⑴ 科技英语阅读习题翻译,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢。急。
⑵ 求助!信息化方面的科技英语翻译(中译英)
The infomationization of the manufacturing instry unite the information technology, modern management technology and manufacturing together, in order to modify the links such as management, the development of the procts and the proction as well as improve the efficiency, the quality, the ability of creation, and rece the proction cost, so it can accomplish the informationization of the manufacturing and management, the intelligentization of the control ring the manage progress, the digital equipment and networked service, and finally, improve wholly to be more competitive.
⑶ 科技英语翻译~~
1.另一方面, 纯科学上的有效的法则被运用到实际生活当中, 增强人们对环境的驾驭能回力, 从而答使新的科技, 工艺, 机器得到发展, 应用科学, 便与此直接相关.
2.科学发展的速度之快是显而易见的, 即使是对于20世纪20年代的人来说, 电视机, 太空飞船, 核动力潜艇这些我们再熟悉不过的东西也是不可思议的.
3.试想一下如果瑞士那样小而又满是山地的国家有着2800万人口而不是现在的570万会是怎样的情景, 你就会清楚地明白日本的人口压力有多大.
4.首先, 由于月球引力不大, 其重量只有地球的80分之一, 所以在上面运动起来并不费力.
⑷ 科技英语翻译(机器翻译勿扰)
2.3.2 叠加
2.3.3 驻波和共振
⑸ 科技英语练习题
你的句子错了 最后2个词我没记错应该是写一起的 是一个词be overemphasized 被过分强调的.
句子很简单给你一个一个字直译 电子计算机的对于现代科学和技术的发展的重要性没有被过分强调
类似of...of...反着来就是,with the most parts of sentence,it is always the first words and expressions.
⑹ 谁有这本科技英语教程的课文翻译和课后习题答案。
⑺ 科技英文翻译解析
United States Academy of Sciences recently released a study through the main points of a bigger problem, that is how the brains of bilingual children's work, a second language affect the way of thinking of children and under what circumstances a person learning English is useful, perhaps can answer this question. From Trieste, Italy International School for Advanced Studies and the Agnes • Jacques •卡维斯Meller claims that the family from that of infants in both languages, some of their cognitive abilities must be in order to be able to put up with the rapid development of effective control of their two languages to learn.
We are talking about some aspects of cognitive ability is called the brain's "executive function", which can allow people to organize, plan, the distinction between priority activities can divert people's attention and inhibit the conditioned reflex. Can use both languages in Trieste is very unusual, because she though in Italy, but most were surrounded by Slovenia. Therefore, Dr.卡维斯and梅勒博士focused on 40 babies will not speak, half of which are from a single language family, while the other half come from bilingual families, through the completion of brain function under the control of the implementation of a task to compare them behavior.
First of all, in the Institute by a group of researchers invented a set of meaningless words, the infants were trained to guess the puppet appeared on the screen, and then change the location of terms and puppets. When all this is completed, the researchers found that even if they are to provide further clues to inform them of changes that have taken place, saying that a single language in the infant to learn to overcome their response will remain difficult. However, the bilingual infants has been found to be very easy to transfer their attention, offset ago no longer have a useful response.
⑻ 科技英语翻译课后题答案在哪里可以找到
⑼ 科技英语翻译!!!!!!!!
NTP is based on a series of timing hierarchies, with a Stratum 1 (atomic) timing source at the very top. While accuracy is desirable, there is no need to synchronize to a Stratum 1 reference to benefit from synchronizing to the time of day.
网络时间协议(NTP) 是由一系列的定时层结构组成, 以最上面的顶层(Stratum 1)原子钟源为基础。尽管需要它的准确性,但也没必要校准顶层的定时参考与每天的时间同步。
The OS cannot provide its own timing source because the definition of a local, undisciplined clock source (for example, the local crystal oscillator) is not supported. If needed, obtain a commodity UNIX or Windows device configured to provide a timing reference based on its local clock. Any synchronization, even if based on an inaccurate local clock, is better than none.
操作系统本身不附带定时源,因为它不支持局部无序的时钟源定义(例如局部的晶体振荡器)。如有需要,可以用一个UNIX 或Window装置,根据其局部的时钟配置,作为定时参考。就算是所依据的局部时间不准确,任何的时间同步校准还是有胜于无。
⑽ 科技英语翻译
But more recently, neural stem cells derived from alt animals-which also differentiate into the three cell types-have caused problems.
As Christoph Hofstetter of the Karolinnska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and his colleagues reported in Nature Neuroscience in March, neural stem cell treatments led to some recovery in rat’s paralyzed hind legs, but the animals also developed a chronic pain sensitivity in their forelegs, which had been unaffected by the injury.
来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩Karolinnska研究机构的Christoph Hofstetter和他的同事三月份在Nature Neuroscience(注:应该是一本杂志,可以翻译成《自然神经系统科学》)上发表的报告声称,神经干细胞可以使老鼠瘫痪的后腿逐渐康复,但是被试验的动物的前腿也同样产生了非伤所导致的慢性疼痛的特征。
In other experiments, preventing the formation of astrocytes seemed to eliminate the side effect, thus highlighting the importance of proper differentiation, Svendsen says.