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发布时间: 2021-03-15 06:04:56

1. 初三英语试卷答案

71.Because they visit some of the old and sick people there who can't take care of themselves .
72.The singer, The cook and The Memory Lady
73. Because Grandpa's disease became more and more serious.
75. Grandpa is a kind old man.

2. 初三英语试卷

2,it is about to take me half an hour from here to my school.
3.I like those people who make me feel happy.
4 It's good for our health to eat vegetables.
5He needs to exercise every day.
6Today our lunch is French fries.
7considering students' health, they improved the school diet.
8If you want to be healthy, don't give up exercise
9Guess what, I just came across our team's new captain
10Children eat junk food in, this is a question.
11This is the house my grandfather visited last year .
12the boy on the right side is my brother
13I think I have a chance of getting the job.
14I have a camel with bad temper.
15Their favorite game is cricket and rugby
16Their family life are similar to ours.
17I bought a new pair of shoes, which is similar to the old one.
18Their situation is similar to ours.
19Even if he studied hard, he won't pass the exam
20i stand on the right side of my English teacher .
21That is the car you bought a couple of days before ?
22This is the city's best hospitals as far as I know.
23The students behaved bad when they were having class

3. 求初三人教版2020新支点英语答案

4. 英语初三试卷

21 c

5. 谁有河北省唐山市路南区2020年初三一模数学英语试题和答案


6. 答案 啊 初三英语


7. 求 泉州市2019-2020学年度上学期初三教学质量检测英语考卷答案


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