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人人都知道孤兒院和養老院絕不能替代家庭。人們的感覺是只有家庭才能給老人與幼童提供使他們會產生滿足感的一切。對子女來說,享有父母的呵護毋庸多說,因為這是一種本能的父輩的情感。不過晚輩對於長輩的孝敬,正如中國的一句俗話 「水往低處流」 所說,則需要由文化去培養。一個自然人必會愛其子女,但只有受過文化教育的人才會珍愛和孝敬父母。這個愛老、敬老的原則最終成為了大眾所信守的准則,並且根據某些著書立說者所言,在父母年老時能有幸在其身邊服侍,實際上已成為一種強烈的願望。父母生病了卻沒有機會在病榻前親侍葯湯,亡故時未能親臨送終,已被有文化的中國人視為終身最大的遺憾。官員到了五六十歲尚不能迎養父母,於官署中晨昏定省,會被視為道德缺失而倍感羞愧,不得不常向親友和同僚解釋他不能迎養孝敬的理由。從前有個人,因趕回家時父母已亡故,悲痛之
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Unit 4 Secrets to Win the Chinese Market Lesson One Video Studio Task 1 Matching & Predicting in terms of similar to lay out tend to nothing more than 1. So what I wanted to do is sort of lay out all the China rookie mistakes that people make. 2. Guanxi is really nothing more than your network or you connections. 3. There』s gonna to be differences in terms of whether it is in the north or in the south, or in the west, or in the east. 4. If you are doing business from a corporate setting, a lot of the people tend to be in these first tier cities. 5. The way of doing business from a corporate setting in the first tier city is going to be very similar to what you are gonna see on the international stage. Task 2 Bridging the Gap Task 3 Checking Your Comprehension A lot of people look at China as a huge market with 1.3 billion people there. Why do you say 「don』t look at China as one market」
China is a huge market. But if you are going to be targeting your market in Shanghai, it』s going to be very different than if you are going to be in a second or even in a third tier city. Could you say more about first tier cities and second tier cities, and the corporate life there? How important is Mandarin Chinese for a westerner who wants to start business in the wild wild west of China? If you are going to be a CEO coming into a second or third tier city, then it would not be necessary to have the language. But if you are a small entrepreneur, building everything from the ground up, not having the language will certainly make the whole thing a lot more challenging.
1. Where East Eats West is for the person who spends most of his time in the boardroom. Correction: It is for the person who is on the ground and in the trenches. 2. For a lot of foreigners coming to China, they overestimate the concept like 「face」 or guanxi. Correction: They underestimate the concept like 「face」 or guanxi. 3. Chinese market is only diversified in terms of three tiers. Correction: It is also diversified in terms of its geographic location. 4. No foreign companies ever venture into the third tier cities of China. Correction: Some companies are venturing into the third tier cities of China. 5. Sam Goodman believes it is critical for foreign entrepreneurs to speak Mandarin if they do business in China. Correction: He thinks it depends.
LessoTwo Video Studio Task 1 Matching & Predicting add to base on be in consistent with on paper be respectful of 1. We don』t want to do anything that would be inconsistent with how people would view an outsider. 2. I was talking about coming to China, and being respectful of the heritage here. 3. I would say it』s a premium proct and a premium price, based on what it is we deliver to the consumer. 4. And have you ever thought of adding a tea chain to your business? Starbucks tea. 5. A few years back, I had the brilliant idea that we should publish our own magazine, and, you know, on paper it looked like a great opportunity.
Task 2 Bridging the Gap Task 3 Checking Your Comprehension 1. Who reported that Starbucks was being disrespectful of the history and culture of China? Answer: A local blogger. 2. Where is the audience from? Answer: The China Europe International Business School. 3. How much does tea contribute to Starbucks sales in the past 30 years? Answer: Less than 1%. 4. Which proct did Starbucks once invest but proved to be a total failure? Answer: The Starbucks magazine. 5. How does the Chairman look at Starbucks』 success? Answer: It is not an entitlement and it has to be earned. Home Listening It sounds like Mission Impossible: Sell coffee to China』s tea drinkers. Starbucks』 solution is to select high-profile locations on the 1) busiest streets, where stores are sure to sece the see-and-be-seen set. As Starbucks 2) launches an aggressive expansion in China, a coffee frontier steeped in nearly 5,000 years of tea. The goal: to build hip hang-outs that tap into a new taste for China』s 3) emerging middle class. Starbucks China doesn』t plan any advertising, 4) promotions, or other marketing strategies, 1. To respect the Chinese culture We do not want to do anything that would dilute the integrity of heritage and culture of the Chinese people. 2. Premium price for premium proct The price of coffee we buy is significantly higher than most people in coffee business. And People really do feel there』s good value for the experience in the Starbucks store. 3. Not to displace tea Starbucks is not coming to China to displace the love people have for tea, but to create a complementary beverage experience. Localization Strategies of Starbucks in China 4. To enhance thaside from sponsoring an on-line coffee club and the occasional office-tower coffee tasting. Instead, the company is counting on selecting such high-visibility, high-traffic cafe locations that they market themselves. Its main advertising 5) medium is the store itself. Yet Starbucks faces an uphill battle. Local media reported that 70% of people they surveyed would rather not see the chain in Beijing』s 6) Forbidden City. And even for middle-class Chinese, Starbucks is a 7) barely affordable luxury. While retailers say a top marketing weapon in urban China is to charge more for public 8) consumption. That』s because Chinese customers have different priorities than their American yuppie counterparts. Guys 40 years old are not coffee drinkers, 9) but if the environment is good and the coffee is not bad, they』ll come back. The store layout, artwork and food options make Starbucks more friendly to Chinese eyes, but coffee remains the core offering and people don』t go there for the coffee. They go there to 10) presen here to 10) presen。。
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The neighborhood children my age played together: either active, physical games outdoors or games of dolls- and-house indoors. I, on the other hand, spent much of my childhood alone. I'd curl up in a chair reading fairytales and myths, daydreaming, writing poems or stories and drawing pictures.
和我同齡的鄰里孩子們一起玩:要麼在戶外進行體育活動,要麼在室內玩玩偶和房子。一、 另一方面,我的童年大部分時間是獨自度過的。我會蜷縮在椅子上讀童話和神話,做白日夢,寫詩歌或故事,畫畫。
Sometimes around the fourth grade, my「big」(often critical, judgmental) Grandma, who'd been visiting us said to me,「"What's wrong with you? Why don't the other children want to play with you?" I remember being startled and confused by her question.
I'd never been particularly interested in playing with the other children. It hadn't, till then, occurred to me that that was either odd or something with me. Nor had it occurred to me that they didn't「want to play with" me. My first conscious memory of feeling different was in the fouth grade.
At the wardrobe, listening to classmates joking, chattering and laughing with each other, I realized I hadn't a clue about what was so funny or of how to participate in their easy chatter. They seemed to live in a universe about which I knew nothing at all.
I tried to act like others but it was so difficult. I felt confused and disoriented. I turned back to my inner world: reading books, writing and daydreaming. My inwardness grew me in ways that continued to move me further away from the world of my age peers. The easy flow of casual social chat has remained forever beyond my reach and beyond my interest, too.
little,old 和young 有時可以作為名詞短語不可分割的一部分,所以可以直接放在名詞之前,例如:a lovely little girl。
表示性格特徵的形容詞可以放在old young 之前,也可放在old young 之後,例如:a young ambitious man (強調年齡),an ambitious young man(強調雄心勃勃)。
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