❶ 求節節高英語初二上學期試卷答案
自己做把 好好學習 天天向上 命運在你手中
❷ 八年級上冊 英語 節節高 解析評測答案 有多少發多少
❸ 八年級下冊英語人教版《節節高》單元卷子答案
❹ 初一英語節節高 Unit8 的答案
第一大題:1.January fifteenth 2.Octorber tenth 3.June fourth 4. August seventeen 5.September fifth 6. November twelfth
第二大題:1.ineth 2. hen 3. ctober 4.une 5.anuary 6. ears 7.arch 8.mother's 9.twelfth 10.une
第四大題:1.ninth 2.is 3.second 4. seven 5.seventh 5.twelve twelfth
第一大題:1.your mother's August fifth 2. his father's November twenty-twelfth 3.her parents 4.how old years old 5.birthday
第二大題:B are B fifth B an A his C Liping
❺ 求 《節節高課時優化》英語八年級下冊答案
❻ 英語節節高8年級上人教答案
❼ 八年級下冊英語大象節節高答案
學習是自己的事情, 多寫
❽ 求英語八年級下冊節節高答案 ,哪位大神幫一下
The protagonist had a good friend who helped him a lot. The story described a boy from Afghan』s who lived the rich life once and then became poor and flet to America to seek for the new life. 上周, they lost touch,給我留下了深刻的印象,他回到了阿富汗想要彌補他的朋友,逃往美國尋求新的生活,他成功了,他們失去了聯系。主人公有一個很好的朋友。故事是關於救贖。最後. The story was called The Kite Runner,生活曾經富裕Last week. But he only to find his friend was dead and left a small boy. The protagonist made up his mind to rescue the small boy from the gangsters. At last, it is never too late to make up the mistake. The story is about redemption, he made it and he brought this small child to America to open the new chapter of life,幫助他很多。但他發現他的朋友已經死了,生活在和平的環境中. I also feel so lucky to life in the peaceful environment,隨後變得貧窮,他把這個小孩帶去美國,我看了一部電影。主人公虧欠他的朋友。這個故事叫《追風箏的人》, I saw a movie that impressed me so much。這個故事描述了一個來自阿富汗的男孩,彌補錯誤永遠都不會晚。主人公下定決心從壞人手裡拯救小男孩. The protagonist owed his friend and he came back to Afghan to make up his friend,留下了一個小男孩,開啟了生活的新篇章。我也覺得自己很幸運