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『壹』 五年級上冊英語課課練第三單元能力測試參考答案

  • 英語(English),屬於「印歐語系-日耳曼語族-西日耳曼語支」。根據以英語作為母語的人內數容計算,英語是最多國家使用的官方語言,英語也是世界上最廣泛的第二語言,也是歐盟和許多國際組織和英聯邦國家的官方語言,擁有世界第三位的母語使用者人數,僅次於漢語和西班牙語母語使用者人數。

  • 英語由古代從丹麥等斯堪的納維亞半島以及德國、荷蘭及周邊移民至不列顛群島的盎格魯、撒克遜和朱特部落的白人所說的語言演變而來,並通過英國的殖民活動傳播到了世界各地。由於在歷史上曾和多種民族語言接觸,它的詞彙從一元變為多元,語法從「多屈折」變為「少屈折」,語音也發生了規律性的變化。

『貳』 五年級下冊英語期中試卷答案第三題筆試答案

一、 將你聽到的單詞序號填入題前的括弧內10分 ( )1 A speak B spread C read ( )2 A end B send C sand ( )3 A off B of C over ( )4 A place B space C croos ( )5 A your B yours C yes 二、 選出你聽到的句子,將序號填在題前的括弧內10分 ( )1 A I can see twenty-one pens. B I can see twenty-five pencils. C I can see thirty-four pencils. ( )2 A Please count the books on the desk. B Please count the books on the chair. C Please take the books to the classroom. ( )3 A How many are there Twenty-six. B How many are there Thirty-seven. C How many can you see I can see forty-two. ( )4 A Turn right,you can see it on the left. B Turn right,you can see it at the end. C Turn left,you can see it on the right. ( )5 A My husband is twice thirty. B My husband is twice thirty-two. C My father is seventy. 筆試部分(80分) 一、 請你按正確的格式抄寫下列單詞或句子11分 office Friday question breakfast Mars How can I get there 二、 請你選擇劃線部分發音不同的單詞5分 ( )1 A b[u]oo[/u]k B g[u]oo[/u]d C c[u]oo[/u]l ( )2 A sp[u]ea[/u]k B br[u]ea[/u]kfast C spr[u]ea[/u]d ( )3 A doct[u]or[/u] B h[u]or[/u]se C f[u]or[/u] ( )4 A s[u]a[/u]me B b[u]a[/u]ke C h[u]a[/u]ve ( )5 A b[u]i[/u]ke B k[u]i[/u]te C g[u]i[/u]ve 三、 請你按要求寫單詞12分 they(名詞性形式)_________ have(單三式)_________ child(復數形式)__________ two(同音詞)__________ carry(現在分詞)__________ right(反義詞)_________ 四、 請你把下列句子重新排列,使其成為一段完整的話。12分 ( )1 How can I get there ( )2 Yes,there is. ( )3 Is there a shop near here ( )4 Excuse me. ( )5 You can see it on the right. ( )6 Go down this street , turn right. 五、 選擇填空20分 ( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box A an B any C a D the ( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom. A woman B womans C women D womens ( )3 Whose bird are these _______ are yours. A They B Their C Those D Theirs ( )4 May I take a message _____ you A to B for C from D of ( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars. A a B an C the D × ( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass. A is B am C are D isn』t ( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end. A on B in C under D at ( )8 Is this dog ___ Yes , it』s ____. A your , my B yours , mine C yours , my D your , mine ( )9 ______ I borrow your pen A May B Must C Does D Am ( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now. A mustn』t B may C can D must 六、按要求改寫句子10分 1 You must cross the street .(否定句) 2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑問句) 3 They are [u]my[/u] desks.(對劃線部分提問) 4 There are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . (對劃線部分提問) 5 My name is [u]Mary.[/u](對劃線部分提問) 七、 閱讀短文,然後判斷正誤,正確打(T),錯誤打(F)10分 There is a park near our school . We can see many trees and flowers there . We can see a hill behind the park , too . At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park . Some are walking and singing . Some are dancing or playing games . Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . Their father and mother are sitting under the tree . All the family are having a good time. ( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park . ( )2 There is a hill in the park . ( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . ( )4 Some children are singing . ( )5 All the family are very happy .

『叄』 五年級下冊家庭作業的第三單元試卷的答案

wǔ rǔ wēi fēng ǎi xiǎo jiā qín gān jú péi bú shì gūi jǔ dào zéi ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、用「√」為帶點字選擇正確的讀音 1.兒應(yīng yìng)聲答曰:「未聞孔雀是夫子家禽。」 2.這是什麼話?我國首都(dōu dū)臨淄住滿了人。 3.我最不中(zhōng zhîng)用,所以派到這兒來了。 三、下列各組詞語中,有錯別字的一組是( )
A.冷笑 為難 招待 安居樂業 B.出息 取笑 笑嘻嘻 聊如指掌 C.囚犯 解釋 實話實說 面不改色 D.負責 大臣 完好無損 不惜代價
即使„„也„„ 不管„„也„„ 是„„還是„„ 寧可„„也不„„ 如果„„就„„ 1.( )多麼艱苦,你( )要把他們帶出草地。 2.邱少雲( )犧牲自己,( )挪動一寸地方。 3.( )只剩下一個人,我們( )要渡過江。 五、給帶點的字選擇正確的解釋
1.為設果( ) A.假設 B.排放 C.假使
2.乃呼兒出( ) A.你,你的 B.竟 C.就,於是
3.若無其事( ) A.若是,如果 B.如同,好像 C.你 六、判斷題
1.劇本主要是通過人物對話或者唱詞來推進情節,刻畫人物。( ) 2.相聲是一種雅俗共賞的神態表演藝術。( )
3.傑奎琳寶石般的眼睛在燭光下顯得異常可愛。運用了比喻的修辭手法。( ) 4.傑克像個男子漢似的挺挺胸脯。運用了比喻的修辭手法。( )
一、侮辱 威風 矮小 家禽 柑橘 賠不是 規矩 盜賊 二、1.yìng 2.ū 3.hōng 三、B
四、1.„„也„„ 2.可„„也不„„ 3.使„„也„„ 五、1. 2. 3. 六、1、√ 2、× 3、√ 4、× 七、 1.下得很大,像斷了線的珠子一般。
2.陽落山了,悄悄地把自己隱藏在地平線的下面。 八、1.天連碧水水連天 2.一夜五更,半夜二更有半
3。樓外青山 雲飛天外 樹邊紅雨 九、參考答案:我會說:「你這樣做是不對的,你應該先去老師那裡履行請假手續,向老師說明情況,徵得老師的同意。」(或者類似的做法即可) 十、閱讀一:1、Q 口 2、招待 得意洋洋 3、得意洋洋 笑嘻嘻 取笑 面不改色 4、同樣的道理,齊國人在齊國能安居樂業,好好地勞動,一到楚國,就做起盜賊來了,難道不是因為兩國的水土不同嗎?(注意反問詞和標點符號的變化)
5、晏子的話不但形象生動地點明了齊國人在出國為盜賊的原因,而且也回敬楚王。使楚王不但沒有達到侮辱齊國的目的,反而搬起石頭砸了自己的腳。 6、楚王與晏子的幾次較量中認輸了,對晏子不敢不尊重了。 7、晏子是一個能言善辯,有膽有識的人,面對侮辱不急不躁,以巧妙的方式和驚人的智慧進行還擊,是一個才智和膽識過人的人才。 閱讀二1、聰明的徐文長(能夠緊扣短文中心即可) 2、既„„又„„ 3、提著兩桶水過又窄又軟的竹橋;巧取竹竿頂上的禮物。 4、第三段:少年徐文長想了一下,就脫下鞋,用兩根繩子把小桶系住,然後再把裝滿了水的木桶放到水裡,就這樣他提著兩根繩子走過了竹橋。
第六段第2句話:只見他拿住竹竿一直走到一口井邊,然後把竹竿往井裡放,當竹竿頂快到井口時,他就順利地拿到了那件禮物。 5、機智 善於動腦思考問題 6、(圍繞中心詞句即可)徐文長機智地解決了伯父給他的兩個難題,獲得了禮物。 7、學生據實回答,教師根據答案的可行性和創意性進行評價。 (三)、1.劃掉:整整齊齊、關切、正確。2. ,。「」。,「,」。3.了如指掌:指外公對周 圍一些地方及其幾十年來變化情況特別了解。小心翼翼:特別小心謹慎,指老太太對這封信非常珍視。4.第2自然段。5.「死信」指找不到收信人,無法投遞的信;「復活」指經過努力,找到「死信」的收信人。原因是對周圍一些地方了如指掌和對工作認真負責的態度。

『肆』 小學人教版五年級下冊語文第三單元試卷的答案

參考答案 一、侮辱 威風 矮小 家禽 柑橘 賠不是 規矩 盜賊 二、1.yìng 2.ū 3.hōng 三、B 四、1.„„也„„ 2.可„„也不„„ 3.使„„也„„ 五、1. 2. 3. 六、1、√ 2、× 3、√ 4、× 七、 1.下得很大,像斷了線的珠子一般。 2.陽落山了,悄悄地把自己隱藏在地平線的下面。 八、1.天連碧水水連天 2.一夜五更,半夜二更有半 3。樓外青山 雲飛天外 樹邊紅雨 九、參考答案:我會說:「你這樣做是不對的,你應該先去老師那裡履行請假手續,向老師說明情況,徵得老師的同意。」(或者類似的做法即可) 十、閱讀一:1、Q 口 2、招待 得意洋洋 3、得意洋洋 笑嘻嘻 取笑 面不改色 4、同樣的道理,齊國人在齊國能安居樂業,好好地勞動,一到楚國,就做起盜賊來了,難道不是因為兩國的水土不同嗎?(注意反問詞和標點符號的變化) 5、晏子的話不但形象生動地點明了齊國人在出國為盜賊的原因,而且也回敬楚王。使楚王不但沒有達到侮辱齊國的目的,反而搬起石頭砸了自己的腳。 6、楚王與晏子的幾次較量中認輸了,對晏子不敢不尊重了。 7、晏子是一個能言善辯,有膽有識的人,面對侮辱不急不躁,以巧妙的方式和驚人的智慧進行還擊,是一個才智和膽識過人的人才。 閱讀二1、聰明的徐文長(能夠緊扣短文中心即可) 2、既„„又„„ 3、提著兩桶水過又窄又軟的竹橋;巧取竹竿頂上的禮物。 4、第三段:少年徐文長想了一下,就脫下鞋,用兩根繩子把小桶系住,然後再把裝滿了水的木桶放到水裡,就這樣他提著兩根繩子走過了竹橋。 第六段第2句話:只見他拿住竹竿一直走到一口井邊,然後把竹竿往井裡放,當竹竿頂快到井口時,他就順利地拿到了那件禮物。 5、機智 善於動腦思考問題 6、(圍繞中心詞句即可)徐文長機智地解決了伯父給他的兩個難題,獲得了禮物。 7、學生據實回答,教師根據答案的可行性和創意性進行評價。 (三)、1.劃掉:整整齊齊、關切、正確。2. ,。「」。,「,」。3.了如指掌:指外公對周 圍一些地方及其幾十年來變化情況特別了解。小心翼翼:特別小心謹慎,指老太太對這封信非常珍視。4.第2自然段。5.「死信」指找不到收信人,無法投遞的信;「復活」指經過努力,找到「死信」的收信人。原因是對周圍一些地方了如指掌和對工作認真負責的態度。

『伍』 新昆小學五年級下冊英語新課時體驗中的試卷第三單元

一、Let's find out.找出不同類的單詞。(8分)
1.( )A.one B.two C. second D.three
2.( )A. Monday B. Novermber C. December D.February
3.( )A. twelfth B. twentieth C. second D.twelve
4.( )A. birthday B. Children』s Day C. National Day D.Tree-planting Day
5.( )A.spring B. summer C. fall D.season
6.( )A.Monday B. Tuesday C. Army Day D.Sunday
7.( )A.sister B. brother C. mother D.friend
8.( )A. the first B. the eighth C. the twelfth D.nine
二、Look and write.寫出下列單詞的縮寫。(12分)
1. November___________________ 2. August_______________________
3. September___________________ 4. first_________________________
5. twelfth ______________________ 6. third ________________________
三、Choose the right answers.選擇填空。(10分)
( )1. My birthday is ___________ May.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
( )2. ___________ is the first month of a year.
A. February B. December C. October D. January
( )3. ___________ is Children's Day?
A. When B. What C.Which D. Why
( ) 4. ——What's the date?
A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th
( )5. ——Is your birthday in June?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it isn't. D. No, it is.
( ) 6. ——How old are you?
—— I'm ______________.
A. first B. twelve C. second D. fifth
( )7. ——When is your birthday?
——It's in ____________.
A. third B. January C. 20th D. 8:30
( )8.When _______ your birthday?
A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Mary's birthday is in July,_________.
A. either B. to C. too D. two
( )10.——When is National Day?
A. It's September 10th. B. It's March 12th.
C. It's December 25th. D. It's October 1st.
四、Let』s arrange. 連詞成句。 (10分)
1. your when is birthday (?)
2. birthday June in her is (.)
3. what date the is (?)
4. her in birthday May is (?)
5. has birthday a who October in (?)
五、Read and choose.閱讀理解。(20分)
Hello, my name is Li Ming , yesterday I made a birthday chart for my family.
My birthday is June 9th. My mother』s birthday is June 14th. My grandpa』s
birthday is June 23th.My gandpa is in America, my grandpa lives with my uncle
Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I usually make an e-card to him for his
There are 2 birthdays in November, my father and my cousin Alice. Alice likes dolls, so I often send her some beautiful dolls .
My grandma』s birthday is in April , it is very warm and nice in April, then when her birthday is coming ,we often go hiking for her birthday. There is none in December.
This is my chart ,I love my family.
( )1.How many people are there in Li Ming』s family?
A. 6 B. 8 C. 9
( )2.How many birthdays are there in June?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 3
( )3 .How many birthdays are there in December?
A. 0 B. 2 C. 3
( )4.What will Li Ming do for his grandpa』s birthday?
A. send an e -mail B. send an e-card C. send a birthday cake
( )5.When is Li Ming's birthday?
A. June 14th B. June 9th C. June 23th
My name is Peter. I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. His birthday is in March. My mother is a teacher. She is kind. Her birthday is in November. I am a student. My birthday is in May. I love my family very much.
( )1. There are three people in Peter's family.
( )2. Peter is a student.
( )3. Peter's mother is a nurse.
( )4. Peter's birthday is in May.
( )5. His mother's birthday is in March.

『陸』 創新課堂小學英語天天100分五年級下冊人教版PEP第三單園測試卷答案。


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