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1. 塑料加工和模具專業英語的一些翻譯,有點小難度,大家來看看 答一句是一句

When polymers are fabricated into useful articles they are referred to sa plastics,rubbers, and fibers. 那麼多內容才10分,正好我熟悉這個專業,可放心採納

There is no agerrment as to the minimum molecular weight of a substance in order for it to be classified as apolymer, however, a practical figure would be about 1000 to 5000.
關於一種為歸類為聚合物的物質的分子量沒有一致的意見。不過實踐中的數字大約是1000到5000.The physcial properties of polymer are the determining fators the design engineer must use in seleetinga ploymer with those properties which most nearly meet the requirements of a proct.聚合物的物理性質是設計工程師在根據最接近於滿足產品要求的性質選擇一種聚合物時必須用到的決定性因素。Injection molding machines are manufactured in many sizes.There are two basic units an injection molding machine; on for injecting the heated palstic and one for injecting the heated plastic and one for opening and closing the mold.The reciprocating screw is the most commonly used plasticating unit.The mold is at the core of a plastic manufacturing process because its cavity gives apart its shape.Molds used in injection molding consist of two halves;one staionary and one movable.Mold [and die] parts that that are mass-proced and standardized in shape and dimension are referred to as standards[or standard parts]

2. 求模具專業英語高手幫忙~~

二、任何完整的新聞工具,對consisisting(或組合的成員)的交配pressworked(印)零部件生產,所有支持和執行元件inciuding的工具,是一種die.pressworking terminnology定義了女性的一部分完全新聞工具。
三、引導銷,或再行,安裝在低shoe.上方襯套,鞋上包含引導銷,滑動的上下鞋和引導銷和襯套是死在許多set.die尺寸和樣式是商業中顯示的引導銷available. Finguies 9 - 2和9 - 3指導其vertical.for清晰、脫不了引導銷如圖9 - 3。
六、本研究資料股票或工件可以貼在upstroke打了一拳,也許有必要strp物質從一拳。舉辦這項工作彈簧脫衣舞娘材料與死亡的凸塊直到被撤出穿孔holes.A工件要穿是普遍持有的,位於一窩(圖9 - 1)由平板形狀包圍的外部輪廓。股票是positionsd死於別針,或者在其他類型的停定位之前的ram。downstroke
7,設計一種小型精密模具showm圖9 - 2一樣的身材沖孔模具9勝1負,除了一個死的死襯套,取代了兩個刺拳和兩個刺死襯套拳是被一裁一拳。股票是注冊代替窩板。這是一個drop-through blankes設計完成的較低的多下降,並按頭鞋。

3. 模具專業英語中譯英

Hardness is the wearability of the influence factors. Normally, mould parts of higher hardness, wear resistance, the better. In addition, abrasion resistance and carbide materials species, quantity, morphology and size and distribution.

4. 模具專業英語翻譯

1 系統內及系統與模具間的裝配插口是一大難點,
4 熱的滑軌與模具腔之間彼此能很好分離,於是,彼此相反的熱需求互無負面影響

5. 模具專業英語術語

Designer - 設計師。
Assembly drawing - 模具組裝圖。
Mold layout - 模具結構圖。
2D proct drawing - 2D產品圖。
3D proct data - 3D產品數據。內
Part drawing - 散件圖。
Insert molding - 鑲件模。
2 color mold / Double injection tool - 雙色容模。
Hydraulic system - 油/水壓系統。
Parting line - 分模線。

6. 求模具專業英語高手出手相助~~~~~~~~~~~~

七、大型空格都是經常prodouced精密模具(由一個倒圖 - 3),安裝到鞋固定的拳。上部鞋固定的拳。經過大量的空白,通過加強往往是不切實際的,但它的大小可能需要Figure9截面模具設計(- 4)。
八、匯票或倒角關死是不必要的,因為這個空白不經過那裡。為便於施工、磨、強度切削刃的各部門應該不是incloude分和錯綜復雜的輪廓。第1和第2部分的9 - 4的人物都包括整個半圓形的輪廓,直接計入六輪廓。
十一、復合死執行只有切削操作(通常是裁和尖銳的),在一個新聞中風的完成。一個復合死能產生扎碟片和尺寸公差平整度關閉。一個特徵是復合死倒位置和精密模具料。如圖9 - 5,死亡繫到鞋和精密沖床是安裝在較低的鞋。沖裁拳」同樣刺骨的有圓錐孔中,在較低的鞋子塞進行處理。

7. 跪求模具專業英語高手~~~~~~~~~~

32 ,在彈射零件,積極對手提供下面優勢斯普林斯的部分形狀和模具選擇允許其使用:內
1 自動部分disposl 。空容白,跳傘上方附近的內存中風可被炸後的新聞,或新聞可能傾向於和獲得相同的結果。
2 壞掉的成本低。擊倒一般費用低於彈簧。
3 積極的行動。對手不堅持為彈簧偶爾做。
4 下壓力的要求。沒有沉重的彈簧被壓縮在內存後裔。
33 ,圖9-13顯示幾個好淘汰賽設計。
查看答:這樣的設計,適用於平原倒復合模,是非常簡單的。它包括一個驅動柱塞1 ,基因敲除板2 ,停止領3 doweled的plunger1 。 Shedder 4包括一個肩負引腳由一個春天是confinied由setscrew 。
查看C顯示1 desigin其中法蘭外殼,工程完成後,進行向上在上模和跳傘的一個積極的淘汰賽。

8. 模具專業英語學習感想(英文+漢語)


9. 模具專業英語

Mold consists of three basic components, namely, dynamic simulation part of the floating cavity plate and fixed template. Push plate aperture to be compared with cores of large-diameter slightly larger number of threads to prevent thread appears scratches. Assembly organizations from push plate, push the semi-fixed panels and ejector rod composed of injection molding machines. Floating cavity plate distance from the maximum movement limit control of nails or similar devices. Principles of injection molding and casting are very similar. Resin material into a rotating screw, you should enter off three zones: the feeding area, compaction area and the plasticizing zone. Gate is the entrance of molten plastic into the cavity shunt wall must be smooth, in order to prevent melt flow generated parting surface of the shape of the resistance depends entirely on the shape of the shrinking role of the plastic to make plastic parts ejection difficulties. Injection cooling, the contraction depends on the plastic parts melt molding processes.

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