Many thanks for your invitation. I'll be delighted to have dinner with you on Friday at seven o'clock and see Susan again. Yours, Pearl Dear Mary, You cannot imagine my disappointment at not being able to come to dinner with you and see Susan again. Little Tom is running a high fever and needs constant care, so it is quite impossible for me to come. But thank you so much for your kind invitation.

Unit 8
How to Attain Our Goals in Life
As a sailing ship has a certain destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life. To succeed in life, a man must learn to develop such qualities in himself as instry, persistence, confidence, and strong willpower. Here I would like to dwell a little on the first two. Undoubtedly, hard work is the key to success. Take Peter G. Beidler for example. Having chosen teaching as his career, Professor Beidler made a great effort to meet the challenges of the profession. Day after day he stayed up late preparing his lectures, even when his eyes became swollen for lack of sleep. His subsequent success as a teacher was borne out by the fact that he was named The Professor of the Year in 1983. Obviously his success has had a great deal to do with hard work. Persistence is another important factor leading to the realization of one's goal in life. Once we have set a goal for ourselves, we must not depart from our course until we reach it. The mother in Unit 5 is a case in point. She refused to give up in the face of all the challenges in life. Instead, she persisted in improving herself. In the end, she became a reporter with a local newspaper. Clearly persistence helped to make her dream come true.

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