① 誰有人教版英語選修六課後習題答案
② 英語選修六課後答案
Unit One ( Book6)
Pre-reading (p1)
1 Ask students to read the title of the text and the headings within it. Then ask them what the topic of the text is and how the information is organized. (Answer: It is about Western painting and the information is organized in time periods, from earliest to present time.)
2 Next, ask students to skim the first paragraph to find the sentence that tells the reader what the text is going to be about. (Answer: The last sentence in the paragraph.)
3 Ask the students what kind of information they expect to find in the text and encourage the class to formulate questions they would like to find answers in the text. (eg Why has Western art changed so often? Why was religious art once very popular and now other subjects are more often painted?)
③ 請問誰有全品學練考高中英語選修六的答案啊,要人教版上面有新高考的那一本,謝謝🙏!
④ 請問誰有全品學練考高中英語選修六的答案,要人教版上面有新高考的那一本,謝謝!!