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A. 蘇教版小學五年級上冊英語期末試卷從哪下載比較好



一、 英漢互譯。(%)
1、做一個飛機模型________________ 6、the new term__________________
2、洗衣服________________________ 7、fly a kite_____________________
3、下棋__________________________ 8、ride a horse___________________
4、一間體育活動房________________ 9、a camping site_________________
5、在沙發和床之間________________ 10、listen to music________________
二、 按要求寫出單詞。(10%)
1、two(序數詞)_________________ 6、doesn』t(完整形式)_____________
2、small(反義詞)________________ 7、can not(縮寫形式)_____________
3、there(同音詞)________________ 8、child(復數)___________________
4、swim(現在分詞)______________ 9、sun(同音詞) __________________
5、cook (現在分詞)______________ 10、dancing(原形)________________

三、 選擇填空。(10%)
( )1. Are there __________ tigers in the zoo?
A. some B. a C. any D. one
( )2. How many __________ are there in the basket?
A. apple B. an apple C. apples D. the apples
( )3. What do ________ have?
A. he B. we C. Jim D. she
( )4. Lucy _______ making a cake.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
( )5. Is Kate cleaning the door?
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does.
B. C. No, she don』t. D. No, she doesn』t.
( )6. They are playing __________ piano.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
( )7. Listen! The girls _________ English songs.
A. sing B. sings C. singing D. are singing
( )8. It』s _____________.
A. a map of world B. a map of the world
C. a map of the China D. a map of a China
( )9. ______ you _______ a tape? No, thank you.
A. Are, need B. Do, need C. Would, need D. Does, need
( )10. Do you like _________?
A. skate B. skating C. skates D. skated

四、 按要求改寫句子。(10%)
1. I』m flying a kite. (劃線部分提問)
________ are you ___________?
2. There are two chairs in my bedroom. (劃線部分提問)
________ _________ chairs _______ _______ in your bedroom?
3. Is there a reading room in your school? (作否定回答)
No, _______ _______.
4. There are many sweets on the table.(改為否定句)
There ________ ________ sweets on the table.
5. I can play the violin. (劃線部分提問)
What _______ you _______?
6. I like rabbits. (改為一般疑問句)
_______ you like rabbits?
7. What are you doing now? (用run回答)
_________ ___________ now.
8. come, my, can, with, you, and, help, English, me (連詞成句)
Can you come and _______ me ______ my English?
9. I have a chair. (用Tom改寫句子)
Tom _________ a chair.
10. The sun is a circle. (劃線部分提問)
________ ________ is the sun?

五、 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。(10%)
1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)
2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.
3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head?
4. What ________ (do) he have?
5. I』d like ________ (draw) a picture.
6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.
7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.
8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.
9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.
10. There aren』t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.

六、 閱讀理解。(10%)
Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn』t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.
One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. 「What are you writing, Mary?」 She asks. 「I』m writing to my friend, Rose.」 「But how can you? You don』t know how to write.」 Says her sister. 「Well,」 says Mary, 「It doesn』t matter. Rose doesn』t know how to read, either.」
( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn』t. C. We don』t know.
( )2. Who can read and write?
A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan
( )3. What』s in Mary』s hand?
A. There』s a pen. B. There』s a pencil. C. There』s a crayon.
( )4. What』s Mary doing?
A. She』s drawing. B. She』s writing to her friend. C. She』s singing.
( )5. Can Rose read and write?
A. No, she can』t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don』t know.

B. 蘇教版五年級上期期末卷子(語文,數學,英語)


班級 姓名 等第

一、 填空(22分)
1、5.3時=( )時( )分 6米50厘米=( )米=( )厘米
5公頃30平方米=( )公頃
2、已知376×15=5640,那麼3.76×1.5=( ),56.4÷1.5=( )。
3、2.7÷11的商精確到千分位的近似值是( )。
4、4.5是( )的9倍,4.5的9倍是( )。
5、一個平行四邊形底是2.8米,高是0.5米,與它等底等高的三角形的面積是( )平方米。
6、在橫線上填上 「<」 「>」或「=」
4200平方米 4.2公頃 7.08千克 7千克80克
2.05×1.03 2.05 9.12÷1.24 9.12
7、一個等腰三角形,頂角是75度,一個底角是 度。
8、把一根木料鋸成3段要3.6分鍾,鋸成8段要( )分鍾。
9、一個正方形的周長是5.6分米,這個正方形的面積是( )平方分米。
10、甲、乙兩數的和是12.1,如果甲數的小數點向左移動一位,就與乙數相等,乙數是( ),甲數是( )。
11、一個數與它自己相加、減、除,其和、差、商相加為8.6,這個數是( )。
12、64.9連續減去( )個6.49後得6.49。
1、0.7千克的棉花比700克的鐵輕。 ( )
2、邊長0.4分米的正方形的面積和周長相等。 ( )
3、大於0.4而且小於0.5的兩位小數只有9個。 ( )
4、7.983保留一位小數後的結果是8。 ( )
5、19.325小數點後第80位上的數字是2。 ( )
6、一個數除以0.01,等於把這個數擴大100倍。 ( )
三、 選擇(6分)
1、有一個直角三角形,三條邊的長度分別為0.3分米、0.5分米、0.4分米,這個三角形的面積是( )平方分米。
A、0.12 B、0.075 C、0.06 D、0.15
2、一件襯衫要用6顆扣子,100顆扣子最多能釘( )件襯衫 。
A、15 B、16 C、17 D、18
3、如果甲×2.8=乙×3.9(甲數不等於0),則甲( )乙。
A、大於 B、小於 C、等於
4、小虎早上從家到學校上學,要走1.3千米,他走了0.3千米後發現沒有帶數學作業本,又回家去取。這樣他比平時上學多走了( )千米。
A、1 B、1.6 C、0.6 D、0.3
5、在一道減法算式中,被減數、減數、差的和是9.68,差是3.2,減數是( )。
A、6.48 B、1.64 C、3.28 D、3.025
6、計算1.68÷0.15,當商是11時,余數是( )。
A、0.3 B、3 C、0.03 D、30
四、 計算(36分)
1、 直接寫得數。(8分)
= 2-0.64-0.36= 1- = 0.25×4÷0.25×4=
6.3+7= 1.25×3.3×0= 2.19+9.1= 37.2×99+37.2=
8.32×2.5 7.45÷3.8 (商保留2位小數)

2、 文字題(6分)

(2) 3.5與1.5的和除它們的差,商是多少?

3、 用遞等式計算,能簡算的要寫出簡算過程。(18分)
2.5×(6+9.728÷3.2) 35.6-1.8+4.4-7.2 0.25×3.2×12.5

7.5÷(1.5+2.5) 6.9÷[(0.4+0.5)×0.6] 13.7×0.25-3.7÷4

五、 應用題(30分)
1、 張奶奶在菜場買了6.5千克豆角,付出20元,找回1.8元,每千克豆角多少元?

2、 六年級兩個班的學生採集樹種,一班45人,每人採集了0.13千克,二班36人共採集6.15千克,兩個班一共採集樹種多少千克?

3、 4隻大熊貓兩周共吃掉竹葉169.12千克,平均每隻大熊貓每天吃多少千克竹葉?

4、 服裝廠做校服,現在每套用布2米,比原來每套節省用布0.2米,現在做880套校服的布料原來只能做多少套?

5、 一桶水連桶共重9.2千克,倒去一半後,連桶還重5.6千克,問桶重多少千克?

6、 明明的新房間准備用方磚鋪地。如果用面積是0.09平方米的方磚需要160塊,如果改用邊長0.4分米的方磚,需要多少塊?
班級_______ 姓名_________得分_____________
ké sou jiān rèn bù bá bǎo jīng fēng shuāng
( ) ( ) ( )
dān wù zhāng guān lǐ dài mù bù zhuǎn jīng
( ) ( ) ( )
傳奇(chuán zhuān) 嚼食物(jué jiáo) 正月(zhēng zhèng)
鷹爪(zhǎo zhuǎ) 一攤血(xuè xiě) 怒號 (háo hào)
戴 帶 代 待
領( ) ( )領 ( )表 愛( )
等( ) ( )辦 ( )話 ( )業
( )紅領巾 佩( ) ( )遇 ( )路
辨 辯 辮 瓣
豆( )兒 ( )別 ( )認 ( )論
爭( ) 答( ) 花( ) ( )子
( )的海上日出 ( )夕陽晚照
( )的高粱 ( )的魯迅先生
不但……而且…… 如果……就…… 雖然……但是……
即使……也…… 因為……所以…… 不管……都……
(1)我們( )要學習好,( )要身體好。
(2)( )明天不下大雨,我們( )去春遊。
(3)( )困難再大,我們( )不能低頭。
(4)( )伯父為自己想得多,為別人想得少,( )受到人們的愛戴。
(2) 船頭和船艄向上翹起。(比喻句)
(3) 十來只黑色的麻雀整齊地站在房頂上。(縮句)
(4) 晚霞映紅了村莊。(把字句)
(5) 這不是偉大的奇觀嗎?(改為陳述句)
(6) 我們認真地聽語文老師的演算和講解。(改病句)
(1)「太陽像負著什麼重擔似的,慢慢兒,一縱一縱地,使勁兒向上升。」這句話運用了( )修辭手法,寫出了太陽艱難地上升。
A 比喻 B 擬人 C 陳述
(2)「這幅畫一直掛在我的書桌前,因為我需要它。」句中「我需要它」指的是( )
A 挑山工 B 畫 C 挑山工的精神
(3) 下列句子有毛病的是( )
A:《海上日出》的作者是巴金。 B:《高粱情》和《夕照》都是寫景物的。 C:張家界的景色十分美麗迷人,好看極了。
(4)「我們跟你們不一樣。 不像你們那麼隨便,高興怎麼就怎麼。一步踩不實不行,更不能耽誤工夫。我們得一個勁兒往前走,別看我們走的慢,走長了就跑到你們前邊去了。「這幾句話的正確含義是:( )

C. 英語試卷(小學五年級蘇教版)


一、 英漢互譯。(10%)
1、做一個飛機模型________________ 6、the new term__________________
2、洗衣服________________________ 7、fly a kite_____________________
3、下棋__________________________ 8、ride a horse___________________
4、一間體育活動房________________ 9、a camping site_________________
5、在沙發和床之間________________ 10、listen to music________________
二、 按要求寫出單詞。(10%)
1、two(序數詞)_________________ 6、doesn』t(完整形式)_____________
2、small(反義詞)________________ 7、can not(縮寫形式)_____________
3、there(同音詞)________________ 8、child(復數)___________________
4、swim(現在分詞)______________ 9、sun(同音詞) __________________
5、cook (現在分詞)______________ 10、dancing(原形)________________

三、 選擇填空。(10%)
( )1. Are there __________ tigers in the zoo?
A. some B. a C. any D. one
( )2. How many __________ are there in the basket?
A. apple B. an apple C. apples D. the apples
( )3. What do ________ have?
A. he B. we C. Jim D. she
( )4. Lucy _______ making a cake.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
( )5. Is Kate cleaning the door?
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does.
B. C. No, she don』t. D. No, she doesn』t.
( )6. They are playing __________ piano.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
( )7. Listen! The girls _________ English songs.
A. sing B. sings C. singing D. are singing
( )8. It』s _____________.
A. a map of world B. a map of the world
C. a map of the China D. a map of a China
( )9. ______ you _______ a tape? No, thank you.
A. Are, need B. Do, need C. Would, need D. Does, need
( )10. Do you like _________?
A. skate B. skating C. skates D. skated

四、 按要求改寫句子。(10%)
1. I』m flying a kite. (劃線部分提問)
________ are you ___________?
2. There are two chairs in my bedroom. (劃線部分提問)
________ _________ chairs _______ _______ in your bedroom?
3. Is there a reading room in your school? (作否定回答)
No, _______ _______.
4. There are many sweets on the table.(改為否定句)
There ________ ________ sweets on the table.
5. I can play the violin. (劃線部分提問)
What _______ you _______?
6. I like rabbits. (改為一般疑問句)
_______ you like rabbits?
7. What are you doing now? (用run回答)
_________ ___________ now.
8. come, my, can, with, you, and, help, English, me (連詞成句)
Can you come and _______ me ______ my English?
9. I have a chair. (用Tom改寫句子)
Tom _________ a chair.
10. The sun is a circle. (劃線部分提問)
________ ________ is the sun?

五、 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。(10%)
1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)
2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.
3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head?
4. What ________ (do) he have?
5. I』d like ________ (draw) a picture.
6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.
7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.
8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.
9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.
10. There aren』t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.

六、 閱讀理解。(10%)
Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn』t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.
One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. 「What are you writing, Mary?」 She asks. 「I』m writing to my friend, Rose.」 「But how can you? You don』t know how to write.」 Says her sister. 「Well,」 says Mary, 「It doesn』t matter. Rose doesn』t know how to read, either.」
( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn』t. C. We don』t know.
( )2. Who can read and write?
A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan
( )3. What』s in Mary』s hand?
A. There』s a pen. B. There』s a pencil. C. There』s a crayon.
( )4. What』s Mary doing?
A. She』s drawing. B. She』s writing to her friend. C. She』s singing.
( )5. Can Rose read and write?
A. No, she can』t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don』t know.

D. 小學五年級下英語期末試卷(附答案)


( )1. Monday A. day B. Tuesday C. Friday
( )2. hand A. leg B. foot C. tape
( )3. ant A. bee B. butterfly C. dog
( )4. headache A. feel B. cough C. cold
( )5. piano A. guitar B. blouse C. violin

( )6.That』s an apple, apple is big and red.
A .an B. a C. the
( )7.Touch your knee your right hand.
A. with B. of C. in
( )8.-- do you feel now?
--I still feel ill.
A. What B. How C. Which
( )9.Look, my brother in the classroom.
A. read B. reads C. is reading
( )10.Wang Ding many beautiful stamps.
A. have B. is C. has
( )11.--How many Science do you have in a week?
-- Two, I hope we have more.
A. subject B. lesson C. lessons
( )12.There some students in the playground.
A. are B. is C. be
( )13.--What time is it?
-- It』s half past eleven. It』s time to .
A. have supper B. have breakfast C. have lunch
( )14.-- I like keeping goldfish. What』s your hobby?
-- I like model planes.
A. make B. making C. makes
( )15.--What』s the capital(首都)of the UK?
A. London B. New York C. Paris
( )16.--When is the Teachers』 day in China?
-- It』s on .
A. September 10 B. December 25 C. October 31
( )17. How many triangles can you see in the picture?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8

( )18. 開學後,老師第一次見到同學們,會說:
A. What』s your name? B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls.
C. Good bye boys and girls.
( )19.當別人對你說「What day is it today?」,你可以說:
A. Today is Monday. B. It』s my birthday. C. It』s August 6.
( )20.當你上學遲到時,你可以這樣對老師說:
A. It doesn』t matter. B. I』m sorry, I』m late. C. That』s all right.
( )21.當別人對你說「Let』s go swimming!」,你不想去可以說:
A. Sorry, I can』t. B.OK, let』s go. C. That』s a good idea.
( )22.當你打電話詢問對方是不是Helen, 你可以說:
A. Are you Helen? B. Is that Helen? C. Is she Helen?
( )23. 當你想問你的朋友會不會說漢語,你可以說:
A. What can you do? B. Do you speak Chinese? C. How do you do?
( )24.當別人對你說「Your coat is very nice!」,你可以說:
A. Of course. B. Not at all. C. Thank you.
( )25.當你的朋友說「I』ve got a bad cough.」,你可以說:
A. How are you? B. I』m sorry to hear that. C. How do you do?
( )26.A: May I look at your e-mail? (A)
B: Yes, please email me. My e-mail
address is [email protected] .

( )27.A: Hi, Linda, can I use your ruler? (B)
B: Yes, here you are.
A: Thank you.

( )28.A: What would you like? (C )
B: I』d like an ice cream.
A: OK, here you are.
B: How much is it?
A: Five yuan, please.

( )29.A: It』s half past five. Let』s go home. (D)
B: All right. Look, these is a watch under the desk.
A: Whose watch is it?
B: It』s Liu Tao』s, I』m sure. Let』s go and give it to him.

( )30. A: Can you put the plates on a finger? (E)
B: No, I can』t
A: Look! I can put it on my little finger.

請你來當審判員A、閱讀短文,判斷句子正誤。正確的寫「T」, 錯誤的寫「F」。(10分)
Tom is a little boy. He is five. Today his father takes him to see his grandparents. His home is far away from his grandparents. So they are going there by bus. There are only nine people on it. They all have seats Tom is very happy. He is running about on the bus. His father says, 「don』t run! Sit down, please. 」 「I miss my grandfather and grandmother very much. I want this bus to go faster.」 Tom says.
( )31. Tom goes to see his grandparents with his mother.
( )32. Tom goes to see his grandparents』 home by bus.
( )33. Tom and his father are running on the bus.
( )34. Tom』s home is far away from his grandparents』.
( )35. The driver tells Tom to sit down.
The Spring Festival(春節)is our Chinese people』s festival. There are different names for each year. We all call it the year of monkey, the year of dog… and this year is the year of Chicken.
Before the day of the festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning. On the Eve(除夕), there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late(守夜) to welcome the new year. In the middle of the night, we have some mplings(餃子) and watch TV. On the first day of the New Year, people wear new clothes to visit their relatives and say 「Happy New Year」 to each other.
( )36. There are different names for Chinese years.
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12
( )37. When is the Eve in Chinese year?
A. The evening of the Spring Festival. B. The evening before the Spring Festival. C. The evening after the Spring Festival.
( )38. People before the Spring Festival.
A. sing and dance B. go shopping and clean the house C. play games
( )39. are the favorite food for Chinese people on the Eve.
A. Cakes B. Dumplings C. Noodles
( )40. On the festival people usually .
A. wear new clothes B. go to visit their relatives C. A and B
Hello I』m Yang Ling. I』m a student in Chang Jiang Primary School. I often eat hamburgers and drink juice on Monday. On Tuesday, I have bread for breakfast and rice for lunch. I eat chicken and fish on Wednesday because I like them very much. I usually have noodles on Thursday. Do you like milk? I drink it from Wednesday to Friday.
Monday 41 42 /
Tuesday 43 44 /
Wednesday 45 46 47
Thursday 48 49 /
Friday 50 / /

Look, this is my bedroom. On the wall, there two photos. There is a bed near the door. On the bed, there is a football. There is a desk and a chair near the window. On the desk, there is a book and a pen. On the chair, there are two apples and a banana. Can you see my lovely cat? She is under the desk. I like my bedroom very much.

51. -- What lessons do you have this morning?
-- We have Maths, Chinese and C .

52. -- What』s wrong with you?
-- I』ve got a f .

53. -- How do you spend your weekends?

-- I often collect c .

54. -- What』s the time now?

-- It』s a q . to nine. It』s time to go to bed.

55. – Where are you from?

-- I am from J , I am Japanese.

七、小小翻譯家 Kate 不會說Chinese, Mimi不會說English,你能給他們當翻譯家嗎?(6分)

56. at once .
59. 做衣服 .
57. stay in bed .
58. go around .
60. 長城 .
61. 跳得高 .


62. How many rabbits can you see in the picture?

63. Do you like rabbits?

64. Where is the white bird?


E. 蘇教版五年級英語下冊期末試卷

一、 Listen and choose. 聽錄音,選擇正確的答案。(5分)

( )1. --- Which season do you like best?

--- .

A.spring B. winter C. summer

( )2. When do you ____?

A. get up B. eat breakfast C. eat dinner

( )3. I like winter. Because I can .

A. make a snow man B. play sports C. have a picnic

( )4. --- What's the date?

--- It's____.

A. February 29th B. August 19th C. July 9th

( )5. He is an e-mail in the study.

A. reading B. writing C. playing

二、 Listen and choose. 聽音選圖。(5分)

三、 Listen and choose the right answers. 聽句子,選擇正確的答語。(10分)

( )1. A.Yes, I get up. B. I go to bed at 9:30. C.I get up at 6:00.

( )2. A.I like swimming. B. I like spring best. C.I am reading.

( )3. A.It's Sunday. B. It's June the 4th. C.It's my birthday.

( )4. A.I'm writing. B.I can skate. C.I often go shopping.

( )5. A.It's swinging. B.He is climbing. C.They're flighting.

四、Listen and write down the missing words. 聽錄音,寫出所缺單詞。(10分)

1. --- Do you like winter, Mike?

--- Well, winter is good, but _____is my favourite senson.

2. --- Hello.

--- Hello. This is Mike. Can I speak to John, please?

--- Hold on, please. He is __________.

3. --- Can you see any monkeys?

--- Yes. Look, They are __________.

4. --- When is your birthday?

--- It's _____1st .Children's Day.

5. --- When do you ______?

--- At 9:30 in the evening.

Writing Part 筆試部分(60分)

一、Look at the pictures, then write down the missing words or phrases. 看圖,寫出相應的單詞或短語。(10分)

二、Choose the right answers. 選擇填空。(5分)

1.What do you do ____the weekend?

A.on B. in C.at

2._____season do you like best?

A.Which B.What C.How

3.Kate ____ playing chess.

A.am B.is C.are

4.Can I speak ___John?

A.for B to C.on

5.--- ___ they taking a picture?

--- Yes, they are.

A.Am B.Is C.Are

三、Read and match. 將問題與相應的答案連起來。(5分)

1. What are you doing? A. Yes, they are.

2. Is her birthday in June? B. It's may the 5th.

3. What's the date? C. I'm answering the phone.

4. What do you do on the weekend? D. Yes, it is.

5. Are they doing an experiment? E. I often going hiking.

四、Rearrange the words. 根據提供的標點符號,把單片語合成完整的句子。(10分)

1. they, cathing butterflies, are(?)

2. when, get, do, up, you(?)

3. play sports, I, at, 3:00, usually(.)

4. do, why, winter, you, like(?)

5. mountains, I, sometimetimes, climb(.)

五、Fill in the blanks with the following words. 用所給的詞語或短語填空。(8分)

John: What you see?

Mike: I see two .

John: What are they ?

Mike: They water.

John: Can you see the ?

Mike: Yes, it .

六、Put the following sentences in order. 把下列句子按順序排列,使之成為一段通順的對話。(6分)

( ) A.He is in the woods.

( ) B.Where is Zhang Peng?

( ) C. Yes, he is. They are play toghter.

( ) D. Is he taking picture?

( ) E. No, he isn't. He is playing chess.

( ) F. Is John playing chess, too?

七、Read and answer the questions. 閱讀短文,然後回答問題。(6分)

My name is Tim. I'm eleven years old. My birthday is October 2nd. It's in golden fall. The weather is cool and sunny. It's my favourite season. My father's birthday is in October, too. Can you imagine (想到)it's on the same(同一) day! We can enjoy ourselves on that day together! Usually we go hiking or fly kites. Sometimes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day!

1. When is Tim's birthday? What's the date?


2. What do Tim and his father do on their birthdays?


3. Which season does Tim like best?


八、Look and write. 看圖寫話。(10分)

Look at the picture. There are many children in the park. Mike is picking up apples.

F. 蘇教版英語五年級上冊期末考試卷子



一、 英漢互譯。(10%)
1、做一個飛機模型________________ 6、the new term__________________
2、洗衣服________________________ 7、fly a kite_____________________
3、下棋__________________________ 8、ride a horse___________________
4、一間體育活動房________________ 9、a camping site_________________
5、在沙發和床之間________________ 10、listen to music________________
二、 按要求寫出單詞。(10%)
1、two(序數詞)_________________ 6、doesn』t(完整形式)_____________
2、small(反義詞)________________ 7、can not(縮寫形式)_____________
3、there(同音詞)________________ 8、child(復數)___________________
4、swim(現在分詞)______________ 9、sun(同音詞) __________________
5、cook (現在分詞)______________ 10、dancing(原形)________________

三、 選擇填空。(10%)
( )1. Are there __________ tigers in the zoo?
A. some B. a C. any D. one
( )2. How many __________ are there in the basket?
A. apple B. an apple C. apples D. the apples
( )3. What do ________ have?
A. he B. we C. Jim D. she
( )4. Lucy _______ making a cake.
A. is B. are C. am D. do
( )5. Is Kate cleaning the door?
A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, she does.
B. C. No, she don』t. D. No, she doesn』t.
( )6. They are playing __________ piano.
A. a B. the C. / D. an
( )7. Listen! The girls _________ English songs.
A. sing B. sings C. singing D. are singing
( )8. It』s _____________.
A. a map of world B. a map of the world
C. a map of the China D. a map of a China
( )9. ______ you _______ a tape? No, thank you.
A. Are, need B. Do, need C. Would, need D. Does, need
( )10. Do you like _________?
A. skate B. skating C. skates D. skated

四、 按要求改寫句子。(10%)
1. I』m flying a kite. (劃線部分提問)
________ are you ___________?
2. There are two chairs in my bedroom. (劃線部分提問)
________ _________ chairs _______ _______ in your bedroom?
3. Is there a reading room in your school? (作否定回答)
No, _______ _______.
4. There are many sweets on the table.(改為否定句)
There ________ ________ sweets on the table.
5. I can play the violin. (劃線部分提問)
What _______ you _______?
6. I like rabbits. (改為一般疑問句)
_______ you like rabbits?
7. What are you doing now? (用run回答)
_________ ___________ now.
8. come, my, can, with, you, and, help, English, me (連詞成句)
Can you come and _______ me ______ my English?
9. I have a chair. (用Tom改寫句子)
Tom _________ a chair.
10. The sun is a circle. (劃線部分提問)
________ ________ is the sun?

五、 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。(10%)
1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)
2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.
3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head?
4. What ________ (do) he have?
5. I』d like ________ (draw) a picture.
6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.
7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.
8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.
9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.
10. There aren』t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.

六、 閱讀理解。(10%)
Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn』t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.
One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. 「What are you writing, Mary?」 She asks. 「I』m writing to my friend, Rose.」 「But how can you? You don』t know how to write.」 Says her sister. 「Well,」 says Mary, 「It doesn』t matter. Rose doesn』t know how to read, either.」
( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn』t. C. We don』t know.
( )2. Who can read and write?
A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan
( )3. What』s in Mary』s hand?
A. There』s a pen. B. There』s a pencil. C. There』s a crayon.
( )4. What』s Mary doing?
A. She』s drawing. B. She』s writing to her friend. C. She』s singing.
( )5. Can Rose read and write?
A. No, she can』t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don』t know.

G. 蘇教版五年級下冊英語期末試卷題目

學校 班級 姓名________ 成績

聽 力 部 分
一. 看圖聽句子,判斷圖片是否與所聽到的內容一致, 一致的在括弧中用「√」表示,不一致的用「×」表示。

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )


三. 聽錄音,根據聽到的內容選擇恰當的選項,將標號填在括弧里。
學校里來參觀團,李艷接待一位朋友Mark。請根據對話完成1,2 小題.
( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

首先, 李艷帶領Mark 參觀學校. 請根據對話完成3, 4 小題

( ) 3.A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

然後,李艷又帶Mark 參觀了教室,請根據對話完成5, 6 兩題.

( ) 5. A. B. C.

( ) 6. A. B. C.

最後一天,李艷帶Mark 到了奧運商品專賣店,准備買些禮物送給Mark。
( ) 7. A. B. C.

( ) 8. A. 68 B. 300 C. 340
四. 根據聽到的故事內容,將下列圖片排序,將序號填在括弧里。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( )
五. 根據圖中男孩的自我介紹,將信息卡補充完整。
Name: ________
Age(年齡): ________
Often do in art club: __________
Favourite animal: ________
Favourite sport: ________

校名 班級 姓名 成績

筆 試 部 分
( ) 1. A. sheep B. calf C. lamb D. foal
( ) 2. A. radio B. recorder C. towel D. walkman
( ) 3. A. fever B. cough C. toothache D. hospital
( ) 4. A. hockey B. sports C. rugby D. volleyball
( ) 5. A. observe B. borrow C. experiment D. make
A. go to a concert B. do maths problems C. study a farmer』s work
D. play hockey E. do exercises F. do project work G. borrow books
H. observe things I. climb up a ladder J. make things

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) 1. Kate ______ ill. She can』t ______ school today.
A. is, goes to B. is, go C. is, go to
( ) 2. We often have performances ______ the meeting hall ______ Children』s Day.
A. in, on B. on, on C. in, in
( ) 3. ______ do you like science field trips?
We like them very much.
A. What B. How C. Why
( ) 4. Can I help you?
Yes, I ______ buy a lamp.
A. want to B. want C. wants
( ) 5. ______ there a library in your classroom?
No, there ______.
A. Are, aren』t B. Is, isn』t C. Is, is
( ) 6. We often do ______ in the science lab.
A. experiments B. exercises C. listening
( ) 7. How much are the ______?
______ are sixty –five yuan.
A. T-shirt, They B. shirt, It C. shorts, They
( ) 8. ______ and ______ are my favouite animals.
A. Puppy, kitten B. Puppies, kittens C. Pig, piglets
( ) 9. Where ______ Yang Ming often ______ hockey?
A. do, play B. does, plays C. does, play
( ) 10. Here ______ some strawberries for you.
A. is B. are C. am
九. 讀句子,找出與句子內容相符的單詞,將其標號填在括弧內。
( ) 1. They are very cute. Their mother often helps people catch mice. What are they?
A. puppies B. kittens C. goslings
( ) 2. They are brothers. But they never see each other. They like radios. What are they?
A. ears B. eyes C. arms
( ) 3. There are many desks and chairs in it. You can borrow books from it.
A. library B. classroom C. language lab
( ) 4. Tom is ill. His mother takes him to the dentist. What』s wrong with him?
A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache
( ) 5. You often play this game on the field. There are usually 11 players in each team.
A. basketball B. football C. volleyball

十. 根據情境選擇句子,並將其標號填寫在括弧內。
( ) 1. --- What』s wrong with you?
--- _________________ .
A. You should go to see a doctor B. I have a cold C. Don』t worry
( ) 2. --- ___________________ ?
--- They are ninety-eight yuan.
A. How much is it B. How many books are there C. How much are they
( ) 3.--- ___________________ ?
--- We can call it a kid.
A. What do we call it B. What can we call it C. What is it
( ) 4. --- How do you like science?
--- ____________________ .
A. It』s interesting B. I like it very much C. I have two
( ) 5.--- What are these?
--- ___________________ .
A. They are strawberries. B. It』s good. C. Yes, it is.

Sam lives on a farm in the north of England. Every day he gets up and helps his father before he goes to school. On the farm, there are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep! Sam has some chickens and in the mornings, he puts all the eggs in a basket for his mother. Sam would like to have a goat because the milk is very good for you. After breakfast, Sam goes to school. It is ten kilometers from his home. He goes on a bus with a lot of other children from the village. Sometimes it snows and the bus can』t come. Sam likes that!
( ) 1. Sam lives on a farm in America.
( ) 2. There are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep on the farm.
( ) 3. Sam goes to school by bike.
( ) 4. Sam would like to have a goat because the milk is very good for you.
( ) 5. Sam likes snow.
十二. 讀短文,按要求完成下列任務。
My Uncle Jim
Hello. My name is Richie. Let me tell you about my Uncle Jim. He』s my favourite uncle. He』s tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He』s 34 years old. He likes wearing his red and yellow shirt. It』s the shirt of his favourite soccer team.
Uncle Jim loves soccer and fishing. He comes to visit us every Sunday. Every time he comes to visit, we play soccer together in the park. And sometimes, he takes me fishing by the river.
When we catch some fish, we bring them home. Then Uncle Jim stays for dinner. He likes to cook the fish for us all to eat. Uncle Jim is a good cook. He is almost as good as my mom! While we』re eating dinner, he tells funny stories about fishing and soccer. He makes me laugh. My uncle Jim is a funny man.
Task 1 根據短文提供的信息,選擇正確答案,將標號填入題前括弧內。
( )1. Why does Uncle Jim like wearing his red and yellow shirt?
A. because Richie gave it to him
B. because it』s the shirt of his favourite soccer team
C. because he has red hair
( ) 2. Why do Richie and Uncle Jim go to the park every Sunday?
A. to play soccer
B. to catch fish
C. to watch Uncle Jim』s favourite soccer team
( ) 3. Why does Uncle Jim stay for dinner when they catch some fish?
A. Because he likes to watch the soccer on TV
B. Because he likes the way Richie』s mom cooks the fish
C. Because he likes to cook the fish for Richie』s family.
Task 2 仿照例句,結合自己的實際情況,把下列句子補充完整。
Uncle Jim loves soccer and fishing. He tells funny stories about fishing and soccer.
Uncle Jim is a funny man.
Circle the people you choose(圈出你想寫的人物)
My mother/father/uncle/aunt or ________ loves_______ and_________.
My is ______________ .

聽 力 部 分(30%)
1.We call it a gosling.(×) 2.What a lovely puppy!(×)
3.This photo shows our classroom.(×) 4.We can play hocky on the field.( ×) 5.How much are those jeans? They are 20 yuan.( ×) 6.What`s the matter with him? I don`t know.( √)
1. ---Is that a foal over there?
---Yes,it is.
2. ---Can kittens climb up a tree?
---Yes, they can .
3. ---How often do you come to the library?
---Twice a week.
4. ---How do you like art field trips?
---I don`t like them.
5. ---Can I speak to Miss Wang ,please?
---This is Miss Wang speaking.
6. ---Can I help you ?
---I want to buy a telephone.
(2 6 1 4 5 3 )

LiYan : Hello, Mark. Welcome to our school. I』m LiYan. Where are you from?
Mark: Hello, LiYan. I come from Australia. Here』s a gift for you.
LiYan: Oh, what a lovely baby kangaroo.
Mark: We don』t call it a kangaroo.
LiYan: What do you call it?
Mark: We call it a joey. (A, B)
首先, 李艷帶領Mark 觀學校.
LiYan: Look, Mark. This is our sports field.
Mark: Oh, it』s big. What do you often do on the field.?
LiYan: We often play volleyball and basketball on the field.
Are there any ball games in your school?
Mark: Certainly. Our school is famous for rugby. (A, B)
然後,李艷又帶Mark 參觀了教室
LiYan: This is our classroom. This is our mini-library and that is our science corner.
Mark: What do you do in your science corner?
LiYan: We do experiments and observe things.
Mark: Is that your computer corner?
LiYan: Yes,it is. (B, B)
最後一天,李艷帶Mark 到了奧運商品專賣店,准備買些禮物送給Mark.
Salesman: Welcome to our shop. What can I do for you?
Liyan: Can I have a look at those Fuwa?
Salesman: Here you are.
Liyan: Mark, which one do you like?
Mark: I like the red one.
Liyan : Oh, we call it Huanhuan in Chinese.
How much is it, sir?
Salesman: It』s 68 yuan. But it』s 300 yuan for all these five.
Liyan: Oh, that』s good. I』ll take five. Here』s the money.
Salesman: Thank you. (B, B)
四. 據聽到的故事內容,將下列圖片排序,將序號填在括弧里。(1×5=5分)
I』m Mary. I』m Australian. I have a best friend Tina. She』s from New Zealand. We are in the same school. Our school is beautiful. Our classroom is very big. We have a science corner, an English corner and a mini-library in my classroom. Tina and I like English. We often speak English at English corner. But today I don』t speak English at the English corner because Tina has a fever. I want to buy some berries and flowers to see her. I hope she will get well soon.

Hello. My name is Jon, J-o-n, Jon. I am 11/eleven years old. I love animals. My favourite animal is cklings. They are very cute. At school, we have many clubs. We often paint in art club. I can paint very well. Boys like playing basketball and it』s my favorite sport.

筆 試 部 分(50%)
六.(1×5=5分) A C D B C
七. (1×10=10分)

八. (1×10=10分) C A B A B A C B C B
九. (1×5=5分) B A A C B
十. (2×5=10分) B C B B A
十一. (1×5=5分)
× √ × √ ×
十二. (5分)
Task 1 (1×3=3分) B A C
Task 2 (1×2=2分)
聽力圖片打不上了*_* *_* *_*(萬分sorry),筆試還能用^_^ ^_^ ^_^(萬幸萬幸),只是第7題還有圖片,又打不上了*_* *_* *_*(5555555......)

H. 蘇教版五年級下冊英語期末試卷

學校 班級 姓名________ 成績
聽 力 部 分
一. 看圖聽句子,判斷圖片是否與所聽到的內容一致, 一致的在括弧中用「√」表示,不一致的用「×」表示。

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )

三. 聽錄音,根據聽到的內容選擇恰當的選項,將標號填在括弧里。
學校里來參觀團,李艷接待一位朋友Mark。請根據對話完成1,2 小題.
( ) 1. A. B. C.
( ) 2. A. B. C.
首先, 李艷帶領Mark 參觀學校. 請根據對話完成3, 4 小題
( ) 3.A. B. C.
( ) 4. A. B. C.
然後,李艷又帶Mark 參觀了教室,請根據對話完成5, 6 兩題.
( ) 5. A. B. C.

( ) 6. A. B. C.
最後一天,李艷帶Mark 到了奧運商品專賣店,准備買些禮物送給Mark。
( ) 7. A. B. C.
( ) 8. A. 68 B. 300 C. 340
四. 根據聽到的故事內容,將下列圖片排序,將序號填在括弧里。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( )
五. 根據圖中男孩的自我介紹,將信息卡補充完整。
Name: ________
Age(年齡): ________
Often do in art club: __________
Favourite animal: ________
Favourite sport: ________

I. 五年級上冊英語期末測試卷(蘇教版,帶答案)。

晷是根據太陽影子變化的規律製成的 工具。
2、 模擬實驗證明了光在 是沿直線行進的。
3、凸透鏡具有 作用、 作用、 作用。
4、 能方便我們解釋那些難以直接觀察到的事物、事物的變化以及事物之間的關系。
5、中間厚、邊緣薄的透鏡叫做 ,中間薄、邊緣厚的透鏡叫做 。
6、小孔成像的原因是 。
7、第一個提出陽光能夠分解成七種色光的科學家是 。
1、太陽高度就是太陽到地面的垂直距離。 ………( )
2、導體和絕緣體之間沒有絕對的界限。 ……………………( )
3、月相的變化是指月球自身形狀的變化。 ………( )
4、運動後呼吸和心跳都要比安靜時要快。 …………( )
5、在簡單電路中小燈泡不亮一定是電池無電。 ……( )
6、吸煙會嚴重危害人的腦、心臟、肺、胃、肝臟等器官。……( )
7、凸面鏡比平面鏡觀察的范圍大。 ………( )
8、解釋不一定就是事實,可能正確,也可能錯誤。…………( )
1、下列物體中不導電物體是( )。
①、鐵絲 ②、濕毛巾 ③、塑料 ④、水
①地球的自轉 ②太陽的東升西落 ③烏雲的遮蓋 ④月亮的轉動
3、新月是指天空中( )。
①月牙 ②滿月 ③不出現月亮
4、、一天中最短的影子出現在( )。
①早晨 ②中午 ③傍晚
5、蝸牛出來活動的時間通常是( )。
①、上午 ②、下午 ③夜晚
6、下列光源中是冷光源的是( )。
①、太陽 ②、星星 ③、燈光 ④、螢火蟲
7、最早提出地球自轉的科學家是:( )。
①、伽利略 ②、托勒密 ③、哥白尼 ④、牛頓
8、下列哪些東西不能接觸磁鐵( )。
①、透明膠帶 ②、鉛筆 ③、磁帶 ④、塑料貼片
9、月相的變化周期大約是( )。
①、一天 ②、一周 ③、一個月 ④、一年
10、北京故宮里保存的日晷叫做( )。
①、立晷 ②、地平日晷 ③、赤道日晷
11、影子的長短是由( )決定的。
①物體的高矮 ②物體的胖瘦 ③太陽高度 ④觀察者位置
12、( )是氧氣和二氧化碳進行交換的器官。
①胃 ②心臟 ③肝臟 ④肺
13、下面( )是絕緣體。
①人體 ②大地 ③自來水 ④空氣
14、一根條形磁鐵被摔斷成兩截後,下面的( )說法是正確的。
①有一截只有S極 ②有一截只有N極 ③兩截都沒有磁極了 ④兩截都有S極和N極。
15、下面的動物中,旨在晚上活動的是( )。
①狗 ②公雞 ③貓頭鷹 ④蜜蜂
中國香港 上午 7:00
美國紐約 晚上 21:00
澳大利亞悉尼 下午 13:00
德國柏林 晚上 20:00

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