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❶ 2017-2018英語周報高三新課程高考英語模擬試題五答案

❷ 大神急求!英語周報2016-2017高三課標第六期答案

Book 1 & Book 2綜合檢測試題
11-15 BAABC 16-20ACBAC
21-25 CDCAC 26-30CDBBA
31-35 CCBAD 36-40FGAEC
41-45 BADDC 46-50ABCCB
51-55 ABCDA 56-60DCBAD
61. organized 62. the
63. using 64.in
65. had 66.Luckily
67. it 68.awareness
69. to keep 70. that
71. ... ready to having ... having → have
72. ... and leaves school. leaves → left
73. ... my grandparent did ...
grandparent → grandparents
74. In the fact ... 去掉the
75. 「We're worried your ...
76. ... prove them wrongly ...
wrongly → wrong
77. ... he was offering ...
offering → offered
78. ... he was difficult ... he → it
79. Thankful, a few years ...
Thankful → Thankfully
80. ... or became a partner ... or → and
One possible version:
Dear Charlie,
How are you? I'm writing to ask you forsome favours.
I've been dreaming of visiting beautifulNew Zealand since I was a child. I'm so excited that my dream will come true. Iwill have a one-week trip to New Zealand from October 1st to October 7th. Sinceyou are familiar with New Zealand, I hope you can recommend some touristattractions that are well worth seeing. As this is the first time I havetraveled abroad, could you possibly pick me up at the airport? I would begrateful if you could help me book a hotel room in advance. I'm sure my tripwould be an unforgettable experience with your kind help.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
21. C。細節理解題。根據文中的This ID allows you to follow your specific book及文末的When another reader finds your book, they can enter the BCID onBookCrossing.com and report that it's been caught可知,這個標簽能讓書的主人知道他的書去了哪裡。
22. D。細節理解題。根據文中的You can find someone in the BookCrossing community who's looking foryour book and make their day by sending it to them可知,書的主人可以通過定向分享把書分享給指定的人。
23. C。細節理解題。根據文中的There are currently 1,583,246 BookCrossers and 11,350,976 bookstravelling throughout 132 countries可知,BookCrossing的用戶遍布全球。
24. A。推理判斷題。根據第一段中的It's the hottest day of the year, so spending today ... is ratherthrilling. That's why I find myself, snowboarding inside Xscape's Sno Zone inBraehead可知,因為太熱了,所以作者去Sno Zone避暑。
25. C。細節理解題。根據第二段中的championship skier and snowboarder及第三段中的has a room full of awards可知,Nicole是滑雪行家。
26. C。段落大意題。根據第三段末的Sno Zone is better than the mountains及本段中的you can still keep going和you can't keep going的對比可知,本段主要講了與在山裡滑雪相比,在Sno Zone滑雪的優勢。
27. D。細節理解題。根據第五段中的It snows every night at Braehead. A total of sixteen snow guns firecooled water into air making 1,700 tonnes of real snow可知,Braehead每晚都會人工降雪。
28. B。寫作手法題。根據第一段內容可知,作者以威利的兩幅畫為例說明威利結合新舊風格為名人畫像。
29. B。細節理解題。根據第二段中的the artisan assistants in his workshop aid in the completion of thepaintings. This cooperative process allows for Wiley's vast proction可知,威利創作高產是因為他與他的助手合作。
30. A。推理判斷題。根據第三段中的He shows that even those to whom history pays no attention can havetheir own great dignity可知,威利認為普通人應該得到尊重。
31. C。細節理解題。根據文中的draws from a nineteenth-century painting, draws on the influence ofPeter Paul Rubens, Inspired by the Dutch masters及draw on the work of many earlier artists可知,威利深受前輩藝術家的影響。
32. C。細節理解題。根據第一段中的More important than the money was finding a job that he could enjoy可知,雖然當記者不如父親掙得多,但是出於對這份職業的喜愛,Ian還是選擇了當記者。
33. B。詞義猜測題。根據第一段中的It's unfair ... 可知,作者認為大家對年輕人「懶」的評價是不公平的,再根據本段開頭的Another widespread ... 可知,這里是對年輕人另外一個「不公平的批評」,即:認為他們自私。
34. A。寫作目的題。通讀全文可知,作者認為當今社會對年輕人的評價不公平,在本段作者用事實說話,說明當今年輕人的表現很好,支持自己的觀點。
35. D。推理判斷題。根據最後一段中的one key reason is that many of their elders still use old yardsticksto measure their progress及what is 『normal』 among young people haschanged so fast that the rest of society has not yet caught up可知,年紀大的人跟不上年輕人的變化,因此他們應該停止用老眼光看問題,對年輕人作出公平的評價。
36. F。根據本空上一句內容可推測,既然天體可以幫助人們計時,那麼「古代歷法」也應該跟「這些天體」有關。F項中的these bodies指代的就是本空上一句中的Heavenly bodies。
37. G。本空前說我們對史前人們如何計時的細節知之甚少,本空後卻介紹了古代人採用的不同歷法,因此本空應該是對上文的轉折(However),並與下文銜接,說明「各個文化中都有人對計時感興趣」。
38. A。A項中的periods, divided與本空上一句內容呼應,是對上一句的補充。
39. E。根據本空上一句中的every 365 days可推測,古埃及人創造了一年「365天的歷法」。
40. C。根據本空上一句內容可知,瑪雅人比巴比倫人有更多的參照物,也就是說「他們不僅依靠太陽和月亮,還依靠金星」計時。
41. B。根據第二段中的I was heading into one car space, the park in front可知,市場有很多停車位,作者「選擇了(chose)」其中一個停車。
42. A。43. D。根據下句中的The girl wasactually a teenager可知,一位行人因為作者差點撞到了自己的「女兒(daughter)」而「指責(abused)」作者。
44. D。根據本空前的a teenager及下句內容可知,與小孩子相比,青少年已經足夠「大(old)」了,她應該有看到車子躲避的常識。
45. C。根據上文中的a parking space and reversed in可知,這里指作者「停好車(parked)」後。
46. A。根據本句內容可知,「當(When)」那位女士指出作者的錯誤時,作者為自己辯護。
47. B。根據but的轉折語氣及作者為自己的辯護I hadnever ... the park in front可知,那位女士認為作者本來是向一個停車位開去,但是又改變了「主意(mind)」,向另一個停車位開去。
48. C。根據第一段內容可知,作者一開始就選好了停車位,所以從來沒有「打算(intended for)」停在前面的一個停車位上。
49. C。50. B。既然雙方已經解釋清楚了,所以作者「建議(suggested)」就把這件事當成一個誤會,而不是因為對方生氣,自己就「不客氣(unkindness)」或者更生氣。
51. A。根據本句中的the angry woman was in the wrong可知,一對老夫婦目睹了事件的全過程,他們認為是那位女士的錯,由此可推測,他們認為作者把這件事情處理得「很好(well)」。
52. B。得到了別人的支持,作者應該感到「安慰(comfort)」。
53. C。根據本空後兩句內容可知,作者在市場里想起了這件「事(incident)」。
54. D。根據第二段內容不難看出,作者並未與那位女士爭吵,全程都很「冷靜(calm)」。
55. A。56. D。57. C。根據本段開頭的Car parks in summer及常識可知,夏天的停車場又「熱(heat)」又忙碌,絕不是什麼「讓人快樂的(joyous)」的場所,人們很容易失去「耐心(patience)」。
58. B。本空前的consider other people和本空後的onlythinking of ourselves是非此即彼的關系,故insteadof(而不是)符合此處語境。
59. A。根據本空後的self-love可知,這次停車的經歷讓作者得到了「平靜(peace)」和自愛。
60. D。通讀全文不難看出,在平靜自愛與怒氣之間,作者「更喜歡(prefer)」前者。
61. organized。考查過去分詞作定語的用法。organize與Earth Hour之間是邏輯上的動賓關系,故填organized。
62. the。考查定冠詞。in the dark意為「在黑暗中」。
63. using。考查動詞-ing形式作賓語的用法。設空處作介詞without的賓語,故填using。
64. in。考查介詞。take part in意為「參加」。
65. had。考查一般過去時。由Last year可知在此用一般過去時,故填had。
66. Luckily。考查副詞。設空處修飾整個句子,且意為「幸運的是」,故填Luckily。
67. it。考查代詞。設空處指天氣,故填it。
68. awareness。考查名詞。設空處作raise的賓語,意為「認識,意識」,故填awareness。
69. to keep。考查不定式作主語的用法。句中it作形式主語,故用不定式作真實主語。it isimportant to do sth.意為「做某事是重要的」。
70. that。考查連接詞。設空處引導賓語從句,且從句的意義和成分均完整,故填that。

❸ 英語周報2016-2017高三課標第二期 總3366答案 急

Book 1 Units 3-4
1-5 BCCBC 6-10 BABAA
11-15 BCACB 16-20 ABACC
21-25 ACADC 26-30 BABAC
31-35 ABDCC 36-40 CABDE
41-45 DBABC 46-50 ADCBD
51-55 ACDBA 56-60 BCADC
61. in
62. would / could / should / might say
63. which 64. important
65. shutting 66. certainly
67. drunk 68. issues
69. to communicate 70. more
71. ... of our classes. classes → class
72. ... the class trip ... the → a
73. We visit the sculpture ...
visit → visited
74. ... anything what may ... what → that
75. ... felt full prepared. full → fully
76. ... take the trip. take → taking
77. ... divided them groups ...
78. The trip were really ... were → was
79. ... happy and exciting.
exciting → excited
80. ... but I felt very ... 去掉but
One possible version:
Dear Roy,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having someproblems in China. But take it easy. I believe with your sincerity andfriendliness, you will win more friends.
Here are my suggestions. First, overcomeyour shyness. Try to be brave and open yourself up to others. Keep remindingyourself to wear a smile when meeting people, which can help you become morewelcoming and improve your confidence. Besides, join in more activities, whereyou may meet people who like being with you. Last but not least, don't try tofit in with everyone, and find people who share common interests with you.
I'm looking forward to hearing some storiesabout your new friends.
Li Hua
21. A。細節理解題。根據Podarok部分中的We have a wide range of unique and handmade gifts ... find theperfect present可知,這家商店是買禮物的最佳去處,其地址為12 Bene't St。
22. C。細節理解題。根據Anthony部分中的We are an independent menswear store可知答案。
23. A。細節理解題。根據The Cambridge Satchel Company部分中的We offer a range of bags ... from classic satchels (leather bagsthat are usually carried over the shoulders), clutches (small bags that womencarry in their hand) ... 可知,這家店主營箱包,其聯系電話為01223 366 106。
24. D。推理判斷題。根據第一段中的Contrary to advertisements ... spending a lot of money on a gift fora friend or loved one is totally unnecessary以及下文作者介紹如何動手去做禮物可知,作者對禮物廣告持否定態度。
25. C。細節理解題。根據第二段中的Shadow boxes are a wonderful way to display several objects from asingle special event, such as a wedding可知,陳列框可以用來展示紀念品。
26. B。細節理解題。根據第三段中的... introctory class ... you will have a much better idea of whichscrapbook supplies to buy when the class ends可知,入門課將幫助你學會如何裝飾剪貼簿。
27. A。標題歸納題。通讀全文可知,本文介紹了如何變廢為寶,製作用心的禮物。最後一段中的There is nothing like receiving a gift that comes straight from theheart有點題的作用。
28. B。細節理解題。根據第二段中的Increasingly, there are jobs for ... home health care aides ...Self-driving cars are coming; mini planes will be operated by radio to delivergoods ... software developers themselves might someday be replaced by the veryprograms they create可知,無人駕駛技術會使司機失業;遙控投遞飛機會使投遞員失業;軟體開發員可能會被自己開發的程序替代,只有護工需要身體力行,有市場需求。
29. A。細節理解題。根據第三段中的technological progress has brought more benefits than losses及隨後舉的例子可以看出,科技的進步雖然會造成一部分人失業,但最終會帶來更大的利,創造更多的工作崗位。
30. C。寫作手法題。作者以Airbnb為例說明科技創造的工作和價值往往被低估。故選C項。
31. A。篇章結構題。作者首先在第一段提出了本文的論點:科技威脅傳統工作。第二段支持該論點,認為科技會取代一部分人的工作;第三、四段則反對該論點,認為科技創造的利大於弊並且科技創造的工作和價值往往被低估。面對科技威脅傳統工作的形勢,作者在最後一段給出了建議:教育改革。故選A項。
32. B。細節理解題。根據第二段中的At the age of 21, Ho started her first business called Honey Bee, abridal store. In six years she grew that to six stores可知,Le Ho在二十多歲時已經擁有六家婚紗店。
33. D。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的she wanted to find some business that, whatever the economy, wouldbe there以及第三段中的Itturned out the answer was waste management可知,Le Ho想尋找不受經濟狀況影響的行業,由於這一想法,她選擇了垃圾管理業,最終接手了CCWS。
34. C。推理判斷題。IBISWorld的分析報告指出,固體廢品行業在2015-2016年間值62億澳元,並估計未來的年增長率為3.8%。由此不難看出,該行業增長勢態良好,Le Ho很有遠見,選對了行業。
35. C。細節理解題。根據最後一段中的But it only inspired her. She regarded it as a driving force... 可知,在受到性別歧視後,LeHo反而把它當成一種前進的動力。
36. C。根據下文內容可知,Macaulay認為感恩節不應該獨自度過,所以他宴請的客人都有一個共同點:「要不是Macaulay,他們都會獨自度過感恩節」。
37. A。結合全文內容及本空前的he'd be spending Thanksgiving alone不難推測,Macaulay認為獨自過感恩節「感覺很糟糕」。
38. B。根據本空前的Thanksgiving isn't about fireworks or band concerts及Macaulay連續多年請獨自過感恩節的人吃飯可知,Macaulay認為感恩節不應該是放放煙火、看看演唱會,而應該是「圍著桌子、吃著食物慶祝」。
39. D。根據本空後的It was nice和another ad the following year ... 可知,「第一年有幾個人現身Macaulay的宴會」,因此他隨後年年堅持做這件事。
40. E。根據本空前的He still buys and prepares all the food himself and spends about 40hours putting the whole affair together可知,為了感恩節的宴請,Macaulay勞心勞力,故E項「在感恩節那天,他從凌晨五點忙到晚上八點」符合此處語境。
41. D。根據上一句中的help ease life's everyday stress and rece bad breath及下文介紹嚼口香糖的其它益處可知,這里對嚼口香糖是否還能給我們「提供(offer)」更多的好處提出疑問。
42. B。「大多數學校不允許學生嚼口香糖」和「他們可能會在以後的幾年考慮作出改變」之間為轉折關系,故填Although。
43. A。本句中的chewing gum is not allowed in most schools是一項「規定(rule)」。
44. B。嚼口香糖「的的確確(actually)」可以使你的口腔內分泌更多的唾液。
45. C。根據本句中的chewing gum may even protect your teeth可知,木糖醇「有助於(helps)」防止蛀牙。
46. A。上兩段介紹了嚼口香糖可以緩解壓力、減少口臭以及防止蛀牙的好處,該空後的make you rece calorie intake是嚼口香糖的「又(also)」一個好處。
47. D。根據下一句中列舉的數據可知,這得到了相關研究人員的「證實(proved)」。
48. C。根據該段首句中的rece calorie intake可知,burn off符合此處語境。
49. B。根據下文中的increases blood flow, more oxygen及本段最後一句可知,嚼口香糖還可促使大腦更好地「運轉(work)」。
50. D。根據上一句中的help your brain可知,此處指增加流向「大腦(brain)」的血流量。
51. A。根據常識可知,更多的血液「意味著(means)」更多的氧氣。
52. C。根據下一句中的people do better on memory tests while chewing gum可知,嚼口香糖有助於「提高(improve)」一個人的記憶力。
53. D。54. B。根據下文將ourcheeks和our stomachs進行對比可知,醫生現在「甚至(even)」開始考慮用口香糖「代替(instead of)」葯片當載體運送葯物。
55. A。56. B。57. C。根據57空後的fast可知,臉頰比胃能更「快地(quickly)」吸收某些物質,因此當需要快速吸收「葯物(medicine)」的時候,或許口香糖是最好的「辦法(method)」。
58. A。根據該段第一句中的deliver medicine可知,這里指以口香糖為載體的某一過敏葯比以葯片為載體能「運送(delivered)」更多的抗過敏物質。
59. D。根據上文中的protect your teeth, rece calorie intake等可知,口香糖對我們的「健康(health)」有益。
60. C。盡管本文談到嚼口香糖的諸多益處,但你也要「記住(remember)」在課堂上嚼口香糖很不禮貌。
61. in。考查介詞。shut up與keep quiet as much as possible表達的是同樣的意思,故填in。in otherwords意為「換句話說」。
62. would / could / should / might say。考查虛擬語氣。由條件從句中的were to ask可知,本句表示對將來情況的假設,故主句中的謂語動詞應用「would /could / should / might +動詞原形」。
63. which。考查關系詞。設空處引導非限制性定語從句修飾joke,且在從句中作賓語,故填which。
64. important。考查形容詞作定語的用法。設空處作something的後置定語,故填important。
65. shutting。考查動詞-ing形式作賓語的用法。設空處作of的賓語,且shut up與me之間是邏輯上的動賓關系,故填shutting。
66. certainly。考查副詞。設空處修飾謂語,意為「肯定地」,故填certainly。
67. drunk。考查過去分詞作表語的用法。設空處意為「喝醉了的」,故填drunk。
68. issues。考查名詞。由some of the可知設空處應填名詞的復數形式。
69. to communicate。考查不定式作賓語補足語的用法。allow sb. to do sth.意為「允許某人做某事」。
70. more。考查形容詞的比較級。由than可知此處應填many的比較級more。

❹ 急求英語周報高三課標2016-2017第九期答案!!!急

Book 3 Unit 5 & Book 4 Unit 1
11-15 AACBC 16-20BCABC
21-25 BCBAB 26-30DDBDC
31-35 ADACD 36-40FABGE
41-45 ADACC 46-50BADDC
51-55 DAACD 56-60BBCDA
61. founded 62. Technically
63. are considered 64. to change
65. official 66. Russian
67. which 68.in
69. it 70.making
71. ... elderly man pushed ...
pushed → pushing
72. ... struggling each and ...
73. ... as if I saw ... 去掉if
74. ... that he said. that → what
75. ... hope to offer ... hope → hoping
76. ... losing for hours. losing → lost
77. ... anything to drink.
anything → something
78. ... had a rest. had → have
79. ... of a shopping cart ... a → the
80. ... on his foot. foot → feet
One possible version:
Hi Jack!
I can understand your eagerness to learnEnglish well. However, I have to tell you that there is no short cut tolearning English.
Learning a language is like learning to playthe piano. You cannot become good at playing the piano without a lot ofpractice. You need to go over the same notes again and again before you havemastered it. Likewise, the more you practice speaking English, the more fluentyou will become. Meanwhile, you must apply what you have learned in your reallife. Only in this way can you really learn English well.
Wish you good luck!
21. B。細節理解題。由第一段中的I thought English was easy to learn but then I did not like ourteacher, so I didn't pay much attention to it可知,作者年輕時沒有很努力地學習英語。
22. C。細節理解題。由第三段中的I realized I was lost when it came to small talk可知,作者來到巴哈馬後發現自己不太會用英語閑聊。
23. B。推理判斷題。由倒數第二段中的Honey, my question was how many holidays do you have a year可知,作者的丈夫之所以大笑是因為作者聽錯了他的問題,導致答非所問。
24. A。標題歸納題。本文主要講作者工作和結婚後常常用到英語,總會遇到各種挑戰。故A項最恰當。
25. B。細節理解題。由第二段開頭的The company's plan is to use small, parcel-carrying drones todeliver medicines and emergency supplies to Juist可知。
26. D。段落大意題。由第三段開頭的But the DHL drones have changed significantly since their maidenflight及下文的介紹可知,該段主要介紹了該公司針對最初的無人機所做的改進。
27. D。細節理解題。由第四段中的the maiden flights of the new and improved drones will be completelyautomated, even ring takeoff and landing可知,新的無人機在整個飛行過程中是全自動的。
28. B。推理判斷題。由最後一段中的For now, the company will be using the drones only when ...day-to-day deliveries可推斷,短期內無人機不會被廣泛使用。
29. D。細節理解題。由第一段中的Crowds would come to these events to take delight in their suffering可知,過去許多人圍觀一些人被鞭笞只是為了尋開心。
30. C。詞義猜測題。由第二段中Sacco的評論Going to Africa. HopeI don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white可推斷,該評論很無情。故C項正確。
31. A。細節理解題。由第三段中的her life was destroyed afterwards及Sacco was ostracized by society, living without a job or any friends可知,Sacco因為那條評論吃盡了苦頭。
32. D。觀點態度題。由最後一段末的Regardless of the degree of the crime, public shaming is a greatpsychological burden that should not be placed upon anyone可知,作者認為一個人不論罪行多麼嚴重都不應該被公開羞辱。據此可推斷,作者對Sacco持同情態度。
33. A。細節理解題。由Washington, D.C.部分的TheSmithsonian National Museum of Natural History ... and hands-on exhibits可知。
34. C。推理判斷題。由New York City部分的alts $15;children $8可推斷,一個成人和兩個孩子共需31美元。
35. D。細節理解題。由Ann Arbor部分的TheUniversity of Michigan Museum of Natural History's main attraction ... 及Open Mon. to Sat. 可知。
36. F。F項是對上文So how, exactly, doyou get a part-time job?的回答,且與下文的Itsounds strange, but it will put you in the right state of mind相呼應。
37. A。A項與上下文的問句都是對上文A few waysto know your stuff的具體說明。
38. B。B項與下文的The questions youask ring an interview may be what sells you to your future employer相呼應。
39. G。G項與上文的It pays to getthere early及下文的So arrive 15 minutesearly and try this calming breathing exercise相呼應。
40. E。E項中的They指代上文的a piece of bread and a banana。
41. A。由下文的to follow my dream of becoming a travel writer可知,當時作者即將「辭去(quit)」一份穩定的工作。
42. D。由下文的Layla had me at the first wag可知,盡管作者即將辭去一份穩定的工作,但是他一見到Layla就毫不猶豫地決定領養它。without asecond thought毫不猶豫。
43. A。由上文的travel writer可推斷,此處是說作者寫「故事(stories)」的時候。
44. C。由上文的have long (often nonverbal) conversations可知,作者和Layla彼此互相「交流(communicated)」。
45. C。由上文的travel writer及When I sat downto write可推斷,作者會把自己「寫(written)」的東西大聲讀給Layla聽。
46. B。由上文的If she turned away to concentrate on cleaning a paw可推斷,如果看到Layla轉過臉集中精力於清潔爪子,作者便知道自己寫的東西不夠好,需要「重新來過(start over)」。
47. A。當然Layla並不「理解(understand)」作者所寫的東西。
48. D。根據Layla的反應判斷文章的好壞是作者自己修改文章的「方法(means)」。
49. D。由上段的描述可知,給Layla讀自己所寫的東西將修改文章的任務變成了一件「樂事(joy)」。
50. C。因為作者將旅行中的故事講給Layla聽,所以Layla成了作者旅行中的虛擬「夥伴(partner)」。
51. D。作者通過觀察Layla對自己的「作品(work)」的反應迫使自己關注文章的細節。
52. A。由第三段中的描述可知,作者給Layla講故事時「彷彿(as though)」Layla是一位讀者。
53. A。由下文的made me a better writer可知,給Layla講自己所寫的東西幫助作者「改進(shape)」自己的文章。
54. C。由第二、三段可知,對作者而言,Layla是一位「現成的(ready)」聽眾。
55. D。由第二段開頭的Although disappointed when I went traveling, Layla was always happywhen I returned及第三段開頭的I would readaloud to her what ... 可知,因為作者旅行回來後將旅途中的故事講給Layla聽,所以作者旅行時就像有Layla「在精神上(mentally)」陪伴他。
56. B。由下文的because my friend of so long is gone可知,如今Layla去世了,作者很「傷心(heartbroken)」。
57. B。由上文的Like many old friends可知,像很多老朋友一樣,作者和Layla多年來「一起經歷了(shared)」很多酸甜苦辣。
58. C。Layla對作者寫作的幫助令作者很「感激(grateful)」。
59. D。由下文的I owe a large part to her being at my side可知,不論作者作為旅行作家取得了哪些「成功(success)」,他都將其中的很大一部分歸功於Layla的陪伴。
60. A。由第三段開頭的I would read aloud to her可知,Layla總是在「聆聽(listening)」作者的作品。
61. founded。考查過去分詞作定語的用法。organization後跟定語,found與organization之間是邏輯上的動賓關系,且found所表示的動作已完成,故填founded。
62. Technically。考查副詞。設空處修飾整個句子,故填副詞Technically,意為「嚴格根據法律地」。
63. are considered。考查一般現在時的被動語態。land and buildings與consider之間是被動關系,且此處表示客觀情況,故填are considered。
64. to change。考查不定式作定語的用法。There is no need to do sth.是固定句型,意為「用不著做某事」,故填to change。
65. official。考查形容詞作定語的用法。設空處作languages的定語,且意為「官方的」,故填official。
66. Russian。考查名詞。設空處意為「俄語」,故填Russian。
67. which。考查關系詞。設空處引導非限制性定語從句修飾前面整個主句,且在從句中作主語,故填which。
68. in。考查介詞。in ... order意為「按……順序」。
69. it。考查it的用法。設空處作形式主語,其後的不定式短語作真實主語,故填it。
70. making。考查動詞-ing形式作狀語的用法。make與其邏輯主語之間是主謂關系,且make所表示的動作與謂語同時發生,故填making。

❺ 英語周報2016-2017高三新課標第一期答案

1-5 CBAAC 6-10 BABAC
11-15 BBCBB 16-20BABCB
21-25 DACBD 26-30 ABDCD
31-35 BABAD 36-40CEBFG
41-45 DBABC 46-50ABDCD
51-55 BACDA 56-60BCCDA
61. it 62.exactly
63. to take 64.But
65. social 66. arefixed
67. what 68.to form
69. lasting 70.strengthened
71. ... school organizes ... organizes→ organized
72. Since I was ... Since → Although / Though
73. ... I have never ... have→ had
74. ... have try. have後加a
75. ... were encouraged ... 去掉were
76. ... they prepared ... they→ I
77. For my parents' ... For → With
78. ... practiced hardly ... hardly→ hard
79. Stand on ... Stand→Standing
80. To my delights ... delights→ delight
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
How is everything going? I'm delighted totell you that I've returned home safe and sound. Thank you very much for yourkindness ring my stay with your family.
Without your help, I wouldn't have gotaccustomed to American life so soon and wouldn't have made great progress inEnglish. To express my gratitude, I'm sending you some Chinese paper cuts as agift. As is known to all, paper cutting is a from of unique traditional Chinesefolk art with a long history. They are really beautiful and I'm sure you willbe fond of them.
I hope you and your family can travel toChina some day.
Yours, LiHua

21. D。推理判斷題。由第一段中的Since I'm from the South of the US, you might think that I'd likethe taste of okra可推斷,秋葵在美國南部比較常見。
22. A。推理判斷題。由第三段中的Except for okra可知,作者幾乎對所有油炸食物都感興趣,唯獨不包括秋葵,由此可見,無論哪種烹飪方式都無法讓作者對秋葵提起興趣。
23. C。推理判斷題。作者不喜歡吃秋葵卻種植它,是因為秋葵除了食用還有其他用途,而媽媽不吃西紅柿卻種植它只是因為它的食用價值。因此二者種植的目的不同。
24. B。歸納標題題。作者通過各種烹飪方式還是不喜歡吃秋葵,然而卻開始種植秋葵,原來,她發現秋葵還有更好的用處:做裝飾。
25. D。推理判斷題。由第二段中的The answer can be e to可知,第一段中的問題是為了引出本文的主題:自尊心導致人們在沖突中自我防禦,因此不利於解決沖突。
26. A。推理判斷題。由第三段中的any attack on our self-image is interpreted by the brain as physicalpain可知,當人們的自尊心受到侵襲時,這種侵襲會被大腦破譯為對身體的傷害,而人們並不想自尊心受損害,因此不願道歉。
27. B。細節理解題。由第四段中的two small structures in the brain that control our instinctive responses可知,amygdala控制人體的本能反應。
28. D。推理判斷題。由最後一段中的shrink our self-esteem和our self-esteem is unnecessarily可知,作者建議面對錯誤時要放下自尊,由此推斷作者建議人們要為過錯道歉。
29. C。細節理解題。由第二段中的The light brown Petoskey stone is easily distinguished from otherstones by its pattern of a lot of contiguous six-sided cells可知,佩托斯基石的圖案由六角形的蜂窩狀結構組成。
30. D。細節理解題。由第三段中的Most Petoskey stones contain high levels of calcite可知,大部分佩托斯基石富含方解石。
31. B。推理判斷題。由第四段中的improve efficiency ... a smooth, shiny finish以及instead of hand polishing thestones可知,electricrock tumbler是用來打磨拋光石頭的。
32. A。細節理解題。由最後一段中的after winter when the ice has melted可知,在密歇根州的早春,你更容易找到佩托斯基石。
33. B。推理判斷題。由第一段中的if you ever decide to protect your home against unfortunate eventslike that, you're in for a shock及take advantage of people who want to feel safe. They offer you a 「free」 outdated alarm可推斷,傳統的家庭安全產品表面上讓人們感覺安全,實際上並不可靠。
34. A。細節理解題。由第二段中的you can order it on our website可知,顧客可以在網上購買SimpliSafe。
35. D。細節理解題。由第三段末的But if you don't, that's okay too. Return it to us for a fullrefund, no questions asked可知,在試用期之內,只要產品不符合顧客的心意,顧客就可以無條件退貨並獲得全額退款。
36. C。第二段主要介紹了付諸行動的重要性。C項中的people whodo和上一句中的People... but rarely doing相呼應。
37. E。E項中的Clear ablock of at least two to four hours a week是對第一條小標題Make time的具體說明。
38. B。第二條建議主要告訴我們不要給自己找借口。本部分中的excuses don't對該空有提示。
39. F。F項中的Makeyourself unavailable for anything or anyone是對本條建議(遠離干擾)的解釋說明。
40. G。由本空前後括弧中的舉例說明可知,此處表示把目標細化有利於目標的實現。
41. D。由上文中的I knew my brother Gabriel was different和下文中的At first, I didn't understand可知,最開始,作者並不覺得哥哥的不同有多重要(important)。
42. B。由本空後的I asked my parents可知,一開始,作者並不明白他的朋友們問的是什麼意思(meant)。
43. A。由Gabriel患病的事實和本空後的special ecation program可推斷,Gabriel在同一所學校(school)呆了好幾年,接受特殊教育。
44. B。由下文作者對哥哥的反應可推斷,每次在學校見到作者時,哥哥都想擁抱(hug)他。
45. C。由上文中的embarrassed可知,作者擔心如果和哥哥有親密舉動,別人會取笑(look down on)他。
46. A。由本空後的walk down a different hallway可知,遇到哥哥時,作者會躲(hide)在朋友身後。
47. B。由本段作者躲避哥哥,不願和哥哥有親密舉動的行為可以看出,當時作者希望自己有一個正常的(normal)哥哥。
48. D。由本段首句中的kindergarten和末句中的middle school以及作者對哥哥的態度可推斷,到作者上中學時,他最終(Eventually)和哥哥分道而行。
49. C。50. D。因為(Since)學校不想負擔接送哥哥的特殊校車的費用,所以由作者負責(responsible)送哥哥上學。
51. B。通過作者對哥哥態度的變化可知,作者以前的想法很自私(selfish)。
52. A。由下文作者態度的變化可知,此處意為:但是(However),經過了第一次送哥哥上學之後,作者很享受和哥哥同行的過程。
53. C。由下文中的It was a game for both of us可知,作者很享受(enjoyed)這個過程。
54. D。由上文中的how to simply get to his classroom和下文中的directional可知,作者在教哥哥識別路線以及什麼時候該拐彎(turn)。
55. A。本空填answer,和空前的questions相呼應。
56. B。57. C。由本空前的wrong可知,此處指作者溫和地糾正(correct)哥哥,告訴他正確的方向(direction)。
58. C。由上文作者教哥哥路線可知,後來作者不用再看著哥哥走,因為哥哥記住了上學的路(way)。
59. D。上文作者和哥哥之間發生的事情是他的經歷(experiences)。
60. A。作者送哥哥上學對他而言是之前從未體驗過的事情,這段經歷讓作者敢於去嘗試(trying)新鮮事物。
61. it。考查代詞。it指代上文中提到的aproblem。
62. exactly。考查詞性轉換。本空修飾動詞know,故用exact的副詞形式。
63. to take。考查固定句式。此處是too ... to ...結構,意為:很多人太忙而不願花時間相互理解。
64. But。考查連詞。本句和上一句構成轉折關系,故填But。
65. social。考查詞性轉換。本空修飾名詞events,故應用society的形容詞形式。
66. are fixed。考查動詞的時態和語態。eyes和fix構成被動關系。又因為全文用的是一般現在時,故此處應用一般現在時的被動語態。
67. what。考查賓語從句引導詞。what引導賓語從句,在從句中作主語。
68. to form。考查非謂語動詞。allow sb. to do sth.是固定搭配,動詞不定式to form作賓語補足語。
69. lasting。考查詞性轉換。該空修飾名詞friendships,故應用last的形容詞形式。
70. strengthened。考查詞性轉換。本句缺少動詞,因此該空應填strong的動詞形式;又因為本句用的是現在完成時,故填strengthened。

❻ 2016-2017高三英語周報新課程 第17期答案

2016-2017高三英語周報新課程 第17期答案
11-15 CBCAC 16-20ABBAB
21-25 CACCD 26-30BDABD
31-35 DBDAD 36-40DGFCE
41-45 DCBCA 46-50BABDC
51-55 BDCBB 56-60ADDCA
61. and 62.studying
63. greatly 64.to understand
65. independent 66. are
67. difficulty 68. a
69. its 70. to / toward(s)
71. ... I see one of ... see → saw
72. ... so impressing by ... impressing → impressed
73. ... so a tough ... so → such
74. ... that are much ... that → which
75. ... written down all ... 去掉down
76. ... my favourite writer ... writer → writers
77. ... life inspire me ... inspire→ inspires
78. ... at very late age at後加a
79. ... but he never ... he→ she
80. ... became successfully. successfully→ successful
One possible version:
Raising money through WeChat software hasbecome a new trend these days. Some people think it's a very easy and good wayto help others. They can donate money online to those in need, which can savelives sometimes. However, others think it's not reliable because anyone canraise money through the software. It is not easy to recognize who really needshelp. Furthermore, some people use the software to cheat others out of theirmoney.
In my opinion, we should make use of anypossible way to help those in need, but any kind of money raising should bemonitored by the government.

21. C。細節理解題。根據Chile部分中的developing lessonplans, providing small group tutoring, and correcting tests可知,智利的工作主要要求志願者制定教學計劃、小組輔導和閱卷。
22. A。細節理解題。根據China部分中的Expect to work 35-40hours a week, Monday through Friday可知,在長沙的這份工作要求志願者幾乎周一到周五全日制工作。
23. C。細節理解題。根據Costa Rica部分中的Spanish maybe required可知,想要使用自己西班牙語的人可能會去哥斯大黎加做志願者。
24. C。細節理解題。根據第二段中的The image stayed with her, and she resolved to do something to help可知,是這個窮困的海地男孩的照片使她做出了要給無家可歸的孩子舉辦生日聚會的決定。
25. D。細節理解題。根據第三段中的Finally, in January 2012, Paige launched the Birthday Party Project,a nonprofit organization可知,第一次生日聚會是由一個非盈利組織the Birthday Party Project組織的。
26. B。細節理解題。根據第四段中的Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regionalvolunteers, also known as 「birthdayenthusiasts,」 to plan monthly themedparties可知,當地的志願者也幫忙策劃每月的主題生日聚會。
27. D。推理判斷題。根據全文內容及最後一段中的Paige says, 「The one thingI've always wanted is for my kid to be generous.」可推知應選D項。
28. A。段落大意題。作者在第一段集中論述了圖書館的重要性。
29. B。細節理解題。根據第二段中的Strong evidence suggests that the group who use public libraries theleast are teenagers可知,作者擔心的是當今青少年較少去圖書館的問題。
30. D。推理判斷題。根據第四段中的not only improved her English, enhancing her success at school, buthad also given her the confidence to talk to new people 可推知,這名女生在圖書館的志願者工作讓她受益匪淺。
31. D。細節理解題。根據第五段中的libraries offer amazing opportunities to improve your CV可知,圖書館志願者工作提供的機會能為學生將來找工作做准備。
32. B。推理判斷題。根據第一段中的I could not interpret body language or hear their tones of voice.Their comments on my work were all I had to go on可推斷,作者很少跟教授們互動。
33. D。細節理解題。根據第二段中的In the latter class, I anxiously hit the submit button and held mybreath until I received a graded assignment full of criticism from him可知,老師的負面評價使作者緊張。
34. A。推理判斷題。根據第三段中的Now almost all of the work I grade includes some positive feedback可知,作者從自己在線學習的經歷中感悟到作為教師應該給予學生積極的反饋,要鼓勵學生。
35. D。作者意圖題。根據最後一段中的I am truly grateful that the challenges of the program caused me toreflect on my own students and how I might better meet their needs可知,作者寫本文的目的是反思、分享如何做一位在線教師。
36. D。空格前的What can you do與D項中的you can change a kid's life相呼應。
37. G。空格前的needed a project to keep him busy與G項中的turned to Mason forhelp相呼應。
38. F。空格後was up to the challenge及a mechanical hand called Robohand與F項中的make a new hand相呼應。
39. C。空格後的Once the pieces were all printed out與C項中的made 20 separateplastic pieces相呼應。
40. E。空格後Matthew的感受與E項What does Matthew think of his new Robohand相呼應。
第一節: 完形填空
41. D。根據第48空後的to complete my familyhistory research可知,此處填researching。
42. C。根據第43空後的Some hours into ourflight可知,此處指登上飛機(plane)。
43. B。根據空格後一句中的Some hours into our flight, boredom settled in可知,這是一趟長途(long)飛行。
44. C。根據下文作者對the couple seated next to us的描述可知,作者開始與他們聊天(chatting)。
45. A。第47空後的the town是提示。
46. B。根據第41空後的my ancestry inYorkshire可知,Yorkshire是作者此次旅行的一個重要的(important)部分。
47. A。根據空格後的she replied 「Howden」可知,此處是問這個小鎮的名字(name)。
48. B。根據第47空後的was completely takenaback及第48空後的was heading to complete my family history research可知,這個叫Howden的小鎮就是作者要去尋根的地方(where)。
49. D。根據空格後面的whose home was easy to find及第51空前的deliver the teacher's可知,作者碰到的這位老師請求作者給她以前的女校長送(deliver)張紙條。
50. C。根據第51空所在句的內容可知,作者同意(agreed)幫忙送紙條。
51. B。根據第49空後的a note,可知此處指上文提到的那張紙條(note)。
52. D。根據第51空前的had time to deliver可知,此處指到達(reached)這座房子的時候。
53. C。根據空格前的knocked on the front door及空格後的dropping the letter into the letterbox可知,此處敲門與把信投到信箱形成對比,故填instead of。
54. B。根據第54空後的ourselves to theformer headmistress and explained why we were on her doorstep可知,此處作者應該先介紹(introced)自己。
55. B。根據第56空後的she had also invitedan elderly local historian可知,此處指這位前女校長邀請(invited)作者夫婦倆第二天去喝早茶。
56. A。根據上一句中的for morning tea the following day可知,第二天作者他們又返回到(returned)這里。
57. D。這位歷史學家主動提出要開車帶他們去圖書館仔細閱讀(go through)關於他們先輩的材料。
58. D。根據空格前的he took over and, thanks to his skill可知,在這位歷史學家的幫助下,作者把神秘的家譜信息拼湊了起來,並取得了很大的進展(progress)。
59. C。根據空格前的gave us a book可知,此處歷史學家送給作者他們的書是分別的禮物(gift)。
60. A。根據全文的描述可知,作者這次旅行如此美好全都歸功於遇到的人的友善(kindness)。
61. and。考查連詞。both ... and是固定表達,意為「不僅……而且……」。
62. studying。考查非謂語動詞。設空處作of的賓語,故用動詞-ing形式作賓語。
63. greatly。考查詞性轉換。設空處修飾謂語動詞benefit,故填副詞greatly。
64. to understand。考查非謂語動詞。設空處與後面的內容一起作真正的主語,且所表示的動作尚未發生,故填to understand。
65. independent。考查詞形轉換。設空處與後面的diligent and enterprising並列作賓補,需填形容詞,且根據前面內容可知,此處指「獨立的」意思,故填independent。
66. are。考查時態。設空處作謂語,主語是effects,且所表示的是一般情況,故填are。
67. difficulty。考查詞性轉換。have difficulty (in) doing sth.是固定表達,意為「做某事有困難」。
68. a。考查冠詞。設空處修飾big problem,此處problem是可數名詞,且表示泛指,故填a。
69. its。考查代詞。設空處作定語,修飾disadvantages,故填物主代詞its。
70. to / toward(s)。考查介詞。make great contributions to / toward(s)是固定表達,意為「對……做出巨大貢獻」。

❼ 2016-2017英語周報高三新課程第12期

1-5 CAABA 6-10 BABAA
11-15 ACABC 16-20ACACC
21-25 DBDBA 26-30ACBAC
31-35 BDABD 36-40CAFBE
41-45 DCABB 46-50 ACCAD
51-55 BBDAC 56-60CBDCA
61. by 62.The
63. meaning 64.effective
65. published 66. were asked
67. which 68. later
69. findings 70.high
71. I am write ... write→ writing
72. ... advertising on ... advertising → advertised
73. ... scholarship on ... on→ for
74. ... following reason. reason→ reasons
75. ... our ambition ... our → my
76. ... is study one ... is後加to
77. ... has been very ... has→ have
78. ... very grate to ... grate → grateful
79. ... could make up ... 去掉up
80. ... to receive ... receive → receiving
One possible version:
With the development of science andtechnology, more and more intelligent robots will be used in the future. Infamilies, robots will help people do some housework and take care of theelderly, babies and patients. Apart from these tasks, robots will even be ableto play chess and do exercise with people. In factories, robots will be used toperform some dangerous jobs to avoid accidents.
Robots will change our future life in manyways, making it more colorful and comfortable. However, we shouldn't depend onintelligent robots too much, for they are being made to help humans rather thanreplace them. As helpers of humans, robots should be used wisely andproperly.

21. D。細節理解題。根據Pinkpop Festival部分中的PinkpopFestival ... Netherlands以及Pinkpop is theoldest and longest running annual dedicated pop and rock music festival in theworld 可知選D項。
22. B。細節理解題。根據Roskilde Festival部分中的the festivalwas taken over by the Roskilde Foundation, which has since run the festival asa non-profit organization可知選B項。
23. D。細節理解題。根據Montreux Jazz Festival部分中的It is thesecond largest annual jazz festival in the world after Canada's MontrealInternational Jazz Festival可知選D項。
24. B。細節理解題。根據第一段中的On April 5, the German shepherd received an award for her bravemilitary service可知,盧卡因服役期間的英勇表現被授予迪金勛章。
25. A。細節理解題。根據第三段可知,盧卡的主人因她的表現而感到驕傲,故選A項。
26. A。細節理解題。根據第四段中的She was trained to find hidden weapons and explosive devices可知,盧卡是一隻搜救犬。
27. C。推理判斷題。根據第二段中的The award has been given to 31 dogs (including Lucca), 32 World WarII messenger pigeons, three horses, and one cat可知,盧卡是第67個被授予迪金勛章的動物。
28. B。詞義猜測題。2007年之前的起始時間began on thefirst Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October與現行的時間begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday inNovember有差別,所以可知起始時間根據2005年的《能源政策法》有所調整,故選B項。
29. A。推理判斷題。根據第五段中的The idea met with laughter and opposition可知,William Willett的提議遭到眾人的否定。
30. C。細節理解題。根據第六段中的Germany was the first nation to adopt DST in 1915可知,最早採用夏令時是在1915年。
31. B。段落大意題。根據最後一段中的rece the entire country's usage of electricity;a rection in traffic accidents;Crime is also reced可知,該段主要說明了採用夏令時的好處。
本文是議論文。Stuart Slavin教授曾在一所中學進行過一項研究,發現一半以上的學生患有中度或重度抑鬱症。
32. D。推理判斷題。根據第一段中的unprepared;The resultswere stunning;More alarming可推斷,Stuart Slavin對他的調查結果感到震驚。
33. A。推理判斷題。根據第三段中的stress drove them to sadness or depression 以及they were seeing rising numbers of students with severepsychological problems可知,壓力讓學生的健康出了問題。
34. B。細節理解題。根據第四段中的Teachers are re-examining their homework demands ... no more than 20minutes per class per night, and none on weekends可知,歐文頓中學的學生作業量很小。
35. D。推理判斷題。根據最後一段中的ecators see promising signs 以及There are lessons to be learned from Irvington可知,歐文頓中學的新政策是成功的。
36. C。C項中的home security和該空前的protect our homes相呼應。
37. A。根據下一句中的It is common for people to carry the set of keys可知A項符合語境。
38. F。根據Hundreds of years later, the Romans made smaller, metal keys可知,該段介紹了鑰匙的演變史,F項符合語境。
39. B。B項中的wore the keys asrings on their fingers 和該空後的kept thekey handy相呼應。
40. E。E項中的the number of thieves與該空後的 preventing thieves相呼應。
41. D。根據下一句中的far short of the required down payment可知,蘇安希望在2001年的夏天買(purchase)一棟房子。
42. C。根據空格後的內容可知,到了秋天,蘇安的積蓄(savings)還遠遠不夠支付首付。
43. A。根據該空前的the September 11 terrorist attacks可知,9月11日恐怖襲擊事件動搖(shaken)了作者對人性的信仰。
44. B。根據as many students were attending discussions on the crisis可知,課堂的出勤率(attendance)不高。
45. B。根據上文中的terrorist attacks可知,學生的精神狀態也不佳(down)。
46. A。根據該空後的different可知,作者立即察覺到(sensed)有什麼不一樣。
47. C。48. C。根據a great deal ofenergy可知,蘇安一改往常的神態自若(calm),渾身散發著強烈的能量。她滿眼的激動(excitement)。
49. A。50. D。聯繫上下文可知,蘇安遞給作者一個信封,可什麼也沒(nothing)說。作者從信封中取出(removed)一張紙。
51. B。蘇安對那幅畫如此興奮,讓作者有些費解(surprised)。
52. B。根據下一句可知,作者伸手從信封里掏出(pulled out)了一張小點兒的紙。
53. D。根據下文中的Is this a real check可知,此處填check。
54. A。根據Anonymous可知,此處指寫付款人名字的地方(Where)。
55. C。根據下一句中的never happened to us可知,作者覺得支票的事很不可思議(unbelievable)。
56. C。聯系語境可知,蘇安收到支票很開心,故cheerfully符合語境。
57. B。根據文章第一段中的she ran a small day care center可知,此處填run。
58. D。根據a framed crayon drawing可知,此處用object指那幅用畫框裱起來的蠟筆畫。
59. C。聯繫上一句可知,此處指牆上的那幅畫(picture)。
60. A。即使在最悲慘的時候,總會有人注意到(notice)他人的需求, 總會有人伸出援助之手,或多或少地改善他人的生活。
61. by。考查介詞。「by + 數量詞」作狀語,表示程度或數量。該句意為「經常鍛煉的老人可以延緩大腦衰老10年」。
62. The。考查冠詞。the number of後接可數名詞復數,意為「……的數量」。
63. meaning。考查非謂語動詞。mean與邏輯主語之間是主動關系,故用動詞-ing形式,相當於定語從句which means the public health burden...。
64. effective。考查詞性轉換。空格中所填單詞在句中作表語,故填effect的形容詞形式effective。
65. published。考查非謂語動詞。空格處作定語,修飾paper, 且publish與邏輯主語paper之間是被動關系,且所表示的動作已完成,故填published。
66. were asked。考查時態和語態。由於主語people是謂語動詞動作ask的承受者,故需用被動語態;這里是在描寫過去所做的一次實驗,故用一般過去時。
67. which。考查定語從句的引導詞。空格處引導非限制性定語從句,修飾moderate to high levels of exercise,且關系代詞在從句中作主語,故填which。
68. later。考查副詞。「一段時間 + later」表示「一段時間以後」。
69. findings。考查詞性轉換。空格中所填單詞在句中作主語,需用find的名詞形式。finding意為「調查發現,調查結果」時,常用復數形式。
70. high。考查形容詞。根據該空前的people with low activity可知,此處填high符合語境。

❽ 求2016-2017外研版英語周報高三第七期答案

Book 3 Moles 1-2
11-15 CBABA 16-20CBBAC
21-25 AABBD 26-30BBCBA
31-35 DCCDA 36-40BDAFC
41-45 BADDC 46-50CDABB
51-55 DACCB 56-60DBAAC
61. wearing 62.a
63. of 64.were sentenced
65. really 66.to teach
67. who / that 68. what
69. known 70.shows
71. ... we live are ... are → is
72. ... the most comfort ...
comfort → comfortable
73. ... on better terms ... better → good
74. ... with an 4-year-old ... an → a / their
75. Learned that they ...
Learned → Learning
76. ... wherever I was free.
wherever → whenever
77. ... what I can help ... help前加to
78. ... anything as return ... as → in
79. ... young couple who ... 去掉who
80. ... some small gift ... gift→ gifts
One possible version:
Recently a survey has been done to find outthe average number of books each person reads every year in Israel, Japan,Iceland, France and China. According to the survey, Israel comes first with 64books; Japan, second with 40. Iceland ranks the third with 24, while Francecomes fourth with 11. It's a pity that China comes last with a miserable 0.7.
The survey shows there's a great differencein terms of people's reading rate in different countries, and Chinese people inparticular lack the good habit of reading.
In my view, this is a very serious problem.Knowledge is now recognized as the driving force behind economic growth. If wedon't read, how can we acquire the knowledge necessary to keep up with othercountries?
21. A。篇章結構題。由第一段及第三段中的I was packing up boxes and other belongings可知,作者和家人早在2009年初就開始了清理農場的工作。故A項正確。
22. A。段落大意題。第二段主要講作者的家人之前在農場的幸福生活,即關於農場的回憶。
23. B。推理判斷題。由第三段中引用的作家的話及I am not sure what this new gift will be. Perhaps the pleasure ...the new family可知,作家的話令感傷的作者感到欣慰。
24. B。細節理解題。由第三段中的it is time to let go及文章最後一句May it befilled with love again, and with new gifts to be shared by the family who willcall it home可知,作者將放棄這個美麗的農場。
25. D。細節理解題。由第二段中的I can't read this及It was my bestcursive可知,該學生不會讀草書。
26. B。細節理解題。由第四段中的John Hancock's was so robust and original ... It is a work of art可知,John Hancock的簽名得到了高度評價,200多年後仍被一家同名保險公司用作標識。
27. B。詞義猜測題。由上下文可知,受預算的影響,學校常放棄音樂和藝術課,卻保留危險的足球課。如果草書成為另外一個課程犧牲品,那對學生會是一大損失。故劃線詞的意思應該是「放棄」。
28. C。推理判斷題。由最後一段Thank you, Mrs. Shaw, for seeing so much in my handwriting. I neededthat push可推斷,老師表揚作者的話令作者很受鼓舞。
29. B。細節理解題。由第一段中的It's always been a rule in my family, spoken or unspoken, that youdon't waste food及this subject is deep inmy genes and upbringing可知,作者小時候不被允許浪費食物。
30. A。寫作手法題。第二段中用六個數據說明當前浪費食物的現象嚴重。
31. D。詞義猜測題。由上文的Luckily及下文的Nowsupermarkets feature the ugly. It's fashionable. More artful terms are favored可推斷,關於丑食物的運動正越來越受歡迎。故D項正確。
32. C。細節理解題。由最後一段中的we've taken the line that rather than throw away things ... we wouldjust give them to you and you could decide可知,the Kretschmann Farm CSA盡力把不完美的食物交給消費者自己選擇。
33. C。細節理解題。由Super Kids Breakfast部分的$15 perperson for members可知,兩個會員共需支付30美元。
34. D。細節理解題。由Super Kids Earth Day Evening部分的Learn about where your food comes from可知,通過這項活動,孩子們可以了解食品生產的過程。
35. A。細節理解題。由Egg Roll部分的In the greattradition of the White House, The Magic House is inviting children to ... 可知。
36. B。B項與上文的I used to spend thesecond half of Sunday dreading Monday morning相呼應。
37. D。D項與上文的When you get readyto exercise, you warm up first相呼應,且下文的Geteverything you need for the morning ready to go ... a long hot bath是對D項的具體說明。
38. A。A項與下文的can help withgetting up a little early Monday morning及gently settle into the day and keep that weekend feeling of ease asyou start your new week相呼應。
39. F。F項是對上文的a quote的舉例說明。
40. C。C項與本段小標題Look at theweek's tasks as opportunities instead of problems相呼應,且與空前和空後的句子是並列關系,舉例說明如何積極看待未來一周的工作任務。
41. B。由下文的let tomorrow take care of itself可推測,此處是說要「快樂(merry)」。
42. A。43. D。由下文的with feelings ofguilt about what we should or shouldn't eat可知,如今人們享受生活的本能被罪惡感「代替(replaced)」,這是「可悲(Sadly)」的。
44. D。由上文的we should or shouldn't eat及damaging可推斷,此處是說那些所謂的「有害的(harmful)」食物到底有多大危害。
45. C。下文詳細介紹了人們通常喜歡的食物的優缺點,故填closely。look moreclosely at ... 更仔細地看。
46. C。由上文的mild stimulants可知,巧克力中所含的興奮劑有助於「集中精力(concentration)」。
47. D。由下文的if eaten in the evenings可知,晚上吃巧克力可能會「妨礙(interrupt)」睡眠。
48. A。由下文的it is hard for the body to store it as fat可推斷,糖能較快地轉變為「能量(energy)」。
49. B。50. B。糖能更快地使你感到「吃飽了(full)」,所以你不太可能「吃得過多(overeat)」。
51. D。由下文的tooth decay可知,接下來要講的是「壞(bad)」消息。
52. A。糖能「引起(causes)」蛀牙。
53. C。由下文的as it is a major source of protein, vitamin B and essential minerals可知,肉是一種「重要的(important)」食物。
54. C。上文講肉營養豐富,下文講肉含脂肪且牛肉會引起一種疾病。前後是轉折關系,故選However。
55. B。人們將一種影響人類大腦的疾病「歸咎於(blamed)」牛肉。
56. D。咖啡因使人們更「活躍(active)」。
57. B。由上文的they can disturb sleep可知,晚上不宜「喝(drunk)」咖啡或茶。
58. A。由上文對各種食物的優缺點的介紹及下文的eat small amounts of these foods可知,「健康(health)」的關鍵在於適度飲食。
59. A。 「少量食用」與「忘記罪惡感」之間是並列關系,故選and。
60. C。此處與文章第一段的with feelings of guilt相呼應,故選guilty。
61. wearing。考查動詞-ing形式作定語的用法。women後跟後置定語,因women與wear之間是邏輯上的主謂關系,且wear表示的是正在進行的動作,故填wearing。
62. a。考查不定冠詞。town為可數名詞,且在此表泛指,故填a。設空處所在句意為「那時,這座城市只是馬薩諸塞英屬殖民地的一座小鎮。」
63. of。考查介詞。accuse sb. of ... 意為「因……指控某人」。
64. were sentenced。考查一般過去時的被動語態。sentence所表示的動作發生在過去,且people與sentence之間是被動關系,故填weresentenced。
65. really。考查副詞。設空處修飾系動詞,故填really。
66. to teach。考查不定式作狀語的用法。city與teach之間是邏輯上的主謂關系,且設空處表目的,故填to teach。
67. who / that。考查關系詞。設空處引導限制性定語從句修飾people,且在從句中作主語,故填who / that。
68. what。考查連接詞。設空處引導賓語從句,在從句中作主語且指代事物,故填what。
69. known。考查過去分詞作表語的用法。be known as意為「被稱為」。
70. shows。考查名詞。and連接並列成分,且由Films可知設空處需填名詞的復數形式,故填shows。

❾ 英語周報2017-2018高考高三外研第8期的答案,跪求


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