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发布时间: 2021-01-12 02:41:32

A. 初一英语考试总结800字

下面我就将这次的期中考试的情况做一下总结。 一、基本情况

B. 初一下册英语期末考试试卷【人教版的】

一 选择题(40分)
1 ( )—I’____.
A ok B good C Mrs D Hello
2 ( )---What are you? ---____.
A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse
3 ( )How many ____are there in your family?
A people B peoples C some people D any people
4 ( )There are ____hours in a day.
A four B fourteen C twenty-four D thirty-four
5 ( )___students are on the playground.
A They are one hundred B Two hundreds C Only one hundred of D Hundreds of
6 ( )Is there ___room and ___office on Floor Two?
A a,an B an,an C an,a D a,a
7 ( )He often gets up ___nine o’clock.
A on B about C in D after
8 ( )Miss Cheng enjoys __down the street.
A walk B to walk C walking D walks
9 ( )My English is poor. Can you help me ___it.
A with B to C for D at
10( )My brother has two ___in his room,
A pair of sunglass B pairs of sunglass C pair of sunglasses D pairs of sunglasses
11( )—When do we eat mooncakes?_--___.
A At Halloween B At Mid-autumn Day C At Mid-Autumn Festival
12( )—Why ___you late for school?
A do B are C does
13( )There ___a meeting this evening.
A will have B will be C are going to be D is going to have
14( )Where are you going ____the holiday?
A of B for holiday C to holiday D on holiday
15( )Can I borrow some money ___you?
A from B too C / D with
16( )”Could I have ___bread?” “Sorry,I don’t have___.”
A any;any B any;some C some;any D some;some
17( )His mother___.
A looks being young B looks like young C looks to be young D looks young
18( )How about ___to the cinema on Sunday?
A will go B go C to go D going
19( )Lily likes dancing. She needs___.
A lots of energys B lot of energies C a lot of energy D lots of energies
20( )It’s important ___us to learn English well.
A of B for C with D to
二 词形变化(10分)
1 Two cats and a dog _____ (be) in the room.
2 –Thank you for____ (help) us. ---That’s ok.
3 I would like_______(stay) at home on Sunday.
4 Can he ____(fly)a kite?
5 I want ______(go)to her party.
6 He went____(shop)with me last Sunday.
7 Are you good at_____(play)basketball?
8 Do you know the____(mean)does a person have?
9 Help______(you)to some chips,children.
10The girl is very______(help).

三 句型转换(10分)
1 My cousin must wait for me.(改为一般疑问句)
_____ _____cousin wait for_____?
2 You can’t bring your son here.(否定祈使句)
_____ _____your son here.
3 They can eat snacks at home.(对画线部分提问)
_____ can they _____ at home?
4 We have four lessons from 8:00 to 11:30a.m.(同义句)
We have four lessons_____8:00______11:30 a.m.
5 Everyone has a good time at the party.(同义句)
Everyone_____ ______at the party.
6 He gives me the interesting book.(改为同义句)
He _____the interesting book_____me.
7 At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______there______ in Chinatown at night?
8 He usually doesn’t have breakfast before going to school.
He usually goes to school _______ ________.
9 Mike plans to have Coke and hamburgers for lunch.(改为一般疑问句)
______Mike _____ _____ _____ Coke and hamburgers for lunch?
10He wants to be a swimming player.(改为否定句0
He ______ ______ to be a swimming player.

四 翻译(40分)
1 我们可以把报纸带到那儿吗?
Can we _____ the newspaper _____?
2 他经常在图书馆看书.
He often _____ _____the library.
3 课后我喜欢和同学们打网球,聊天.
I like ______tennis and _______ with my classmates _____class.
4 Mr Green 有时在家吃饭.
Mr Green sometimes _____ _____at home.

5 他经常在网上给他的同学发电子邮件.
He often ____ ____ ____ his classmates on ____the Internet.
6 他每天起床都很早.
He ____up ____ every day.
7 Miss Gao喜欢跟我们谈她的周末.
Miss Gao _____to ____us_____ her weekends.
8 Jim每天打网球2小时.
Jim _____ tennis ____ 2____ everyday.
She ____ ____ ____ the street and ____ ____ ____ her friends.
I _____about an hour _____ _____ _____ _____TV every day.
My _____ _____ Amy always ______ ______or _______with me un-der the tree.
12 我和我的同学在一起总很开心.
I always _____ _____ _____ ______ with my classmates.
13 我们在图书馆里有许多图书可读.
We have _____ _____ books _____ _____ in the library.
14 我最喜爱的课程是英语和数学.
My _____ _____ are English and Maths.
15 这些中国人都擅长英语.
These _____ are all _____ _____ speaking_____.
I’m _____ _____ _____ _____ you again.
17 这博物馆除了星期三每天都开.
The Museum _____ every day _______Wednesday.
18 我们不应当看太多的电视.
We shouldn’t _____ _____ _____ _____.
19 我没有足够的时间打扫房间.
I _____have_____ _____ ____ clean the room.
20 Tony是经常写信还是写电子邮件呢?
21 The pay phone is across from the library.(写出它的同义句)
22 __________________________________________________________.

C. 初一英语的试卷分析

第一题 听力 一、二、三、听力部分:难度不是很大,但是初一学生训练少,很少得到满分,尤其第四部分听力填空内容,绝大多数学生听不出来。
第二题 单项选择 绝大部分学生都全做了,但有些题学生没有接触到因此有些失分。从卷面上看,学生对语法题不是很好,而且有些语法忘记,或者根本就不懂。
第三、四题 完形填空和阅读理解:这些题目都和学生的阅读能力和掌握的词汇量有关,平时还需在阅读方面加强训练。同时还要掌握一些阅读和做题技巧,而这些对初一来说是个难点。
第五题 词汇知识 最差就是这种题型,尽管出的单词不难,但学生依然不会写,特别体现在根据句意及首字母提示填空这题,这种题型不但要求要掌握大量词汇,还要理解句意,难度较大,必须要求学生有扎实的基本功。因此要加强这方面的练习。
第七题 句型转换 这种题型平时经常练习,但有些学生平时不认真,所以错误很多。
第八题 书面表达 这类题是学生平常最头疼的题但是也是容易得分的题,这种题型两极分化比较严重,有的学生一点不会,有的学生能得满分,这就需要平时的练习。

D. 《时代英语报》初一英语期末测试卷(B) Test10(7B Unit1--7B Unit6)


E. 初一上学期期末考试英语试卷

7A 期末试卷
听力部分 (20分)
一、 A) 根据所听内容选择相应选项。听一遍。(10分)
A 一个小男孩在玩电脑游戏 B 几个孩子在踢足球 C 桌上有一杯牛奶和几块面包
D 几个孩子在看漫画。 E 桌子上有一盘巧克力蛋。

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thank you. B. How do you do?
C. How are you? D. I’m twelve.
( ) 2. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there is.
C. No, there aren’t. D. Yes, there is.
( ) 3. A. May. B. June. C. September. D. December.
( ) 4. A. It’s made of leather. B. It’s made in China.
C. They are made of leather. D. They are made in China.
( ) 5. A. Yes, I’m. B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I am not. D. No, we aren’t.
1. I have black hair in a ______(马尾辫).
2. She is a very good ______(游泳者).
3. We ______(敲) on people’s doors.
4. There is a ______(打折) on last year’s cards
5. This pair of shoes is made of ______(皮革).
6. Last Sunday, Lily g a talk on “My Life”.
7. I b a radio from my father yesterday.
8. I don’t eat fast food any m .
9. People in the west make pumpkin lanterns at H .
10. I want to be a dancer when I g up.
1. He needs ______(wear) clean clothes.
2. They go to the park ______(one) a week.
3. Would you like to go ______(shop) with me?
4. This hair clip ______(match) your coat very much.
5. The shopping mall is really a good place ______(meet) friends.
6. Daniel ______(not be) at school yesterday.
7. I don’t know what ______(eat) today.
8. Mum often asks me ______(do) housework.
9. Simon and Lucy are in different ______(class).
10. Would you like ______(choose) one of the stickers?

1. At Halloween, people like ______________ special costumes.
2. -__________ does he go to school?
-Every day except Sunday.
3. Millie is __________ her toy bear.
4. He always _____________ a ghost.
5. -__________ will you stay here?
-For about two months.
( ) 1.What about ______ football?
A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing
( ) 2. He is clever English.
A. at B. with C. above D. on
( ) 3.I _____ born in Nanjing.
A. is B. am C. was D. were
( ) 4. My name is Guo Feng. You can _____ me Daniel.
A. ask B. say C. call D. speak
( ) 5. they home every day?
A. Does; walk B. Are; walking to C. Do; walk D. Does; walk to
( ) 6. We are looking forward _____ you.
A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. see
( ) 7. There _____ an apple and two oranges on the table.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
( ) 8. He _____exercises, so he is fat.
A. never B. often C. sometimes D. always
( ) 9. I am _____.
A. twelve year old B. twelve
C. twelve years D. twelve-year-old boy
( ) 10. I am going to tell you _____ interesting things.
A. a B. an C. some D. any
( ) 11. _____ Easter, people often eat chocolate eggs.
A. In B. On C. For D. At
( ) 12. Millie goes to work by bus _____ winter.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
( ) 13. Would you like _____ water?
A. some B. any C. much D. a
( ) 14. Thank you for _____ me.
A. call B. to call C. calling D. calls
( ) 15. I bought three _____ and two _____.
A. tomatos; potatos B. tomatoes; potatos
C. tomatoes; potatoes D. tomatos; potatoes
1. Andy has a e-dog. He likes it very much. __________________
2. Our English teacher will flies to Nanjing. __________________
3. He never late for school. __________________
4. We like playing a trick to him. __________________
5.I wanted to a dancer.
1. 孙老师一周去看望他爷爷两次。
Mr. Sun goes to _____________________ a week.
2. 我最爱的科目是英语。
My English.
3. 三楼上有许多餐馆。
There the third floor.
4. Daniel 看上去很酷。
Daniel .
5. 他总是戏弄我们。
He always us.
1. There are some apples on the desk. (改成一般疑问句)
2. Simon is a football player. (改成同义句)
Simon the football team.
3. This book costs her ten yuan.(改成同义句)
She ten yuan this book.
4. He is making a pumpkin lantern now. (对划线部分提问)

5. I’m going to the supermarket next Sunday. (对划线部分提问)

九、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写 “A”,错误的写 “B”(10分)
Our English teacher is Miss Gao. She is tall and slim. She is pretty and kind. We have fun in each English lesson. She wants us to be good at English. So she helps us a lot after class. We like asking her for help with our English. One Sunday, I was doing my English homework. But I couldn’t work out one of the problems. So I called Miss Gao for help. She sent me an e-mail to help me. I like her very much.
( ) 1. Our English teacher is a tall man.
( ) 2. Our English teacher gives us lots of exercises every day.
( ) 3. Our English teacher is kind and helps us a lot.
( ) 4. One day, I was doing homework at home.
( ) 5.Our English teacher didn’t help me on that day, because she was too busy.
以“My Lifestyle”为题写一篇不少于100字的文章。

听力原稿及答案 期末试卷
听力部分 (20分)
A) 根据所听内容选择相应图画。听一遍。(10分)
1. The boys are playing football on the playground.
2. Millie often has a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast.
3. It’s Easter now.
4. The children are reading comic books now.
5. Simon likes playing computer games.
1. How old are you?
2. Is there an apple and two oranges in the fridge?
3. Which month is Christmas in?
4. What are the shoes made of?
5. Are you dancers?
Keys: A) 1-5 BCEDA B) 1-5 DDDCD
二、1-10 ponytail; swimmer; knock; discount; leather; gave; borrowed; more; Halloween; grow
三、1-5 to wear; once; shopping; matches; to meet; 6-10 was not; to eat; to do; classes; to choose
四、1-5 dressing up in; How often; paying for; dressing up as; How long
五、1-5 DACCC 6-10 CAABC 11-15 DAACC
六、1. a—an 2. flies—fly 3. He—He is 4. to—on 5. to—to be
七、1. see his grandfather twice
2. favourite subject is
3. are a lot of restaurants on
4. looks cool
5. plays a trick on
八、1. Are there any apples on the desk?
2. a member of
3. spends; on/buying
4. What is he making now?
5. When are you going to the supermarket?
九、1-5 BAAAB


F. 初中英语测试卷哪个难






误 my father and my mother is all teacher。

正 my father and my mother are both teachers。


在汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的,但英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:“我累了。”这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:i'm tired







误 many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college. for example, my friend in high school。


正 many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college, for example, my friend in high school。



例1. when one have knowledge, he can do what he want to do。


剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has ;同理,want应改为wants。本句是典型的主谓不一致。

改为 when one has knowledge , he can do what he wants (to do)

G. 单元测试卷初中英语答案

你可以参考一下!年级英语测试题 Ⅱ单项选择(20分) 1--MymoneyhasrunoutWhatshouldIdo? --________youcouldget________part-timejob AWhy,aBMaybe,CMaybe,aDSure, 2Doyouhave________toeat? 3Thereislittlemilkintheglass,________? AdoesitBisn’isn’tthere 4--Howbeautifulyourshoesare! --ButtheyarereallycheapTheyonly________me10dollars AtakeBspentCpayDcost 5It’sverykind________you________mewithmymath Afor,tohelpBfor,helpingCof,tohelpDof,helping 6--Wouldyoulike________apple? --No,thanks AOtherBanotherCothersDanother 7--Thereissomeoneintheclassroom --It________ AcanBmayCmustDmustn’t 8–Doyoulikeblackteaorgreentea? --________willdo AEitherBBothCAllDNeither 9________iseasy________thequestion AThat,toanswerBThat,answeringCIt,toanswerDIt,answering 10-________home? -I________TV Acame,watchedBising,watched Ccame,waswatchingDising,waswatching 11NeithershenorI________ AisBamCareDwere 12--Wouldyouminddoingthedishes? --________ ANo,Iwon’tBSorryI’lldoitrightaway COk,thankyouDSure,Iwould! 13--________haveyoubeenstudyingChinese? --________Iwassixyearsold AWhattime,WhenBHowlong,When CWhattime,SinceDHowlong,Since 14Hurryup!Ifwearelateforschool,theteacher________angry AisBwouldbeCwillDwillbe 15Tedsaidhe________atelephonecalltohisfriendat8o’clockonSaturdaynight AmadeBwasmaking CmakesDismaking 16Doyoustand___linewhenyouwait___abusstop? Aon,forBin,forCon,atDin,at 17-- --_____ ASoIdoBSoIamCSodoIDSodoesI 18Let’sgototheWaterWorld,____________? AshallweBwillweCwillyouDcanwe 19Tedwantedto_______somemoneyfrommebutIdidn’t______anytohim Alend,borrowBlend,lend Cborrow,lendDborrow,borrow 20_____openthewindow? AWillyoupleaseBPleasewillyou CYoupleaseDDoyou 二完形填空(10分) ntedtoshowhissonhow___1___peoplelived,sotheyspentadayandanight__2___thefa

H. 初一下册期末英语考试的试卷。

一 选择题(40分)
1 ( )—I’m____.
A ok B good C Mrs D Hello
2 ( )---What are you? ---____.
A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse
3 ( )How many ____are there in your family?
A people B peoples C some people D any people
4 ( )There are ____hours in a day.
A four B fourteen C twenty-four D thirty-four
5 ( )___students are on the playground.
A They are one hundred B Two hundreds C Only one hundred of D Hundreds of
6 ( )Is there ___room and ___office on Floor Two?
A a,an B an,an C an,a D a,a
7 ( )He often gets up ___nine o’clock.
A on B about C in D after
8 ( )Miss Cheng enjoys __down the street.
A walk B to walk C walking D walks
9 ( )My English is poor. Can you help me ___it.
A with B to C for D at
10( )My brother has two ___in his room,
A pair of sunglass B pairs of sunglass C pair of sunglasses D pairs of sunglasses
11( )—When do we eat mooncakes?_--___.
A At Halloween B At Mid-autumn Day C At Mid-Autumn Festival
12( )—Why ___you late for school?
A do B are C does
13( )There ___a meeting this evening.
A will have B will be C are going to be D is going to have
14( )Where are you going ____the holiday?
A of B for holiday C to holiday D on holiday
15( )Can I borrow some money ___you?
A from B too C / D with
16( )”Could I have ___bread?” “Sorry,I don’t have___.”
A any;any B any;some C some;any D some;some
17( )His mother___.
A looks being young B looks like young C looks to be young D looks young
18( )How about ___to the cinema on Sunday?
A will go B go C to go D going
19( )Lily likes dancing. She needs___.
A lots of energys B lot of energies C a lot of energy D lots of energies
20( )It’s important ___us to learn English well.
A of B for C with D to
二 词形变化(10分)
1 Two cats and a dog _____ (be) in the room.
2 –Thank you for____ (help) us. ---That’s ok.
3 I would like_______(stay) at home on Sunday.
4 Can he ____(fly)a kite?
5 I want ______(go)to her party.
6 He went____(shop)with me last Sunday.
7 Are you good at_____(play)basketball?
8 Do you know the____(mean)does a person have?
9 Help______(you)to some chips,children.
10The girl is very______(help).

三 句型转换(10分)
1 My cousin must wait for me.(改为一般疑问句)
_____ _____cousin wait for_____?
2 You can’t bring your son here.(否定祈使句)
_____ _____your son here.
3 They can eat snacks at home.(对画线部分提问)
_____ can they _____ at home?
4 We have four lessons from 8:00 to 11:30a.m.(同义句)
We have four lessons_____8:00______11:30 a.m.
5 Everyone has a good time at the party.(同义句)
Everyone_____ ______at the party.
6 He gives me the interesting book.(改为同义句)
He _____the interesting book_____me.
7 At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______there______ in Chinatown at night?
8 He usually doesn’t have breakfast before going to school.
He usually goes to school _______ ________.
9 Mike plans to have Coke and hamburgers for lunch.(改为一般疑问句)
______Mike _____ _____ _____ Coke and hamburgers for lunch?
10He wants to be a swimming player.(改为否定句0
He ______ ______ to be a swimming player.

四 翻译(40分)
1 我们可以把报纸带到那儿吗?
Can we _____ the newspaper _____?
2 他经常在图书馆看书.
He often _____ _____the library.
3 课后我喜欢和同学们打网球,聊天.
I like ______tennis and _______ with my classmates _____class.
4 Mr Green 有时在家吃饭.
Mr Green sometimes _____ _____at home.

5 他经常在网上给他的同学发电子邮件.
He often ____ ____ ____ his classmates on ____the Internet.
6 他每天起床都很早.
He ____up ____ every day.
7 Miss Gao喜欢跟我们谈她的周末.
Miss Gao _____to ____us_____ her weekends.
8 Jim每天打网球2小时.
Jim _____ tennis ____ 2____ everyday.
She ____ ____ ____ the street and ____ ____ ____ her friends.
I _____about an hour _____ _____ _____ _____TV every day.
My _____ _____ Amy always ______ ______or _______with me un-der the tree.
12 我和我的同学在一起总很开心.
I always _____ _____ _____ ______ with my classmates.
13 我们在图书馆里有许多图书可读.
We have _____ _____ books _____ _____ in the library.
14 我最喜爱的课程是英语和数学.
My _____ _____ are English and Maths.
15 这些中国人都擅长英语.
These _____ are all _____ _____ speaking_____.
I’m _____ _____ _____ _____ you again.
17 这博物馆除了星期三每天都开.
The Museum _____ every day _______Wednesday.
18 我们不应当看太多的电视.
We shouldn’t _____ _____ _____ _____.
19 我没有足够的时间打扫房间.
I _____have_____ _____ ____ clean the room.
20 Tony是经常写信还是写电子邮件呢?

I. 初一期中英语考试总结









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