⑴ 八年級上冊英語期末試卷
五.單項填空(共15分,每小題1分) 從下列各句所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。 ().-WhoisMozart? -______isamusician. A.HeB.SheC.HerD.Him ()22.-Mom,_____IwatchTV? -Yes,youcan.. A.mustB.couldC.willD.need ()23.-______milkdoweneed? -Justonecup. A.HowmuchB.HowlongC.HowoftenD.Howmany ()24.ThatisBeckham.Hewasborn________1975. A.atB.onC.inD.to ()25.-Let』s________fruitsaladforlunch. -OK,goodidea. A.goB.makeC.doD.get ()26..Theywerevery______. A.sadB.cleverC.sorryD.happy ()27.-WhatdidyoudolastSunday? -We______manyphotosatthepark. A.takeB.takesC.tookD.taking ()28.-Whatdoyouwanttodoforvacation? -I_______mygrandmother. A.visitB.amgoingtovisitC.visitedD.visiting ()29.Elizawonthefirstprize.Sheplayed_______beautifulpianopiece. A.aB.anC.theD.不填 ()30.Allthemovietheatersaregood,buttheScreenCityis_______inourtown. A.goodB.betterC.abestD.thebest ()31.UncleMartinheldayardsale.But______. A.someB.everyC.anyD.no ()32.-Ihaveatoothache. -Maybeyoushouldseea_______. A.dentistB.friendC.driverD.pilot ()33.Itismuch_____todaythanyesterday.Ineedtoputonmycoat. A.coldB.warmC.colderD.warmer ()34.-Howcanyoudoyourhomework_______themusicissoloud? -Well,I』llturnitoff. A.becauseB.whenC.forD.where ()35.-Therearen』tenoughsnacksfortheparty.Didyoubuy______? -No,Ididn』t.. A.littleB.lessC.moreD.most 六.完形填空(共15分,每小題1分) 閱讀下面兩篇短文,根據短文內容,從36-50小題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。 (A) NewYear』sResolutionSurveyResults Wegotover1,000letters,faxesande-』sResolutions..Tobehealthy,getables...... ()36.A.higherB.harderC.fasterD.earlier ()37.A.musicB.theguitarC.sportsD.thegames ()38.A.sheB.theyC.heD.you ()39.A.gooutB.havefunC.keepfitD.getup ()40.A.studyB.watchC.thinkD.pass ()41.A.withB.ofC.inD.at ()42.A.cookB.doctorC.workerD.teacher (B) Mariawasa42-year-oldlady.』sbest43.(自由女神鵰像)inNewYorkCity.「44comeherefromallovertheworld,」Mariasaid.「Helpingthemlearnabout『LadyLiberty』isreally45.」 .Shetookafifteen-minuteboat46toLibertyIsland,wherethestatue47..Themuseumis48thefamousstatue.Inthemuseum,』scrown.(皇冠).「It』sfuntotalkwithallthesepeople,」shesaid.「Besides,it50memyexercise..」 ()43.A.jobsB.placesC.parksD.museums ()44.A.ReadersB.LearnersC.ReportersD.Visitors ()45.A.boringB.interestingC.specialD.terrible ()46.A.runB.hikeC.rideD.travel ()47.A.restedB.stayedC.madeD.stood ()48.A.onB.overC.insideD.behind ()49.A.asB.untilC.forD.though ()50.A.plansB.givesC.helpsD.does 閱讀部分(共26分) 七.閱讀理解(共22分,每小題2分) 閱讀下面三篇短文,根據短文內容,從第51-61小題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳選項。 A Mother』sDayisanimportantday.It』.OnMother』sDay,.Thismakesthemveryhappy. Mrs.Greenlivedinasmallstreet.Shehadaflowershop..Thechildrendidn』thavemoneytobuyflowers.Mrs.Greenhelpedthem..Green..ThenMrs..ThemothershadaniceMother』sDay.. ()51.OnMother』sDay,childrengive_______totheirmothers. A.flowersB.cardsC.foodsD.clothes ()52.Mrs.Greenlivedina________street. A.bigB.smallC.cleanD.dark ()53.Thechildrenworkedone_______forMrs.Green. A.hourB.weekC.monthD.year ()54.Thechildren_____inthestore. A.madeteaB.washedthecar C.wateredflowersD.cleanedthewindows B Simonplaysthepartin「TheLittleAngel」(天使)attheLandersTheater. Wanttogo? What:「TheLittleAngel」 7:30p.m.today,Thursday When:2:30and7:30p.m.Saturday 2:30p.m.Sunday Where:TheLandersTheater,311E.WalnutSt. Tickets:$8forpeopleover18;$6forkids14,youngerandstudents, Call:869-1334 Also:ArtteacherJanMyers』edmorethan100angels,. 55.Whencanyouseetheplay? A.At2:30p.m.onThursday. B.At2:30p.m.onSaturday. C.At7:30p.m.onFriday. D.At7:30p.m.onSunday. 56.,youshouldpay________forthetickets. A.$14B.$20C.$22D.$24 57.? A.Simonwillsingasongintheplay. B.Youcancall869-1334totalktotheactors. C.. D.Students』workswillbeshowninthetheater. C (小配件)thattranslates(翻譯)dogbark(狗叫)intopeople』.S.. Tokyo-basedTakaraCo.Ltd(有限公司)saysabout300,styear..,. (發明)of2002byTimemagazine,.Itcantellwhetherthedogishappy,sad,disappointedorangryetc. 「,sowedon』tthinktheywillmindspending$120onthisgadget,」. likelykeeponadog』.「Theyaretoochangeable,」themarketingmanagersaid. 58.Thistextmainlytellsusthat_______. A.thegadgetisveryexpensive B.Japanesemadeanewgadget C. D. 59.「Theyaretoochangeable.」means「______aretoochangeable.」 A.CatsB.DogsC.StoresD.People 60.Wecanlearnfromthetextthat_______. A.peopleneedtotalktodogs B. C.Japanesepeopledon』tlikedogs D. 61.TakaraCo.Ltd.is________thesaleofitsnewgadget. A.proudofB.satisfiedwithC.sureofD.worriedabout 八.任務型閱讀(共4分,每小題1分) 閱讀下面短文,根據你讀到的信息完成表格。 Learninganewlanguageisn』teasy.Formanyofus,speakingitisthehardestpart!Herearesometips(advice). Tip1Whenyoustudy,.Ifyoureadaloud,.(發音) ..Allovertheday,talktoyourselfinEnglish!.. Tip3Havea「studybuddy(partner)」...Thenyoucanhelpeachother. HelpingyourselftalkinEnglish TipsWhattodoWhy 1Ifyou62.______,you.. 2Talktoyourself63.______possible..Helpyou64.___thinkinginEnglish. 3Havea「studybuddy」..65._______ 綜合語言運用(共24分) 九.詞彙(共6分,每空1分) 請選擇方框中的詞語填空。只填寫字母。 A.hadpizzaB.watchedC.basketballplayerD.park E.excitedF.visitedG.dayoff YesterdayNickandIhadaverynice(1)_____.We(2)______forlunch.Thenwewenttoapark.Atthe(3)______,wemetafamous(4)______,YaoMing.Afterthat,we(5)______amovieaboutlivinginthefuture.Wewerevery(6)______. 十.根據表格內所提供的信息,完成下面介紹比爾蓋茨的短文。(共8分,每空1分) NameBillGates Bornin1955 PlaceofbirththeU.S.A. Attheageof13startprogramming ,200dollars In1973gotoHarvardUniversity (公司) In1999writeabook BillGateswasbornin(1)_______intheU.S.A..Atthe(2)____of13,hestartedprogramming.Whenhe(3)______17yearsold,heworkedoutaprogramandsold(4)_____for4,200dollars.In1973,he(5)______toHarvardUniversity.Two(6)______later,hebeganhisowncompany.In1999,hewrotea(7)______oncomputer.Heenjoyedreading(8)_______playinggolf. 十一.書面表達(10分) 寒假即將來臨。請參考下面幾幅圖寫一篇短文談談你的寒假計劃。至少包括三幅圖的內容,可以適當發揮。短文題目已給出。(詞數80-100) MyWinterVacation __________________________________________________________________________________________________
⑵ 求八年級上冊英語期末試卷
八年級英語(上)期末檢測題(Time:100minutes Total Marks:120) Written Test Part(120分)I. 英漢片語互譯。(10分)1. go around _______________________ 2. in fact __________________________3. care for________________________ 4. have a fever____________ ________ 5. lie down_______________________ 6. 代替 __________________ ______7. 由......組成 ___________________ 8. 長大____________________ ______9. 整理床鋪______________________ 10. 與我的看法一致________________Ⅱ. 單項選擇。(30分)( ) 1. He speaks English ______ than any other student in his class. A. better B. good C. well D. best( ) 2. The old man ______ , and he wants to see a doctor now. A. has fever B. have a fever C. has a fever D. has fevers( ) 3. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students ______ at once. A. stopped to talk B. stopped talking C. stop to talk D. stop to talking( ) 4. I have ______ books to read. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( ) 5. It ______ him nearly two hours to do my homework yesterday. A. spent B. used C. paid D. took ( ) 6. It』s difficult ______ this work today. A. to finish B. finish C. finishing D. finished( ) 7. Rember ______ your dictionary next week. A. to take B. to bring C. bring D. to get( ) 8. You』d better ________ in the sun. It』s bad for your eyes. A. read not B. not reading C. not read D. don』t read( ) 9. I liked sports ______ I was young. A. because B. while C. if D. when( ) 10. ---What were you doing this time yesterday? ---I was teaching ______ English ______ the internet. A. I, on B. myself, on C. me, at D. mine, through( ) 11. He ______ his soccer everywhere, but he didn』t ______ it. A. look for, found B. looked for, find C. looked after, find out D. looked at, found ( ) 12. Would you mind ______ the window? It』s very cold. A. to close B. closed C. close D. closing( ) 13. Could you ______ me how to ______ this word in English? A. tell, speak B. speak, say C. tell, say D. say, speak( ) 14. I』m very sorry I took your ring ______ mistake. A. by B. over C. through D. about( ) 15. He spends a lot of money ______ stamps. A. on B. for C. in D. byⅢ. 句型轉換。(10分)1. You should take this medicine three times a day.(對劃線部分提問) __________ __________ should I take this medicine?2. Maria』s mother will go to work by bike next week. (對劃線部分提問) __________ and __________ will Maria』s mother go to work?3. What』s wrong with you? __________ the __________ with you?4. I had a good time at the party. (變為同義句) I __________ __________ at the party5. He is so old that he can care for himself.(變為同義句) He is old __________ to __________ care of himself.Ⅳ. 交際運用,在方框內選擇句子填空,使對話意義完整(20分)A. What's the date today?B. It's a pleasure.C. Nice to meet you. D. The same to you..E. Sorry, I won't do it again. A: Don't play football in the street. It's dangerous.( ) 1. B: ____________________A: Thank you for the party last night. I enjoyed it very much.( ) 2. B: ____________________A: Happy New Year to you, Maria.( ) 3. B: ____________________( ) 4. A: ____________________B: It is December 15th.( ) 5.A: Hi, Yukio. It's a long time since we met last.B: Hi! ____________________. 情景會話 從方框內選擇適當的句子完成下列對話:(有兩項是多餘的) A: What』s wrong with you, young man? B: Doctor, I』ve got a bad headache and I have a cold. A: ______________(6) B: I don』t know. A: Well. I』d better take your temperature. B: Is it serous? A: No. _ ___(7) It』s nothing serious. You』ve had a bad cold. B: _______(8) A; Yes, Take this medicine three times a day and drink a lot of water. B: Shall I come again? A: Yes. _________(9) B: Shall I go to a party this afternoon? A: __________(10) Stay in bed and take a good rest.A. Should I take any medicine?B. fine, I』m well. C. You』d better not. D. Do you have a fever?E. I』m sorry to hear that.F. I』m sure you』ll be all well in a day or two.G: Don』t worry.Ⅴ. 完形填空。(10分)We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name 1 each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the 2 , the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of the sheep.Before New Year』s Day, people are 3 shopping and 4 their houses. On New Year』s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to 5 the New Year. On the 6 day of the New Year, people 7 their new clothes and go to visit friends. They say 「 8 」 and some other greetings to each other. People 9 have a good time 10 the festival. ( ) 1. A. in B. on C. / D. for ( ) 2. A. fish B. cat C. horse D. dolphin( ) 3. A. free B. busy C. happy D. beautiful ( ) 4. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned ( ) 5. A. welcome B. hold C. fall D. stop ( ) 6. A. first B. second C. third D. fifteenth ( ) 7. A. dress B. take off C. buy D. put on ( ) 8. A. Goodbye B. Best wish C. Good luck D. Thank you ( ) 9. A. sometimes B. then C. never D. usually ( )10. A. in B. on C. for D. until Ⅵ. 閱讀理解。(20分)(A)We have rather a small house, with only two bedrooms. You can think our alarm,then, when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming to stay with her family for the weekend. Her family, I should say, has four boys, all under the age of twelve.I sent off a telegram(電報)at once, and explained(解釋)in it that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to explain," she said in her sweetest voice. "The boys will be bringing a couple of tents ."Even so my wife couldn't make free from fear(害怕). It was true that we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding four growing boys."And what if it rains?" she asked.But Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I tried to squeeze(往車里塞)three of the boys, together with the luggage(行李), into the back of the car. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me. "I didn't see the tents among your luggage, " I turned over and said to David, the eldest boy."The tents!" said Aunt Clara. "Oh! We left them in the luggage van(行李車廂)".( ) 1. From the story, we know that the main problem was ______. . A. food B. time C. space D. noise( ) 2. Aunt Clara ______ after she received the telegram. A. wrote another letter B. phoned C. sent a telegram D. came round to see them( ) 3. The boys were going to sleep ______. A. outside B. with friends C. downstairs D. on the floor( ) 4. The man's wife ______. A. was looking forward to the visit. B. started cooking. C. moved into the garden. D. was still worried( ) 5. Aunt Clare arrived by ______. A. car B. plane C. train D. boat(B)People eat different things in different parts of the world. In south China we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetable.The Japanese eat rice, too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的)fish. In Africa, maize(玉米)is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(麵粉).From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.In western(西方的)countries such as Britain, Australia and the U.S.A, the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home, but usually they buy it at the shop. They eat this food at home, in their work place, in the park or on the road. People call it "take-away" food.( ) 6. This passage is about ______. A. food B. drink C. clothes D. ways of life( ) 7. Who sometimes eat fish when it isn't cooked? A. People in China B. People in Japan C. People in Africa D. People in Britain( ) 8. The most important food for African people is ______. A. rice B. fish C. vegetable D. maize( ) 9. Which of the following countries is called " a western country"? A. One of the countries in Africa B. Japan C. China D. Australia( ) 10. People eat "take-away" food ______. A. at home B. on their way to school C. in their offices D. A、B and CVII 書面表達(20)以My hobbies為題,寫一篇80字左右的作文。
⑶ 八年級英語期末試卷(含答案)