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Ⅰ pep小學英語六年級下冊第一單元試卷和答案,請發一發


Ⅱ 小學六年級英語下冊第一單元試卷答案譯林版


Ⅲ 小學下冊六年級英語試卷(1—2課)單元

一、 英漢互譯
1, 在星期天早上______________
2, 在星期三下午______________
3, 在六月三日________________
4, 去散步____________________
23, 一個瘦弱的女人___________
二, 下列單詞的適當形式填空
1, I』m as ______(tall) as my sister.
2, He is two years______(old) than me.
3,Mike』s ruler is _____(short) than mine.
4, Shall we ______(meet) at half past six.
5, Your school bag is heavier than ______(she)
6, There ____(be) some apple juice in the fridge.
7, Would you like____(play) football with me .
8, There ______(be) some water just now.
9, I』 ll ______(am) be a teacher.
10, Can Mike _______(put) an apple on his head.
11, Look, they _______(have) a chat.
12, What _______(do )Yang Ling often do after school?
She______(go) home and ____(draw ) some pictures.
13, I』m _______(young),
but my litter brother is _______(young)
三, 下列句中的一處錯誤,並改正
1, She isn』t as shorter as her sister._____
2, My father is tall than my mother._____
3, Who』s ruler is longer ,his or hers.____
4, Who is taller , your or your father.____
5, Who is strong , Liu Tao or Wang Bin ?
6, I』ll get stronger and tall soon._______

四, 按要求完成句子。
1, Jim is 165 centimeters , Ben is 165 centimeters, too. (合並為一句)
Jim is _____ _____ _____Ben.
2, The boy』s bag is heavier than the girl』s. (對劃線部分提問)
________bag is _______ than the girl』s.
3, Nancy is 12 years old, yang ling is 13 years old. (合並為一句)
Nancy is ___ ___ ___ than YangLing.
4, I am older than Ben .(同義句)
Ben _____ ______ than ______.
5, The elephant is heavier than the bear.(改為一般疑問句)
______ the elephant ______ _______ ______ the bear
20, 比….更喜歡_________________
二, 用所給詞的適當形式填空。
1,I jump ______(high) than Liu Tao .
2,Have a rest, you 』ll get ____(good)soon.
3,____Nancy sing____(well)than Helen.
4,You have five minutes _________
5, Ben ____(jump)_____(far)than him.
6,Ben ____(run) faster than Jim.
7,Would you like ______(pick) apples
8, Look, he _______(jump)now.
9,Are you good at _________play)
10, ___Nancy____(do) well in Art?
11, _____ the children _______(jump) higher than the teachers? Yes.
1, We can do well than them.
2, The girl isn』t jump farther than her brother.
3, My classmates rides a bike faster than Tom.
4, The boy skate better than the girl.
5, I do not well in P E.
6, she don』t do well in English.
1, Jim goes to school by bike every day(同義句)
Jim ____ _____ ____every day.
2,This fish swim faster than the ck.(對劃線部分提問)
_____ ______swim faster than the ck?
3, They are both good at English. (對劃線部分提問)
_____ _____ are they both good at?
4,The girl runs faster than the woman. (改為一般疑問句)
______ the girl ______ faster than the woman?
5,Nancy goes to the park by bus. 改為否定句)
Nancy ______ _______ to the park by bus.(
6, Tom』s model plane flies higher than Jack』s. (同義句)
Jack』s model plane _____ _____ than _____.
7, Liu Tao does well in English and Maths. (同義句)
Liu Tao _____ _____ ______ English and Maths.
8, I go to bed earlier than Mr Black. (對劃線部分提問)
_____ _______to bed earlier than Mr Black.

Ⅳ 人教版六年級下冊英語第一單元試卷和答案急需!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

一、聽句子,從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出所包含的信息,並將字母標號填寫在題前括弧內. ( 10 分 )
( )1、A. short B. stronger C. heavier D. smaller
( )2、A.shorter B. olderC.stronger D.younger
( )3、A. bigger B. heavierC.longer D. thinner
( )4、A.squid B.shark C.deep D. seal
( )5、A. ton B.meter C. size D. kg
二、 聽音,判斷劃線部分的發音是否相同,相同的打「√」,不同的打「×」。(10分)
( ) 1. pain baby ( ) 2. tail pine ( ) 3. bike dive
( ) 4. point toy ( ) 5.day toy
三、 聽音,選擇你所聽到的句子,將標號圈起來。(10分)
( )1. A. My brother is 160 cm tall.
B. My brother is 170 cm tall.
( )2. A. My schoolbag is 50 kg.
B. My schoolbag is 15 kg.
( )3. A. His tail is longer.
B. His head is smaller.
( )4. A. I'm three years older than you.
B. I'm three years younger than you.
( )5. A. Sperm Whale can dive into the deep cold water.
B. Killer Whale can jump out of water.
( ) 1. A. I'm 164 cm tall. B. I'm 46 kg..
( ) 2. A. Fine, thank you. B. I'm 11 years old.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Me too.
( ) 4. A. The brown monkey is stronger. B. Yes, it is.
( ) 5. A. I'm 40 kg. B. I wear size 17.
( ) 1. John is 160 cm tall.
( ) 2. Miss White is taller than John.
( ) 3. Mike is shorter than John.
( ) 4. Amy is 165cm.
( ) 5. Amy is tallest in our class.
一、 找出不同類的單詞,將標號填入提前括弧。(10分)
( ) 1. A. tall B. shark C. short
( ) 2. A. fish B. whale C. jump
( ) 3. A. running B. diving C. bigger
( ) 4. A. older B. young C. strong
( ) 5. A. lobster B. cm C. kg.
1.更瘦的 ________ 2.更小的_______ 3. 更壯的______
4. than __________ 5. Killer Whale _________

三、 找出Ⅱ欄中與Ⅰ欄中相對應的答語,把標號填入提前括弧。(10分)
( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39.
( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. I'm 15 years old.
( ) 3. How old are you ? C. I'm 45 kg.
( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. I'm 158cm tall.
( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm.
四、 讀對話,將句子補充完整。(10分)
1. Mike: How ___________ you ?
Amy: I'm 40kg.
Mike: I'm 35kg . I』m________ ________ you.
2. Sarah: _______ _______ _________ you ?
Liu Yun: I'm 165cm.
Sarah: I'm 160cm. You』re_______ cm ______ ______ me.
( ) 1.________ monkey do you like?
A. Who B. What C. Which
( ) 2. I'm_______ than you.
A. strong B. thin C. thinner
( ) 3. My hands are bigger than_________ .
A. you B. your C. yours
( ) 4. How ________ is your pencil?
A. tall B. long C. longer
( ) 5. I'm 5 _________ older than you .
A. years B. cm C. year
六、 閱讀理解(200分)
Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at QingLan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music.They all study hard.
A. 根據短文內容,判斷句子正誤。對的打「√」,錯的打「×」。(10分)
( ) 1.There are 3 children in the story.
( ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.
( ) 3.Mary is heavier than Jane.
( ) 4. Jane is the youngest.
( ) 5. They are all good friends.
B. 根據短文內容回答問題。(10分)
1. Where do they study?
2. Does Mary like English?
3. How old is May?
4. What does Jane like?
5. Are they good friends?


Ⅳ 有誰知道2013~2014小學六年級下冊英語試卷第一單元答案

Ⅵ 六年級下冊英語第一單元試卷

小學 班級 姓名___ ___ 得分__ __

一、 看拼音寫詞語。(10分)
dù jì shuǐ zhài nà hǎn dǐ yù wán bì guī zhào
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
chéng fá pái huái tuī cí yǔn nuò shén jī miào suàn
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

萬人( )巷 朝夕相( ) ( )羊補牢 濟濟一( ) ( )眉之急 門( )若市
( )影不離 千鈞一( )守株( )兔 一見如( ) 心( )如焚 揠苗( )長
1、形容人特別多的:_______________ _______________ __________________
2、源於寓言故事的:_______________ _______________ __________________
3、形容情況險急的:_______________ _______________ __________________
4、形容情誼深厚的:_______________ _______________ __________________

1、《七步詩》中曹植有感於兄弟之間自相殘殺,發出感嘆:「_________________ ,______________________ 。」
2、《長歌行》這首詩中「_________________ ,________________」是傳誦千古的名句。告誡和激勵年輕人_________________________________________________ 。
3、寫一首描寫邊塞軍旅生活的詩,題目《 _______________》,作者為 __代___ ____。
4、中國古時候有個文學家叫做司馬遷的說過:「_________________ ,___________________ ,___________________ 。」
5、上聯:花甲重逢,增加三七歲月。 下聯是:______________ _ _________ 。


黃昏的空中,偶爾可以見到白鷺在低低地飛,悠然地觀看這情景,可說鄉村生活中的一大樂事。 或許有人會感到美中不足——白鷺不會唱歌。但是白鷺的本身不就是一首優美的歌嗎?
孤獨( )悠然( )嗜好( )瞭望( ) 安穩( )或許( )
5、「美中不足」的意思是雖然很好,但還有缺陷,短文中的「不足」是指_________ _ 。1分
(二) 烏龜 (20分)
在我生日的那天,姑媽送我一隻烏龜。我把烏龜養在水缸里,仔細觀察了它的外形。(1)它有灰綠色的皮膚,頭頸上黃色的花紋非常xǐng mù ( )。深褐色的龜殼被幾條細細的紋路分割成一塊塊有規則的六角形,而每個六角形的內部又有一圈圈排列著的更小的六角形。(2)我想這也許同樹木一樣,樹有年輪,而烏龜也同樣用這一圈圈的紋路來暗示它的年紀吧。
一天,我做了這樣一個實驗,把烏龜四腳朝天向上放著,想看它是如何翻身的。只見它緊縮的腦袋_________了出來,同時那雙小眼睛______個不停。等到它的脖子_____到一定長度以後,突然它的頭頸往旁邊一_______,然後用力往地上一_______,「叭」的一聲,烏龜______過身來了。我不禁為它的jīng cǎi ( )表演而叫絕。(翻、伸、眨、側、露、頂) 俗話說 千年王八 萬年龜 烏龜的生命力是驚人的 一次,我為了復習迎考一連一個多月沒有喂它,( )烏龜仍然很好地活著,(3)只是背上隱約地看見那嶙峋的瘦骨。
又有史料記載,古時候有一起冤案,當事人把事情的經過詳細地刻在烏龜的殼上,兩千年後,人們抓到了烏龜,終於使事情zhēng xiàng dà bái ( )。
5、查「載」時,用部首查字法應先查______部,再查______畫,用音序查字法應先查音序______,再查音節___________。當「載」讀zǎi時可組成詞語_________,讀zài時可組成詞語_______ __ __。2分
6、「看到烏龜的表演,我不停地贊嘆。」畫線部分的意思可用成語__________ 來表示;「兩千年後,人們終於使事情搞清楚了」畫線部分的意思可用成語_____________或__________ 來表示。3分
7、 文中加「_______」線的句子屬於下面的哪種描寫,把序號填在括弧里。1分
實在事物: 聯想:
8、 按要求改寫句子。1分
9、作者通過仔細觀察,從__________、__________、___________三個方面描寫了烏龜的特點,表達了作者_______________________________ ____。3分


Ⅶ 小學六年級英語下冊1~4單元的綜合試題

第一單元測試題 EAST的反義詞----- city的復數形式------ chuina形容詞------- take--------復數形式--- hour復數形式----------- 希望能夠採納 如果能專採納 我1小時之內給屬你完成

Ⅷ 六年級下冊英語試卷

新塍鎮中心小學六年級下英語Unit 1 單元檢測卷

浙江省嘉興市秀洲區新塍鎮洛東小學 計曉敏

Part One Listening (第一部分聽力) 40%

I. Listen, tick or cross. 聽錄音,對的打√,錯的打×。10%

II. Listen and write down the numbers. 聽錄音,寫出相應的數字。10%

1. Mike is __________kg.

2. Zhang Peng is __________ years old.

3. Wu Yifan is __________ cm tall.

4. Sarah is _________ years old.

5. John's feet are bigger. He wears Size ___________.

III. Listen and order. 聽錄音,把下列句子排成對話。10%

( )Oh, he's stronger than you.

( 1 )Come on, Mike. Look at this photo. He's my brother.

( )Yes. But he's younger than me. He's 11 years old.

( )Is he shorter than you?

( )Oh, I think he's good at sports.

( )No, he isn't. He's 5 cm taller than me.

IV. Listen and choose. 聽錄音,選出與錄音內容一致的選項。 10%

( )1. A. Chen Jie is taller than Sarah.

B. Mike is shorter than Sarah.

C. Mike is taller than Sarah.

( )2. A. Wu Yifan is 40 kg.

B. Wu Yifan is 45 kg.

C. Wu Yifan is 35 kg.

( )3. A. Lui Yun's sister is 2 years old.

B. Lui Yun's sister is 10 years old.

C. Lui Yun's sister is 12 years old.

( )4. A. John's pencil is longer than Liu Yun's.

B. John's pencil is shorter than Liu Yun's.

C. Liu Yun's pencil is longer than John's.

( )5. A. An elephant is bigger and taller than a giraffe.

B. An elephant is smaller and shorter than a giraffe.

C. An elephant is bigger and shorter than a giraffe.

Part Two Reading and Writing (第二部分筆試)40%

I. Read and change the words. 照樣子寫出下列單詞的比較級。10%

II. Read and choose. 根據句意,選擇最佳的選項填空。10%

( ) 1. _______________ is this skirt? It's 35 yuan.

( ) 2. _______________are you have? I'm 13 years old.

( ) 3. _______________ are your jeans? They are 80 cm long.

( ) 4. _______________ are you? I am 165 cm tall.

( ) 5. ________________is a sperm whale? It's about 35 tons.

III. Read and tick. 讀對話,選出正確的圖片,在字母上打√。6%

IV. Read and fill in the blanks. 讀一讀,填入合適的單詞。12%

1. --- I'm 12 years old. __________ __________ are you?

--- I'm 10. You're 2 years __________ ___________ me.

2. --- I'm 40 kg. ____________ ___________ are you?

--- I'm 43 kg. I'm 3 kg ____________ ____________ you.

3. --- I'm 165 cm tall. ___________ _____________ are you?

--- I'm 160 cm. You're 5 cm ____________ ____________me.

V. Make up sentences. 連詞成句,注意書寫格式和標點符號。10%

1. are tall you how ?


2. I'm tall cm 150 .


3. you thinner I'm than .


4. how you heavy are ?


5. you are 4 cm than me taller .


VI. Read and judge. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤,對的打√,錯的打×。12%

Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Canada. I'm 11 years old. I'm 160 cm and 40 kg. I like reading books. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend Ben. We go to school on foot. Ben is 10 years old. He's 2 kg heavier than me. But I'm 2cm taller than him. We study in Red Wood School. Lucy is my sister. She's 1 year old than me. She likes drawing pictures. She is taller and stronger than me.

1. Ben is younger than Peter. ( )

2. Ben is 162 cm tall. ( )

3. Peter is 2 kg heavier than Ben. ( )

4. Lucy is 12 years old. ( )

5. Lucy is 2 years old than Ben. ( )

6. Lucy is thinner than Peter. ( )




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